233 research outputs found

    Democratic Dissent and the Politics of Rescue during the Twenty-first Century’s “Inhospitable” EU Migration “Crisis”

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    This article uses critical approaches to examine the ways in which dissenters have objected to the European Union’s current “politics of rescue.” The authors argue that the term “hospitality” has been a key term in liberal theorizing about mobility since the Enlightenment, but that various neo-liberal “pull” theories, worries about securitization and the militarization of rescue efforts in the Mediterranean have converged in ways that have turned Europe into an “inhospitable” place for foreigners. The authors use three short case studies—of maritime captains’ and sailors’ rescue efforts, academic critiques of FRONTEX, and vernacular reactions to the iconic Kurdi image—to put on display the contradictions that exist when illiberal decisions are made by EU communities that are supposed to be democratically governed by hospitality principles. They also argue that the focus on the social agency of “traffickers” deflects attention away from the structural and colonial facets of these migration “crises.

    Thanatourism, Caminata Nocturna, and the Complex Geopolitics of Mexico’s Parque EcoAlberto

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    This article provides readers with a critical analysis of Mexico’s Parque EcoAlberto. Utilizing some of the theoretical work of interdisciplinary scholars who are interested in the study of “thanatourism,” the authors illustrate how this park, with its Caminata Nocturna (night hike), is much more than simply a “dark” tourist attraction that deters those who might travel North to the U.S. border. This study shows how the indigenous Hñähñú in Mexico have to confront a host of symbolic and material forces that are sometimes hidden in the patriotic metanarratives that swirl around this park

    Diseñar el sistema de alcantarillado sanitario y planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales para las zonas #1 y #4 de la ciudad de nueva guinea

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    Presenta el diseñar del sistema de alcantarillado sanitario y planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales para las zonas #1 y #4 de la ciudad de Nueva Guinea. Realiza estudios de población y consumo para determinar la población de diseño y volumen de aguas residuales. Efectúa el levantamiento topográfico del área de estudio para especificar el curso de las aguas residuales

    Territorial incidence of Andalusian Government budget. An exercise of provincial fiscal balance

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    El trabajo realiza una estimación de la balanza fiscal de la Junta de andalucía para el año 2001 con las provincias andaluzas. Para ello se ha desarrollado una metodología heredera de la ya dilatada tradición de cálculos de balanzas fiscales del Estado con las comunidades autónomas que incluye una pormenorizada descripción de las hipótesis de incidencia de ingresos y gastos que sigue las líneas generales usuales a este tipo de trabajos. En este trabajo se incluyen algunas novedades metodológicas como son la inclusión del análisis del sector público empresarial, un tratamiento novedoso de las transferencias recibidas por la administración Pública andaluza y un análisis de los resultados obtenidos en los cálculos.This paper performs an estimation of the “Junta de andalucía” fiscal flow with the andalusian provinces in 2001. In order to do that, we have developed a methodology that agrees with the fiscal flows’ usual estimations of the state with the autonomous communities. This methodology contains a detailed description of the incidence assumptions of receipts and expenditures that follows the habitual tradition. our paper also incorporates some methodological changes like the incorporation of the state-owned companies, a new treatment state grants to the “Junta de andalucía” and an analysis of the obtained outcome in the calculatio

    Laparoscopic diaphragmatic plication for paralysis posterior to trauma. Case report

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    Diaphragmatic paralysis is a pathology characterized by the elevation of a plastic and inactive atrophic diaphragm, followed by an injury to the spinal column or to the phrenic nerve. Because it involves the phrenic nerve, it is often associated with an injury at its exit in the spinal cord at the radicular level, at the conduct or in the peripheral nerve. Clinical case: A 50-year-old male patient with a history of thoracic trauma and diagnosis of unstable thorax is admitted for progressive dyspnea in the following 8 months. Diaphragmatic paralysis is diagnosed and a laparoscopic diaphragmatic plicature is performed. Patient improved his clinical status by 29%. Discussion: The consequences of the elevation of a hemidiaphragm can be respiratory, causing hypoxemia and decreases in the ventilation---perfusion ratio. This procedure is considered a corrective surgery from the morphological and functional point of view. Conclusions: Our patient’s clinical status improved according to the Saint George respiratory questionnaire, thanks to an improved perfusion of the basal lung expansion. Laparoscopic diaphragmatic plicature is a safe procedure associated with a minimal hospital stay, and more cases need to be reported. This is the procedure of choice in our institution

    Moderating Effect of Changes in Perceived Social Support during Pregnancy on the Emotional Health of Mothers and Fathers and on Baby’s Anthropometric Parameters at Birth

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    (1) Background: this study is based on a model of how changes in protective factors may affect the emotional health of mothers and fathers and thus influence the development of the baby. Our research goal is to determine whether variations in perceived social support moderate levels of stress and depression during pregnancy and/or the effect of parents’ emotional health on the baby’s anthropometric parameters. (2) Methods: to achieve these aims, a longitudinal study was made of 132 couples and babies, who were evaluated at weeks 12 and 32 of gestation and at birth. Separate analyses were performed for the mothers and fathers, focused on the role of social support in moderating their levels of depression and stress during pregnancy, and the consequent impact on the baby. (3) Results: the results obtained show the moderating effects of changes in social support on maternal and paternal stress and depression. Reduced social support during pregnancy is associated with higher levels of stress and depression in both parents and with a high cephalisation index in their babies. (4) Conclusions: special attention should be paid to social support, which can have a strong impact on the evolution of emotional health during pregnancy and concomitantly on the development of the baby.University of Granada (Spain)Andalusian Public Foundation for Biosanitary Research Eastern Andalusia (Spain)Regional Ministry of Health within Junta de Andalucia (Spain) PC-0526-2016-052

    Desarrollo y aplicaciones de materiales avanzados de carbón

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    432 páginasObra escructurada en dos partes claramente diferenciasdas pero necesariamente complementarias. La primera parte (capítulos I a V) está dedicada a los métidos de síntesis de los distintos tipos de materiales de carbón, desde los clásicos carbones activados a otros materiales más específicos como lo geles, nanotubos o el grafeno, tan de moda actualmente. Se ha prestado atención a la presentación de las técnicas de caracterizacaión de materiales y análisis de resultados, tanto en cuanto a su textura porosa como a sus propiedades químicas, pues entre ambos pilares descansan las posibles aplicaciones de los materiales previamente preparados. El segundo bloque de capítulos (capítulos VI al X) está dedicado a poner de manifiesto la importancia tecnológica de los materiales de carbón

    Clinical characteristics of malignant tumours originating in the external ear

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    AbstractBackgroundSkin tumours that originate in the external ear are common in individuals with type 1 skin and phenotype 1 and 2. The skin cancer is associated with chronic or intermittent, but intense sunlight. The most common malignant tumour is basal cell carcinoma, followed by squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. The diagnosis of squamous cell skin cancer in head and neck area is usually made in the advanced stages and has a poor prognosis.Material and methodsA cross-sectional, retrospective analysis was performed on the database of patients with skin cancer of the external ear treated between 2011 and 2014. Histology type, stage, rate of clinical and occult metastases, and rate of loco-regional recurrence were evaluated.ResultsOf the 42 patients included there were, 25 squamous cell carcinomas, 11 basal cell carcinomas, and 6 invasive melanomas. The rate of lymph node metastases in patients with squamous cell carcinoma was 32%, mostly in the parotid and peri-parotid region, 7% of them with capsular rupture, 2/17 were staged as cN0, and 11.7% had occult metastases. All patients with nodal metastasis were classified as T2 with ulceration.None of the patients with basal cell carcinoma had lymph node metastases.All melanomas were superficial extension type with mean level of Breslow of 3mm. All underwent lymphatic mapping and sentinel node biopsy, with only one having metastases in the sentinel node.ConclusionThe most frequent tumour in the external ear in this series was squamous cell carcinoma. The possibility of lymph node metastases is associated with tumour size (T). Node dissection should be systematic in patients with T2 or greater