2,083 research outputs found

    The Game at the Green Chapel: A Game-Oriented Perspective on Chivalry in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

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    Like many things in life, the very idea of a game contradicts itself. A game is so many conflicting things at once. All in good fun, but with the focused goal of winning. A closed space with no consequences, yet personally affecting outside its boundaries. Often playful, yet deathly serious. The games we make and play often have a hand in deciding our identities. What kinds of games do we play, and how often? Who do we play them with? How seriously do we take them, and how do we react to certain outcomes? Do we learn from our mistakes and improve, or are we sore losers who quit at the earliest opportunity? Our complex relationships to games, which by definition are not for practical purposes, can change how we perceive our worlds and how people perceive us.The contradictory nature of the game is not a new concept. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, a fourteenth-century English chivalric romance, is married to the idea of games as a central nucleus. Games clutch the plot from the beginning of the story, when a mysterious and towering knight, fully clad in marvelous green armor, rides to King Arthur’s court and challenges Sir Gawain to what has come to be known as the beheading game. The rules are simple: one participant will take an axe and strike the other in any way they so choose. Exactly one year later, in return, the one who struck must offer himself to be dealt a blow from the opposite party.Gawain goes first. With a mighty cleave of the Green Knight’s axe, he chops his opponent’s head clean off. It rolls onto the floor in the middle of their holiday celebration. There is no way a dead man could possibly deal a blow in return a year later. But of course, the Green Knight is not dead. His body strolls across the room, picks its head back up, and urges Gawain to hold up his end of the bargain a year later.The honorable Gawain, facing death in a year’s time, opts not to back out of his promise to play the game. His following journey is steeped in play, from the beheading game to the exchanges game to even smaller forms of play that the story is preoccupied with. With each game comes a slew of contradictions and confusing-yet-clear events and descriptions. How can a reading of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight from a game-oriented perspective lead us to new conclusions about the very concept of the game in general? These are the ideas that my senior project explores

    Objetivos del cine latinoamericano para su exportación = Objectives of latin american cinema for export

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    El presente documento tiene como finalidad mostrar el potencial que tienen las OPC latinoamericanas, particularmente las colombianas, argentinas y mexicanas para producir películas comercializables en mercados internacionales. Se estudian los valores económicos, estéticos y culturales inherentes a una película. Analiza los objetivos de producción y comercialización en materia de búsqueda de mercados mundiales, paradigmas cinematográficos, visión de negocios y benchmarking, entre otros. Recopila principios de marketing a implementar como el poder que tienen los espectadores, en cuanto a compra y producción así como en la propuesta de valor. Se efectúan recomendaciones para aumentar el negocio del cine. Se estudian los factores causales de éxito comercial para las OPC latinoamericanas como los estímulos fiscales, el papel de la prensa, la inclusión de elementos narrativos atractivos y la reducción de costos de producción. Abstract: This document’s main purpose is to set the potential of Latin American OPC, particularly Colombian, Argentine and Mexican, to produce commercial films for international markets. Economic, aesthetic and cultural values inherent in a film are studied. It analyzes production and marketing targets like: searching worldwide markets, film paradigms, business vision and benchmarking, among others. It collects marketing principles to be implemented as: the power that spectators regards in ticket consumption and film production as well as the value proposition. Recommendations are made to increase the film business. The causal factors for commercial success to Latin American OPC as fiscal stimuli, the role of the press, the inclusion of narrative elements and the costs reduction, are studied

    El yo deteriorado: estigma y adicción en la sociedad del consumo

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    El objetivo del artículo es mostrar la situación social de los internos en una casa de recuperación para adictos, considerando a los grupos de Alcohólicos Anónimos 24 Horas en México como instituciones totales desde la perspectiva del Interaccionismo Simbólico, aplicando la propuesta teorética de Erving Goffman. Metodológicamente realizamos un estudio microsociológico con un trabajo de campo en las casas de recuperación , explicando la función que cumplen los mecanismos de control social, así como los dispositivos de vigilancia, el lenguaje y las prácticas discursivas, utilizados para modificar el Yo del adicto. Además, describimos la práctica de las influencias religiosas y los elementos del psicoanálisis que estas comunidades consideran para la consolidación de su programa de recuperación

    ¿Qué es el Síndrome Lozano Barragán en las Organizaciones de Producción Cinematográficas?

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    El presente artículo de investigación plantea la misión de las Organizaciones de Producción Cinematográficas como empresas lucrativas. Se mencionan los tipos de valores que los directores y productores generan, principalmente los valores económicos y los valores estéticos. Se define el Síndrome Lozano-Barragán como defecto de las OPC si anteponen los tintes artísticos de sus cineastas sin considerar los deseos y necesidades de los espectadores. Se proponen estrategias para alejar a las compañías cinematográficas del SLB. Se exponen las actividades que realiza un productor como principal responsable del éxito o fracaso, tanto artístico como financiero, de las OPC. Se agregan sugerencias para balancear los valores económicos y estéticos en las producciones

    Cyclins A and B associate with chromatin and the polar regions of spindles, respectively, and do not undergo complete degradation at anaphase in syncytial Drosophila embryos

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    Maternally contributed cyclin A and B proteins are initially distributed uniformly throughout the syncytial Drosophila embryo. As dividing nuclei migrate to the cortex of the embryo, the A and B cyclins become concentrated in surface layers extending to depths of approximately 30-40 microns and 5-10 microns, respectively. The initiation of nuclear envelope breakdown, spindle formation, and the initial congression of the centromeric regions of the chromosomes onto the metaphase plate all take place within the surface layer occupied by cyclin B on the apical side of the blastoderm nuclei. Cyclin B is seen mainly, but not exclusively, in the vicinity of microtubules throughout the mitotic cycle. It is most conspicuous around the centrosomes. Cyclin A is present at its highest concentrations throughout the cytoplasm during the interphase periods of the blastoderm cycles, although weak punctate staining can also be detected in the nucleus. It associates with the condensing chromosomes during prophase, segregates into daughter nuclei in association with chromosomes during anaphase, to redistribute into the cytoplasm after telophase. In contrast to the cycles following cellularization, neither cyclin is completely degraded upon the metaphase-anaphase transition

    Cyclins A and B associate with chromatin and the polar regions of spindles, respectively, and do not undergo complete degradation at anaphase in syncytial Drosophila embryos

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    Maternally contributed cyclin A and B proteins are initially distributed uniformly throughout the syncytial Drosophila embryo. As dividing nuclei migrate to the cortex of the embryo, the A and B cyclins become concentrated in surface layers extending to depths of approximately 30-40 microns and 5-10 microns, respectively. The initiation of nuclear envelope breakdown, spindle formation, and the initial congression of the centromeric regions of the chromosomes onto the metaphase plate all take place within the surface layer occupied by cyclin B on the apical side of the blastoderm nuclei. Cyclin B is seen mainly, but not exclusively, in the vicinity of microtubules throughout the mitotic cycle. It is most conspicuous around the centrosomes. Cyclin A is present at its highest concentrations throughout the cytoplasm during the interphase periods of the blastoderm cycles, although weak punctate staining can also be detected in the nucleus. It associates with the condensing chromosomes during prophase, segregates into daughter nuclei in association with chromosomes during anaphase, to redistribute into the cytoplasm after telophase. In contrast to the cycles following cellularization, neither cyclin is completely degraded upon the metaphase-anaphase transition

    El sistema de financiación de Escocia y Gales

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