69 research outputs found
Characterisation of the biodegradability of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil and the bioremediation processes during treatment by biopiles and landfarming
U okviru ovog istraživanja ispitani su: (1) Procesi koji se odvijaju prilikom bioremedijacije zemljišta zagađenog naftom i derivatima nafte, koje je bilo izloženo spontanim abiotičkim i biotičkim procesima degradacije u toku 8 godina, tehnikama biogomila i površinske obrade na poluindustrijskoj (pilot) skali uz optimizaciju tehnoloških parametara sa ciljem povećanja efikasnosti i efektivnosti biodegradacije ugljovodonika; (2) Uticaj starenja, koncentracije, biodsotupnosti i strukture zagađujućih materija na procese biodegradacije i biotransformacije u kontrolisanim laboratorijskim uslovima. Tokom dve godine bioremedijacionog tretmana sadržaj mineralnih ulja opao je za 52% (od 27,8 g/kg do 13,2 g/kg) i 53% (od 23,2 g/kg do 10,8 g/kg), dok je sadržaj ukupnih ugljovodonika opao za 43% (od 41,4 g/kg do 23,4 g/kg) i 27% (od 35,3 g/kg do 25,8 g/kg) u biogomili i površinskoj obradi respektivno. Efikasnost uklanjanja mineralnih ulja iz zemljišta u dva posmatrana bioremedijaciona tretmana je praktično ista. Međutim, u pogledu sadržaja ukupnih ugljovodonika u biogomili uklonjeno je dva puta više ukupnih ugljovodonika (gledajući apsolutnu količinu ukupno uklonjenih ugljovodonika). Kinetika biodegradacije mineralnih ulja i ukupnih ugljovodonika u toku tretmana u biogomili u saglasnosti je sa kinetičkim modelima lnC=lnC0-kt i lnC=lnC0-kt0,5. Kinetika biodegradacije mineralnih ulja u toku površinske obrade relativno se dobro može opisati sa dva pomenuta kinetička modela, međutim, znatno bolju korelaciju pokazao je linearni model (C=C0-kt) primenjen na prvih 92 i poslednjih 200 dana eksperimenta. Promena sadržaja ukupnih ugljovodonika u toku površinske obrade zagađenog zemljišta relativno je u dobroj korelaciji samo sa kinetičkim modelom lnC=lnC0-kt0,5. Laboratorijska ispitivanja pokazala su da biodegradabilnost i sudbina ugljovodonika u životnoj sredini jako zavise od tipa, starosti i koncentracije zagađujućih materija. Naime, u slučaju zemljišta sveže kontaminiranog dizel uljem, već pri koncentracijama od 20 mg/g uočen toksičan efekat koji je prevaziđen nakon dve nedelje tretmana kao posledica smenjenja prekomerne koncentracije rastvorenih ugljovodonika biotičkim i abiotičkim putem i adaptacije prisutne mikroflore. U slučaju većih koncentracija ovaj efekat je bio još izraženiji. Kod zemljišta kontaminiranog sirovom naftom isti efekat se javlja tek pri koncentraciji od 35 mg/g, kao posledica toga da sirova nafta sadrži manju količinu lako rastvornih ugljovodonika. Za razliku od sveže kontaminiranog zemljišta, na biodegradaciju starog naftnog zagađanja u zemljištu koncentracija nije imala uticaj, u ovakvom zemljištu respiracija je bila na veoma niskom nivou pri svim ispitivanim koncentracijama, ali ne kao posledica toksičnosti, već kao posledica činjenice da se degradabilni deo zagađujućih materija degradirao tokom procesa starenja, tako da su u zemljištu zaostali visokomolekularni teško rastvorni ugljovodonici (smole, asfaltne komponente i dr.) sekvestrovani u zemljištu. Merenja biodostupnosti ugljovodonika (ekstrakcijom sa Tween80) pokazala su da je u zemljištu sveže kontaminiranom dizel uljem i sirovom naftom i starim naftnim zagađenjem oko 95%, 85% i 40% ugljovodonika biodostupno, respektivno. Koncentracija rezidualne frakcije mineralnih ulja i ukupnih ugljovodonika dobijena nakon 48 dana laboratorijskog tretmana u skoro svim probama je veća od predviđenih, što je posledica bifaznog ponašanja ugljovodonika u zemljištu, gde se jedan deo uklanja biodegradacijom, dok drugi deo difunduje u pore zemljišta i kompleksira se sa zemljišnom organskom materijom. Količina ugljovodonika iz starog naftnog zagađenja zemljišta koja može da pređe u vodenu fazu je mala reda veličine nekoliko mg/l, međutim, u prirodnim uslovima usled spiranja ugljovodonika sa zemljišta kišom, postoji verovatnoća da ovi ugljovodonici dospeju u podzemnu vodu iznad maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije za vodu za piće (MDK = 10 μg/l) i na taj način degradiraju njen kvalitet. Zbog nemogućnosti daljag uklanjanja zagađenja bioremedijacijom, preostala količina zagađujućih materija koja može dospeti u vodenu fazu bi trebalo da se ukloni nekim drugim remedijacionim tehnikama pre njegovog konačnog bezbednog odlaganja u životnu sredinu.The aims of this study were to examine: (1) the processes that occur during bioremediation of soil contaminated by oil and oil derivatives, which was exposed to spontaneous abiotic and biotic degradation processes over 8 years, using pilot scale biopiles and landfarming techniques to optimise technological parameters with the aim of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of hydrocarbons biodegradation. (2) the effect of contaminants weathering, concentration, bioavailability and structure on the biodegradation and biotransformation process under controlled laboratory conditions. Over the two years of bioremediation treatment by biopiles and landfarming, the mineral oil content decreased by 52% (from 27.8 g/kg to 13.2 g/kg) and 53% (from 23.2 g/kg to 10.8 g/kg), and the total hydrocarbon content decreased by 43% (from 41.4 g/kg to 23.4 g/kg) and 27% (from 35.3 g/kg to 25.8 g/kg), respectively. The efficiency of mineral oil removal from soil in these two applied bioremediation treatments was practically the same. However, in terms ofthe absolute amount of total hydrocarbons, twice as many total hydrocarbons were removed in the biopile. The mineral oil and total hydrocarbons biodegradation kinetics in the biopile were in good agreement with the kinetic models lnC = lnC0-kt and lnC = lnC0-kt0.5. The mineral oil biodegradation kinetics during the landfarming treatment is relatively well described with those two kinetic models, however, significantly better correlation is obtained by the linear model (C = C0-kt) applied to the first 92 and last 200 days of the experiment. The change in total hydrocarbons content during the landfarming treatment is in relatively good correlation only with the kinetic model lnC = lnC-kt0.5. The laboratory biodegradation investigation showed that hydrocarbon biodegradability and its fate in the environment strongly depend upon the structure, concentration and weathering of the hydrocarbons. Thus, in the case of diesel contaminated soil, as a consequence of its structure, i.e. the presence in a higher concentration of the soluble and toxic midrange n-alkanes, a toxic effect is detected at a diesel oil concentration of 20 mg/g, although this effect is overcome after two weeks, as a consequence of the decreasing concentration of soluble hydrocarbons in biotic and abiotic processes and microbial adaptation. This effect was more pronounced in the case of the soil withthe highest diesel oil concentration. In crude oil contaminated soil, a toxic effect was observed at a much higher hydrocarbon concentration (35 mg/g) than in the diesel oil contaminated soil, which corresponds to the fact that crude oil contains significantly less soluble hydrocarbon. In contrast to these two freshly contaminated soils, the weathered contaminated soil contaminant concentration did not have an effect on hydrocarbon biodegradation, with biodegradation in this soil actually at a low level at all concentrations, not as a consequence of toxicity, but because the degradable part of the contaminant was already degraded during the weathering process, leaving behind only highly condensed hydrophobic organic contaminants (asphaltenes, resins, etc.) sequestered in the soil. The data obtained for hydrocarbons bioavailability (by Tween80 extraction) showed that the bioavailable hydrocarbon fraction from soils freshly contaminated with diesel oil and crude and weathered oil contamination were approximately 95%, 85% and 40%, respectively. The concentration of residual mineral oil fractions and total hydrocarbons obtained after 48 days of laboratory biodegradability treatment in almost all batches was greater than predicted, as a result of the biphasic behaviour of hydrocarbons in the soil, where some were degraded or lost from the soil and some transformed into the recalcitrant fraction. The amount of hydrocarbons from the weathered soil contamination that can be transferred into the water phase is small, of the order of a few mg/l in magnitude, however, under natural conditions, due to hydrocarbons leaching by rainfall, it is possible that these hydrocarbons infiltrate groundwater above the maximum permissible concentration for drinking water (MAC = 10 μg/l) and thus degrade its quality. As it is not possible to achieve further contamination degradation by bioremediation, the remaining amount of pollutants which can be transferred into the water phase should be removed by some other remediation techniques before its final safe disposal in the environment
Characterisation of the biodegradability of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil and the bioremediation processes during treatment by biopiles and landfarming
U okviru ovog istraživanja ispitani su: (1) Procesi koji se odvijaju prilikom bioremedijacije zemljišta zagađenog naftom i derivatima nafte, koje je bilo izloženo spontanim abiotičkim i biotičkim procesima degradacije u toku 8 godina, tehnikama biogomila i površinske obrade na poluindustrijskoj (pilot) skali uz optimizaciju tehnoloških parametara sa ciljem povećanja efikasnosti i efektivnosti biodegradacije ugljovodonika; (2) Uticaj starenja, koncentracije, biodsotupnosti i strukture zagađujućih materija na procese biodegradacije i biotransformacije u kontrolisanim laboratorijskim uslovima. Tokom dve godine bioremedijacionog tretmana sadržaj mineralnih ulja opao je za 52% (od 27,8 g/kg do 13,2 g/kg) i 53% (od 23,2 g/kg do 10,8 g/kg), dok je sadržaj ukupnih ugljovodonika opao za 43% (od 41,4 g/kg do 23,4 g/kg) i 27% (od 35,3 g/kg do 25,8 g/kg) u biogomili i površinskoj obradi respektivno. Efikasnost uklanjanja mineralnih ulja iz zemljišta u dva posmatrana bioremedijaciona tretmana je praktično ista. Međutim, u pogledu sadržaja ukupnih ugljovodonika u biogomili uklonjeno je dva puta više ukupnih ugljovodonika (gledajući apsolutnu količinu ukupno uklonjenih ugljovodonika). Kinetika biodegradacije mineralnih ulja i ukupnih ugljovodonika u toku tretmana u biogomili u saglasnosti je sa kinetičkim modelima lnC=lnC0-kt i lnC=lnC0-kt0,5. Kinetika biodegradacije mineralnih ulja u toku površinske obrade relativno se dobro može opisati sa dva pomenuta kinetička modela, međutim, znatno bolju korelaciju pokazao je linearni model (C=C0-kt) primenjen na prvih 92 i poslednjih 200 dana eksperimenta. Promena sadržaja ukupnih ugljovodonika u toku površinske obrade zagađenog zemljišta relativno je u dobroj korelaciji samo sa kinetičkim modelom lnC=lnC0-kt0,5. Laboratorijska ispitivanja pokazala su da biodegradabilnost i sudbina ugljovodonika u životnoj sredini jako zavise od tipa, starosti i koncentracije zagađujućih materija. Naime, u slučaju zemljišta sveže kontaminiranog dizel uljem, već pri koncentracijama od 20 mg/g uočen toksičan efekat koji je prevaziđen nakon dve nedelje tretmana kao posledica smenjenja prekomerne koncentracije rastvorenih ugljovodonika biotičkim i abiotičkim putem i adaptacije prisutne mikroflore. U slučaju većih koncentracija ovaj efekat je bio još izraženiji. Kod zemljišta kontaminiranog sirovom naftom isti efekat se javlja tek pri koncentraciji od 35 mg/g, kao posledica toga da sirova nafta sadrži manju količinu lako rastvornih ugljovodonika. Za razliku od sveže kontaminiranog zemljišta, na biodegradaciju starog naftnog zagađanja u zemljištu koncentracija nije imala uticaj, u ovakvom zemljištu respiracija je bila na veoma niskom nivou pri svim ispitivanim koncentracijama, ali ne kao posledica toksičnosti, već kao posledica činjenice da se degradabilni deo zagađujućih materija degradirao tokom procesa starenja, tako da su u zemljištu zaostali visokomolekularni teško rastvorni ugljovodonici (smole, asfaltne komponente i dr.) sekvestrovani u zemljištu. Merenja biodostupnosti ugljovodonika (ekstrakcijom sa Tween80) pokazala su da je u zemljištu sveže kontaminiranom dizel uljem i sirovom naftom i starim naftnim zagađenjem oko 95%, 85% i 40% ugljovodonika biodostupno, respektivno. Koncentracija rezidualne frakcije mineralnih ulja i ukupnih ugljovodonika dobijena nakon 48 dana laboratorijskog tretmana u skoro svim probama je veća od predviđenih, što je posledica bifaznog ponašanja ugljovodonika u zemljištu, gde se jedan deo uklanja biodegradacijom, dok drugi deo difunduje u pore zemljišta i kompleksira se sa zemljišnom organskom materijom. Količina ugljovodonika iz starog naftnog zagađenja zemljišta koja može da pređe u vodenu fazu je mala reda veličine nekoliko mg/l, međutim, u prirodnim uslovima usled spiranja ugljovodonika sa zemljišta kišom, postoji verovatnoća da ovi ugljovodonici dospeju u podzemnu vodu iznad maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije za vodu za piće (MDK = 10 μg/l) i na taj način degradiraju njen kvalitet. Zbog nemogućnosti daljag uklanjanja zagađenja bioremedijacijom, preostala količina zagađujućih materija koja može dospeti u vodenu fazu bi trebalo da se ukloni nekim drugim remedijacionim tehnikama pre njegovog konačnog bezbednog odlaganja u životnu sredinu.The aims of this study were to examine: (1) the processes that occur during bioremediation of soil contaminated by oil and oil derivatives, which was exposed to spontaneous abiotic and biotic degradation processes over 8 years, using pilot scale biopiles and landfarming techniques to optimise technological parameters with the aim of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of hydrocarbons biodegradation. (2) the effect of contaminants weathering, concentration, bioavailability and structure on the biodegradation and biotransformation process under controlled laboratory conditions. Over the two years of bioremediation treatment by biopiles and landfarming, the mineral oil content decreased by 52% (from 27.8 g/kg to 13.2 g/kg) and 53% (from 23.2 g/kg to 10.8 g/kg), and the total hydrocarbon content decreased by 43% (from 41.4 g/kg to 23.4 g/kg) and 27% (from 35.3 g/kg to 25.8 g/kg), respectively. The efficiency of mineral oil removal from soil in these two applied bioremediation treatments was practically the same. However, in terms ofthe absolute amount of total hydrocarbons, twice as many total hydrocarbons were removed in the biopile. The mineral oil and total hydrocarbons biodegradation kinetics in the biopile were in good agreement with the kinetic models lnC = lnC0-kt and lnC = lnC0-kt0.5. The mineral oil biodegradation kinetics during the landfarming treatment is relatively well described with those two kinetic models, however, significantly better correlation is obtained by the linear model (C = C0-kt) applied to the first 92 and last 200 days of the experiment. The change in total hydrocarbons content during the landfarming treatment is in relatively good correlation only with the kinetic model lnC = lnC-kt0.5. The laboratory biodegradation investigation showed that hydrocarbon biodegradability and its fate in the environment strongly depend upon the structure, concentration and weathering of the hydrocarbons. Thus, in the case of diesel contaminated soil, as a consequence of its structure, i.e. the presence in a higher concentration of the soluble and toxic midrange n-alkanes, a toxic effect is detected at a diesel oil concentration of 20 mg/g, although this effect is overcome after two weeks, as a consequence of the decreasing concentration of soluble hydrocarbons in biotic and abiotic processes and microbial adaptation. This effect was more pronounced in the case of the soil withthe highest diesel oil concentration. In crude oil contaminated soil, a toxic effect was observed at a much higher hydrocarbon concentration (35 mg/g) than in the diesel oil contaminated soil, which corresponds to the fact that crude oil contains significantly less soluble hydrocarbon. In contrast to these two freshly contaminated soils, the weathered contaminated soil contaminant concentration did not have an effect on hydrocarbon biodegradation, with biodegradation in this soil actually at a low level at all concentrations, not as a consequence of toxicity, but because the degradable part of the contaminant was already degraded during the weathering process, leaving behind only highly condensed hydrophobic organic contaminants (asphaltenes, resins, etc.) sequestered in the soil. The data obtained for hydrocarbons bioavailability (by Tween80 extraction) showed that the bioavailable hydrocarbon fraction from soils freshly contaminated with diesel oil and crude and weathered oil contamination were approximately 95%, 85% and 40%, respectively. The concentration of residual mineral oil fractions and total hydrocarbons obtained after 48 days of laboratory biodegradability treatment in almost all batches was greater than predicted, as a result of the biphasic behaviour of hydrocarbons in the soil, where some were degraded or lost from the soil and some transformed into the recalcitrant fraction. The amount of hydrocarbons from the weathered soil contamination that can be transferred into the water phase is small, of the order of a few mg/l in magnitude, however, under natural conditions, due to hydrocarbons leaching by rainfall, it is possible that these hydrocarbons infiltrate groundwater above the maximum permissible concentration for drinking water (MAC = 10 μg/l) and thus degrade its quality. As it is not possible to achieve further contamination degradation by bioremediation, the remaining amount of pollutants which can be transferred into the water phase should be removed by some other remediation techniques before its final safe disposal in the environment
Uticaj različitih klonova lozne podloge Kober 5BB na proizvodne i tehnološke karakteristike sorte rizling italijanski u vršačkom vinogorju
The study was carried out in the AD Vršac vineyards, Serbia during the 2000- 2004 period. The vineyard was established in the location of Crvenka in 1989 with the row distance of 3 x 1 m. The vine was grown in rows with a two level cordon-shaped root to which a mixed cut was applied. The Italian Riesling variety was transplanted on the clones of various rootstocks of the Kober 5BB, clone 114 and 13; SO4 clone 31 and 74; Teleki 5C clones 6-16, 6-52, 6-53 i 10; 41B clones 86, 87 and 88. The study encompassed the clones 114 and 13 Kober 5BB and their properties were observed during the period of full vineyard fertility. The obtained results indicate that the used clones of the rootstocks positively affected the observed properties: grape yield, sugar content, total acid, glucoacidimetric index of the grape yield. The best results were detected in the clone 114, then in the clone 13 and at last in the Kober 5BB control that prevails in this location.Istraživanja su obavljena u periodu 2000-2004. godine u proizvodnom zasadu AD Vršački vinogradi. Vinograd je podignut 1989. godine na lokaciji Crvenka sa razmakom sadnje 3x1 m. Loza je gajena špalirski sa visokim stablom u vidu dvospratne kordunice uz primenu mešovite rezidbe. Vinska sorta rizling italijanski okalemljena je na klonovima različitih podloga kober 5BB, klon 114 i 13; SO4 klon 31 i 74; Teleki 5C klonovi 6-16, 6-52, 6-53 i 10; 41B klonovi 86, 87 i 88. Ovim istraživanjem bili su obuhvaćeni klonovi 114 i 13 kober 5BB, a praćena su i njihova svojstva u fazi pune rodnosti vinograda. Postignuti rezultati ukazuju da su primenjeni klonovi loznih podloga ispoljili pozitivan uticaj na praćena svojstva: količina prinosa, masa grozda, sadržaj šećera, ukupne kiseline i glukoacidimetrijski indeks zrelosti grožđa. Najbolje rezultate dao je klon 114, zatim klon 13 u odnosu na standardu varijantu lozne pologe kober 5BB koja je dominantna na ovoj locaji
Incidence of pelvic lymph node metastasis in radical prostatectomy
Background/Aim. Radical prostatectomy (RP) provides the best cancer control in patients with clinically prostate gland confined cancer. Multiple models and nomograms combining preoperative prostate-specific antigen (PSA) serum level, clinical stage and Gleason score have been developed to predict the probability of metastatic disease. In prostate cancer (PC) the presence of metastases to the pelvic lymph nodes (PLNs) is recognized widely as an unfavorable prognostic factor. Currently, PLNs dissection is not done in a low-risk group of prostate cancer patients. The aim of this study was to analyze PLN metastases in PC patients, in clinically localized stages of PC. Methods. Radical prostatectomy specimens with pelvic lymphadenectomy specimens from 82 PC patients were reviewed. In this group of patients, serum preoperative PSA values ranged from 2 to 23 ng/ml. Results. We diagnosed 11/82 (13.4%) patients with PLN metastases. There were 8 (72%) patients with pT3c pathological stage, and 3 (28%) patients with pT4a stage. PSA below 4 ng/ml was detected in 2/5 (40%) patients with PLN metastases. There was no statistically significant difference between preoperative PSA values and postoperative T stage, and PLN metastases. A statistically significant correlation between PLN metastases and the stage was found in the patients with pT4 and the patients with pT3c PC stages (p < 0.05). Conclusion. Recent RP series indicate PLN metastases to be less than 10%. We demonstrated higher detection of PLN metastases (13.4%) in our RP series. Our results suggest that PLNs dissection should be performed even in patients with low-risk PC
Genotipske specifičnosti krmnog sirka, sudanske trave i interspecijes hibrida u uslovima intenzivne ishrane azotom
The subject of this study is a three-year study (carried out during 2007, 2008 and 2009) of the morphological characteristics variability in three genotypes NS-Džin (Forage Sorghum), Zora (Sudan grass) and Siloking (interspecies hybrid) depending on the amount of nitrogen used for plant nutrition. For the height and mass analysis of fresh stems and leaves as well as leaf mass and leaf portion in the total biomass, samples were taken from the first swath when the effect of the used nitrogen amounts was the greatest. The results have shown that there are significant variations in the tested properties between the genotypes. The Siloking genotype had the highest total biomass during all three years. The largest leaf mass was found in the NS-Džin genotype, while the Zora genotype had the highest leaf portion in the three-year average. The effect of nitrogen use depended on the weather conditions, as well as the layout of the rainfall, so that the optimal quantity was 105 kg ha-1 during the first and the second year, and 150 kg ha -1 during the third year.Predmet ove studije su trogodišnja istraživanja (2007, 2008. i 2009) varijabilnosti morfoloških osobina tri genotipa NS-Džin (krmni sirak), Zora (sudanska trava) i Siloking (interspecijes hibrid) u zavisnosti od upotrebljenih količina azota za dopunsku ishranu biljaka. Za analize visine i mase svežih stabala, mase listova i udela listova u ukupnoj biomasi uzimani su uzorci iz prvog otkosa kada je i efekat upotrebljenih količina azota bio najveći. Rezultati su pokazali da između genotipova postoje značajna variranja u ispitivanim osobinama. Genotip Siloking je u sve tri godine dao najveću ukupnu biomasu. Najveća masa listova bila je u genotipa NS Džin, dok je u genotipa Zora udeo lisne mase bio najveći u trogodišnjem proseku. Efekat upotrebljenog azota zavisio je od vremenskih uslova, odnosno od rasporeda padavina, tako da su u prvoj i drugoj godini optimalne količine bile 105 kg ha-1, a trećoj 150 kg ha -1
Proučavanje morfoloških osobina, prinosa i kvaliteta suve materije autohtonih populacija Lolium perenne poreklom iz Srbije multivarijacionim analizama
Due to specific climatic conditions, perennial ryegrass breeding in Serbia is focused on resistance or tolerance to abiotic stress factors, especially to drought and high temperatures. These traits should be associated with high dry matter yield and quality. Therefore, most frequently used initial material is autochthonous populations and ecotypes adapted to local agro-ecological conditions, but knowledge about their variability of important traits for breeding is missing. Pre-selection evaluation of ten populations of perennial ryegrass originating from Serbia is presented in this paper. Twenty five traits were investigated during the two-year period and processed using analysis of variance and multivariate statistical methods (cluster and principal components analysis). The goal was to determine diversity and genetic distances of investigated populations by phenotyping and to define traits considerably affecting the variability and discrimination of populations. On cluster diagram two groups of population are observed, but geographic origin of populations (lowland, hilly, mountainous habitat) was not influence to clustering of collection. Factor analysis has clarified that first seven principal components (PC) described almost 95%. The traits which show high correlation coefficients with first principal component were plant height in first cut, leaf length and width, DM of generative tillers, spike and spikelet length and 1000 seed weight, and with second principal component time of heading, terminal internode length, DM of vegetative tillers, spikelet number and FSU. It can be concluded that variability between populations was high and that differences of population were mainly affected by most important traits for breeding, such as components of dry matter production and some seed yield components.Usled specifičnih klimatskih uslova, oplemenjivanje engleskog ljulja u Srbiji je fokusirano na toleranciju abiotičkih faktora stresa, posebno na sušu i visoke temperature. Stoga se kao početni materijal u oplemenjivanju najčešće upotrebljavaju autohtone populacije i ecotipovi prilagođeni lokalnim agro-ekološkim uslovima. Međutim saznanja o varijabilnosti najvažnijih osobina kod autohtonih populacija su vrlo ćesto oskudna. U ovom radu su predstavljena proučavanja varijabilnosti osobina deset populacija engleskog ljulja poreklom iz Srbija. Dvadeset pet osobina je ispitivano tokom dve godine, a podaci su obrađeni analizom varijanse i multivarijacionim statističkim metodama (PCA i klaster analiza). Cilj je bio da se utvrdi raznovrsnost i genetička udaljenosti ispitivanih populacija fenotajpingom i da se definišu osobine koje značajno utiču na varijabilnost i grupisanje populacija. Klaster analizom utvrđene su dve grupe populacija, ali geografsko poreklo populacija (ravničarska, brdska i planinska staništa) nije uticalo na pomenuto grupisanje. Faktorska analiza je pokazala da prvih sedam glavnih komponenti (PC) opisuje 95% varijabilnosti. Osobine koje pokazuju visok koeficijent korelacije sa prvom glavnom komponentom su visina biljaka u prvom otkosu, dužina i širina lista, suva materija generativnih izdanaka, dušina klasa i klasića i težina 1000 semena. Utvrđena je visoka varijabilnost između populacija koja uglavnom potiču od oplemenjivački najvažnijih osobine, kao što su komponente prinosa suve materije i neke komponente prinosa semena
Pentachlorobenzene sequestration in sediment by carbon rich amendment
Organic pollutants in sediments are a worldwide problem because sediments act as sinks for hydrophobic, toxic, persistent and bioaccumulative hazardous compoundssuch as pentachlorobenzene (PeCB). PeCB can be involved in adsorption, desorption and transformation processes and can be made available to benthic organisms through the sediment-water interface. In order to reduce the risk, this study investigates effects of the dose and contact time between sediment and carbon-rich amendments (activated carbon (AC), biochar (BC) and hummus (HC)) on the effectiveness of detoxification. Four doses of carbon-rich amendments (0.5-10 %) and four equilibrations contact times (14 -180 days) were investigated. The present research highlights the need for further examination and process optimization of different carbon-rich materials used for contaminant removal. Results have shown that the smallest dose (0.5 %) of investigated sorbents was sufficient to reduce the bioavailable fraction of PeCB below 5 %, and the ageing process after 14 days for AC and 30 days for HM and BC negligibly influenced the bioavailable fraction
Application of green technology to extract clean and safe bioactive compounds from tetradesmus obliquus biomass grown in poultry wastewater
Microalgae are capable of assimilating nutrients from wastewater (WW), producing clean water and biomass rich in bioactive compounds that need to be recovered from inside the microalgal cell. This work investigated subcritical water (SW) extraction to collect high-value compounds from the microalga Tetradesmus obliquus after treating poultry WW. The treatment efficiency was evaluated in terms of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), phosphate, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and metals. T. obliquus was able to remove 77% TKN, 50% phosphate, 84% COD, and metals (48-89%) within legislation values. SW extraction was performed at 170 degrees C and 30 bar for 10 min. SW allowed the extraction of total phenols (1.073 mg GAE/mL extract) and total flavonoids (0.111 mg CAT/mL extract) with high antioxidant activity (IC50 value, 7.18 mu g/mL). The microalga was shown to be a source of organic compounds of commercial value (e.g., squalene). Finally, the SW conditions allowed the removal of pathogens and metals in the extracts and residues to values in accordance with legislation, assuring their safety for feed or agriculture applications.Serbia 142-451-2576/2019-02; 337-00-00227/2019-09/72 (Serbia); project ALGAVALOR—Lisboa-01-0247-FEDER-035234; LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-022059; Red CYTED P319RT0025—RENUWAL;info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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