1,789 research outputs found

    Anomaly formulas for the complex-valued analytic torsion on compact bordisms

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    We extend the complex-valued analytic torsion, introduced by Burghelea and Haller on closed manifolds, to compact Riemannian bordisms. We do so by considering a flat complex vector bundle over a compact Riemannian manifold, endowed with a fiberwise nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form. The Riemmanian metric and the bilinear form are used to define non-selfadjoint Laplacians acting on vector-valued smooth forms under absolute and relative boundary conditions. In the process to define the complex-valued analytic torsion, we study spectral properties associated to these generalized Laplacians. As main results, we obtain anomaly formulas for the complex-valued analytic torsion. Our reasoning takes into account that the coefficients in the heat trace asymptotic expansion associated to the boundary value problem under consideration, are locally computable. The anomaly formulas for the complex-valued Ray--Singer torsion are obtained by using the corresponding ones for the Ray--Singer metric, obtained by Bruening and Ma on manifolds with boundary, and an argument of analytic continuation. In odd dimensions, our anomaly formulas are in accord with the corresponding results of Su, without requiring the variations of the Riemannian metric and bilinear structures to be supported in the interior of the manifold.Comment: 32 page

    The sustainability factor in Europe and Spain

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    Los sistemas basados en técnicas de reparto (pay-as-you-go, que parten de en la solidaridad intergeneracional), tratan de buscar soluciones al desequilibrio activos/pasivos que se avecina. Para ello, se proponen alternativas que constituyen una “revolución” en los sistemas de protección social: optar por reformas estructurales; o bien por reformas paramétricas. En este artículo vemos ambas figuras, a través de dos referentes nacionales: el sueco (cuentas nocionales); y el español (reformas paramétricas), aunque en este último caso el factor de sostenibilidad no ha llegado a aplicarse, bien porque la Ley no lo contempló (en la relativo a la edad), o se le ha dado una moratoria (cuantía inicial). Junto a ello analizamos el fracasado mecanismo de ajuste automático en la revalorización de la pensiones en España.The systems based on pay-as-you-go techniques, which based on intergenerational solidarity, try to find solutions to the imbalance of assets/passive that one approaches. For this, alternatives that constitute a “revolution” in social protection systems: opt for structural reforms; or by parametric reforms. In this article we see both figures, through two national references: the Swedish (notional defined contribution); and Spanish (parametric reforms), although in this case, the sustainability factor has not been applied, either because the Law did not contemplate it (in relation to age), or a moratorium has been given (initial amount). Together with this we analyze the automatic balancing mechanism in the revaluation of pensions in Spain

    Pedagogical practice in deaf education: the intertwining of different approaches in the educational context

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    This article seeks to build the history of Deaf Education in Brazil, based on the analysis of teaching approaches: Oralism, Total Communication and Bilingualism, based on discussions of pedagogical practices implemented in schools at different historical moments. The motto of this discussion and analysis are the pedagogical guidelines, and in particular the activities developed in the classroom. When thinking about Deaf Education and the implication of the approaches in the different periods one cannot construct a linear and sequential continuum, but there must be an existence diluted and diffused in different degrees in different historical periods. The didactic division of the three great approaches cannot compromise the understanding of this object, making it simplistic. The impacts of the different approaches for Deaf Education can be verified in the students’ schooling process. The fact that practices characterized by an approach that would theoretically belong to the nineteenth century are present in an effective way in the classroom and in pedagogical practices, in the teacher-student relationship and in our contemporary social representations of the deaf student in the school environment.Este artigo teórico busca construir o histórico da educação de surdos no Brasil. A partir da análise das abordagens de ensino: Oralismo, Comunicação Total e Bilinguismo, discutemse práticas pedagógicas implementadas nas escolas nos diferentes momentos históricos. O mote desta discussão e análise são as orientações pedagógicas e, em específico, as atividades desenvolvidas em sala de aula. Ao pensarmos a educação de surdos e a implicação das abordagens nos diferentes períodos, não se pode construir um continuum linear e sequencial, mas uma existência diluída e difundida em graus diferenciados nos diversos períodos históricos. A divisão didática das três grandes abordagens não pode comprometer a compreensão deste objeto, tornando-a simplista. Os impactos para a educação de surdos das diferentes abordagens podem ser constatados no processo de escolarização desses estudantes. Destaque para o fato de que práticas caracterizadas por uma abordagem que, teoricamente, estaria no século XIX, estão presentes de forma efetiva em sala de aula e nas práticas pedagógicas, na relação professor–aluno e na representação social que ainda se tem do estudante surdo no espaço escolar

    Transcriptomic analysis of the hepatic response to stress in the red cusk-eel (Genypterus chilensis): Insights into lipid metabolism, oxidative stress and liver steatosis

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    Indexación: Scopus.Teleosts exhibit a broad divergence in their adaptive response to stress, depending on the magnitude, duration, and frequency of stressors and the species receiving the stimulus. We have previously reported that the red cusk-eel (Genypterus chilensis), an important marine farmed fish, shows a physiological response to stress that results in increased skeletal muscle atrophy mediated by over-expression of components of the ubiquitin proteasome and autophagy-lysosomal systems. To better understand the systemic effects of stress on the red cusk-eel metabolism, the present study assessed the transcriptomic hepatic response to repetitive handling-stress. Using high-Throughput RNA-seq, 259 up-regulated transcripts were found, mostly associated with angiogenesis, gluconeogenesis, and triacylglyceride catabolism. Conversely, 293 transcripts were down-regulated, associated to cholesterol biosynthesis, PPARα signaling, fatty acid biosynthesis, and glycolysis. This gene signature was concordant with hepatic metabolite levels and hepatic oxidative damage. Moreover, the increased plasmatic levels of AST (aspartate aminotransferase), ALT (alanine aminotransferase) and AP (alkaline phosphatase), as well as liver histology suggest stress-induced liver steatosis. This study offers an integrative molecular and biochemical analysis of the hepatic response to handling-stress, and reveals unknown aspects of lipid metabolism in a non-model teleost.http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.017644

    A front that never closes

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    El aborto estuvo prohibido en España durante 47 años. Las mujeres tuvieron que luchar activamente por su legalización, que se produjo en 1985, pero la Ley ha sufrido modificaciones a lo largo de los años. En la ciudad de Elche existen dos clínicas que practican abortos conforme a la ley actual, la de 2010, pero coinciden en la necesidad de prevenir embarazos no deseados. Para ello, el movimiento feminista aboga por ejercer políticas enfocadas a luchar contra la desigualdad entre hombres y mujeres y ofrecer una educación sexual adecuada a los jóvenes. El cambio ha de producirse en todo el sistema y, para ello, es importante la actividad de los medios de comunicación. La prensa local no está cubriendo el debate sobre el aborto que se ha avivado en los últimos meses. Las pocas veces que menciona este tema no refleja las diferentes realidades del aborto ni lo hace desde una enfoque de derechos sexuales y reproductivos, sino que reproduce estereotipos adquiridos socialmente. Las ilicitanas no están dispuestas a dar ni un paso atrás en una lucha que comenzaron en la década de los 70 y que se prolonga hasta la actualidad.Abortion was prohibited in Spain for 47 years. The women had to fight actively for its legalization, which occurred in 1985, but the Law has changed over the years. There are two clinics that perform abortions according to the 2010's law in the city of Elche, but agree on the need to prevent unwanted pregnancies. The feminist movement advocates for policies that fight inequality between men and women and offering adequate sexual education to young people. The system have to change and, for this, the activity of the mass media is important. The local press is not covering the abortion discussion that has been stoked in recent months. The few times he mentions this topic does not reflect the different realities of abortion, it does not reflect a sexual and reproductive rights, but instead reproduces socially stereotypes. The women from Elche are not willing to take a step back in a struggle that began in the 70s and continues until today

    Neogene to Quaternary stratigraphic evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula, Pacific Margin offshore of Adelaide Island:Transitions from a non-glacial, through glacially-influenced to a fully glacial state

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    A detailed morphologic and seismic stratigraphic analysis of the continental margin offshore of Adelaide Island on the Pacific Margin of the Antarctic Peninsula (PMAP) is described based on the study of a regular network of reflection multichannel seismic profiles and swath bathymetry. We present an integrated study of the margin spanning the shelf to the continental rise and establish novel chronologic constraints and offer new interpretations on tectonic evolution and environmental changes affecting the PMAP. The stratigraphic stacking patterns record major shifts in the depositional style of the margin that outline three intervals in its evolution. The first non-glacial interval (Early Cretaceous to middle Miocene) encompasses a transition from an active to a passive margin (early Miocene). The second glacially-influenced interval (middle to late Miocene) is marked by pronounced aggradational sedimentary stacking and subsidence. Ice sheets advanced over the middle shelf of the margin at the end of this second interval, while the outer shelf experienced rare progradational events. The third, fully glaciated interval shows clear evidence of glacially dominated conditions on the margin. This interval divides into three minor stages. During the first stage (late Miocene to the beginning of the early Pliocene), frequent grounded ice advances to the shelf break began, depositing an initial progradational unit. A major truncation surface marked the end of this stage, which coincided with extensive mass transport deposits at the base of the slope. During the second progradational glacial margin stage (early Pliocene to middle Pleistocene), stacking patterns record clearly prograding glacial sequences. The beginning of the third aggradational glacial margin stage (middle Pleistocene to present) corresponded to an important shift in global climate during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition. Morphosedimentary characteristics observed along the margin today began to develop during the latest Miocene but did not become fully established until sometime during the interval between the end of the Pliocene and middle Pleistocene. Between these two time intervals, the northeast lateral migration of the Marguerite Trough also played a critical role in margin evolution, as it controlled ice sheet drainage pathways across the shelf, which in turn influenced development of slope and rise morphologies. Areas offshore from Adelaide Island differ from other areas of the PMAP due to changes in sedimentary processes that resulted from migration of the trough. This study confirms that the PMAP represents an exceptional locality for decoding, reconstructing and linking past tectonic and climatic changes. The study area specifically records not only the most relevant changes in depositional style, but also the relative importance of persistent along- and down-slope sedimentary processes. Our study approach can be extended to other areas and integrated with additional techniques to understand the evolution and the global linkages of the entire Antarctic continental margin and the ice sheets

    El trabajo a tiempo parcial y su impacto en el sistema de pensiones: especial referencia a la pensión de jubilación

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    Part-time work relationships increase their weight throughout Europe, and it is a growing trend. From an economic point of view, it seems inevitable. But a different question is that from a legal point of view, a precarious protective regime is applied to them. Faced with this new work reality, it is inconsistent to maintain a social protection system based on an indefinite and full-time work model. This article analyzes the economic impact that this trend will have on the Social Security System, and examines whether our Social Security Law has adapted to this situation (along the lines established by the European Parliament in its Resolution of 14 January 2014, on social protection for all). Finally, a series of lege ferenda proposals are made, among which the one that modifies the formula to calculate the periods quoted by part-time workers, in order of the requirements, adopts the formula used with unemployment: day worked, must compute as quoted whatever the day. Similarly, state contributions to the financing of Social Security must be strengthened (since the balance between contributions and benefits is not supported, among other reasons by the minimum supplements that are frequently received by those who worked part-time); and to modify the rules related to the integration of gaps, avoiding that it is the last relationship that marks how they are integrated, seeking a criterion closer to working life, without it being.Las relaciones laborales a tiempo parcial aumentan su peso en toda Europa, y es una tendencia en alza. Desde un punto de vista económico, parece inevitable. Pero cuestión distinta es que desde un vista de vista jurídico se les aplique un régimen protector precario. Ante esta nueva realidad laboral es incoherente mantener un sistema de protección social asentado en un modelo de trabajo indefinido y a tiempo completo. En este artículo se analiza el impacto económico que tal tendencia va a tener en el sistema de Seguridad Social y se examina si nuestro Derecho de la Seguridad Social se ha adaptado a esta situación (en la línea prevista por el Parlamento Europeo en su Resolución de 14 de enero de 2014, sobre la protección social para todos). Finalmente, se hacen una serie de propuestas lege ferenda, entre las que destaca el que se modifique la fórmula para calcular los periodos cotizados por los trabajadores a tiempo parcial, en orden a los requisitos, acogiendo la fórmula que se usa con el desempleo: un día trabajado debe computar como cotizado cualquiera que sea la jornada. Igualmente, deben fortalecerse las aportaciones estatales a la financiación de la Seguridad Social (ya que el equilibrio entre contribuciones y prestaciones no se sostiene, entre otros motivos por los complementos por mínimos que con frecuencia percibe quien trabajó a tiempo parcial); y modificar las reglas relativas a la integración de lagunas, evitando que sea la última relación la que marque cómo se integran, buscando un criterio más próximo a la vida laboral, sin que sea una cuestión de azar

    Nulidad por vulneración del principio de igualdad y por discriminación indirecta de las reglas de cálculo del porcentaje de la jubilación en los trabajadores a tiempo parcial: Comentario a la Sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional 91/2019, de 3 de julio

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    El capítulo XVII del título II de la actual Ley general de la Seguridad Social (LGSS), regulador de las disposiciones aplicables a determinados trabajadores, dedica su sección 1.ª a los trabajadores a tiempo parcial (arts. 245 a 248), con un contenido que en buena parte es tributario de la reforma operada por el Real Decreto-Ley 11/2013, de 2 de agosto. Aunque el artículo 245 de la LGSS parte de que «la protección social derivada de los contratos de trabajo a tiempo parcial se regirá por el principio de asimilación del trabajador a tiempo parcial al trabajador a tiempo completo», a continuación matiza que se regirá también «específicamente por lo establecido en este capítulo y en los artículos 269.2 y 270.1 con relación a la protección por desempleo». Y efectivamente, los artículos 247 y 248 fijan reglas que están lejos de la asimilación entre trabajadores a tiempo parcial y completo.El capítulo XVII del título II de la actual Ley general de la Seguridad Social (LGSS), regulador de las disposiciones aplicables a determinados trabajadores, dedica su sección 1.ª a los trabajadores a tiempo parcial (arts. 245 a 248), con un contenido que en buena parte es tributario de la reforma operada por el Real Decreto-Ley 11/2013, de 2 de agosto. Aunque el artículo 245 de la LGSS parte de que «la protección social derivada de los contratos de trabajo a tiempo parcial se regirá por el principio de asimilación del trabajador a tiempo parcial al trabajador a tiempo completo», a continuación matiza que se regirá también «específicamente por lo establecido en este capítulo y en los artículos 269.2 y 270.1 con relación a la protección por desempleo». Y efectivamente, los artículos 247 y 248 fijan reglas que están lejos de la asimilación entre trabajadores a tiempo parcial y completo

    La renovada prórroga de la legislación vigente antes de la Ley 27/2011 en materia de jubilación. Los Reales Decretos-Leyes 20/2018 y 28/2018

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    The imminent arrival of the extension of the old partial early retirement, has motivated the automobile industry to request an «extension of the extension», materialized in the RDL 20/2018 which maintains the old age of access for four years and a lower contribution for partial early retirement, but only for the manufacturing industry. The comparative tort has also tried to correct the previous legality and other assumptions that enjoy the extension, but only for one year (RDL 28/2018). There are two extensions approved with 21 days of difference, for the collectives, those that have in common, the beneficiaries of the same regime, the expiration time in 2019, but that these services have the differentiated treatments, industrial sector compared to the rest, which generates some peculiarities that fracture the principle of solidarity and equality. With regard to this situation, the different rules of phased withdrawal of the legality prior to Law 27/2011 are analyzed globally.La inminente llegada del fin de la prórroga de la antigua jubilación anticipada parcial motivó que la industria del automóvil solicitara una «prórroga de la prórroga», materializada en el Real Decreto-Ley 20/2018, que mantiene durante cuatro años la antigua edad de acceso y una menor cotización para las jubilaciones anticipadas parciales, pero solo para la industria manufacturera. El agravio comparativo ha intentado corregirse prorrogando también la legalidad anterior a los otros dos supuestos que disfrutaban de la prórroga, pero solo por un año (RDL 28/2018). Son dos prórrogas aprobadas con 21 días de diferencia, para colectivos que tenían en común beneficiarse de un mismo régimen transitorio que expiraba en 2019, pero que tras estas prórrogas quedan con tratamientos diferenciados tanto respecto del común de los trabajadores como entre ellos mismos, incluso dentro de los jubilados parcialmente, los trabajadores del sector industrial frente al resto, lo cual genera unas particularidades que fracturan el principio de solidaridad e igualdad. A propósito de esta situación, se analiza globalmente las distintas reglas de retirada escalonada de la legalidad anterior a la Ley 27/2011


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    Los procesos de formación que se siguen en la realidad se atienden como uno de los aspectos ineludibles para la certificación de los estudiantes. Desde esta perspectiva, dentro de estos se integran el desarrollo de competencias en diferentes dimensiones del ser humano, una de estas merece especial importancia y son las competencias laborales, puesto que además de una formación intelectual, se requiere que los sujetos se comprometan con la adopción de saberes que les permitan desempeñarse en la realidad de una forma efectiva. En este sentido, el presente artículo tiene como finalidad desarrollar un análisis interpretativo acerca de la formación de competencias laborales en estudiantes de educación básica secundaria. Para ello, se toman en cuenta los argumentos relacionados con una metodología de naturaleza documental que permitió el abordaje de diferentes fuentes de estudio en las que se destaca este particular, lo cual permitió establecer como conclusiones aspectos importantes acerca de una formación que valore las competencias laborales, puesto que son esenciales para el progreso personal y social de la nación