14 research outputs found

    Human endogenous retrovirus HERV-K(HML-2) encodes a stable signal peptide with biological properties distinct from Rec

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The human endogenous retrovirus HERV-K(HML-2) family is associated with testicular germ cell tumors (GCT). Various HML-2 proviruses encode viral proteins such as Env and Rec.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We describe here that HML-2 Env gives rise to a 13 kDa signal peptide (SP) that harbors a different C-terminus compared to Rec. Subsequent to guiding Env to the endoplasmatic reticulum (ER), HML-2 SP is released into the cytosol. Biochemical analysis and confocal microscopy demonstrated that similar to Rec, SP efficiently translocates to the granular component of nucleoli. Unlike Rec, SP does not shuttle between nucleus and cytoplasm. SP is less stable than Rec as it is subjected to proteasomal degradation. Moreover, SP lacks export activity towards HML-2 genomic RNA, the main function of Rec in the original viral context, and SP does not interfere with Rec's RNA export activity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>SP is a previously unrecognized HML-2 protein that, besides targeting and translocation of Env into the ER lumen, may exert biological functions distinct from Rec. HML-2 SP represents another functional similarity with the closely related Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus that encodes an Env-derived SP named p14. Our findings furthermore support the emerging concept of bioactive SPs as a conserved retroviral strategy to modulate their host cell environment, evidenced here by a "retroviral fossil". While the specific role of HML-2 SP remains to be elucidated in the context of human biology, we speculate that it may be involved in immune evasion of GCT cells or tumorigenesis.</p

    Systematic Assessment of Blood-Borne MicroRNAs Highlights Molecular Profiles of Endurance Sport and Carbohydrate Uptake

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    Multiple studies endorsed the positive effect of regular exercise on mental and physical health. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying training-induced fitness in combination with personal life-style remain largely unexplored. Circulating biomarkers such as microRNAs (miRNAs) offer themselves for studying systemic and cellular changes since they can be collected from the bloodstream in a low-invasive manner. In Homo sapiens miRNAs are known to regulate a substantial number of protein-coding genes in a post-transcriptional manner and hence are of great interest to understand differential gene expression profiles, offering a cost-effective mechanism to study molecular training adaption, and connecting the dots from genomics to observed phenotypes. Here, we investigated molecular expression patterns of 2549 miRNAs in whole-blood samples from 23 healthy and untrained adult participants of a cross-over study, consisting of eight weeks of endurance training, with several sessions per week, followed by 8 weeks of washout and another 8 weeks of running, using microarrays. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the two study groups, one of which administered carbohydrates before each session in the first training period, and switching the treatment group for the second training period. During running sessions clinical parameters as heartbeat frequency were recorded. This information was extended with four measurements of maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) for each participant. We observed that multiple circulating miRNAs show expression changes after endurance training, leveraging the capability to separate the blood samples by training status. To this end, we demonstrate that most of the variance in miRNA expression can be explained by both common and known biological and technical factors. Our findings highlight six distinct clusters of miRNAs, each exhibiting an oscillating expression profile across the four study timepoints, that can effectively be utilized to predict phenotypic VO2 max levels. In addition, we identified miR-532-5p as a candidate marker to determine personal alterations in physical training performance on a case-by-case analysis taking the influence of a carbohydrate-rich nutrition into account. In literature, miR-532-5p is known as a common down-regulated miRNA in diabetes and obesity, possibly providing a molecular link between cellular homeostasis, personal fitness levels, and health in aging. We conclude that circulating miRNA expression can be altered due to regular endurance training, independent of the carbohydrate (CHO) availability in the training timeframe. Further validation studies are required to confirm the role of exercise-affected miRNAs and the extraordinary function of miR-532-5p in modulating the metabolic response to a high availability of glucose

    Expression pattern analysis of transcribed HERV sequences is complicated by ex vivo recombination

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The human genome comprises numerous human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) that formed millions of years ago in ancestral species. A number of loci of the HERV-K(HML-2) family are evolutionarily much younger. A recent study suggested an infectious HERV-K(HML-2) variant in humans and other primates. Isolating such a variant from human individuals would be a significant finding for human biology.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>When investigating expression patterns of specific HML-2 proviruses we encountered HERV-K(HML-2) cDNA sequences without proviral homologues in the human genome, named HERV-KX, that could very well support recently suggested infectious HML-2 variants. However, detailed sequence analysis, using the software RECCO, suggested that HERV-KX sequences were produced by recombination, possibly arising <it>ex vivo</it>, between transcripts from different HML-2 proviral loci.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>As RT-PCR probably will be instrumental for isolating an infectious HERV-K(HML-2) variant, generation of "new" HERV-K(HML-2) sequences by <it>ex vivo </it>recombination seems inevitable. Further complicated by an unknown amount of allelic sequence variation in HERV-K(HML-2) proviruses, newly identified HERV-K(HML-2) variants should be interpreted very cautiously.</p

    Expression patterns of transcribed human endogenous retrovirus HERV-K(HML-2) loci in human tissues and the need for a HERV Transcriptome Project

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    Background: A significant proportion of the human genome is comprised of human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs). HERV transcripts are found in every human tissue. Expression of proviruses of the HERV-K(HML-2) family has been associated with development of human tumors, in particular germ cell tumors (GCT). Very little is known about transcriptional activity of individual HML-2 loci in human tissues, though. Results: By employing private nucleotide differences between loci, we assigned ~1500 HML-2 cDNAs to individual HML-2 loci, identifying, in total, 23 transcriptionally active HML-2 proviruses. Several loci are active in various human tissue types. Transcription levels of some HML-2 loci appear higher than those of other loci. Several HML-2 Rec-encoding loci are expressed in GCT and non-GCT tissues. A provirus on chromosome 22q11.21 appears strongly upregulated in pathologic GCT tissues and may explain high HML-2 Gag protein levels in GCTs. Presence of Gag and Env antibodies in GCT patients is not correlated with activation of individual loci. HML-2 proviruses previously reported capable of forming an infectious HML-2 variant are transcriptionally active in germ cell tissue. Our study furthermore shows that Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) data are insufficient to describe transcriptional activity of HML-2 and other HERV loci in tissues of interest. Conclusion: Our, to date, largest-scale study reveals in greater detail expression patterns of individual HML-2 loci in human tissues of clinical interest. Moreover, large-scale, specialized studies are indicated to better comprehend transcriptional activity and regulation of HERVs. We thus emphasize the need for a specialized HERV Transcriptome Project

    Transcriptional profiling of HERV-K(HML-2) in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and potential implications for expression of HML-2 proteins

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    Abstract Background Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder. About 90% of ALS cases are without a known genetic cause. The human endogenous retrovirus multi-copy HERV-K(HML-2) group was recently reported to potentially contribute to neurodegeneration and disease pathogenesis in ALS because of transcriptional upregulation and toxic effects of HML-2 Envelope (Env) protein. Env and other proteins are encoded by some transcriptionally active HML-2 loci. However, more detailed information is required regarding which HML-2 loci are transcribed in ALS, which of their proteins are expressed, and differences between the disease and non-disease states. Methods For brain and spinal cord tissue samples from ALS patients and controls, we identified transcribed HML-2 loci by generating and mapping HML-2-specific cDNA sequences. We predicted expression of HML-2 env gene-derived proteins based on the observed cDNA sequences. Furthermore, we determined overall HML-2 transcript levels by RT-qPCR and investigated presence of HML-2 Env protein in ALS and control tissue samples by Western blotting. Results We identified 24 different transcribed HML-2 loci. Some of those loci are transcribed at relatively high levels. However, significant differences in HML-2 loci transcriptional activities were not seen when comparing ALS and controls. Likewise, overall HML-2 transcript levels, as determined by RT-qPCR, were not significantly different between ALS and controls. Indeed, we were unable to detect full-length HML-2 Env protein in ALS and control tissue samples despite reasonable sensitivity. Rather our analyses suggest that a number of HML-2 protein variants other than full-length Env may potentially be expressed in ALS patients. Conclusions Our results expand and refine recent publications on HERV-K(HML-2) and ALS. Some of our results are in conflict with recent findings and call for further specific analyses. Our profiling of HML-2 transcription in ALS opens up the possibility that HML-2 proteins other than canonical full-length Env may have to be considered when studying the role of HML-2 in ALS disease

    CpG Methylation Directly Regulates Transcriptional Activity of the Human Endogenous Retrovirus Family HERV-K(HML-2)

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    A significant proportion of the human genome consists of stably inherited retroviral sequences. Most human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) became defective over time. The HERV-K(HML-2) family is exceptional because of its coding capacity and the possible involvement in germ cell tumor (GCT) development. HERV-K(HML-2) transcription is strongly upregulated in GCTs. However, regulation of HERV-K(HML-2) transcription remains poorly understood. We investigated in detail the role of CpG methylation on the transcriptional activity of HERV-K(HML-2) long terminal repeats (LTRs). We find that CpG sites in various HERV-K(HML-2) proviral 5′ LTRs are methylated at different levels in the cell line Tera-1. Methylation levels correlate with previously observed transcriptional activities of these proviruses. CpG-mediated silencing of HERV-K(HML-2) LTRs is further corroborated by transcriptional inactivity of in vitro-methylated 5′ LTR reporter plasmids. However, CpG methylation levels do not solely regulate HERV-K(HML-2) 5′ LTR activity, as evidenced by different LTR activities in the cell line T47D. A significant number of mutated CpG sites in evolutionary old HERV-K(HML-2) 5′ LTRs suggests that CpG methylation had already silenced HERV-K(HML-2) proviruses millions of years ago. Direct silencing of HERV-K(HML-2) expression by CpG methylation enlightens upregulated HERV-K(HML-2) expression in usually hypomethylated GCT tissue

    The human L1 promoter: Variable transcription initiation sites and a major impact of upstream flanking sequence on promoter activity

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    Human L1 elements are non-LTR retrotransposons that comprise ∼17% of the human genome. Their 5′-untranslated region (5′-UTR) serves as a promoter for L1 transcription. Now we find that transcription initiation sites are not restricted to nucleotide +1 but vary considerably in both downstream and upstream directions. Transcription initiating upstream explains additional nucleotides often seen between the 5′-target site duplication and the L1 start site. A higher frequency of G nucleotides observed upstream from the L1 can be explained by reverse transcription of the L1 RNA 5′-CAP, which is further supported by extra Gs seen for full-length HERV-W pseudogenes. We assayed 5′-UTR promoter activities for several full-length human L1 elements, and found that upstream flanking cellular sequences strongly influence the L1 5′-UTR promoter. These sequences either repress or enhance the L1 promoter activity. Therefore, the evolutionary success of a human L1 in producing progeny depends not only on the L1 itself, but also on its genomic integration site. The promoter mechanism of L1 is reminiscent of initiator (Inr) elements that are TATA-less promoters expressing several cellular genes. We suggest that the L1 5′-UTR is able to form an Inr element that reaches into upstream flanking sequence

    Systematic Assessment of Blood-Borne MicroRNAs Highlights Molecular Profiles of Endurance Sport and Carbohydrate Uptake

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    Multiple studies endorsed the positive effect of regular exercise on mental and physical health. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying training-induced fitness in combination with personal life-style remain largely unexplored. Circulating biomarkers such as microRNAs (miRNAs) offer themselves for studying systemic and cellular changes since they can be collected from the bloodstream in a low-invasive manner. In Homo sapiens miRNAs are known to regulate a substantial number of protein-coding genes in a post-transcriptional manner and hence are of great interest to understand differential gene expression profiles, offering a cost-effective mechanism to study molecular training adaption, and connecting the dots from genomics to observed phenotypes. Here, we investigated molecular expression patterns of 2549 miRNAs in whole-blood samples from 23 healthy and untrained adult participants of a cross-over study, consisting of eight weeks of endurance training, with several sessions per week, followed by 8 weeks of washout and another 8 weeks of running, using microarrays. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the two study groups, one of which administered carbohydrates before each session in the first training period, and switching the treatment group for the second training period. During running sessions clinical parameters as heartbeat frequency were recorded. This information was extended with four measurements of maximum oxygen uptake (VO 2 max) for each participant. We observed that multiple circulating miRNAs show expression changes after endurance training, leveraging the capability to separate the blood samples by training status. To this end, we demonstrate that most of the variance in miRNA expression can be explained by both common and known biological and technical factors. Our findings highlight six distinct clusters of miRNAs, each exhibiting an oscillating expression profile across the four study timepoints, that can effectively be utilized to predict phenotypic VO 2 max levels. In addition, we identified miR-532-5p as a candidate marker to determine personal alterations in physical training performance on a case-by-case analysis taking the influence of a carbohydrate-rich nutrition into account. In literature, miR-532-5p is known as a common down-regulated miRNA in diabetes and obesity, possibly providing a molecular link between cellular homeostasis, personal fitness levels, and health in aging. We conclude that circulating miRNA expression can be altered due to regular endurance training, independent of the carbohydrate (CHO) availability in the training timeframe. Further validation studies are required to confirm the role of exercise-affected miRNAs and the extraordinary function of miR-532-5p in modulating the metabolic response to a high availability of glucose

    BMC Genomics Expression patterns of transcribed human endogenous retrovirus HERV-K(HML-2) loci in human tissues and the need for a HERV Transcriptome Project

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    Abstract Background: A significant proportion of the human genome is comprised of human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs). HERV transcripts are found in every human tissue. Expression of proviruses of the HERV-K(HML-2) family has been associated with development of human tumors, in particular germ cell tumors (GCT). Very little is known about transcriptional activity of individual HML-2 loci in human tissues, though