779 research outputs found


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    AbstrakMinuman tradisional aia aka yang merupakan minuman khas Sumatera Barat mengalami penurunan peminat akhir-akhir ini. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan berkurangnya penjual minuman tradisional aia aka di Sumatera Barat. Aia Aka Amai adalah salah satu pedagang minuman tradisional aia aka yang bertahan hingga sekarang. Namun keberadaan Aia Aka Amai tetap kalah jika dibandingkan dengan minuman lainnya seperti kopi, thai tea, boba dan minuman kekinian lainnya. Melihat masalah tersebut, perancang menemukan rumusan masalah yaitu bagaimana merancang media promosi Aia Aka Amai di Kota Padang. Metode yang digunakan dalam media promosi Aia Aka Amai ini adalah S.W.O.T dan A.I.D.A. Selanjutnya penulis melakukan brainstorming untuk menentukan konsep yang tepat untuk perancangan media promosi Aia Aka Amai. Konsep yang digunakan adalah muda, natural, dan tradisional. Pada perancangan ini, media yang dihasilkan adalah media utama berupa bauran media, dan media pendukung. Media utama terdiri dari logo, kemasan, video promosi, dan konten sosial media.Ā ABSTRACTThe traditional drink, aia aka, which is a typical drink of West Sumatra, has decreased in demand lately. This is evidenced by the decrease in sales of traditional aia aka drinks in West Sumatra. Aia Aka Amai is one of the traditional aia aka beverage vendors, that have survived to this day. However, the existence of Aia Aka Amai is still inferior when compared to other drinks such as coffee, thai tea, boba, and other contemporary drinks. Seeing this problem, the designer found a solution, namely how to design Aia Aka Amai promotional media in Padang City. The methods used in Aia Aka Amai's promotional media are S.W.O.T and A.I.D.A. Next, the writer brainstormed to determine the right concept for designing Aia Aka Amai promotional media. The concept used is young, natural, and traditional. In this design, the resulting media is the main media in the form of a media mix and supporting media. The main media consists of logos, packaging, promotional videos, and social media content

    A perspective review of deadly viral diseases: An era of viruses

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    This review article overviewed briefly about the era of deadly viruses. Humans have been combating viruses since before our species had even evolved into its recent form. In some cases of viral infections, vaccines and antiviral drugs have allowed us to treat infections from spreading broadly, and have facilitated to patient recover. But it is far from over to fight the viruses. In recent decades, a number of viruses have sprung from animals to humans and have caused massive outbreaks, claiming thousands of lives such as the virus that led to the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak in West Africa kills up to 90% of the population, making it the deadliest member of the Ebola family. But there are some viruses that are equally deadly, and some are even more deadly. Some viruses, including the novel coronavirus currently undergoing global outbreaks, have a low mortality rate but still pose a serious health risk as we have no means of access to the health facilities and scarcity of resources and infrastructure. Here we are reporting such type of ten deadly viruses. those have infected humans within last 50 years

    Adaptive significance of within-site variation in morphological and reproductive traits of naturalized wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) populations in South-Western Australia

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    Genotypic variation between and within populations of the outbreeding wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum L.), was studied using seeds collected from 55 sites across the West Australian wheat belt along 2 transects in December 1999 and February 2000. The seeds were grown at the University of Western Australia field station at Shenton Park, Perth, WA over the 2000 growing season, and 14 morphological and phenological characters were scored. A high degree of variation was present in all traits, and within site variation was greater than between sites. The greatest variation was recorded in the reproductive traits such as time to flowering, seed weight, and pod weight. Variation between sites was associated with geo-clusters based primarily on rainfall and temperature. Populations from sites with a high annual rainfall and low average temperature had longer and wider pods, larger seeds and pods with more segments, compared to populations from sites with a low annual rainfall and a high average temperature. These plants also tended to flower later than those from hotter, drier sites. The results show that wild radish in the wheat-belt of Western Australia has formed genotypically distinct populations in the 150 years since it was introduced, that are adapted to the climate at the site of collection

    Development of a web-based tool for probit analysis to compute LC50/LD50/GR50 for its use in toxicology studies

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    The toxicity bioassays are essential to detect and estimate the potential toxicological effects of chemicals on an organism. LC50/LD50/GR50 is the estimation of dose/concentration necessary to kill 50 per cent of a population of the test species. Experimentally this is done by administrating a chemical at different doses to a group of organism and then observing the resulting mortalities in a set of the time period. A web-based module for a statistical analysis tool to calculate and compare the median lethal dose has been developed in ASP scripting language based on Server-Client Architecture. The module produces the final probit line, dose-response curve, LC50/LD50 with 95 % confidence interval. The Chi-square statistic has been obtained for testing the adequacy of fit. A user-friendly interface for entering/pasting the data and various parameters such as number of variables, number of observations etc. has also been provided. Additionally, a complete procedure to perform probit analysis has also been provided in the help file

    Locating the ā€˜radicalā€™ in 'Shoot the Messenger'

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below, copyright 2013 @ Edinburgh University Press.The 2006 BBC drama Shoot the Messenger is based on the psychological journey of a Black schoolteacher, Joe Pascale, accused of assaulting a Black male pupil. The allegation triggers Joe's mental breakdown which is articulated, through Joe's first-person narration, as a vindictive loathing of Black people. In turn, a range of common stereotypical characterisations and discourses based on a Black culture of hypocrisy, blame and entitlement is presented. The text is therefore laid wide open to a critique of its neo-conservatism and hegemonic narratives of Black Britishness. However, the drama's presentation of Black mental illness suggests that Shoot the Messenger may also be interpreted as a critique of social inequality and the destabilising effects of living with ethnicised social categories. Through an analysis of issues of representation, the article reclaims this controversial text as a radical drama and examines its implications for and within a critical cultural politics of ā€˜raceā€™ and representation

    Top boy: cultural verisimilitude and the allure of Black criminality for UK public service broadcasting drama

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    In the early 2000s, a new form of multicultural television drama began to emerge in the UK, exploring contemporary gang life within Britainā€™s black communities. A notable example of this ā€˜black urban crimeā€™ genre is Top Boy, screened by the UKā€™s leading multicultural public service broadcaster, Channel 4, in 2011 and 2013. This article produces an analysis, drawing on sociological and media studies perspectives, and through historicisation and contextualisation, that seeks to understand the fascination of the black urban crime genre for programme-makers, broadcasters and audiences in the contemporary British mediascape. It locates Top Boy at the intersection of complex media relations and modes of production that are themselves intertwined with political, legislative and cultural agendas tied to postmulticulturalist and neoliberal tendencies within public service broadcasting frameworks. The article suggests that black urban crime narratives do not advance understandings of the organisational structure of urban gangs or drug-related crime that are so central to these texts, nor do they offer a progressive contribution to contemporary debates or the representation of black criminality

    Application of shock index-based classification in hypovolemic shock due to obstetric hemorrhage and its comparison with conventional vital sign for prediction of adverse maternal outcome

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    Background: At least, 358,000 women worldwide die annually from pregnancy and childbirth-related problems. Obstetric hemorrhage is the single most significant cause of maternal mortality worldwide accounting for 25ā€“30% of all maternal deaths. Aims and Objectives: The objective of the study is to see the usefulness/importance of shock index (SI) in obstetric hemorrhage (antepartum and post-partum hemorrhage) and to compare the performance of SI with conventional vital signs for prediction of maternal outcome. Materials and Methods: The descriptive study was conducted in 100 cases of hemorrhagic shock patients admitted in obstetrics and gynecology at Baba Raghav Das Medical College, Gorakhpur, between June 2020 and May 2021, on 100 subjects. Results: In our study, there were 100 patients. Patients with SI 0.6 to 1 were included in Group II which comprises 74% patients in which all patients required initial resuscitation with IV fluid and then blood transfusion, 21.62% patients require inotropic support, and 9.46% patients needed fresh frozen plasma transfusion. Maternal outcome in Group I patients is that only 15.38% patients required emergency lower segment cesarean section (LSCS). While in Group II, 28.95% patients required emergency LSCS, 5.26% patients required intensive care unit (ICU) admission for ventilator support, 3.95% went for cesarean hysterectomy, while 2.63% patients landed in end organ failure and expired. Conclusion: All patients with obstetric hemorrhage with SI>1 should receive immediate intervention such as blood transfusion need of ICU or surgical intervention. This is higher than the upper limit of normality in non-pregnant population. In low-resource settings, this simple parameter could improve outcomes because it has a significant ability to predict adverse maternal outcomes of hemorrhage

    BAME: A report on the use of the term and responses to it - Terminology Review for the BBC and Creative Industries

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    The use of the term BAME, an acronym used to refer to people from ā€˜Black, Asian and Minority Ethnicā€™ backgrounds, has become widespread in the UK in recent years. From government reports, advocacy groups and journalistic reportage, BAME has become a catch-all moniker, interchangeably used as both a noun and adjective to signify, or ā€œrepresentā€, a heterogeneous band of people who do not identify as White when describing their identities, cultures, and experiences. Despite this wide spread usage,the term has garnered significant criticism from the very people it seeks to describe. With some people viewing it as an annoying ā€œnecessary evilā€, to others seeing it as an insult that should never be used. A major concern, apparent in recent public responses to BAME, is that it homogenises culturally distinct social groups. Our aim in this report is to address the current, existing tensions around the use of BAME and ethnicity-related terminology in the creative industries as part of our broader work, research-based and vocational, to action change in the sector. The report makes a critical intervention in current debates, and hopes to drive forward a more thoughtful approach to how language about, and for, diverse communities is used in the future
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