1,085 research outputs found

    Modified Fluctuation-dissipation theorem for non-equilibrium steady-states and applications to molecular motors

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    We present a theoretical framework to understand a modified fluctuation-dissipation theorem valid for systems close to non-equilibrium steady-states and obeying markovian dynamics. We discuss the interpretation of this result in terms of trajectory entropy excess. The framework is illustrated on a simple pedagogical example of a molecular motor. We also derive in this context generalized Green-Kubo relations similar to the ones derived recently by Seifert., Phys. Rev. Lett., 104, 138101 (2010) for more general networks of biomolecular states.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, submitted in EP

    Evaluation of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes for seed production

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    An experimental study was conducted during 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 at Horticulture Research Station, Mondouri, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Monhanpur, Nadia, West Bengal, India, to evaluate the performance of fourteen different bush type French bean genotypes for seed yield and to study varietal characterization based on plant morphology. The genotypes, studied under this experiment were namely, Abhay, Shillong Local-3, Arjun, Selection-9, Arka Anoop, Arka Komal, Badshah, Anupam, Arka Suvidha, Falguni, Sonali, Local, Victoria and Vaishnavi-264. From overall point of view of the outcome of the experiment, it has been revealed that genotype with relatively bolder seeds with more number of seeds per pod, and higher bearing capacity per plant generally gives higher seed yield. Among the genotypes under study, Arka Suvidha was the best one as it produced the highest seed yield (2180.92 kg/ha) and relatively good plant vigour and fairly high seed vigour index (2944.38). Falguni and Mohanpur Local also can be considered promising once for seed production point of view

    Hidden symmetries in the asymmetric exclusion process

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    We present a spectral study of the evolution matrix of the totally asymmetric exclusion process on a ring at half filling. The natural symmetries (translation, charge conjugation combined with reflection) predict only two fold degeneracies. However, we have found that degeneracies of higher order also exist and, as the system size increases, higher and higher orders appear. These degeneracies become generic in the limit of very large systems. This behaviour can be explained by the Bethe Ansatz and suggests the presence of hidden symmetries in the model. Keywords: ASEP, Markov matrix, symmetries, spectral degeneracies, Bethe Ansatz.Comment: 16 page

    Statistical Properties of the Final State in One-dimensional Ballistic Aggregation

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    We investigate the long time behaviour of the one-dimensional ballistic aggregation model that represents a sticky gas of N particles with random initial positions and velocities, moving deterministically, and forming aggregates when they collide. We obtain a closed formula for the stationary measure of the system which allows us to analyze some remarkable features of the final `fan' state. In particular, we identify universal properties which are independent of the initial position and velocity distributions of the particles. We study cluster distributions and derive exact results for extreme value statistics (because of correlations these distributions do not belong to the Gumbel-Frechet-Weibull universality classes). We also derive the energy distribution in the final state. This model generates dynamically many different scales and can be viewed as one of the simplest exactly solvable model of N-body dissipative dynamics.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures include

    Impact of Cycle Time on Potential CTS

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    Upper limb musculoskeletal symptoms and upper-limb musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) have been found to be common in the working population. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most commonly studied entrapment neuropathy caused by compression of the median nerve as it passes through the carpal tunnel beneath the flexor retinaculum. The present study is conducted among person engaged in connecting rod manufacturing industry to check effect of cycle time of operation on potential CTS symptoms. The study sample consists of 103 workers for data collection. The study was conducted by questionnaire, physical examination, wrist angle evaluation and on job observation. Correlation analysis and Correlation analysis using IBM SPSS 20, it is revealed that Value of Pearson correlation coefficient is found to be -0.930 which is same as the value calculated manually. So analysis by SPSS 20 also confirms that there is very high negative correlation between cycle time and percentage of CTS sufferers

    Roots of completely positive maps

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    We introduce the concept of completely positive roots of completely positive maps on operator algebras. We do this in different forms: as asymptotic roots, proper discrete roots and as continuous one-parameter semigroups of roots. We present structural and general existence and non-existence results, some special examples in settings where we understand the situation better, and several challenging open problems. Our study is closely related to Elfving's embedding problem in classical probability and the divisibility problem of quantum channels

    Exact solution of Calogero model with competing long-range interactions

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    An integrable extension of the Calogero model is proposed to study the competing effect of momentum dependent long-range interaction over the original {1 \ov r^2} interaction. The eigenvalue problem is exactly solved and the consequences on the generalized exclusion statistics, which appears to differ from the exchange statistics, are analyzed. Family of dual models with different coupling constants is shown to exist with same exclusion statistics.Comment: Revtex, 6 pages, 1 figure, hermitian variant of the model included, final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The asymmetric simple exclusion process: an integrable model for non-equilibrium statistical mechanics

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    The asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) plays the role of a paradigm in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. We review exact results for the ASEP obtained by Bethe ansatz and put emphasis on the algebraic properties of this model. The Bethe equations for the eigenvalues of the Markov matrix of the ASEP are derived from the algebraic Bethe ansatz. Using these equations we explain how to calculate the spectral gap of the model and how global spectral properties such as the existence of multiplets can be predicted. An extension of the Bethe ansatz leads to an analytic expression for the large deviation function of the current in the ASEP that satisfies the Gallavotti-Cohen relation. Finally, we describe some variants of the ASEP that are also solvable by Bethe ansatz. Keywords: ASEP, integrable models, Bethe ansatz, large deviations.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, published in the "special issue on recent advances in low-dimensional quantum field theories", P. Dorey, G. Dunne and J. Feinberg editor