226 research outputs found

    Pakistan’s Trade Performance vis-à-vis Its Major Trading Partners

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    In contrast to earlier empirical research that documents the import and export price elasticities at an aggregate level, this article estimates bilateral price and income impacts on Pakistan’s trade performance with its four major trading partners, i.e., USA, UK, Germany, and Japan. Using quarterly data for the period 1982-I–1996-IV and the Three-stage Least Square technique, the study documents the impact of real devaluation, real income, export incentives, and domestic inflation on trade performance with respect to each of the four trading partners.

    Pakistan’s Trade Performance vis-à-vis Its Major Trading Partners

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    In contrast to earlier empirical research that documents the import and export price elasticities at an aggregate level, this article estimates bilateral price and income impacts on Pakistan’s trade performance with its four major trading partners, i.e., USA, UK, Germany, and Japan. Using quarterly data for the period 1982-I-1996-IV and the Three-stage Least Square technique, the study documents the impact of real devaluation, real income, export incentives, and domestic inflation on trade performance with respect to each of the four trading partners

    Graph Theory and Matrix Approach (GTMA) Model for the Selection of the Femoral-Component of Total Knee Joint Replacement

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    Total Knee Replacement (TKR) is the increasing trend now a day, in revision surgery which is associated with aseptic loosening, which is a challenging research for the TKR component. The selection of optimal material loosening can be controlled at some limits. This paper is going to consider the best material selected among a number of alternative materials for the femoral component (FC) by using Graph Theory. Here GTMA process used for optimization of material and a systematic technique introduced through sensitivity analysis to find out the more reliable result. Obtained ranking suggests the use of optimized material over the other existing material. By following GTMA Co_Cr-alloys (wrought-Co-Ni-CrMo) and Co_Cr-alloys (cast-able-Co-Cr-Mo)are on the 1st and 2nd position respectively

    Giant Parotid Tumor

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    Malignant parotid tumors are uncommon tumors. Although pleomorphic adenoma is the commonest benign tumor of the parotid accounting for 65% of tumors but malignant tumors are also seen frequently in parotid gland. Normally these tumors are slow growing with a long history of lump in the parotid gland. The rapid growth phase in these tumors indicate malignant transformation. The involvement of facial nerve is a late symptom and denote advance stage. We are presenting a giant malignant tumor of the parotid gland measuring 22cm x 15cm in a lady of 50 years. To the best of our knowledge this is the biggest tumor reported so far in Pakistan

    Conjunctures in Law and Development: Assemblages for Progress in Indian Agricultural Futures

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    This dissertation asks: how are the legal, political, and social legacies of the Green Revolution and India's incorporation into the global knowledge economy shaping or undermining the emergent discourses, practices, and regulatory rationalities of India's current Climate Smart Agriculture development initiatives? To answer this question, I construct a theoretical/methodological framework that brings together conjunctural analysis, assemblage theory, Foucaultian governmentality, and transnational legal pluralism. I identify two previous historical eras of significant agricultural and developmental change in India: the Green Revolution (1950s-early 1970s) and the liberalization of Indian agriculture as part of India's broader incorporation into the global knowledge economy (1991-mid 2000s). I study the historical relationship between the modern Indian state and Indian farmers across these eras of agricultural and developmental transformation to investigate how they are informing current Climate Smart Agriculture programs, how these contemporary programs work, and the extent to which these programs and the political struggles they incite represent a new historical phase of state power in India. I argue that Climate Smart Agriculture programs and the accompanying introduction of Big Data technology in Indian agriculture should not be understood as a singular event or a unique and novel initiative, but as the most recent project of governmentality mediating the relationship between the Indian state and Indian farmers. This dissertation further shows how relationships between states in the Global South and farmers are shaped by the interplay of technologies (understood both conventionally and in the Foucaultian sense) that are constructed and regulated through the law. I simultaneously demonstrate how the entwined processes of postcolonial state- and subject-making in the domains of agriculture and development always invokes forms of resistance that often result in contradictory regulatory outcomes, which continue to establish the conditions for future political contestation. This dissertation contributes to the field of Socio-legal Studies at large, and the subfields of Law and Development, Law and Globalization/TWAIL, and Green Criminology

    Diagnostic Accuracy of Magnetic Resonance Arthrography and its Correlation with Arthroscopy in the Detection of Lesions Triangular Fibrocartilaginous Complex and Intrinsic Ligaments in the Wrist

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    Objectives: To assess the diagnostic validity and reliability of magnetic resonance arthrography in identifying the lesion of triangular intrinsic wrist ligaments and fibrocartilaginous complex based on arthroscopy as reference standard and preferred modality of imaging. Methodology: This was a retrospective validation study that was carried out at the Radiology department of PESSI (Punjab Employees Social Security) Hospital, Islamabad, between April 2019 and September 2022. A total of 11 patients with an age range 21-58 years, lesions of the triangular fibrocartilaginous complex (TFCC), and MR arthrography were included. MR arthrography images of the wrist were evaluated to assess the integrity of the intrinsic wrist ligaments, including those of the TFCC, scapholunate, and lunotriquetral ligament. MR arthrography injection was performed into the wrist joint, likely to help visualize the ligaments and other structures within the joint. The injection was performed under fluoroscopic guidance, and the size of the needle used for the injection was 20-24G. The data collected from the MR arthrograms and arthroscopy was analyzed using SPSS v 23. Results: The patient’s mean age was 40.0±12.31 years. Out of 11 patients, there were 6 (55.5%) males and 5 (45.5%) females. Sensitivity of MR arthrography is 71.4% and specificity that of 75% for detecting TFCC defects, and a 100% sensitivity and 85.7% specificity for diagnosing intrinsic ligament defects. MR arthrography had an overall accuracy of 73% for detecting TFCC, while the overall accuracy for detecting intrinsic ligament defects was 90.9%. Conclusion: MR arthrography was an adequate diagnostic tool for detecting defects of the intrinsic ligaments and the TFCC of the wrist when compared to diagnostic arthroscopy

    Definitions of Demand Flexibility for Aggregate Residential Loads

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    Nowadays, enhanced knowledge on the nature of the electricity demand is achieved through the progressively increasing deployment of smart meters and advanced data analysis techniques. One of the major challenges is to exploit this knowledge to support the introduction of strategies to modify the demand according to relevant objectives to be achieved, like users’ participation in demand response programmes. A key point for facing this challenge is to characterize the demand flexibility. In spite of many discussions about the concept of flexibility, the few mathematical definitions of flexibility available do not address the variation in time of the overall demand aggregation. This paper starts from the analysis of time-variable patterns of aggregate residential customers, ending up with suitable definitions of expected flexibility for aggregate demand. These definitions are based on assessing positive and negative pattern variations and are identified from the analysis of the collective behavior of the aggregate users. A set of results are shown for different numbers of aggregate customers, by considering different values of the averaging time step for load pattern representation

    A Computationally E cient Online Optimal Charging Algorithm to Minimise Solid Electrolyte Interface Layer Growth in Lithium-ion Battery.

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    PhD Theses.Lithium-ion batteries have emerged as major energy storage devices over the last few decades. For enhanced battery life, understanding the relevant degradation mechanisms and their control has been a signi cant area of research interest. The dissertation explores the state of health in lithium-ion batteries in terms of solid electrolyte interface layer growth. The proposed optimal strategy gives a quantitative approach to measure the interface layer. A novel non-linear model predictive control algorithm is devised for online optimal charging by explicitly incorporating degradation mechanisms into control to reduce the degradation process. Chemical and mechanical degradation mechanisms have been considered separately for the growth of the interface layer. The work addresses the challenge of minimising layer growth during charging using the rst-order model in chemical degradation. However, the interface layer is modelled based on the break and repair e ect in mechanical degradation. A single particle model is used for optimal charging using orthogonal projection-based model reformulation. Gauss pseudo-spectral method is used for the optimisation of charging trajectories. Results of the optimal algorithm are compared with the traditional constant current constant voltage approach without considering the interface layer growth. The aim of using di erent degradation concepts is to nd similarities in charging patterns in lithium-ion batteries. Moreover, it is ensured that overpotential caused by lithium plating remains in a healthy regime considering chemical degradation, i.e. it must be positive during charging. Simulation results have been presented to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed charging method dealing with two side reactions simultaneously. The dissertation extends the results of the proposed non-linear model predictive control strategy considering chemical degradation in two ways. First, the single particle model with temperature dynamics was adopted to examine the thermal behaviour of lithium-ion batteries and temperature control. Second, the di erential atness method is applied to examine its computational bene ts over pseudo-spectral methods. A brief discussion on implementing the proposed algorithm in a battery management system of electric vehicles is presente

    The Fiqh and Shari’ah Dimensions of Seerah in the Contemporary Era

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    In the perspective of the modern period, this study aims to investigate the Fiqh and Shari’ah aspects of the Seerah (the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad). This study's main goal is to shed light on the Seerah's relevance and applicability in modern Muslim life, particularly in the context of Islamic law and jurisprudence. The goal of the study is to clarify the Seerah's crucial importance as a source of instruction and law for the contemporary issues that the Muslim community worldwide is dealing with. The goals of this study includes a thorough examination of the Seerah in light of current moral and legal concerns. It aims to evaluate how the Seerah's guiding principles and practices can influence contemporary Fiqh decisions and Shari’ah compliance. This study uses a multifaceted methodology that includes an analysis of traditional Islamic scriptures, Fiqh judgments, and modern Islamic jurisprudence literature. Along with secondary materials like scholarly publications and legal opinions, primary sources like the Quran and Hadith are considered. The study's conclusions highlight how the Seerah continues to be relevant in addressing current ethical, legal, and societal issues. It emphasizes how Shari’ah law, which is based on the Seerah, is flexible and adaptable enough to offer direction and solutions to modern problems. Muslims can navigate the complexity of the modern world while maintaining their religion and principles by consulting the Seerah, which has emerged as an important and dynamic source. The Seerah's influence on Islamic jurisprudence and adherence to Shari’ah in the modern day is a topic that this study encourages more discussion and investigation. Keywords: Shari’ah, Fiqh Seerah, Quran, Hadith, Contemporary Er
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