6,018 research outputs found

    Evolved stars and the origin of abundance trends in planet hosts

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    Tentative evidence that the properties of evolved stars with planets may be different from what we know for MS hosts has been recently reported. We aim to test whether evolved stars with planets show any chemical peculiarity that could be related to the planet formation process. We determine in a consistent way the metallicity and individual abundances of a large sample of evolved (subgiants and red giants) and MS stars with and without known planetary companions. No differences in the vs. condensation temperature (Tc) slopes are found between the samples of planet and non-planet hosts when all elements are considered. However, if the analysis is restricted to only refractory elements, differences in the Tc-slopes between stars with and without known planets are found. This result is found to be dependent on the stellar evolutionary stage, as it holds for MS and subgiant stars, while there seem to be no difference between planet and non-planet hosts among the sample of giants. A search for correlations between the Tc-slope and the stellar properties reveals significant correlations with the stellar mass and the stellar age. The data also suggest that differences in terms of mass and age between MS planet and non-planet hosts may be present. Our results are well explained by radial mixing in the Galaxy. The sample of giant contains stars more massive and younger than their MS counterparts. This leads to a sample of stars possibly less contaminated by stars not born in the solar neighbourhood, leading to no chemical differences between planet and non planet hosts. The sample of MS stars may contain more stars from the outer disc (specially the non-planet host sample) which might led to the differences observed in the chemical trends.Comment: Accepted for publication by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Chemical fingerprints of hot Jupiter planet formation

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    The current paradigm to explain the presence of Jupiters with small orbital periods (P << 10 days; hot Jupiters) that involves their formation beyond the snow line following inward migration, has been challenged by recent works that explored the possibility of in situ formation. We aim to test whether stars harbouring hot Jupiters and stars with more distant gas-giant planets show any chemical peculiarity that could be related to different formation processes. Our results show that stars with hot Jupiters have higher metallicities than stars with cool distant gas-giant planets in the metallicity range +0.00/+0.20 dex. The data also shows a tendency of stars with cool Jupiters to show larger abundances of α\alpha elements. No abundance differences between stars with cool and hot Jupiters are found when considering iron peak, volatile elements or the C/O, and Mg/Si ratios. The corresponding pp-values from the statistical tests comparing the cumulative distributions of cool and hot planet hosts are 0.20, << 0.01, 0.81, and 0.16 for metallicity, α\alpha, iron-peak, and volatile elements, respectively. We confirm previous works suggesting that more distant planets show higher planetary masses as well as larger eccentricities. We note differences in age and spectral type between the hot and cool planet hosts samples that might affect the abundance comparison. The differences in the distribution of planetary mass, period, eccentricity, and stellar host metallicity suggest a different formation mechanism for hot and cool Jupiters. The slightly larger α\alpha abundances found in stars harbouring cool Jupiters might compensate their lower metallicities allowing the formation of gas-giant planets.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Connecting substellar and stellar formation. The role of the host star's metallicity

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    Most of our current understanding of the planet formation mechanism is based on the planet metallicity correlation derived mostly from solar-type stars harbouring gas-giant planets. To achieve a far more reaching grasp on the substellar formation process we aim to analyse in terms of their metallicity a diverse sample of stars (in terms of mass and spectral type) covering the whole range of possible outcomes of the planet formation process (from planetesimals to brown dwarfs and low-mass binaries). Our methodology is based on the use of high-precision stellar parameters derived by our own group in previous works from high-resolution spectra by using the iron ionisation and equilibrium conditions. All values are derived in an homogeneous way, except for the M dwarfs where a methodology based on the use of pseudo equivalent widths of spectral features was used. Our results show that as the mass of the substellar companion increases the metallicity of the host star tendency is to lower values. The same trend is maintained when analysing stars with low-mass stellar companions and a tendency towards a wide range of host star's metallicity is found for systems with low mass planets. We also confirm that more massive planets tend to orbit around more massive stars. The core-accretion formation mechanism for planet formation achieves its maximum efficiency for planets with masses in the range 0.2 and 2 MJup_{\rm Jup}. Substellar objects with higher masses have higher probabilities of being formed as stars. Low-mass planets and planetesimals might be formed by core-accretion even around low-metallicity stars.Comment: Accepted by A&

    Tunnel spectroscopy in ac-driven quantum dot nanoresonators

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    Electronic transport in a triple quantum dot shuttle device in the presence of an ac field is analyzed within a fully quantum mechanical framework. A generalized density matrix formalism is used to describe the time evolution for electronic state occupations in a dissipative phonon bath. In the presence of an ac gate voltage, the electronic states are dressed by photons and the interplay between photon and vibrational sidebands produces current characteristics that obey selection rules. Varying the ac parameters allows to tune the tunneling current features. In particular, we show that coherent destruction of tunneling can be achieved in our device

    Searching for signatures of planet formation in stars with circumstellar debris discs

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    (Abridged) Tentative correlations between the presence of dusty debris discs and low-mass planets have been presented. In parallel, detailed chemical abundance studies have reported different trends between samples of planet and non-planet hosts. We determine in a homogeneous way the metallicity, and abundances of a sample of 251 stars including stars with known debris discs, with debris discs and planets, and only with planets. Stars with debris discs and planets have the same [Fe/H] behaviour as stars hosting planets, and they also show a similar -Tc trend. Different behaviour in the -Tc trend is found between the samples of stars without planets and the samples of planet hosts. In particular, when considering only refractory elements, negative slopes are shown in cool giant planet hosts, whilst positive ones are shown in stars hosting low-mass planets. Stars hosting exclusively close-in giant planets show higher metallicities and positive -Tc slope. A search for correlations between the -Tc slopes and the stellar properties reveals a moderate but significant correlation with the stellar radius and as well as a weak correlation with the stellar age. The fact that stars with debris discs and stars with low-mass planets do not show neither metal enhancement nor a different -Tc trend might indicate a correlation between the presence of debris discs and the presence of low-mass planets. We extend results from previous works which reported differences in the -Tc trends between planet hosts and non hosts. However, these differences tend to be present only when the star hosts a cool distant planet and not in stars hosting exclusively low-mass planets.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Flux-cutting and flux-transport effects in type-II superconductor slabs in a parallel rotating magnetic field

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    The magnetic response of irreversible type-II superconductor slabs subjected to in-plane rotating magnetic field is investigated by applying the circular, elliptic, extended-elliptic, and rectangular flux-line-cutting critical-state models. Specifically, the models have been applied to explain experiments on a PbBi rotating disk in a fixed magnetic field Ha{\bm H}_a, parallel to the flat surfaces. Here, we have exploited the equivalency of the experimental situation with that of a fixed disk under the action of a parallel magnetic field, rotating in the opposite sense. The effect of both the magnitude HaH_a of the applied magnetic field and its angle of rotation αs\alpha_s upon the magnetization of the superconductor sample is analyzed. When HaH_a is smaller than the penetration field HPH_P, the magnetization components, parallel and perpendicular to Ha{\bm H_a}, oscillate with increasing the rotation angle. On the other hand, if the magnitude of the applied field, HaH_a, is larger than HPH_P, both magnetization components become constant functions of αs\alpha_s at large rotation angles. The evolution of the magnetic induction profiles inside the superconductor is also studied.Comment: 12 pages, 29 figure

    The metallicity signature of evolved stars with planets

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    We determine in a homogeneous way the metallicity and individual abundances of a large sample of evolved stars, with and without known planetary companions. Our methodology is based on the analysis of high-resolution echelle spectra. The metallicity distributions show that giant stars hosting planets are not preferentially metal-rich having similar abundance patterns to giant stars without known planetary companions. We have found, however, a very strong relation between the metallicity distribution and the stellar mass within this sample. We show that the less massive giant stars with planets (M < 1.5 Msun) are not metal rich, but, the metallicity of the sample of massive (M > 1.5 Msun), young (age < 2 Gyr) giant stars with planets is higher than that of a similar sample of stars without planets. Regarding other chemical elements, giant stars with and without planets in the mass domain M < 1.5 Msun show similar abundance patterns. However, planet and non-planet hosts with masses M > 1.5 Msun show differences in the abundances of some elements, specially Na, Co, and Ni. In addition, we find the sample of subgiant stars with planets to be metal rich showing similar metallicities to main-sequence planet hosts. The fact that giant planet hosts in the mass domain M < 1.5 Msun do not show metal-enrichment is difficult to explain. Given that these stars have similar stellar parameters to subgiants and main-sequence planet hosts, the lack of the metal-rich signature in low-mass giants could be explained if originated from a pollution scenario in the main sequence that gets erased as the star become fully convective. However, there is no physical reason why it should play a role for giants with masses M < 1.5 Msun but is not observed for giants with M > 1.5 Msun.Comment: Accepted for publication by A&A, 34 pages, 15 figures, abstract abridge

    Development and test of advanced composite components. Center Directors discretionary fund program

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    This report describes the design, analysis, fabrication, and test of a complex bathtub fitting. Graphite fibers in an epoxy matrix were utilized in manufacturing of 11 components representing four different design and layup concepts. Design allowables were developed for use in the final stress analysis. Strain gage measurements were taken throughout the static load test and correlation of test and analysis data were performed, yielding good understanding of the material behavior and instrumentation requirements for future applications

    Chemochromic Indicators for the Detection of Hypergolic Fuels

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    The toxicity and hazard level associated with the use of hypergolic fuels necessitates the development of technology capable of detecting the presence of such fuels in a variety of different environments and conditions. The most commonly used sensors for the detection of hypergolic fuels are electrochemical in nature, which have serious limitations when used as area monitoring devices. Recent collaborative work between Kennedy Space Center and ASRC Aerospace has led to the development of indicators which exhibit a color change upon exposure to hydrazine under different conditions. The indicators under investigation on this developmental effort are para-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde (PDAB), various formulations of universal pH indicators, and potassium tetrachloroaurate (KAuCl4). These chemochromic indicators have been tested for the detection of hydrazine under various conditions: pure liquid fuel, aqueous fuel solution, saline aqueous fuel solutions, vapor fuel, and 3-month shelf life study, which included UV protection, thermal extremes, and normal storage conditions. The hypergolic fuel indicator test was conducted with the indicator impregnated into a wipe material to test the applicability of the indicator to be used to capture (absorb) and indicate the presence of hypergolic fuels. Each of the indicators performed well, with the universal pH indicator being the best candidate because of the visible response color change and the indicator stability after the shelf life study