54 research outputs found

    Learning Hierarchically-Structured Concepts II: Overlapping Concepts, and Networks With Feedback

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    We continue our study from Lynch and Mallmann-Trenn (Neural Networks, 2021), of how concepts that have hierarchical structure might be represented in brain-like neural networks, how these representations might be used to recognize the concepts, and how these representations might be learned. In Lynch and Mallmann-Trenn (Neural Networks, 2021), we considered simple tree-structured concepts and feed-forward layered networks. Here we extend the model in two ways: we allow limited overlap between children of different concepts, and we allow networks to include feedback edges. For these more general cases, we describe and analyze algorithms for recognition and algorithms for learning

    How to Color a French Flag--Biologically Inspired Algorithms for Scale-Invariant Patterning

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    In the French flag problem, initially uncolored cells on a grid must differentiate to become blue, white or red. The goal is for the cells to color the grid as a French flag, i.e., a three-colored triband, in a distributed manner. To solve a generalized version of the problem in a distributed computational setting, we consider two models: a biologically-inspired version that relies on morphogens (diffusing proteins acting as chemical signals) and a more abstract version based on reliable message passing between cellular agents. Much of developmental biology research has focused on concentration-based approaches using morphogens, since morphogen gradients are thought to be an underlying mechanism in tissue patterning. We show that both our model types easily achieve a French ribbon - a French flag in the 1D case. However, extending the ribbon to the 2D flag in the concentration model is somewhat difficult unless each agent has additional positional information. Assuming that cells are are identical, it is impossible to achieve a French flag or even a close approximation. In contrast, using a message-based approach in the 2D case only requires assuming that agents can be represented as constant size state machines. We hope that our insights may lay some groundwork for what kind of message passing abstractions or guarantees, if any, may be useful in analogy to cells communicating at long and short distances to solve patterning problems. In addition, we hope that our models and findings may be of interest in the design of nano-robots

    Palindrome Recognition In The Streaming Model

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    In the Palindrome Problem one tries to find all palindromes (palindromic substrings) in a given string. A palindrome is defined as a string which reads forwards the same as backwards, e.g., the string "racecar". A related problem is the Longest Palindromic Substring Problem in which finding an arbitrary one of the longest palindromes in the given string suffices. We regard the streaming version of both problems. In the streaming model the input arrives over time and at every point in time we are only allowed to use sublinear space. The main algorithms in this paper are the following: The first one is a one-pass randomized algorithm that solves the Palindrome Problem. It has an additive error and uses O(nO(\sqrt n) space. The second algorithm is a two-pass algorithm which determines the exact locations of all longest palindromes. It uses the first algorithm as the first pass. The third algorithm is again a one-pass randomized algorithm, which solves the Longest Palindromic Substring Problem. It has a multiplicative error using only O(log⁥(n))O(\log(n)) space. We also give two variants of the first algorithm which solve other related practical problems

    Crowd Vetting: Rejecting Adversaries via Collaboration--with Application to Multi-Robot Flocking

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    We characterize the advantage of using a robot's neighborhood to find and eliminate adversarial robots in the presence of a Sybil attack. We show that by leveraging the opinions of its neighbors on the trustworthiness of transmitted data, robots can detect adversaries with high probability. We characterize a number of communication rounds required to achieve this result to be a function of the communication quality and the proportion of legitimate to malicious robots. This result enables increased resiliency of many multi-robot algorithms. Because our results are finite time and not asymptotic, they are particularly well-suited for problems with a time critical nature. We develop two algorithms, \emph{FindSpoofedRobots} that determines trusted neighbors with high probability, and \emph{FindResilientAdjacencyMatrix} that enables distributed computation of graph properties in an adversarial setting. We apply our methods to a flocking problem where a team of robots must track a moving target in the presence of adversarial robots. We show that by using our algorithms, the team of robots are able to maintain tracking ability of the dynamic target

    Prophet Inequalities: Separating Random Order from Order Selection

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    Prophet inequalities are a central object of study in optimal stopping theory. A gambler is sent values online, sampled from an instance of independent distributions, in an adversarial, random or selected order, depending on the model. When observing each value, the gambler either accepts it as a reward or irrevocably rejects it and proceeds to observe the next value. The goal of the gambler, who cannot see the future, is maximising the expected value of the reward while competing against the expectation of a prophet (the offline maximum). In other words, one seeks to maximise the gambler-to-prophet ratio of the expectations. The model, in which the gambler selects the arrival order first, and then observes the values, is known as Order Selection. Recently it has been shown that in this model a ratio of 0.72510.7251 can be attained for any instance. If the gambler chooses the arrival order (uniformly) at random, we obtain the Random Order model. The worst case ratio over all possible instances has been extensively studied for at least 4040 years. Still, it is not known if carefully choosing the order, or simply taking it at random, benefits the gambler. We prove that, in the Random Order model, no algorithm can achieve a ratio larger than 0.72350.7235, thus showing for the first time that there is a real benefit in choosing the order.Comment: 36 pages, 2 figure

    Bounds on the Voter Model in Dynamic Networks

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    In the voter model, each node of a graph has an opinion, and in every round each node chooses independently a random neighbour and adopts its opinion. We are interested in the consensus time, which is the first point in time where all nodes have the same opinion. We consider dynamic graphs in which the edges are rewired in every round (by an adversary) giving rise to the graph sequence G1,G2,
G_1, G_2, \dots , where we assume that GiG_i has conductance at least ϕi\phi_i. We assume that the degrees of nodes don't change over time as one can show that the consensus time can become super-exponential otherwise. In the case of a sequence of dd-regular graphs, we obtain asymptotically tight results. Even for some static graphs, such as the cycle, our results improve the state of the art. Here we show that the expected number of rounds until all nodes have the same opinion is bounded by O(m/(dmin⋅ϕ))O(m/(d_{min} \cdot \phi)), for any graph with mm edges, conductance ϕ\phi, and degrees at least dmind_{min}. In addition, we consider a biased dynamic voter model, where each opinion ii is associated with a probability PiP_i, and when a node chooses a neighbour with that opinion, it adopts opinion ii with probability PiP_i (otherwise the node keeps its current opinion). We show for any regular dynamic graph, that if there is an Ï”>0\epsilon>0 difference between the highest and second highest opinion probabilities, and at least Ω(log⁥n)\Omega(\log n) nodes have initially the opinion with the highest probability, then all nodes adopt w.h.p. that opinion. We obtain a bound on the convergences time, which becomes O(log⁥n/ϕ)O(\log n/\phi) for static graphs
