516 research outputs found

    The Discrete Fundamental Group of the Associahedron, and the Exchange Module

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    The associahedron is an object that has been well studied and has numerous applications, particularly in the theory of operads, the study of non-crossing partitions, lattice theory and more recently in the study of cluster algebras. We approach the associahedron from the point of view of discrete homotopy theory. We study the abelianization of the discrete fundamental group, and show that it is free abelian of rank (n+24)\binom{n+2}{4}. We also find a combinatorial description for a basis of this rank. We also introduce the exchange module of the type AnA_n cluster algebra, used to model the relations in the cluster algebra. We use the discrete fundamental group to the study of exchange module, and show that it is also free abelian of rank (n+23)\binom{n+2}{3}.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure


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    ABSTRAKUsaha bolu cukke merupakan salah satu usaha yang mulai banyak digeluti oleh masyarakat Kabupaten Pinrang dalam tiga tahun terakhir. Meskipun telah banyak diusahakan, namun usaha ini masih memiliki banyak kendala dalam pengembangannya terutama dari sisi ketersediaan peralatan, pengetahuan kemasan dan pengelolaan usaha. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk penerapan Iptek Bagi Masyarakat (IbM) pada usaha bolu cukke ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan produksi, memperbaiki mutu kemasan produk dan meningkatkan kemampuan pengelolaan Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) mitra. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan IbM ini dilakukan melalui introduksi peralatan, pelatihan dan pendampingan dengan dengan beberapa tahapan kegiatan yaitu; 1) Sosialisasi program IbM untuk menyatukan persepsi tim pengusul dan mitra dalam pelaksanaan program, 2) Penyiapan sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung pelaksanaan kegiatan, 3) Penyiapan peralatan dan introduksi peralatan yang dirancang dan dilaksanakan oleh tim pengusul, 4) Peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra melalui beberapa pelatihan, dan 5) Pendampingan pengelolaan usaha dan pemasaran. Hasil yang dicapai dari pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini antara lain; kegiatan yang dilaksanakan sangat direspon oleh kedua mitra maupun masyarakat sekitar mitra, kegiatan yang dilaksanakan sesuai dengan kebutuhan mitra dan kebutuhan masyarakat untuk mencapai kehidupan mandiri dan sejahtera, terjadi peningkatan semangat wirausaha bagi anggota mitra dan produk bolu cukke yang dihasilkan oleh mitra telah dipasarkan dengan variasi rasa dengan kemasan yang menarik.Kata kunci: mutu, bolu cukke, kemasan. ABSTRACTBolu Cukke business is one of the businesses that the Pinrang Regency community has begun to cultivate in the last three years. Although much effort has been made, this business still has many obstacles in its development, especially in terms of equipment availability, packaging knowledge and business management. Community service activities in the form of the application of Science and Technology for the Community (IbM) in the Bolu Cukke business aim to increase production capabilities, improve product packaging quality and improve management capabilities of Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) partners. The method of implementing this IbM activity is carried out through the introduction of equipment, training and assistance with several stages of activities namely; 1) Socialization of the IbM program to unite the perception of the proposing team and partners in the implementation of the program, 2) Preparation of facilities and infrastructure that supports the implementation of activities, 3) Preparation of equipment and introduction of equipment designed and implemented by the proposing team, 4) Increasing partner's knowledge and skills through some training, and 5) Business management and marketing assistance. The results achieved from the implementation of community service activities include; the activities carried out were greatly responded by both partners and the community around the partners, activities carried out in accordance with the needs of partners and the needs of the community to achieve an independent and prosperous life, there was an increase in entrepreneurial spirit for partner members and the products produced by partners had been marketed with a variety of flavors with attractive packaging.Keywords: quality, bolu cukke, packaging

    Targeted subendothelial matrix oxidation by myeloperoxidase triggers myosin II-dependent de-adhesion and alters signaling in endothelial cells

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    During inflammation, myeloperoxidase (MPO) released by circulating leukocytes accumulates within the subendothelial matrix by binding to and transcytosing the endothelium. Oxidative reactions catalyzed by subendothelial-localized MPO are implicated as a key cause of endothelial dysfunction in inflammatory vascular diseases. Whilst the subendothelial matrix is a reactive target for MPO-derived oxidants in disease, the functional implications of oxidative matrix modification for the endothelium are largely unknown. Here we show that hypochlorous acid (HOCl) produced by endothelial-transcytosed MPO oxidizes the subendothelial matrix, involving covalent crosslinking of the adhesive matrix protein fibronectin. Real-time biosensor and live cell imaging studies showed that HOCl-mediated matrix oxidation triggers rapid membrane retraction from the substratum and adjacent cells (de-adhesion). This de-adhesion was linked with the alteration of Tyr-118 phosphorylation of paxillin, a key focal adhesion-dependent signaling process, as well as Rho kinase-dependent myosin light chain-2 phosphorylation. De-adhesion dynamics were dependent on the contractile state of cells, with myosin II inhibition with blebbistatin markedly attenuating the rate of membrane retraction. Rho kinase inhibition with Y-27632 also conferred protection, but not during the initial phase of membrane retraction, which was driven by pre-existing actomyosin tensile stress. Notably, diversion of MPO from HOCl production by thiocyanate and nitrite attenuated de-adhesion and associated signaling responses, despite the latter substrate supporting MPO-catalyzed fibronectin nitration. This study indicates that HOCl-mediated matrix oxidation by subendothelial MPO deposits may play an important and previously unrecognized role in altering endothelial adhesion, signaling and integrity during inflammatory vascular disorders

    Bioethanol Production From Waste Coconut Water Through Fermentation Process

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    Bioetanol can be produced through glucose fermentation using saccharomyces cerevisiae. Was done to make coconut water contains small amount of carbohydrate. A researcher had taken research was done to make bioetanol from coconut water waste. The result of the research shows that coconut water fermentation with yeast has maximum speed after 70 minutes incubation. The fermentation solution was then destilated. Bioetanol purity was about 76-80% after HPLC analysis

    Bioethanol Production From Waste Coconut Water Through Fermentation Process

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    Bioetanol can be produced through glucose fermentation using saccharomyces cerevisiae. Was done to make coconut water contains small amount of carbohydrate. A researcher had taken research was done to make bioetanol from coconut water waste. The result of the research shows that coconut water fermentation with yeast has maximum speed after 70 minutes incubation. The fermentation solution was then destilated. Bioetanol purity was about 76-80% after HPLC analysis

    Harnessing Higher-Order (Meta-)Logic to Represent and Reason with Complex Ethical Theories

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    The computer-mechanization of an ambitious explicit ethical theory, Gewirth's Principle of Generic Consistency, is used to showcase an approach for representing and reasoning with ethical theories exhibiting complex logical features like alethic and deontic modalities, indexicals, higher-order quantification, among others. Harnessing the high expressive power of Church's type theory as a meta-logic to semantically embed a combination of quantified non-classical logics, our work pushes existing boundaries in knowledge representation and reasoning. We demonstrate that intuitive encodings of complex ethical theories and their automation on the computer are no longer antipodes.Comment: 14 page

    Bioethanol Production From Waste Coconut Water Through Fermentation Process

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    Bioetanol can be produced through glucose fermentation using saccharomyces cerevisiae. Was done to make coconut water contains small amount of carbohydrate. A researcher had taken research was done to make bioetanol from coconut water waste. The result of the research shows that coconut water fermentation with yeast has maximum speed after 70 minutes incubation. The fermentation solution was then destilated. Bioetanol purity was about 76-80% after HPLC analysis

    Alternating groups and moduli space lifting Invariants

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    Main Theorem: Spaces of r-branch point 3-cycle covers, degree n or Galois of degree n!/2 have one (resp. two) component(s) if r=n-1 (resp. r\ge n). Improves Fried-Serre on deciding when sphere covers with odd-order branching lift to unramified Spin covers. We produce Hurwitz-Torelli automorphic functions on Hurwitz spaces, and draw Inverse Galois conclusions. Example: Absolute spaces of 3-cycle covers with +1 (resp. -1) lift invariant carry canonical even (resp. odd) theta functions when r is even (resp. odd). For inner spaces the result is independent of r. Another use appears in, http://www.math.uci.edu/~mfried/paplist-mt/twoorbit.html, "Connectedness of families of sphere covers of A_n-Type." This shows the M(odular) T(ower)s for the prime p=2 lying over Hurwitz spaces first studied by, http://www.math.uci.edu/~mfried/othlist-cov/hurwitzLiu-Oss.pdf, Liu and Osserman have 2-cusps. That is sufficient to establish the Main Conjecture: (*) High tower levels are general-type varieties and have no rational points.For infinitely many of those MTs, the tree of cusps contains a subtree -- a spire -- isomorphic to the tree of cusps on a modular curve tower. This makes plausible a version of Serre's O(pen) I(mage) T(heorem) on such MTs. Establishing these modular curve-like properties opens, to MTs, modular curve-like thinking where modular curves have never gone before. A fuller html description of this paper is at http://www.math.uci.edu/~mfried/paplist-cov/hf-can0611591.html .Comment: To appear in the Israel Journal as of 1/5/09; v4 is corrected from proof sheets, but does include some proof simplification in \S

    Additive Polynomials for Finite Groups of Lie Type

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    This paper provides a realization of all classical and most exceptional finite groups of Lie type as Galois groups over function fields over F_q and derives explicit additive polynomials for the extensions. Our unified approach is based on results of Matzat which give bounds for Galois groups of Frobenius modules and uses the structure and representation theory of the corresponding connected linear algebraic groups.Comment: 59 pages; v2: added reference, slightly restructured section 6.1, few small rewordings; v3: completed realization of Steinberg's triality groups (thanks to P. Mueller for solving the remaining open question); clarified argument how to use Thm. 3.