12 research outputs found


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    Kalimat pasif bahasa Jerman, baik jenis maupun pembentukannya, tidaklah sesederhana kalimat pasif bahasa Indonesia . Dalam bahasa Jennan dikenal beberapa jenis kalimat pasif, antara lain adalah : (I) Passiv Prilsens, Prilteritum, Perfekt, yaitu kalimat pasif bentuk sekarang, lampau peifek; (2) Passiv mit Modolverben (1m PrOsens, im Prilteritum und un Per/daY; (3) Subjeldose Passivsiltze (kalimat pasif tanpa subjek); (4) Zuztand Passiv. Pembentukan kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Jennan secara umumyaitu kata ke1]Qbantu werden + Parti1JpPerfekt ditambah von untuk menyatakan oleh,yang dopat dipakai ataupun dihilangkan. Kata kerja bantu werden dikonjugasikan sesuai dengan subjek dan kalanya (Zeitfonn). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penyebab mahasiswa melakukan kesalahan dalam penggunaan kalimat bentuk pasif bahasa Jerman adalah pengaruh penggunaan pola kalimat pasif bahasa Indonesia (82,8%), pengaruh pola kalimat pasif bahasa Inggris (0%), dan kurang penguasaan struktur bahasa Jennan (17,2 %)


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    Dewasa ini kebutuhan masyarakat Indonesia akan bahasa asing semakin meningkat. Seiring dengan semakin meningkatnya kebutuhan tersebut, semakin banyak pula tempat-tempat kursus bahasa asing yang menawarkan berbagai kemudahan. Dalam pengajaran bahasa asing dikenal beberapa metode pengajaran, metode gramatik, metode audio lingual, metode- metode langsung, metode langsung, metode bermain, dan pendekatan komunikatif. Dari sejumlah metode yang dibicarakan, metode yang paling disarankan dalam tulisan ini untuk mencapai optimalisasi pembelajaran bahasa asing yang berwujud communicative competence, adalah pendekatan komunikatif yang diperkuat dengan metode bermain

    Multifocal pyomyositis following normal vaginal delivery : a case-based report

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    Here we present a rare case of a 38-year-old Caucasian primigravida with persistent pelvic pain postpartum after normal vaginal delivery. MR imaging was unremarkable and after being managed conservatively she was discharged on the fourth post-partum day. However, she represented two weeks later at the A&E department with features of sepsis, requiring an admission at the local intensive care unit. Repeat MR imaging showed multifocal pyomyositis affecting the right lower psoas and ipsilateral iliacus muscle, right multifidus and erector spinae musculature, ipsilateral piriformis and the gluteus maximus muscle. This was associated with septic arthritis of the sacroiliac joints. The patient was stabilised and started on potent broad-spectrum antibiotics. An incision and drainage was performed with pus cultures being positive for Escherichia coli and Streptococcus gallolyticus. Despite treatment, patient was still febrile and subsequent MR imaging showed persistent abscess formation in the iliacus together with septic arthritis. A CT guided drain insertion to which she responded well. After this 16-day hospital stay the patient was discharged in a stable general condition, being able to maintain all her previous activities of daily living. She was followed up regularly at orthopedic outpatients.peer-reviewe

    Gender Reconstruction in Visual Form of Teaching Material

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    Background: Gender has become a crucial area of research due to the unpleasant experience of gender disparity in the workplace, home, and other settings, including education, health, and civic engagement. The ideal way to promote gender equality early on is to guarantee everyone access to a high-quality education. The learning process is greatly aided by textbooks. Through language, visuals, stories, and illustrations, gender content is developed and represented in books. Given that the textbook serves as the primary means of instruction, it is crucial to examine how gender is constructed in Kontakte Deutsch 1, the widely used textbook in Indonesia. Methodology: A descriptive qualitative methodology was used in this study's Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) approach. The research data source was from illustrations, words, and stories in the textbook Kontakte Deutsch 1. Findings: The results showed that male and female figures appeared visually at the same frequency. In categories like social roles, passions, and professional choices, gender equality was noted and portrayed. Inequalities such as stereotyping, gender subordination, and marginalization of gender were still present in a tiny proportion of phrases and narratives. Conclusion: This study demonstrated how the authors of Kontakte Deutsch 1 made an effort to advance gender equality principles through linked topics. Gender discrimination only appeared in a minor portion of the story.  Originality: There have been no studies on gender reconstruction in Kontakte Deutsch 1, commonly used in Indonesian high schools. This thorough investigation deepens our understanding of how gender is portrayed in instructional materials and emphasizes the significance of treating all genders equally and respectfully

    Gramatika bahasa Jerman

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    iii, 39 p.; 29 cm

    Deutsch fur anfanger

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    vii, 118 hlm.:23c

    Pembelajaran berbasis proyek

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    i, 185 halaman; 21c

    Penerapan Strategi Permainan sebagai Upaya Pembelajaran secara Inovatif dalam Bahasa Jerman

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    Learning of foreign language means trying to understand the structure and the use oflanguage. The teaching of foreign languages, German in particular, would help the learners toachieve the aim.The games are meant to activate the, learner\u27s structure and vocabulary. The effectiveinvolvement of learners in game increases the result of the learning as well as retention.Through games, anxiety to be involved in speaking commonly experienced by learners willcertainly disappear. Learners can be involved in spontaneous speaking activities. Games inforeign language learning not only games but a form of practices