31,807 research outputs found

    Blood oxygen saturation determined by transmission spectrophotometry of hemolyzed blood samples

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    Use of the Lambert-Beer Transmission Law determines blood oxygen saturation of hemolyzed blood samples. This simplified method is based on the difference in optical absorption properties of hemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin

    Improved sample capsule for determination of oxygen in hemolyzed blood

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    Sample capsule for determination of oxygen in hemolyzed blood consists of a measured section of polytetrafluoroethylene tubing equipped at each end with a connector and a stopcock valve. This method eliminates errors from air entrainment or from the use of mercury or syringe lubricant

    Equivalent Binary Quadratic Form and the Extended Modular Group

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    Extended modular group Πˉ=\bar{\Pi}=, where R:z\rightarrow -\bar{z}, \sim T:z\rightarrow\frac{-1}{z},\simU:z\rightarrow\frac{-1}{z +1} , has been used to study some properties of the binary quadratic forms whose base points lie in the point set fundamental region FΠˉF_{\bar{\Pi}} (See \cite{Tekcan1, Flath}). In this paper we look at how base points have been used in the study of equivalent binary quadratic forms, and we prove that two positive definite forms are equivalent if and only if the base point of one form is mapped onto the base point of the other form under the action of the extended modular group and any positive definite integral form can be transformed into the reduced form of the same discriminant under the action of the extended modular group and extend these results for the subset \QQ^*(\sqrt{-n}) of the imaginary quadratic field \QQ(\sqrt{-m}).Comment: Paper contains two figures and twelve page

    Superfield approach to a novel symmetry for non-Abelian gauge theory

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    In the framework of superfield formalism, we demonstrate the existence of a new local, covariant, continuous and nilpotent (dual-BRST) symmetry for the BRST invariant Lagrangian density of a self-interacting two (1+11 + 1)-dimensional (2D) non-Abelian gauge theory (having no interaction with matter fields). The local and nilpotent Noether conserved charges corresponding to the above continuous symmetries find their geometrical interpretation as the translation generators along the odd (Grassmannian) directions of the four (2+2)2 + 2)-dimensional supermanifold.Comment: LaTeX, 12 pages, equations (4.2)--(4.6) correcte

    Numerical simulation of Goertler/Tollmien-Schlichting wave-interaction

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    The problem of nonlinear development of Goertler vortices and interaction with Tollmien-Schlichting (TS) waves is considered within the framework of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations which are solved by a Fourier-Chebyshev spectral method. It is shown that two-dimensional waves can be excited in the flow modulated by Goertler vortices. Due to nonlinear effects, this interaction further leads to the development of oblique waves with spanwise wavelength equal to the Goertler vortex wavelength. Interaction is also considered of oblique waves with spanwise wavelength twice that of Goertler vortices

    Kajian Konstitusional Independensi Dan Akuntabilitas Mahkamah Konstitusi

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    Kekuasaan kehakiman menjadi salah satu elemen terpenting dalam struktur ketatanegaraan suatu negara. Dalam konsep negara hukum, baik konsep rechtstaat, the rule of law, maupun nomokrasi Islam, kekuasaan kehakiman menjadi pilar penting tentang bagaimana negara hukum bekerja. Asumsinya, jika kinerja kekuasaan kehakiman buruk, maka akan berimplikasi bagi buruknya negara hukum Indonesia.Judicial authority to be one of the most important element in the constitutional structure of a country. In the concept of law, whether the concept rechtstaat, the rule of law, nor nomokrasi Islam, justice becomes an important pillar of how state law works. The assumption was that if the poor performance of the judicial authorities, it will have significant implications for poor countries to Indonesian law