6 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Scoliosis in Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

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    Objective: The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence, form, and severity of scoliosis in a population of adults meeting the 2017 criteria for hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hEDS). The second objective was to compare the prevalence of scoliosis versus other criteria at initial hEDS diagnosis. Methods: A retrospective study looking at the frequency and severity of scoliosis in adults (N=28) meeting the 2017 diagnostic criteria for hEDS through analysis of a full spine EOSŸ X-ray (EOS imaging, Paris, France) performed at the initial diagnosis. Severity was defined by the Cobb angle. Results: At the initial diagnosis, the mean age was 30.1 years (standard deviation [SD]: ±10.18 years). Twenty-nine percent (n=8/28) of patients fulfilling hEDS criteria presented with scoliosis. Thirty-two percent (n=9/28) of patients had scoliotic inflection and 39% (n=11/28) had no scoliosis. Scoliosis was mild-to-moderate with a mean Cobb angle of 13.6° (SD: ±3.5°). None of the patients had severe scoliosis requiring surgery. Compared to the 2017 diagnostic criteria, it is noteworthy that scoliosis prevalence in this present study population ranks at the level of the most frequent ones. Conclusion: This study provides interesting information regarding frequency of scoliosis and scoliotic inflection in a group of patients with hEDS. Although the patients did not present with severe forms of scoliosis at initial diagnosis, the results highlight the importance of systematically looking for scoliosis in adult and young patients, in order to follow progression and ensure appropriate management

    Role of the PRL-3/PTP4A3 phosphatase in the metastatic process of uveal melanoma

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    Le mĂ©lanome uvĂ©al (MU) est une tumeur maligne intraoculaire rare qui touche environ 500 français par an. MalgrĂ© un traitement efficace de la tumeur primaire, la moitiĂ© des patients dĂ©veloppent des mĂ©tastases principalement hĂ©patiques dans les annĂ©es qui suivent le diagnostic. En dĂ©pit des nombreux efforts rĂ©alisĂ©s, les thĂ©rapies systĂ©miques adjuvantes restent peu efficaces sur le MU mĂ©tastatique. L’identification de gĂšnes pronostiques et/ou causals du dĂ©veloppement mĂ©tastatique pourrait ainsi permettre des avancĂ©es considĂ©rables dans la comprĂ©hension de cette pathologie et le dĂ©veloppement de nouvelles thĂ©rapies. Notre laboratoire a identifiĂ© la surexpression du gĂšne codant la protĂ©ine tyrosine phosphatase PRL-3/PTP4A3 comme hautement prĂ©dictive du risque mĂ©tastatique et du devenir des patients atteints de MU. Sa surexpression est Ă©galement dĂ©crite dans de nombreux autres types de cancers humains mĂ©tastatiques. La surexpression de PRL-3 dans des cellules de MU augmente significativement la migration cellulaire in vitro et l’invasion in vivo de maniĂšre dĂ©pendant de son activitĂ© catalytique, ce qui suggĂšre un rĂŽle direct de PRL-3 dans le processus mĂ©tastatique du MU. De plus, nous avons montrĂ© qu’empĂȘcher l’ancrage membranaire de PRL-3 en utilisant un inhibiteur de farnĂ©sylation (FTI-277) abolit la migration induite par PRL-3 dans les cellules de MU, ce qui rĂ©vĂšle l’importance de son ancrage membranaire pour la migration cellulaire. Le but de ma thĂšse a Ă©tĂ© d’identifier et de caractĂ©riser des substrats cellulaires, et plus particuliĂšrement membranaires, de PRL-3 qui seraient impliquĂ©s dans le processus mĂ©tastatique du MU. Mes rĂ©sultats montrent que la surexpression de PRL-3 dans des cellules de MU, empĂȘchent l’adhĂ©rence des cellules au collagĂšne I et la maturation de structures d’adhĂ©rence (FAs) en anneaux impliquant l’intĂ©grine ÎČ1 (Itg ÎČ1), de maniĂšre dĂ©pendante de son activitĂ© catalytique et de son ancrage membranaire. Nous avons Ă©galement montrĂ© que PRL-3 interagit avec l’Itg ÎČ1 et la dĂ©phosphoryle sur son motif de phosphorylation intracytoplasmique riche en S/T (T788 et T789), dont l’état de phosphorylation est connu pour rĂ©guler l’adhĂ©rence cellulaire. Ainsi, mes travaux de recherche ont permis d’identifier PRL-3 comme rĂ©gulateur des structures d’adhĂ©rence Ă  la matrice extracellulaire (MEC) au travers de la rĂ©gulation de l’Itg ÎČ1 et potentiellement de la kinase FAK. De plus, dans les FAs nous avons observĂ© que PRL-3 rĂ©gule spĂ©cifiquement l’agrĂ©gation de l’Itg ÎČ1 mais pas celle de l’Itg ÎČ3, ainsi nous Ă©mettons l’hypothĂšse que cette rĂ©gulation par PRL-3 serait diffĂ©rentielle entre les intĂ©grines et dĂ©pendante de la MEC. Dans le MU, la migration accrue des cellules par PRL-3 peut Ă©galement ĂȘtre expliquĂ©e par une accumulation de la mĂ©talloprotĂ©ase MT1-MMP/MMP14 Ă  la surface des cellules. Cette protĂ©ine transmembranaire est responsable de la dĂ©gradation de diffĂ©rents substrats de la MEC et peut-ĂȘtre trouvĂ©e dans les FAs. Un travail auquel j’ai contribuĂ©, a montrĂ© que PRL-3 favoriserait l’accumulation de MMP14 Ă  la membrane plasmique par l’accĂ©lĂ©ration de son trafic vĂ©siculaire. Enfin durant la derniĂšre annĂ©e de ma thĂšse, nous avons entrepris de tester les effets de la pentamidine, un antiparasitaire aux propriĂ©tĂ©s anti-cancĂ©reuses, sur l’inhibition de l’activitĂ© de PRL-3. In vivo, la pentamidine induirait une inhibition moyenne de la croissance tumorale dans un modĂšle de xĂ©nogreffes murins de MU et de mĂ©tastases. Les essais in vitro sont encore en cours.Uveal Melanoma (UM) is a rare tumor that affects around 500 French people each year. Despite a successful treatment of the primary tumor, 50% of patients develop metastasis primarily to the liver in the years following diagnosis. Currently, systemic adjuvant therapy has been unsuccessful for effective treatment. As such, identifying genes involved in both prognosis and metastasis is important for a better understanding of this disease and in turn for designing better treatment strategies. Our group previously identified that overexpression of the gene encoding PRL-3/PTP4A3, a protein tyrosine phosphatase, is highly correlated with metastatic tumor progression and predicts poor prognosis in patients with UM. It is also known that PRL3 is implicated in the metastatic process of various cancers. Overexpression of PRL-3, but not the inactive mutant of PRL3 (C104S), in an ocular melanoma cell line significantly increased cell migration in vitro and invasion in vivo, suggesting a direct role of PRL3 in the metastatic process in UM. We also showed that FTI-277, a farnesyltransferase inhibitor that prevents PRL-3 anchorage to the plasma membrane, abolishes PRL-3-induced UM cell migration on collagen I, suggesting that PRL-3 anchorage is important for cell migration. The aim of my thesis was to identify intracellular, and in particular, membrane substrates that could play a role in UM metastasis. My results show that PRL3 overexpression in UM cells prevents both the spreading of cells to the extracellular matrix (ECM), and the formation of large focal adhesions structures (FA) involving integrin ÎČ1 (Itg b1).These biological effects are PRL-3-activity and anchorage dependent. We show that PRL-3 interacts with and dephosphorylates Itg b1 on cytoplasmic threonine 788 and 789, residues that are known to be involved in cell adhesion. Our results identify PRL-3 as a new regulator of cell adhesion structures to the ECM via the regulation of Itg b1 and most likely the focal adhesion kinase (FAK). In FA, we observed that PRL-3 specifically regulates the aggregation of Itg b1 but does not affect integrin ÎČ3, so we suppose that this regulation could be specific to certain integrins. In UM cells, the PRL-3-induced cell migration could also be explained by membrane accumulation of the metalloprotease MT1-MMP/MMP14 in the presence of PRL3. This transmembrane proteinase is responsible for ECM degradation and can be found in FA. Moreover, we demonstrated that the vesicular trafficking of MT1-MMP is accelerated in the presence of active PRL-3 but not in presence of the inactive mutant of PRL-3 (C104S). During the last year of my thesis, another aspect of my PhD project was to study the biological effect of pentamidine, an antiparasitic which is known to inhibit the phosphatase activity of PRLs in vitro. In vivo, we show that pentamidine treatment induces a decrease of tumor growth in a UM patient-derived xerograph model. Overall, the results of my thesis suggest that PRL-3 plays an important role in UM metastasis

    RÎle de la phosphatase PRL-3/PTP4A3 dans le processus métastatique du mélanome uvéal

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    Uveal Melanoma (UM) is a rare tumor that affects around 500 French people each year. Despite a successful treatment of the primary tumor, 50% of patients develop metastasis primarily to the liver in the years following diagnosis. Currently, systemic adjuvant therapy has been unsuccessful for effective treatment. As such, identifying genes involved in both prognosis and metastasis is important for a better understanding of this disease and in turn for designing better treatment strategies. Our group previously identified that overexpression of the gene encoding PRL-3/PTP4A3, a protein tyrosine phosphatase, is highly correlated with metastatic tumor progression and predicts poor prognosis in patients with UM. It is also known that PRL3 is implicated in the metastatic process of various cancers. Overexpression of PRL-3, but not the inactive mutant of PRL3 (C104S), in an ocular melanoma cell line significantly increased cell migration in vitro and invasion in vivo, suggesting a direct role of PRL3 in the metastatic process in UM. We also showed that FTI-277, a farnesyltransferase inhibitor that prevents PRL-3 anchorage to the plasma membrane, abolishes PRL-3-induced UM cell migration on collagen I, suggesting that PRL-3 anchorage is important for cell migration. The aim of my thesis was to identify intracellular, and in particular, membrane substrates that could play a role in UM metastasis. My results show that PRL3 overexpression in UM cells prevents both the spreading of cells to the extracellular matrix (ECM), and the formation of large focal adhesions structures (FA) involving integrin ÎČ1 (Itg b1).These biological effects are PRL-3-activity and anchorage dependent. We show that PRL-3 interacts with and dephosphorylates Itg b1 on cytoplasmic threonine 788 and 789, residues that are known to be involved in cell adhesion. Our results identify PRL-3 as a new regulator of cell adhesion structures to the ECM via the regulation of Itg b1 and most likely the focal adhesion kinase (FAK). In FA, we observed that PRL-3 specifically regulates the aggregation of Itg b1 but does not affect integrin ÎČ3, so we suppose that this regulation could be specific to certain integrins. In UM cells, the PRL-3-induced cell migration could also be explained by membrane accumulation of the metalloprotease MT1-MMP/MMP14 in the presence of PRL3. This transmembrane proteinase is responsible for ECM degradation and can be found in FA. Moreover, we demonstrated that the vesicular trafficking of MT1-MMP is accelerated in the presence of active PRL-3 but not in presence of the inactive mutant of PRL-3 (C104S). During the last year of my thesis, another aspect of my PhD project was to study the biological effect of pentamidine, an antiparasitic which is known to inhibit the phosphatase activity of PRLs in vitro. In vivo, we show that pentamidine treatment induces a decrease of tumor growth in a UM patient-derived xerograph model. Overall, the results of my thesis suggest that PRL-3 plays an important role in UM metastasis.Le mĂ©lanome uvĂ©al (MU) est une tumeur maligne intraoculaire rare qui touche environ 500 français par an. MalgrĂ© un traitement efficace de la tumeur primaire, la moitiĂ© des patients dĂ©veloppent des mĂ©tastases principalement hĂ©patiques dans les annĂ©es qui suivent le diagnostic. En dĂ©pit des nombreux efforts rĂ©alisĂ©s, les thĂ©rapies systĂ©miques adjuvantes restent peu efficaces sur le MU mĂ©tastatique. L’identification de gĂšnes pronostiques et/ou causals du dĂ©veloppement mĂ©tastatique pourrait ainsi permettre des avancĂ©es considĂ©rables dans la comprĂ©hension de cette pathologie et le dĂ©veloppement de nouvelles thĂ©rapies. Notre laboratoire a identifiĂ© la surexpression du gĂšne codant la protĂ©ine tyrosine phosphatase PRL-3/PTP4A3 comme hautement prĂ©dictive du risque mĂ©tastatique et du devenir des patients atteints de MU. Sa surexpression est Ă©galement dĂ©crite dans de nombreux autres types de cancers humains mĂ©tastatiques. La surexpression de PRL-3 dans des cellules de MU augmente significativement la migration cellulaire in vitro et l’invasion in vivo de maniĂšre dĂ©pendant de son activitĂ© catalytique, ce qui suggĂšre un rĂŽle direct de PRL-3 dans le processus mĂ©tastatique du MU. De plus, nous avons montrĂ© qu’empĂȘcher l’ancrage membranaire de PRL-3 en utilisant un inhibiteur de farnĂ©sylation (FTI-277) abolit la migration induite par PRL-3 dans les cellules de MU, ce qui rĂ©vĂšle l’importance de son ancrage membranaire pour la migration cellulaire. Le but de ma thĂšse a Ă©tĂ© d’identifier et de caractĂ©riser des substrats cellulaires, et plus particuliĂšrement membranaires, de PRL-3 qui seraient impliquĂ©s dans le processus mĂ©tastatique du MU. Mes rĂ©sultats montrent que la surexpression de PRL-3 dans des cellules de MU, empĂȘchent l’adhĂ©rence des cellules au collagĂšne I et la maturation de structures d’adhĂ©rence (FAs) en anneaux impliquant l’intĂ©grine ÎČ1 (Itg ÎČ1), de maniĂšre dĂ©pendante de son activitĂ© catalytique et de son ancrage membranaire. Nous avons Ă©galement montrĂ© que PRL-3 interagit avec l’Itg ÎČ1 et la dĂ©phosphoryle sur son motif de phosphorylation intracytoplasmique riche en S/T (T788 et T789), dont l’état de phosphorylation est connu pour rĂ©guler l’adhĂ©rence cellulaire. Ainsi, mes travaux de recherche ont permis d’identifier PRL-3 comme rĂ©gulateur des structures d’adhĂ©rence Ă  la matrice extracellulaire (MEC) au travers de la rĂ©gulation de l’Itg ÎČ1 et potentiellement de la kinase FAK. De plus, dans les FAs nous avons observĂ© que PRL-3 rĂ©gule spĂ©cifiquement l’agrĂ©gation de l’Itg ÎČ1 mais pas celle de l’Itg ÎČ3, ainsi nous Ă©mettons l’hypothĂšse que cette rĂ©gulation par PRL-3 serait diffĂ©rentielle entre les intĂ©grines et dĂ©pendante de la MEC. Dans le MU, la migration accrue des cellules par PRL-3 peut Ă©galement ĂȘtre expliquĂ©e par une accumulation de la mĂ©talloprotĂ©ase MT1-MMP/MMP14 Ă  la surface des cellules. Cette protĂ©ine transmembranaire est responsable de la dĂ©gradation de diffĂ©rents substrats de la MEC et peut-ĂȘtre trouvĂ©e dans les FAs. Un travail auquel j’ai contribuĂ©, a montrĂ© que PRL-3 favoriserait l’accumulation de MMP14 Ă  la membrane plasmique par l’accĂ©lĂ©ration de son trafic vĂ©siculaire. Enfin durant la derniĂšre annĂ©e de ma thĂšse, nous avons entrepris de tester les effets de la pentamidine, un antiparasitaire aux propriĂ©tĂ©s anti-cancĂ©reuses, sur l’inhibition de l’activitĂ© de PRL-3. In vivo, la pentamidine induirait une inhibition moyenne de la croissance tumorale dans un modĂšle de xĂ©nogreffes murins de MU et de mĂ©tastases. Les essais in vitro sont encore en cours

    A novel COL1A1 variant in a family with clinical features of hypermobile Ehlers‐Danlos syndrome that proved to be a COL1 ‐related overlap disorder

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    International audienceCOL1-related overlap disorder is a condition, which is not yet considered as part of the 2017 EDS classification. However, it should be investigated as an alternative diagnosis for any patient with hypermobile EDS. This could allow providing appropriate genetic counseling

    A severe case of PLOD1‐related kyphoscoliotic Ehlers–Danlos syndrome associated with several arterial and venous complications: A case report

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    Abstract Kyphoscoliotic Ehlers–Danlos syndrome (kEDS) is a rare genetic disorder combining congenital hypotonia, congenital/early onset and progressive kyphoscoliosis, and generalized joint hypermobility. Vascular fragility is another characteristic of the disease rarely described. We report a severe case of kEDS‐PLOD1 with several vascular complications leading to difficulties in disease management