26 research outputs found

    Besouros rola-bostas em pastagens sul-americanas

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available at: https://doi.org/10.48331/scielodata.82AEC8Pasturelands are characterized as grasslands utilized for cattle raising and consist of natural or exotic vegetation, predominantly grasses. In the context of sustainable production, the biodiversity of insects within grazing environments holds significant value. Dung beetles play a crucial role in sustaining pasturelands as the burial of feces by these beetles fosters ecological services indispensable for maintaining a robust and healthy environment. Given that different dung beetle species contribute to distinct environmental benefits, a comprehensive understanding of the species present in pasturelands, their origins, and the ecological services they provide is imperative. This study endeavors to compile comprehensive information on dung beetle species native to South America, emphasizing taxonomic precision and a confirmed affinity for cattle dung. Our findings are derived from a synthesis of literature and observational data, incorporating location information obtained from taxonomic revisions and specimen labels of specimens housed at CEMT. In South America, a total of 57 dung beetle species are documented that inhabit grazing areas and actively feed on cattle manure. These areas span diverse biomes encompassing native and/or introduced grasslands, which may include deforested sections within forest biomes such as Chaco, Pantanal, Cerrado, Caatinga, Pampa, Atlantic Forest, Amazon Forest, Paramo, Puna, Llanos, and Patagonia. The preponderance of species identified fall within the paracoprid category, recognized as particularly vital for the sustainability of pasturelands. Despite their acknowledged importance, a noticeable knowledge gap impedes the effective conservation of these species. This gap is a focal point of discussion in this study, addressing the challenges and opportunities for enhancing conservation efforts. The species documented in this research exhibit notable economic and environmental relevance in the context of sustainable livestock production, emphasizing the urgency and significance of initiatives that prioritize their conservation.Pastagens são áreas formadas por vegetação nativa ou exótica, principalmente gramíneas, e são utilizadas na pecuária. A diversidade de insetos em áreas de pastagens é muito valiosa, especialmente quando consideramos os métodos de produção sustentável. Besouros rola-bostas são importantes para a sustentabilidade em pastagens porque o enterrio de esterco promove benefícios essenciais para a manutenção do ambiente pastoril. Espécies diferentes exercem diferentes serviços ecossistêmicos, logo é necessário saber quais espécies estão presentes em áreas de pastoreio para saber quais são os benefícios que elas podem proporcionar. Aqui reunimos todas as informações disponíveis para as espécies taxonomicamente bem definidas de rola-bostas nativos da América do Sul e que são conhecidas por utilizar fezes bovinas como recurso para alimentação e nidificação. Usamos dados encontrados na literatura, em observações de campo e em etiquetas de espécimes depositados na CEMT. São registradas 57 espécies de rola-bostas nativos da América do Sul que se alimentam e nidificam em fezes bovinas, e estas estão distribuídas nos seguintes biomas: Chaco, Pantanal, Cerrado, Caatinga, Pampa, áreas abertas da Mata Atlântica e da Floresta Amazônia, Paramo, Puna, Llanos e Patagônia. A maioria das espécies são de paracoprídeos e estes são considerados os mais importantes para as áreas de pastagem. No entanto, existe uma grande lacuna de conhecimento em história natural, o que dificulta a efetividade da conservação dessas espécies. Todas as espécies listadas neste trabalho têm potencial relevância econômica e ambiental na pecuária sustentável e, portanto, o estudo e conservação delas devem ser priorizadas.https://www.biotaneotropica.org.br/BNhj2024Zoology and EntomologySDG-15:Life on lan

    Avaliação microbiológica de cuias para chimarrão: estratégia para prevenção da saúde

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    Introduction: The gourd, the preparation vessel of chimarrão, can be a propitious medium for the proliferation of microorganisms. Objective: To analyze the presence of microbiological contamination in the gourds used for chimarrão, and the effectiveness of the use of a dryer in the gourds. Method: Twelve used and twelve new gourds were used; they were divided into drying groups, one with dryer and another one without dryer. All remained 14 hours per day with the infusion. Three mL of Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) wereadded to each gourd, collected, incubated for 24 h at 37°C and then 1 mL was seeded in triplicate in Sabourand and Plate Count Agar (PCA) media. This analytical methodology was used on days 0, 15 and 30. Results: Fungal growth, evaluated by the Sabourand medium, was statistically different between the new gourds on Day 01 (p = 0.004); on PCA there was difference on Day 01 (p = 0.004) and Day 15 (p = 0.046) between new gourds and on Day 30 (p = 0.004) for the used gourds. Conclusions: Contamination occurred in the material analyzed, which could represent a risk to the health of its consumers; the use of the dryer was not effective to avoid the growth of microorganisms.Introdução: A cuia utilizada para consumo do chimarrão pode ser um meio propício para a proliferação de microrganismos, o que pode comprometer a saúde de seus consumidores. Objetivo: Analisar a presença de contaminação microbiológica nas cuias utilizadas para o chimarrão, e a eficácia do uso de um secador nas cuias. Método: Foram utilizadas 12 cuias usadas e 12 novas, as quais foram divididas em grupos de secagem com secador e ao natural. Todas permaneceram 14 h por dia com a infusão. Foram adicionados 3 mL de Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) em cada cuia, coletados, incubados por 24 h a 37°C e, então, 1 mL semeado em triplicata nos meios Sabourand e Plate Count Agar (PCA). Esta metodologia analítica foi usada nos dias: 0, 15 e 30. Resultados: O crescimento fúngico, avaliado pelo meio de Sabourand, foi estatisticamente diferente entre as cuias novas no Dia 01 (p = 0,004), no PCA houve diferença no Dia 01 (p = 0,004) e Dia 15 (p = 0,046) entre as cuias novas e no Dia 30 (p = 0,004) para as usadas. Conclusões: Ocorreram contaminações no material analisado, o que pode representar um risco para a saúde de seus consumidores, e o uso do secador não foi efetivo para evitar o crescimento de fungos e leveduras

    Avaliação do potencial eólico em uma região do sul do Brasil

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    Knowledge of wind behavior plays a key role in the production of wind energy, in ambient ventilation and in air quality. In this study the wind speed behavior in Cachoeira do Sul (RS) is analyzed. Wind speed data was measured by a sonic anemometer and it was used to estimate the potential for power generation in the period from 2010 to 2014. One of the methodologies used for the study of wind was the statistical analysis using functions of probability density. There are several models of probability distribution in the literature for time series of data. For wind data, the most commonly used distribution is the Weibull function.This distribution is considered to be the most adequate for wind characterization and is also applied in the analysis of rainfall data,clarity index, water level prediction, among other applications. Thus, the objective of the present study is to obtain preliminary estimates of the wind potential of Cachoeira do Sul (RS) using the Weibull probability distribution to estimate the wind power. The results show that wind power is below 500W=m2 (in 50 m) which indicates low wind potential.O conhecimento do comportamento do vento desempenha um papel fundamental na produção de energia eólica, em ventilaçãode ambientes e na qualidade do ar. Assim, neste estudo o comportamento da velocidade do vento em Cachoeira do Sul (RS) éanalisado. Dados de velocidade do vento medidos por um anemômetro sônico são empregados para estimar o potencial de geraçãode energia no período de 2010 à 2014. Uma das metodologias empregadas para o estudo do vento é a análise estatística utilizandofunções de densidade de probabilidade. Existem diversos modelos de distribuição de probabilidade na literatura para sériestemporais de dados. Para dados de vento a distribuição mais utilizada é a função de Weibull. Esta distribuição é considerada amais adequada para caracterização do vento e é aplicada também na análise de dados de chuvas, índice de claridade, previsãodo nível de água dentre outras aplicações. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo é obter estimativas preliminares do potencialeólico de Cachoeira do Sul no RS empregando a distribuição de probabilidade de Weibull para estimar a potência do vento. Osresultados mostram que a potência do vento está abaixo de 500W/m2 (em 50m), o que indica baixa potencial eólico

    Relação do teste de caminhada pós-operatório e função pulmonar com o tempo de internação da cirurgia cardíaca Relationship on walk test and pulmonary function tests with the length of hospitalization in cardiac surgery patients

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    OBJETIVO: A função pulmonar é apontada como preditora do tempo de hospitalização na cirurgia cardíaca. E o teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6') tem sido utilizado para caracterizar a capacidade funcional em pacientes cardiopatas, porém há poucos estudos que o correlacione com tempo de internação hospitalar. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar se há correlação da função pulmonar pré e pós-operatória e da capacidade da deambulação pósoperatória com tempo de internação pós-operatória. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma coorte prospectiva com 18 pacientes, sendo 8 do gênero masculino e 10 do gênero feminino, com idade acima de 40 anos (média 64,89 ± 6,95 anos), internados para a submissão de cirurgias de revascularização do miocárdio e/ou troca valvar. Para caracterizar a função pulmonar, os pacientes foram submetidos a uma espirometria no pré-operatório e ao 5º dia pós-operatório. Neste último período também foi realizado um teste de caminhada de 6 minutos (TC6') para caracterizar a capacidade de deambulação. RESULTADO: Não houve correlação significativa da função pulmonar pré e pós-operatória com o tempo de internação pós-operatória. Somente a distância percorrida no TC6' apresentou correlação negativa significativa (rho=-0,62) com o tempo de internação pós-operatória. A distância no TC6' obteve correlação positiva significativa com a capacidade vital forçada (r=0,59) e volume expiratório forçado no 1º segundo (r=0,52). CONCLUSÃO: Esses resultados sugerem que os pacientes com maior capacidade de deambulação no pós-operatório apresentam menor tempo de internação e sugere-se também que a distância no TC6' pode representar melhor a capacidade funcional desses pacientes do que a função pulmonar isoladamente.<br>OBJECTIVE: The lung function is identified as a predictor of time of hospitalization in heart surgery. Meanwhile sixminute walk test has been used to establish functional capacity of cardiac patients, however there are few studies that correlate it with the length of hospital stay. The aim of this research was to determine whether there is correlation of preoperative and postoperative lung function and the ability of walking during the hospital stay. METHODS: A prospective cohort with 18 patients was performed, being 8 males and 10 females, with age above 40 years (medium 64.89 ± 6.95 years). Patients where admitted for coronary artery bypass graft surgery and/or exchange valve. To characterize the pulmonary function, patients were submitted to spirometry in preoperative and the 5th postoperative day. In the latter period was also a test for 6 minutes walk (6MWT) to characterize the ability to walk. RESULTS: There was not significant correlation of preoperative and postoperative pulmonary function with length of hospital stay. Only the distance covered in 6MWT showed a significant negative correlation (rho= 0.62) with length of stay. The distance in 6MWT obtained a significant positive correlation with forced vital capacity (r=0.59) and first second of a maximal forced expiratory manoeuvre (r=0.52). CONCLUSION: These results suggest that patients with increased postoperative capacity to walk have a shorter time of hospitalization and it also suggest that the distance in the 6MWT can better represent the functional capacity of these patients than pulmonary function alone

    Dung beetles from two sustainable-use protected forests in the Brazilian Amazon

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    The Amazon Forest is one of the world's most biodiverse ecosystems and yet its protected areas are understudied concerning insects and other invertebrates. These organisms are essential for tropical forests due to their ecological processes, with some species being very sensitive to habitat disturbances. Dung beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae) have been used as bioindicators for more than 30 years and were surveyed to assess the insect biodiversity of two sustainable-use forest reserves in the Brazilian Amazon.We report inventories of dung beetles from two Amazonian forest reserves in Pará State, Brazil: the Tapajós National Forest and the Carajás National Forest. Surveys were carried out with baited-pitfall traps installed in 2010, 2016, 2017 and 2019. We collected a total of 3,772 individuals from 19 genera and 96 species. We highlight the importance of Amazonian protected areas as refugia for insect biodiversity, particularly dung beetles, which contribute to many key ecosystem processes

    A Pilot Study of the Breath Stacking Technique Associated with Respiratory Muscle Endurance Training in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Videofluoroscopic Findings in the Upper Airway

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    Introduction: Bulbar impairment represents a hallmark feature of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) that significantly impacts survival and quality of life. Respiratory complications arise because of the weakness of the upper airway and respiratory muscles leading to respiratory failure, impaired swallowing, and reduced airway safety. Breath stacking and respiratory muscle endurance training are techniques that have been described to improve respiratory and bulbar function in patients with ALS. Considering the above, a respiratory technique named TR3 was developed. This study aimed to measure the acute effects of this technique on the upper airway through videofluoroscopy and to assess its clinical trial feasibility in patients with ALS. Material andmethods: In this cross-sectional study, we enrolled participants diagnosed with ALS to perform a single session of TR3. Epidemiological data and baseline assessments were collected. The assessments included kinematics from videofluoroscopy measuring the retropalatal airspace size, the size of the narrowest airway, and the pharyngeal area during rest and TR3. Results: Eight participants were included. During TR3, an acute increase of 15% was observed in the retropalatal airspace size (t = 5.14, p &lt; 0.01), a 123% increase was observed in the size of the narrowest airway (t = –4.18, p &lt; 0.001), and a 277% increase was observed in the pharyngeal area (t = –5.34, p &lt; 0.001). Conclusions: During the intervention, TR3 showed acute effects in increasing pharyngeal constriction, pharyngeal expansion, retropalatal airspace size, and post-lingual narrowest airway size and is feasible for a larger research program. A clinical trial (NCT04226144) is already being conducted to assess the chronic therapeutic effects of this technique and its impact on the clinical evolution of ALS

    Epoxidized SBS as compatibilizer for obtaining SBS/clay cloisite 10A nanocomposites

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    Atualmente, cargas nanométricas são utilizadas para desenvolver novos materiais poliméricos com melhor desempenho mecânico. Neste trabalho, foi empregada uma mistura de borracha termoplástica de poli(estireno-b-butadieno-b-estireno) (SBS) e de argila Montmorilonita (Cloisite 10A) via intercalação por fusão. Uma suspensão de Cloisite 10A em ciclohexano foi adicionada a SBS em solução. Para maior compatibilidade entre a argila e a borracha termoplástica utilizou‑se uma borracha termoplástica epoxidada como agente compatibilizante. Neste estudo, a proporção argila compatibilizante foi de 0,6 até 3,0 para verificar a influência desta proporção nas propriedades mecânicas dos nanocompósitos. As propriedades morfológicas e mecânicas dos nanocompósitos foram avaliadas através da difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, ensaio de tração, análise dinâmico-mecânica (DMA) e avaliação do torque final da mistura. A combinação de argila/conpatibilizante favoreceu a formação de estruturas mais alongadas de argila que promoveram o ganho de módulo e tensão com pequena redução de alongamento.Nanoscale fillers have been used to develop new polymeric materials with better mechanical performance. In this study, a mixture of thermoplastic rubber, poly (styrene-b-butadiene-b-styrene) (SBS), and Montmorillonite (Cloisite 10A) was obtained via the melt intercalation. A suspension of Cloisite 10A in cyclohexane was added to SBS in solution. To increase the compatibility between the clay and the thermoplastic rubber an epoxidized rubber was used as coupling agent. The proportion of clay and compatibilizer was changed from 0.6 to 3.0 to probe the influence of this ratio on the mechanical properties of the nanocomposites. The morphological and mechanical properties were evaluated using X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, tensile testing, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and evaluation of the final torque of the mixture. The combination of clay /compatibilizer favored the formation of elongated structures, leading to an increased modulus and strength with a small reduction in elongation

    A pilot study of the breath stacking technique associated with respiratory muscle endurance training in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: videofluoroscopic findings in the upper airway

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    Introduction: Bulbar impairment represents a hallmark feature of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) that significantly impacts survival and quality of life. Respiratory complications arise because of the weakness of the upper airway and respiratory muscles leading to respiratory failure, impaired swallowing, and reduced airway safety. Breath stacking and respiratory muscle endurance training are techniques that have been described to improve respiratory and bulbar function in patients with ALS. Considering the above, a respiratory technique named TR3 was developed. This study aimed to measure the acute effects of this technique on the upper airway through videofluoroscopy and to assess its clinical trial feasibility in patients with ALS.Material and methods: In this cross-sectional study, we enrolled participants diagnosed with ALS to perform a single session of TR3. Epidemiological data and baseline assessments were collected. The assessments included kinematics from videofluoroscopy measuring the retropalatal airspace size, the size of the narrowest airway, and the pharyngeal area during rest and TR3.Results: Eight participants were included. During TR3, an acute increase of 15% was observed in the retropalatal airspace size (t = 5.14, p &lt; 0.01), a 123% increase was observed in the size of the narrowest airway (t = –4.18, p &lt; 0.001), and a 277% increase was observed in the pharyngeal area (t = –5.34, p &lt; 0.001).Conclusions: During the intervention, TR3 showed acute effects in increasing pharyngeal constriction, pharyngeal expansion, retropalatal airspace size, and post-lingual narrowest airway size and is feasible for a larger research program. A clinical trial (NCT04226144) is already being conducted to assess the chronic therapeutic effects of this technique and its impact on the clinical evolution of ALS