159 research outputs found


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    This paper examines the perspectives of marriage of mut'ah with a thematic approach. Elaboration of these issues resulted an understanding of mut’ah is a marriage declared running for a certain time. Mut’ah marriage is also known as the al-nikah al-munqati’ (disconnected marriage) and the al-nikah al-muwaqqat (temporary marriage) which became one models of marriage in the early Islam. In the hadith context relating to mut’ah marriage, indicates that there is a conflict between the hadith allowed mut'ah and hadith forbided mut'ah that all are in valid quality. The author offers two methods of settlement apparently contradictory hadith about marriage of mut'ah namely al-jam'u methods and nasikh-mansukh methods that give different legal implications


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    This paper examines the perspectives of marriage of mut'ah with a thematic approach. Elaboration of these issues resulted an understanding of mut’ah is a marriage declared running for a certain time. Mut’ah marriage is also known as the al-nikah al-munqati’ (disconnected marriage) and the al-nikah al-muwaqqat (temporary marriage) which became one models of marriage in the early Islam. In the hadith context relating to mut’ah marriage, indicates that there is a conflict between the hadith allowed mut'ah and hadith forbided mut'ah that all are in valid quality. The author offers two methods of settlement apparently contradictory hadith about marriage of mut'ah namely al-jam'u methods and nasikh-mansukh methods that give different legal implications

    Discourse of religious pluralism in Indonesia

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    In Indonesia, which is a multi-cultural and multi-religious country, inter-group conflicts frequently take place in religious forms and colours, or involve religious issues directly. Many, accordingly, have attempted to propose the concept and theory of “religious pluralism” in order to provide a peaceful and humane solution to the problem. Soeharto’s government has been regarded as the most systematic and successful institution in dealing with religious conflicts. At least, it managed, to a large extent and by any means, to control and to stop these conflicts from bursting. However, as soon as this regime collapsed in 1998, the religious conflicts came into existence on a large scale in different parts of the country, such as in Moluccas and Poso, Eastern Indonesia. Therefore, in the era of “reformation”, the discourse of religious pluralism gains currency – and moral acknowledgement – more than before, within the different levels and circles of society in Indonesia

    Objectivity and the scientific study of religion

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    The concern for and the debate on “objectivity” in the scientific study of religions led scholars to advocate two major approaches known as “History of Religion” and “Phenomenology of Religion.” Both approaches are claimed to be “descriptive” and “value-free” as they stringently enforce the principle of epochê or distanciation to ensure objectivity. However, there are scholars who argue that objectivity (be it “descriptive” or “value-free”) is ontologically questionable and epistemologically impossible. It is a self defeating concept and a myth. They argue that objectivity is principally and directly concerned with “the object” under investigation regardless of the types of approach used

    Urgency of the integration of religion and knowledge for the development of Muslim character

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    Almost, if not all, modern educational institutions of the west, and followed consciously or unconsciously by many of that of the east (including some Muslim countries such as Indonesia), strongly “believe” that religion and knowledge or science are two different entities that are mutually exclusive and can never meet each other, let alone be integrated or reconciled together. Religion, according to this “belief”, belongs to the domain of belief (which is irrational), whereas knowledge or science belongs to the domain of reason. As a result of this dichotomy, educational curricular, including that of teaching-learning religions and study of religions, at all educational levels have been designed to be religiously neutral. Indeed, the issue of relationship between religion and science or knowledge has drawn a lot of attentions from scholars and thinkers throughout the history. Theories have been introduced to meet this issue, which include, among the others, Conflict, Independence, Dialogue, and Integration. The question at this juncture is whether this dichotomous reasoning is plausible or epistemologically tenable. As such, this paper tries to discuss and analyze this issue with special reference to Islamic context


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    Some languages have played an important role as the medium for the revelation of God to mankind. The existence of such language is to bridge the communication of the Prophet who was sent to his people. Thus, the existence of language as a medium of communication in propaganda is desperately needed between mad’u (object of da'wah) and preachers (actor of da'wah). It is understood that a language other than Arabic, serves as an introduction to preaching to the local non-Arab community. The local non-Arabic language as the language of propaganda has not been used as the way it was. There is a process to be followed, namely what is called by S.M.N. Al-Attas as the concept of Islamisation of Language. Linguistic aspects and translation of Islamic values by using the local language of instruction at least prove that Islam is not synonymous with Arab, although the Arabic is used as the language of science. Even here it appears that Islam tends to appreciate the various expressions of culture, including the linguistic aspects. Local and regional languages, when Islam has been embedded in the hearts of non-Arab nations, have not necessarily been lost and destroyed. On the contrary, these languages have increased in terms of the aspects of ethics, morality, and enrichment of terminological. In this very section, the Islamic education plays an important role in the development of linguistics and literacy, both in terms of the scientific language and medium of introduction for propaganda. Keywords: Lingua Franca, Islamisation of language, Jawi script, Arabic pegon script.

    Class Management and Teacher Analysis : An Action Research Lesson Study Toward Language Classes (English, Arabic, and Chinese)

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    A class in a teaching process has significant role, and also a teacher or a lecturer should manage the class well to get a best teaching process. This teaching process needs an attention to gain the aims of teaching process. So that, to manage the class well regulated, the teacher or lecturer have to do the research lesson (collaborative learning lesson study) to accommodate the factual problems of the class and students. This research will find out the factual problems of language classes, how to build a factual strategy of collaborative learning through lesson study, especially English Class, Arabic Class, and Chinese Class. The dominant factual problems in the language classes will be collected and then analyzed to find the meeting point among the foreign language classes. Thus, the language teachers or lecturers will work together and discuss about solution of problems in the language classroom, and then they should avoid the problems that appear in the class. This research will give some recomendations what should the teacher manage in the language class (Arabic, English, and Chinese Class). The teachers of foreign language can improve the quality of learning and make stronger collegiality among the language teachers. The data in this research will be analyzed by the qualitative method, descriptive analysis. To get the data accurately, the data was taken from the videos and pictures which had been captured during the English Class, Arabic Class, and Chinese Class in the Faculty of Cultural Science (FIB UNS). The result from this research is every single class has a problem with a unique character. This unique character is caused by the divison of language class into a theoritical class and a skill analysis class, such as: conversation class, listening class, writing or composition class, and reading class in English, Arabic and Chinese Language

    Syi'ah di Malaysia

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