26 research outputs found

    Suwerenność państw w procesie integracji europejskiej

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    The paper concerns an attempt to determine the status of European Union member states. It takes as its starting point the statement that the EU’s organizational structure provides for more than a confederation of states but less than a federation. At the present stage of the EU’s development a unique organization has been established that has not predecessor in the standards of international organizations. This is accompanied with a new approach to the interpretation of the nature of sovereignty of integrating European states, which is connected with intensifying processes of decomposition and the loosening of sovereign control by states over their territories and populations. States achieve their sovereign interests within the framework of international structures. They can also voluntarily restrict their sovereign rights on the basis of the commonly accepted rules and principles of international organizations. In this way they assign a comparative degree of state authorities’ competencies to these organizations. As a consequence, numerous issues that were formerly regulated by states are increasingly more often solved by means of corporate operations. This naturally leads to the states’ opening to the international environment without any threat to their sovereignty. The process of integration in Europe has not resulted in sovereignty of the European Union itself. Sovereignty remains an attribute of states. European states maintain their ability t

    CFD modelling of the braced barrel vault made from rectangular hollow sections in natural fire

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    In the paper the CFD modelling of the complicated braced barrel vault made from rectangular hollow sections in natural fire is presented. The barrel vault is covering a shopping arcade.  The covered area of this shopping arcade is 40m x 80m. The shopping arcade has two levels. One of the levels is underground. The model is built in full 3D. Natural fire is simulated in FDS software for different fire scenarios. Fire load densities, fire growth rate and rate of heat release are determined from EN 1-1-2: General Actions - Actions on structures exposed to fire. Heat release rate per area is determined for t² function. The analysis shows temperature of rectangular hollow sections, distribution of temperature in the shopping arcade, visibility and heat fluxes. The temperatures or heat fluxes can be transferred to the non-linear structural analysis in finite element code Abaqus


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    In this paper, the main emphasis is put into showing differences between standard fire design of structural elements and performance based approach, that takes into account analysis of structure under natural fire. The exemplary structure is a 3-bay 65,0x110,0 m in plane and 22,0 m high industrial hall with heavy cranes. Because of the significant volume with respect to fire load, there is a low probability that the fully developed fire can occur, nonetheless regarding technological process, a significant local fire could take place and affect the neighbour structure. The most complex approach used in this work is based on coupled CFD-FEM analysis of influence of local fire onto structure.Fire exposure of structural elements is calculated by the coupling scripts, taking into account real heat exposure of section by using adiabatic surface temperature approach

    Suwerenność państw w procesie integracji europejskiej

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    The paper concerns an attempt to determine the status of European Union member states. It takes as its starting point the statement that the EU’s organizational structure provides for more than a confederation of states but less than a federation. At the present stage of the EU’s development a unique organization has been established that has not predecessor in the standards of international organizations. This is accompanied with a new approach to the interpretation of the nature of sovereignty of integrating European states, which is connected with intensifying processes of decomposition and the loosening of sovereign control by states over their territories and populations. States achieve their sovereign interests within the framework of international structures. They can also voluntarily restrict their sovereign rights on the basis of the commonly accepted rules and principles of international organizations. In this way they assign a comparative degree of state authorities’ competencies to these organizations. As a consequence, numerous issues that were formerly regulated by states are increasingly more often solved by means of corporate operations. This naturally leads to the states’ opening to the international environment without any threat to their sovereignty. The process of integration in Europe has not resulted in sovereignty of the European Union itself. Sovereignty remains an attribute of states. European states maintain their ability t


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    The collapse of the USSR as a subject of international law and a significant geopolitical entity ultimately put an end to the Cold War and the bipolar system of international relations. The Russian Federation, as international successor and continuator of the Soviet Union, was downgraded to the position of a second-rate empire and faced the objective necessity of developing new principles for its security policy and war doctrine. The hitherto coalition-based Soviet war doctrine became invalid. In the concepts of foreign policy and other official documents developed from the early 1990s to 2010 the role of Russia was presented as that of a global power with global interests. The significance of the Russian military potential was emphasized, including nuclear weapons, as a significant element in the international balance of power. At the same time, Russia asserted its right to use weapons of mass destruction in case of danger to the security of the state. Further war doctrines expanded the catalogue of possible threats, including territorial claims made against Russia, local conflicts in the vicinity of its borders and the external borders of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Particular attention was given to military blocs and alliances. The content of the war doctrines confirms the grand aspirations of Russia as a state taking an active part in the construction of a new international order. In practice, however, Russia has abandoned a reactive policy in favor of concrete actions, applying means that infringe the fundamental principles and norms of international law.Upadek ZSRR, jako podmiotu prawa międzynarodowego i ważnego bytu geopolitycznego, doprowadził do ostatecznego zakończenia zimnej wojny i demontażu dwubiegunowego systemu stosunków międzynarodowych. Federacja Rosyjska jako prawno-międzynarodowy sukcesor i kontynuator Związku Radzieckiego, zdegradowana do rangi mocarstwa drugiej kategorii, znalazła się w obliczu obiektywnej konieczności opracowania nowych zasad polityki bezpieczeństwa i doktryny wojennej. Straciła aktualność dotychczasowa, koalicyjna radziecka doktryna wojenna. W rezultacie, już w nowej sytuacji geopolitycznej i geostrategicznej, przygotowano koncepcje bezpieczeństwa narodowego oraz kolejne doktryny wojenne (1993 r., 2000 r., 2010 r., 2014 r., 2015 r.). Zarówno w koncepcjach polityki zagranicznej, jak i w innych oficjalnych dokumentach opracowanych od początku ostatniej dekady XX wieku, do 2010 r., wskazywano na rolę Rosji jako mocarstwa światowego, posiadającego globalne interesy. Podkreślano także znaczenie rosyjskiego potencjału wojskowego, w tym broni jądrowej, jako istotnego elementu międzynarodowego układu sił. Jednocześnie zawarowano sobie prawo do użycia broni masowego rażenia w razie zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa państwa. W kolejnych doktrynach wojennych poszerzano katalog zagrożeń, o roszczenia terytorialne wobec Rosji, konflikty lokalne w pobliżu jej granic i zewnętrznych granic Wspólnoty Niepodległych Państw. Szczególną uwagę zwracano na bloki i sojusze wojskowe. Ich powiększanie i przybliżanie do granic Rosji traktowano, jako nadzwyczajne niebezpieczeństwo. Czynnikiem, który mógłby je umocnić, był system tworzony przez Organizację Bezpieczeństwa i Współpracy w Europie. Początkowo zakładano, że w dającej się przewidzieć przyszłości nie ma groźby agresji na szerszą skalę. Podkreślano również, że Rosja nie traktuje a priori żadnego państwa jako przeciwnika. Dlatego też deklarując gotowość do odparcia siłą napaści zewnętrznej, nie wskazywano na potencjalnego agresora. Dopiero w doktrynie wojennej z 2010 r., jednoznacznie wskazano na najważniejsze zagrożenie zewnętrzne bezpieczeństwa Rosji. Odniesiono je do NATO podkreślając, że dąży ono do przyznania sobie globalnych funkcji, z naruszeniem prawa międzynarodowego oraz przybliżenia swojej infrastruktury wojskowej do granic Federacji Rosyjskiej. W związku z tym, w kategoriach zagrożenia potraktowano poszerzenia NATO o państwa Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej oraz amerykańskie plany budowy tarczy antyrakietowej w tym regionie. Rosja zastrzegła sobie prawo do użycia broni jądrowej w odpowiedzi na agresję z zastosowaniem broni jądrowej i innych rodzajów broni masowego rażenia oraz w przypadku agresji konwencjonalnej, gdy zagrożone będzie istnienie państwa. Z drugiej strony, eksponując nadrzędne znaczenie prawa międzynarodowego, deklarowała wolę zapewniania bezpieczeństwa całej społeczności międzynarodowej, z poszanowaniem postanowień Karty NZ. Treść doktryn wojennych stanowi potwierdzenie mocarstwowych aspiracji Rosji, jako państwa biorącego aktywny udział w budowie nowego ładu międzynarodowego. Natomiast w praktyce Rosja odchodząc od polityki reaktywnej do konkretnych działań, stosuje środki naruszające podstawowe zasady i normy prawa międzynarodowego


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    The causes of armed conflicts are a subject of constant interest to the social sciences. This has resulted in many theories and findings regarding the selection of different criteria in determining conflict-triggering factors. In international practice, states decide to declare war citing reasons connected with the state or vital national interests. Sometimes, the true motivations for the use of force are hidden. The history of armed conflicts includes many cases of using contrived pretexts or outright lies to start a war. External circumstances which were beyond the control of the state starting the war and which did not depend on the state’s will and actions have beenused as pretexts. Some of the pretexts, however, were deliberately fabricated to justify and explain military operations. States taking advantage of pretexts to use force can be observed from the time of the Trojan War to the attack on Iraq in 2003. Among the countries using pretexts to start a war, the superpowers occupy the leading position – they claim higher purposes, despite the fact that there are no objective criteria upon which to establish their superiority over the conventions of morality and international law

    Structural response under natural fire of barrel shape shell construction

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    In the paper thermo-mechanical analysis of the structural shell construction with natural fire scenario is presented. The barrel shape coverlet with dimensions 40m x 80m is the roof system for the shopping arcade. The braced shell structure is made of steel rectangular hollow sections. The steel construction is directly covered by special glass system. The interior fire case is considered as the main goal of research. Fire is simulated with the use of FDS software based on computer fluid dynamics. Then the temperatures and/or heat fluxes are transferred to the non-linear Abaqus finite element software system. The 3D geometry FE computational model is prepared using 3D beam finite elements with mechanical and thermal degrees of freedom. CFD and FE analyses are sequentially coupled using special external own scripts. The analyses show influence of the natural fire onto the structural behaviour of the roof

    Field test and probabilistic analysis of irregular steel debris casualty risks from a person-borne improvised explosive device

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    Person-borne improvised explosive devices (PBIEDs) are often used in terrorist attacks in Western countries. This study aims to predict the trajectories of PBIED fragments and the subsequent safety risks for people exposed to this hazard. An explosive field test with a typical PBIED composed of a plastic explosive charge and steel nut enhancements was performed to record initial fragment behaviour, including positions, velocity, and trajectory angles. These data were used to predict the full trajectory of PBIED fragments using a probabilistic analysis. In the probabilistic analyses a probability of fatality or serious injury was computed. Based on the results presented, many practical conclusions can be drawn, for instance, regarding safe evacuation distances if a person were exposed to a suspected PBIED


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    ‘The EU towards international criminal tribunals. Genesis, Concept and Practice of Cooperation’ is a study that focuses on the important research question of the broad and multi-aspectual problem of criminal tribunals on the international arena. This has been tackled in many Polish and foreign publications, however, to date no work has studied the EU cooperation with the three international criminal tribunals – two ad hoc ones and a permanent one. Therefore, it is necessary to recognise the ambitious and pioneering task and venture that the chosen research field is highly appropriate not only if one casts an eye at the monograph title, but foremost the case put forward in the introductory part