206 research outputs found

    Conceptos, teorías y debates sobre la integración regional

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    Divergencias en ascenso: viejas y nuevas fracturas en América Latina

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    En las dos últimas décadas, América Latina ha sufrido amplias transformaciones políticas y sociales. No obstante, la profundidad y generalidad de tales transformaciones son frecuentemente exageradas. En este texto, argumento que existen continuidades tanIn the last two decades, Latin America has undergone wide-ranging social and political transformations. However, the deep and nature of such transformations is frequently exaggerated, or misunderstood. In this paper, I argue that continuity has been as s

    La Unión Europea, del interregionalismo con América Latina a la asociación estratégica con Brasil

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    Durante varios años, la Unión Europea procuró encuadrar sus relaciones con América Latina mediante proyectos de asociación bloque a bloque. En 2007 cambió subrepticiamente de objetivo y firmó un acuerdo de asociación estratégica con Brasil. Este artículo analiza las consecuencias de ese acuerdo, así como de las correspondientes alteraciones de la política exterior brasileña, para el futuro del interregionalismo

    a two-tier approach to party adaptation in Argentina, 1983-2003

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    La adaptación de los partidos es la respuesta de la organización de los partidos a los cambios en el medio. Estos cambios pueden impugnar tanto el éxito del partido o su supervivencia o ambos. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de la literatura no puede distinguir correctamente entre éxito y supervivencia, dando esta última por supuesta. Este trabajo sostiene que las razones subyacentes a este enfoque inadecuado son la escasez de comparaciones cruzadas más amplias entre áreas, en tanto hay un marcado contraste entre aquellas regiones donde la falta de éxito no amenaza usualmente la supervivencia del partido (por ejemplo, Europa) y aquellas dónde la falta de éxito con frecuencia implica ya sea la extinción o irrelevancia del partido (por ejemplo, América Latina). Por lo tanto, este trabajo desarrolla un enfoque en dos niveles de la adaptación de los partidos que distingue la capacidad de ajustarse a los retos electorales de la capacidad de ajustarse al los retos del gobierno. El enfoque es aplicado a los dos partidos mayoritarios de Argentina, Peronistas y Radicales, con el fin de probar las implicaciones de su capacidad heterogénea para llegar al gobierno.[Basado en resumen del autor

    Foreign Policy Retreat: Domestic and Systemic Causes of Brazil’s International Rollback

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    Brazil’s rise was a globally acclaimed phenomenon that took place under two consecutive administrations: Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002) and Lula (2003-2010). Under Dilma Rousseff (2011-2016), though, Brazil’s foreign activism declined dramatically and its international visibility lost luster. This was due to a combination of domestic and systemic factors. This paper identifies these factors and gauges their influence in order to answer a main question: is there anyone to blame or was Brazil’s international rollback bound to happen?info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Regionalism in the Americas: Segmented, Overlapping, and Sovereignty-boosting

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    The Americas have historically been divided into three groupings: twenty Latin American countries, thirteen smaller Caribbean states, and the United States and Canada. Regionalist projects have proliferated in the first grouping and, less prominently, in the second, whereas the two northernmost states have adhered to regional cooperation organizations but remained aloof from regional integration. Apart from the self-exclusion of the largest powers, functional regionalism in the Americas differs from European regionalism in four main respects: first, it is segmented rather than convergent; second, it is overlapping rather than exclusive; third, it is flexibly implemented rather than rule-enforced; and fourth and crucially, it is sovereignty-boosting rather than sovereignty-sharing.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Spillover in European and South American integration.

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    Spillover is a concept coined by neo-functionalism in the 1960s in order to account for the process of European integration. It refers to the inner dynamics whereby the members of a regional scheme would be compelled to either enlarging the scope or increasing the level of their mutual commitments or both. However, Latin American integration processes have questioned the meaningfulness and applicability of the concept, both in its political and technical dimensions. Through a comparison between the European Union, the Andean Community and Mercosur, this paper looks into the reasons why this happened, addressing conceptual as well as empirical matters.Spillover é um conceito cunhado na década de 1960 pela teoria neo-funcionalista para explicar o processo de integração europeia. Refere-se à dinâmica pela qual os membros de um bloco regional são incentivados à alargar o alcance ou incrementar o nível dos seus compromissos mútuos, ou ambas as coisas. Todavia, os processos de integração na América Latina questionam o sentido e aplicabilidade do conceito, quer nas suas dimensões políticas quer nas suas dimensões técnicas. Por meio de uma comparação entre a União Europeia, a Comunidade Andina e o Mercosul, este artigo avalia as razões de tal limitação, abordando questões conceptuais e empíricas

    Managing Security in a Zone of Peace: Brazil´s Soft Approach to Regional Governance

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    Given Brazil’s regional prevalence, its low, late and soft investment in regional security governance appears puzzling. We approach the puzzle through an analysis of contextual features, institutional overlap and policy networks, especially regarding nuclear energy and the environment. Our findings show that Brazil’s behavior is explained by a combination of low regional risks, scarce domestic resources, a legalistic regional culture of dispute settlement, and transgovernmental networks that substitute for formal interstate cooperation and deep regional institutions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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