385 research outputs found

    DIREITOS CULTURAIS, DIVERSIDADE CULTURAL E O ESTADO: liberalismo monocultural, multiculturalismo liberal e inteculturalismo radical

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    Cultural rights aim to protect the legitimate interests of cultural minorities. Cultural rights are one of the primary instruments that contemporary States have to recognize and accommodate cultural minorities. This article seeks to describe and analyze the constitutive elements of cultural rights, their fundamentals, and the constitutional models they are immersed in. To meet this objective, the article is divided into three parts. In the first, I examine the monocultural liberal constitutional model. This model does not accept cultural rights, but it is the primary theoretical and practical adversary of the constitutional models that do. In the second part, I analyze the multicultural liberal constitutional model. This is the model within which "classic" cultural rights such as the right to cultural integrity, cultural minorities' right to self-government, and the right to prior consultation arise and are founded. In the third and last part, I explore the radical intercultural constitutional model that reinterprets the role that cultural rights must play within a multicultural State, creates new cultural principles and rights, and reimagines the structure that a multicultural State should have.Los derechos culturales tienen como objetivo proteger los intereses legítimos de las minorías culturales. Este artículo tiene como objetivo describir y analizar los elementos constitutivos de los derechos culturales, sus fundamentos y los modelos constitucionales en los que se insertan. Para cumplir con este objetivo, el texto se divide en tres partes. En la primera, examino el modelo constitucional liberal monocultural. Este modelo no acepta los derechos culturales, pero es el principal adversario teórico y práctico de los modelos constitucionales que si lo hacen. En la segunda parte, analizo el modelo constitucional liberal multicultural. Este es el modelo dentro del cual surgen y se fundamentan los derechos culturales “clásicos”, por ejemplo, el derecho a la integridad de la cultura, el derecho al autogobierno de las minorías culturales y el derecho a la consulta previa. En esta misma sección examino quiénes son los titulares de los derechos culturales, los bienes que pueden ser protegidos mediante estos derechos, sus fundamentos y las críticas que los cuestionan. En la tercera y última parte, exploro el modelo constitucional intercultural radical que reinterpreta el papel que deben desempeñar los derechos culturales dentro de un Estado multicultural, crea nuevos principios y derechos culturales y reimagina la estructura que deben tener este tipo de Estados.Os direitos culturais visam proteger os interesses legítimos das minorias culturais. Este artigo tem como objetivo descrever e analisar os elementos constitutivos dos direitos culturais, seus fundamentos e os modelos constitucionais nos quais estão inseridos. Para atender a esse objetivo, o texto está dividido em três partes. No primeiro, examino o modelo constitucional liberal monocultural. Este modelo não aceita direitos culturais, mas é o principal adversário teórico e prático dos modelos constitucionais que o fazem. Na segunda parte, analiso o modelo constitucional liberal multicultural. Este é o modelo no qual os direitos culturais “clássicos” emergem e se baseiam, por exemplo, o direito à integridade cultural, o direito ao autogoverno das minorias culturais e o direito a consulta prévia. Nesta mesma seção examino quem são os titulares dos direitos culturais, os bens que podem ser protegidos por meio desses direitos, seus fundamentos e as críticas que os questionam. Na terceira e última parte, exploro o modelo constitucional intercultural radical que reinterpreta o papel que os direitos culturais devem desempenhar dentro de um estado multicultural, cria novos princípios e direitos culturais e reimagina a estrutura que esses tipos de estado deveriam ter

    Extralegal Property, Legal Monism, and Pluralism

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    Composition and function of P bodies in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    "mRNA accumulation is tightly regulated by diverse molecular pathways. The identification and characterization of enzymes and regulatory proteins involved in controlling the fate of mRNA offers the possibility to broaden our understanding of posttranscriptional gene regulation. Processing bodies (P bodies, PB) are cytoplasmic protein complexes involved in degradation and translational arrest of mRNA. Composition and dynamics of these subcellular structures have been studied in animal systems, yeasts and in the model plant Arabidopsis. Their assembly implies the aggregation of specific factors related to decapping, deadenylation, and exoribonucleases that operate synchronously to regulate certain mRNA targets during development and adaptation to stress. Although the general function of PB along with the flow of genetic information is understood, several questions still remain open. This review summarizes data on the composition, potential molecular roles, and biological significance of PB and potentially related proteins in Arabidopsis.


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    The papers gathered in this volume analyze access to justice in Latin America, Europe, and North America from a philosophical, legal, and sociological perspective. In these three regions of the world, as in the rest of the globe, liberal democracies face a troubling gap between the normative and the descriptive: the access to justice promises made by the legal and political system are not fully realized in practice. The studies collected here, therefore, share two baseline assumptions. First, the right of access to justice is fundamental in a liberal state. Access to justice ensures that citizens are able to defend their interests in court and achieve full inclusion in the political community. Access to justice, as argued by social contract theory, is at the core of liberal democracies\u27 normative projects. In the liberal democracies studied in this special issue-as in all others influenced by the post-Enlightenment modern project-contractualism and its commitment to access to justice is part of the of theoretical toolbox used to constitute and legitimize the political community. For all of these liberal democracies, access to justice is necessary for achieving peace and prosperity, and for the full inclusion of all citizens in the polity. Second, the papers gathered in this volume agree that epistemological, socioeconomic, and legal market disparities obstruct the materialization of the right that citizens have to access courts and the administration to solve their conflicts. The key objectives pursued by liberal democracies cannot be fully realized because of poverty and inequality. Both variables have a causal relationship with the access to justice deficits faced by the countries studied in this special issue

    Access to Justice: Theory and Practice from a Comparative Perspective

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    The papers gathered in this volume analyze access to justice in Latin America, Europe, and North America from a philosophical, legal, and sociological perspective. In these three regions of the world, as in the rest of the globe, liberal democracies face a troubling gap between the normative and the descriptive: the access to justice promises made by the legal and political system are not fully realized in practice. The studies collected here, therefore, share two baseline assumptions. First, the right of access to justice is fundamental in a liberal state. Access to justice ensures that citizens are able to defend their interests in court and achieve full inclusion in the political community. Access to justice, as argued by social contract theory, is at the core of liberal democracies\u27 normative projects. In the liberal democracies studied in this special issue - as in all others influenced by the post-Enlightenment modern project - contractualism and its commitment to access to justice is part of the of theoretical toolbox used to constitute and legitimize the political community. For all of these liberal democracies, access to justice is necessary for achieving peace and prosperity, and for the full inclusion of all citizens in the polity. Second, the papers gathered in this volume agree that epistemological, socioeconomic, and legal market disparities obstruct the materialization of the right that citizens have to access courts and the administration to solve their conflicts. The key objectives pursued by liberal democracies cannot be fully realized because of poverty and inequality. Both variables have a causal relationship with the access to justice deficits faced by the countries studied in this special issue

    El valor económico de la predicción del fenómeno El Niño Oscilación del Sur (ENOS) en el sector azucarero colombiano

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    Este artículo desarrolla un modelo estocástico de excedente económico y estima el valor económico del mejoramiento de la predicción del fenómeno El Niño Oscilación del Sur (ENOS), suministrada por un sistema de alerta temprana, en el sector azucarero colombiano. Los resultados muestran una reducción promedio agregada de los rendimientos agrícolas de la caña de azúcar del 6,5% y 4,3% a causa del evento El Niño y La Niña, respectivamente, en relación con la fase normal. La predicción perfecta de ENOS genera un incremento anual en los beneficios de la sociedad de US9,59millones,encondicionescorrientes,yUS 9,59 millones, en condiciones corrientes, y US 10,77 millones cuando la frecuencia de ENOS es afectada por las proyecciones de gases invernadero. Los beneficios económicos por la predicción perfecta del evento ENOS equivalente al 1% del PIB del sector azucarero en el 2000.Caña de azúcar, excedente económico, fenómeno ENOS, valor económico de la información, sistemas de alerta temprana.

    Lineamientos para la elaboración de un modelo de gestión educativa

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    “Tradicionalmente se ha pensado que la educación es una cuestión sujeta a ser desarrollada como solucionadora de problemas. Se encuentra que bajo las perspectivas de la administración frente al siglo XXI es necesario formular estrategias que obliguen a gestar nuevas áreas de especialización en las que se torne distinto el panorama a las personas en formación, obligando a la búsqueda de alternativas formativas reales. La realidad en el campo de la educación representa un crisol de las problemáticas nacionales, donde se ubican múltiples problemáticas, una muy importante y siendo la que le da sustento al presente trabajo, es el analizar las características formativas de los administradores de la educación, identificar los planes y programas de estudio más representativos y sus particularidades, lo que indicará las cuestiones necesarias en este rubro. Empíricamente, la ejecución de la administración educativa se da por cualquier persona que cubre los requisitos indicados por la institución referida en su momento. Múltiples indicadores nos hablan de cómo puede accederse a un cargo administrativo en el ámbito de la educación, pero en reducidas ocasiones el acceso se logra por personas preparadas profesionalmente para el efecto”

    Acceso a la Justicia y Estado Moderno

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