1,120 research outputs found

    PHA accumulating bacteria selection in a SBR treating fermentation liquids of organic fraction of municipal solid waste

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    Màster d'Enginyeria Ambiental, Facultat de Química, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2015-2016, Tutors: Joan Mata Álvarez, Ana Martin-RyalsDue to their biodegradability, biocompatibility, chemical-diversity, and being manufactured from renewable carbon resources, PHAs are considered one of the most promising biopolymers to serve as an alternative to synthetic thermoplastics. In this study is carried out the selection and accumulation of PHA accumulating biomass in two different reactors: a SBR, for selecting bacteria applying a selective pressure based on a carbon excess (feast) and limitation (famine), and an accumulation reactor, operated in batch, for maximizing PHA production. FL-OFMSW was the source of carbon and nutrients which enabled the integrated valorization of waste streams into valuable products. This substrate is composed by a mixture of VFA and N-NH4+ (8 – 9 g VFA/L and 2 – 4 g N-NH4+/L) and solid fraction. Sludge was collected from a secondary activated sludge system from a local wastewater treatment facility. The objectives for this work were to select PHA accumulating bacteria, to maximize PHA production, to promote nutrient removal from the effluent while PHA production was happening and to study FL-OFMSW affection into PHA accumulation. The F/f ratio obtained during experimentation was around 0.19 - 0.27 which ensure PHA accumulating bacteria selection. Influent characterization (VFA concentration) is essential for maintaining an optimal ratio for PHA accumulating bacteria selection. Maximum PHA accumulated per gram of TSS was 7.9% in the selection reactor and 37% in the accumulation reactor. Both results were obtained with synthetic mixture of acetic acid which suggested a possible affectation of the FL-OFMSW for PHA accumulation. Among the different possible limiting factors, ammonium concentrations seemed to be the most probable cause. Nutrient removal in the SBR reactor was possible controlling pH during the operation. Basic pH values (over 8.3) could promote high free ammonia concentrations in the rector which inhibits, directly, nitrifying activity. FL-OFMSW can be used as substrate for the process, nevertheless, due to its nutrient concentration, PHA accumulation and nutrient removal could be limited. For this reason, nutrient removal must be considered for increasing the overall yield of the process

    PHA accumulating bacteria selection in a SBR treating fermentation liquids of organic fraction of municipal solid waste

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    Màster d'Enginyeria Ambiental, Facultat de Química, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2015-2016, Tutors: Joan Mata Álvarez, Ana Martin-RyalsDue to their biodegradability, biocompatibility, chemical-diversity, and being manufactured from renewable carbon resources, PHAs are considered one of the most promising biopolymers to serve as an alternative to synthetic thermoplastics. In this study is carried out the selection and accumulation of PHA accumulating biomass in two different reactors: a SBR, for selecting bacteria applying a selective pressure based on a carbon excess (feast) and limitation (famine), and an accumulation reactor, operated in batch, for maximizing PHA production. FL-OFMSW was the source of carbon and nutrients which enabled the integrated valorization of waste streams into valuable products. This substrate is composed by a mixture of VFA and N-NH4+ (8 – 9 g VFA/L and 2 – 4 g N-NH4+/L) and solid fraction. Sludge was collected from a secondary activated sludge system from a local wastewater treatment facility. The objectives for this work were to select PHA accumulating bacteria, to maximize PHA production, to promote nutrient removal from the effluent while PHA production was happening and to study FL-OFMSW affection into PHA accumulation. The F/f ratio obtained during experimentation was around 0.19 - 0.27 which ensure PHA accumulating bacteria selection. Influent characterization (VFA concentration) is essential for maintaining an optimal ratio for PHA accumulating bacteria selection. Maximum PHA accumulated per gram of TSS was 7.9% in the selection reactor and 37% in the accumulation reactor. Both results were obtained with synthetic mixture of acetic acid which suggested a possible affectation of the FL-OFMSW for PHA accumulation. Among the different possible limiting factors, ammonium concentrations seemed to be the most probable cause. Nutrient removal in the SBR reactor was possible controlling pH during the operation. Basic pH values (over 8.3) could promote high free ammonia concentrations in the rector which inhibits, directly, nitrifying activity. FL-OFMSW can be used as substrate for the process, nevertheless, due to its nutrient concentration, PHA accumulation and nutrient removal could be limited. For this reason, nutrient removal must be considered for increasing the overall yield of the process

    El reto de vincular reputación online de destinos turísticos con competitividad

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    The aim of this study is to evidence how 2.0 conversations in social media impact the reputation of destinations. Additionally, the influence of co-creation practices is analysed. The five most competitive destinations worldwide have been chosen for the research. This paper demonstrates that monitoring social media is a challenge in tourism and is a strategic tool to support process decision making and for destination brand building in a sustainable way. Currently, there are several monitoring and analytic tools, but there is a lack of models to systematise and harness it for the Destination Management Organization (DMOs). In conclusion, how tourists play the main role in the competitiveness of Destinations with their experiences and opinions are considered, along with some keys for successful management of social media are given in the view of the results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La importancia del comercio electrónico

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    Las elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos desde la perspectiva de la prensa europea

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    Public relations strategies based on dramatization are key tools to achieving success in electoral campaigns. Press offices play a fundamental role as theatre directors, turning their leaders into great actors. What at first glance would look like a theatrical performance is, more than ever, what happened in the US presidential elections. Newspapers are intensifying the use of visual elements to reinforce the news. This research paper analyses 2,463 articles from eight digital newspapers in four countries to learn about the impact of visuals and dramatization on the European press. It seems paradoxical that the progressive newspapers devoted more articles to Trump than the conservative newspapers. A lack of time on the part of the journalists? What is certain is that the visuals prepared by Trump’s press office and his perfectly designed public appearances, were reproduced by the media. The study shows that the progressive newspapers analysed have contributed to giving Trump greater visibility in Europe

    Women cotton farmers: Their perceptions and experiences with transgenic varieties: A case study for Colombia

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    This paper explores gender differences in cotton cultivation and looks into the perceptions and experiences of women and men with transgenic varieties. With few exceptions, researchers in the area of impact evaluation of crop biotechnology have only marginally included gender considerations in their work. This exploratory pilot study was developed in order to incorporate gender into our quantitative evaluation work. This study used a participatory and descriptive approach that allowed us to listen to women and men farmers' perceptions and insights. The project was conducted in the main cotton-producing regions of Colombia where a handful of transgenic varieties have been in the market for the past six years.crop biotechnology, Genetically modified crops, Genetic engineering, Cotton, Gender,

    Personalidad, sexo y comunicación mediada por ordenador

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    Previous research about computer-mediated communication (CMC) focused on variables as gender. There is little information about differences in CMC related to personality, most are speculations based on the assumption that introvertive traits are specially appropriate for CMC. Results of this study are consistent with this predictions, because introverted participants sent as messages to the Internet forums analysed as extroverted, and their messages contained more information. In relation with gender, it was found that men sent longer messages that women, but there was not more information in the

    Jóvenes y consumo de información en redes sociales

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    El auge de las redes sociales ha dado lugar a una nueva generación de personas influyentes así como de ciudadanos/as que se han encontrado en la intersección del periodismo. El crecimiento en su actuación como periodistas plantea preocupaciones sobre la erosión de la profesión y los estándares noticiosos. Frente a esto, el presente estudio analiza la relevancia que para jóvenes de la generación Z tienen las figuras del influencer y el/la ciudadano/a que informa. La investigación se soporta en una encuesta cuantitativa aplicada sobre una muestra 913 estudiantes de preparatoria de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (Uaemex)

    Press-State relations in Mexico, considerations towards the regulation of official advertising: Regional study

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    The decision of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation to obligate the Mexican Congress to create a law that regulates the official publicity in the country before April 30, 2018 represents the opportunity to end the historical discretionary allocation of public resources to media Communication. However, the new legislation must cover, from the range of proposals; the particularities of the Press-State relationship through which the finest networks of clientelism and corruption have been woven.This study presents the case of the State of Mexico, the stronghold of the Mexican hegemonic party, where clientelism as a political strategy has infiltrated the press with tactics and other hidden, but both illegal, make it an instrument of control, conservation and expansion of power. Testimonies from leading journalists are presented together with content analysis and official expenditure reports, via Public Transparency, as evidence of the phenomenon of media clientelism in a non-electoral period, in contrast to most studies on clientelism.La decisión de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación de obligar al Congreso mexicano a crear una ley que regule la publicidad oficial en el país antes del 30 de abril de 2018 representa la oportunidad de acabar con la asignación discrecional histórica de recursos públicos a medios de comunicación. Sin embargo, la nueva legislación debe abarcar, de la gama de propuestas, las particularidades de la relación prensa-Estado mediante la cual se han tejido las más finas redes de clientelismo y corrupción. En este estudio se presenta el caso del Estado de México, reducto del partido hegemónico mexicano, donde el clientelismo como estrategia política ha infiltrado a la prensa con tácticas patentes y otras ocultas, pero ambas ilegales, hacerla un instrumento de control, conservación y expansión de poder. Se presentan testimonios de periodistas de referencia conjuntamente con análisis de contenido y reportes de gastos oficiales, vía Transparencia Pública, como evidencia al fenómeno del clientelismo mediático en un periodo no electoral, en contraste con la mayoría de estudios sobre clientelismo

    Análisis dinámico de pérgolas para el ferrocarril de alta velocidad

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    El diseño exigente de las líneas de ferrocarril y en especial de las líneas alta velocidad, presenta en ocasiones la problemática de resolver cruces a distinto nivel mediante trazados fuertemente esviados. Aparece la necesidad de diseñar estructuras cuya longitud mínima viene condicionada por el ancho del vial inferior y el ángulo de cruce entre las dos líneas, dando lugar a luces elevadas donde la pérgola se convierte en la mejor solución. La finalidad de este proyecto es analizar las posibilidades de modelización de pérgolas y su respuesta dinámica atendiendo al reducido número de publicaciones existentes actualmente sobre el tema. Se pretenden buscar modelos simplificados basados en losas ortótropas cuyo comportamiento sea válidado tanto en análisis estático como dinámico, el estudio de la incidencia del esviaje en las respuestas dinámicas debidas al paso de los trenes y el cálculo dinámico de pérgolas reales. La normativa vigente española impone la realización del cálculo dinámico mediante in- tegración directa en el tiempo con cargas móviles en aquellas estructuras que precisen comprobaciones en cualquier rango de velocidades, para puentes isostáticos e hiperestáticos, sin limitar la masa ni las frecuencias. Este es el método necesario a aplicar en pérgolas para los análisis realizados en el presente proyecto. La solución al problema de paso de cargas mó- viles se ha resuelto tradicionalmente mediante el método de elementos finitos, realizando una integración directa en el tiempo del modelo en su totalidad con métodos paso a paso. En este proyecto se empleará el método semianalítico generalizado a la geometría de una pérgola.In this project the portal frame tipology for skewed crossings in the context of high-speed train is analysed. Different approaches have been carried out to model the portal frame: from orthotropic slab to full three-dimensional models. Dynamic analysis is carried out in order to evaluate the maximum acceleration amplitudes in ballasted track. A semi-analytic solution is adopted for fast and accurate evaluation of the response. Conclusions about interoperability in Eurupean Railway lines and modelization are reported.Proyecto fin de carrera, Universidad de Granada, E.T.S. de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puerto