1,029 research outputs found

    Paul & the Thessalonians, Abraham J. Malherbe

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    Mission: Vol. 1, No. 3

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    Mission: Vol. 1, No. 3. This issue contains the following articles: The Servant Church by William A. McDowell, Christ and the Church by Anthony L. Ash, The Proclaiming Church by Derwood C. Smith, A People Under the Word by Abraham J. Malherbe, God\u27s Yeast by Dwain Evans, Sent Into the World by William S. Banowsky, New Testament Church Surveyed (Book Review) by Frank Pack, and The Church (Word Study) by J. W. Roberts

    Paul and the Popular Philosophers [review] / Abraham J. Malherbe.

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    Paulus Senex

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    Malherbe, Abraham J. (1994) Paulus Senex, Restoration Quarterly: Vol. 36 : No. 4. This repository hosts selected Restoration Quarterly articles in downloadable PDF format. For the benefit of users who would like to browse the contents of RQ, we have included all issue covers even when full-text articles from that issue are unavailable. All Restoration Quarterly articles are available in full text in the ATLA Religion Database, available through most university and theological libraries or through your local library’s inter-library loan service

    Stryd om moedertaalonderrig gedurende die oorlogsjare en daarna, 1939-1948

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    The development of language policy in the South African educational system, from 1652 to 1961, with special  reference to the Union Government period

    ’n Verwaarloosde faset van D.F. Malherbe se nalatenskap: Kuns – selfstandig en afhanklik

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    A neglected facet of the legacy of D.F. Malherbe: Art – independent and dependent During his studies in Freiburg, Germany Malherbe also had to study philosophy and its history. Since the late seventies the University of the Free State organises an annual commemorative lecture on some or other aspect of the legacy of Malherbe – mostly focused on his literary work and sometimes also on his competence as a linguistic scholar. Initially he adhered, in his view of art and the aesthetic, to the idea that the artist is “free” in the sense of not being bound to aesthetic norms or principles. However, after his retirement discussions with his son-inlaw, Herman Strauss, brought him into contact with the new reformational philosophy at the Free University of Amsterdam (Dooyeweerd and Vollenhoven). This caused a radical paradigm- shift in his theoretical understanding of reality and in his view of art and the aesthetic. In this article his view of the (in)dependence of art and the aesthetic is presented against the background of views in which the meaning of the aesthetic is distorted by making it serviceable to something non-aesthetic and of a view which elevated the aesthetic into a self-contained haven where the “soul” can experience “rest and bliss”. Malherbe provided an analysis of basic aesthetic principles as they reflect the coherence between the aesthetic and non-aesthetic aspects of reality. His broader orientation is embedded in the ideal of Christian scholarship within all the disciplines

    Filament eruption connected to protospheric activity

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    Two cases of activation of filaments that occured in regions of intense magnetic activity was studied. The simultaneous observations from Debrecen Observatory (white light and H alpha filtergram), and from Meudon Observatory (magnetogram, MSDP dopplergram and intensity maps in H alpha) gave a complementary set of data from which can be produced evidence of the influence of the photospheric magnetic field on the destabilization process of the filaments. On June 22, 1980, the eruption of the filament is associated with the motion of pores, which are manifestations of emerging flux knots. On September 3, 1980, the twisting motions in the filament are associated to the birth of a pore in its neighborhood. These observations are discussed

    Eva's men : gender and power in the establishment of the Cape of Good Hope, 1652–74

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    This article offers a fresh interpretation of the life of Krotoa/Eva, the famous Khoena interpreter of Jan Van Riebeeck, whose gender gave her a unique position in relation to both Dutch and Khoena society. It appears that her own people sent her to work for the Dutch as a young girl, both to serve as a token of goodwill, to gain prestige as the protegee of the household of a powerful leader and to become familiar with Dutch ways. The Dutch received her comfortably as a servant, child minder and companion for Van Riebeeck's young nieces. When Eva learned Dutch expertly, she quickly became their most trusted interpreter. The evidence also hints at an especially close and sensitive, possibly sexual, relationship between her and Van Riebeeck. When military conflicts left Eva identified as a Dutch collaborator, she contacted her sister's husband, chief Oedasoa. Her direct mediation enabled the Dutch to open up a profitable new trading enterprise with Oedasoa, who in turn used Eva as his personal agent within the Dutch community. Her unique position attracted the attention of a bright young employee of the Company, Pieter Van Meerhoff, who became her lover soon after his arrival at the Cape in 1659. Pieter became actively involved in northern expeditions of exploration and prided himself on his sensitivity and capacity to get on well with various Khoena chiefs. Eva continued as an interpreter, intermediary with Oedasoa and the couple had two children together. Eva and Pieter married only after Van Riebeeck left the Cape. Their decision to conform to the norms of Dutch society disappointed Oedasoa who had offered them enough livestock to establish an independent lifestyle but brought both much higher levels of respect from the Dutch, including significant promotions for Pieter. When Pieter was killed in 1666, heading up a trading mission to Mauritius, Eva's life sharply deteriorated. She died in 1674, accused of having become a drunken pest and prostitute. Eva's story exemplifies how an African woman in an early colonial encounter could manipulate a variety of gender roles. Seen as a safe intermediary by both Africans and Europeans, she built herself a unique career and formed a durable liaison with a spirited young man. However, as the nature of contact between the races deteriorated, her role as intermediary diminished in importance. Ultimately, without Pieter, she could not sustain her pivotal place in Dutch society, dying a miserable death. Her life reflects the rapidly changing nature of early colonial contacts

    Taalbeleid in die onderwys: Inleiding

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    The development of language policy in the South African educational system, from 1652 to 1961, with special  reference to the Union Government period

    La Haye-Malherbe – RD 79, rue du Moulin

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    L’opération de diagnostic a porté sur une parcelle agricole de 10 000 m2, située à l’extrémité sud-ouest de la commune de La Haye-Malherbe, le long de la RD 79. La présence de vestiges s’est avérée très limitée, avec seulement 7 structures assorties de quelques découvertes isolées de mobilier. Les quelques éléments de datation récoltés laissent supposer qu’une partie de ces structures pourrait relever de la Protohistoire récente (ier s. av. J.‑C.). Un chemin plus récent, mentionné sur le cada..
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