519 research outputs found

    Estimación de parámetros ambientales, fisiológicos y genéticos para el peso al destete y 18 meses y pruebas de progenie en un rebaño Cebú Brahman.

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    De los archivos de un rebaño de bovinos brahman, localizado en Valparaiso, Antioquia, se obtuvo información sobre 2482 pesos al destete y 406 a los 18 meses, de becerros nacidos de 698 vacas y 53 toros Brahman, reduciéndose los padres para pesos a los 18 meses. En el análisis de varianza se indujeron los efectos: sexo, año de nacimiento, época, edad de la madre al parto. La alta correlación genética entre el peso al destete y el peso a los 18 meses y el hecho de que el índice de herencia sea mayor para el pso al destete, permite concluír que la selección de toretes y novillas en este rebaño debe efectuarse a partir del destete (270 días) y de esta forma disminuír el intervalo generacional. Igualmente ayudará a disminuír la edad del primer parto, alargando la vida útil de las vacas, estas a su vez se pueden seleccionar en la población por el peso al destete de sus hijos dado el valor moderado para el coeficiente de repetición del peso al destete y el índice de herencia, junto con la correlación genética alta entre ambos peso

    The potential role of the adipokine HMGB1 in obesity and insulin resistance. Novel effects on adipose tissue biology

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    Discovery of the adipose tissue as a major source of signaling molecules almost three decades ago set a novel physiological paradigm that paved the way for the identification of metabolic organs as endocrine organs. Adipocytes, the main adipose tissue cell type, do not only represent the principal site of energy storage in form of triglycerides, but also produce a variety of molecules for short and long distance intercellular communication, named adipokines, which coordinate systemic responses. Although the best known adipokines identified and characterized hitherto are leptin and adiponectin, novel adipokines are continuously being described, what have significantly helped to elucidate the role of adipocyte biology in obesity and associated comorbidities. One of these novel adipokines is high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1), a ubiquitous nuclear protein that has been recently reported to be dysregulated in obese dysfunctional adipocytes. Although the classical function of HMGB1 is related to inflammation and immunity, acting as an alarmin, novel advances evidence an active implication of HMGB1 in tissue remodeling and fibrosis. This review summarizes the current evidence on the mechanisms controlling HMGB1 release, as well as its role as a regulator of adipocyte function and extracellular matrix remodeling, with special emphasis on the potential of this novel adipokine as a target in the obesity treatment

    Una mirada al origen y las propiedades de los suelos magnésicos en el valle del cauca-colombia

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    Se estudiaron las relaciones Si/Mg y Ca/Mg, en tres transectos y 12 perfiles de suelos, con lluvias inferiores a 1400 mm anuales. Más de 15% de minerales ferromagnesianos en la fracción arena fueron garantía para la aparición de contenidos de Mg+2 mínimos de 5 Cmol (+)/kg en todos los paisajes. Variaciones anuales de la precipitación entre 800 y 1400 mm no influyeron en la variabilidad del magnesio de 5 a 41 Cmol (+)/kg. El Mg+2 aumentó en el sentido en que decreció la tasa de infiltración promedia. Los suelos con arcillas oxídicas acumularon SO4=, yeso en los poros y adolecieron de horizontes Bk; con influencia de piroclastos aumentaron Na+. Cuando presentaron Si / Mg and gt; 5 tuvieron menores concentraciones relativas de Mg+2 y Ca+2, excepto en familias esmectítica y caolinítica. Las aguas de riego presentaron C.E. and lt; 1 dS/m, la mayoría carbonato de sodio residual (CSR), y para casi todas se prevén aportes de magnesio al suelo. Hubo efecto específico en todos los paisajes; para Ca/Mg and lt; 2 se atenuó cuando el contenido de materia orgánica fue similar a 5% o con mineralogías caoliníticas; con mineralogías micáseas el efecto se dio desde relaciones Ca/Mg 2-3. Valores de Ca+2 and gt; 10 Cmol (+)/kg y pH ­ 7.5 inhibieron la acumulación de Na+. ABSTRACT A sigh over the origin and properties of magnesic soils in Valle del Cauca-Colombia. They were studied as a function of Si/Mg and Ca/Mg relations in three transect and 12 soil profiles where rain precipitation was lower than 1400 mm. More than 15% of ferromagnesian minerals in sand fraction allows at least a minimum Mg+2 content of 5 Cmol (+)/kg. Annual rain variations between 800 and 1400 mm had not influence in Mg+2 variability between 5 to 41 Cmol(+)/kg. Mg+2 contents had a tendency to increase as well as medium infiltration rate decrease. Magnesic soils with oxidic clays in general allowed accumulation of S04= ion, gypsum in pore space, and lacking of Bk horizons; but with piroclastic materials Na+ tended to increase. When showed Si / Mg and gt; 5, had relatively less Mg+2 y Ca+2 concentrations except in smectitic and kaolinitic families. All irrigation waters had C.E and lt; 1 dS/m, most of them residual sodium carbonate (RSC), and most of times they foresee high apports of magnesium to soils. There were specific effect in all landscapes; for Ca/Mg and lt; 2 was lessen when soil organic matter content was close to 5%, or if kaolinitic mineralogy; with micaceous mineralogy it occurred for Ca/Mg of 2-3. Ca+2 values greater than 10 Cmol (+)/kg and pH ­ 7.5 suppressed soil Na+ accumulation. Key words: magnesic soils, Mg specific effect, irrigation water quality

    Relação entre as Fintech e o marketing financeiro

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    The objective of this article is to present the importance of fintech and its revolution in the world of finance in recent years and its impact on the acceleration of financial marketing. For the above, an exploratory analysis was carried out in the financial sector on the application of new information technologies to the financial system, and how, hand in hand with financial marketing, greater competitiveness and new business models have been generated. The result shows that a new scenario of constant changes in the financial sector has led to the evolution of various related sectors such as financial marketing and fintech, which have maintained rapid growth and an important role in the market segmentation process, for so its effectiveness depends on a true culture in the banking organization that allows it to respond to the challenges of a new world focused on technological advances and the needs of people.El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar la importancia de las fintech y su revolución en el mundo de las finanzas durante los últimos años, así como su impacto en la aceleración del marketing financiero. Para ello, se realizó un análisis exploratorio en el sector financiero sobre la aplicación de las tecnologías de la información al sistema financiero y cómo, de la mano del marketing financiero, se ha ido generando mayor competitividad y nuevos modelos de negocio. El resultado muestra que un nuevo escenario de cambios constantes en el sector financiero ha llevado a la evolución de varios sectores anexos, como las fintech y el marketing financiero. Estos han mantenido un crecimiento acelerado y un papel importante en el proceso de segmentación de mercados. Su eficacia depende de una verdadera cultura en la organización bancaria que permita responder a los desafíos de un nuevo mundo enfocado en los avances tecnológicos y las necesidades de las personas.O objetivo desse artigo é apresentar a importância das fintech e a sua revoluçâo no mundo das finanças durante os último anos, bem como o seu impacto na aceleraçâo do marketing financeiro. Para isso, realizou-se uma análise exploratória no setor fiananceiro sobre a aplicaçâo das tecnologias da informaçâo no sistema financeiro e como também o marketing finaceiro há ido gerando mais competitividade e novos modelos de negócios. O resultado mostra que um novo cenário de mudanças constantes no setor financeiro tem levado a evoluçâo de vários anexos, como as fintech e o marketing financeiro. Estes têm mantido um crescimento acelerado e um papel fundamental no processo segmentaçâo de mercados. Sua eficiência depende de uma verdadera cultura na organizaçâo bancária que permita dar respostas aos desafios de um novo mundo focado nos avances tencológicos e as necessidades das pessoas

    Ghrelin requires p53 to stimulate lipid storage in fat and liver

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    Ghrelin, a stomach-derived peptide, stimulates feeding behavior and adiposity. For its orexigenic action, ghrelin triggers a central SIRT1/p53/AMPK pathway. The tumor suppressor p53 also plays an important role in white adipose tissue (WAT), where it is up-regulated in the adipocytes of obese mice. It is not known, however, whether p53 has any role in mediating the peripheral action of ghrelin. In the present study, chronic peripheral ghrelin treatment resulted in increased body weight and fat-mass gain in wild-type mice. Correspondingly, mRNA levels of several adipogenic and fat-storage-promoting enzymes were up-regulated in WAT, whereas hepatic triglyceride content and lipogenic enzymes were also increased in wild-type mice following ghrelin treatment. In contrast, mice lacking p53 failed to respond to ghrelin treatment, with their body weight, fat mass, and adipocyte and hepatic metabolism remaining unchanged. Thus, our results show that p53 is necessary for the actions of ghrelin on WAT and liver, leading to changes in expression levels of lipogenic and adipogenic genes, and modifying body weight

    Influence of the ectopic location on the antigen expression and functional characteristics of endometrioma stromal cells

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    Research question: Are the alterations observed in the endometriotic cells, such as progesterone resistance, already present in the eutopic endometrium or acquired in the ectopic location? Design: The response to decidualization with progesterone and cyclic AMP for up to 28 days was compared in different endometrial stromal cell (EnSC) lines established from samples of endometriomas (eEnSC), eutopic endometrium from women with endometriosis (eBEnSC), endometrial tissue from healthy women (BEnSC) and menstrual blood from healthy donors (mEnSC). Results: Usual features of decidualized cells, such as changes in cell morphology and expression of prolactin, were similarly observed in the three types of eutopic EnSC studied, but not in the ectopic cells upon decidualization. Among the phenotypic markers analysed, CD105 was down-regulated under decidualization in all cell types (mEnSC, P = 0.005; BEnSC, P = 0.029; eBEnSC, P = 0.022) except eEnSC. mEnSC and BEnSC underwent apoptosis during decidualization, whereas eBEnSC and eEnSC were resistant to the induction of cell death. Lastly, migration studies revealed that mEnSC secreted undetermined factors during decidualization that inhibited cell motility, whereas eEnSC showed a significantly lower ability to produce those migration-regulating factors (P < 0.0001, P  < 0.001 and P = 0.0013 for the migration of mEnSC at 24, 48 and 72 h, respectively; P  < 0.0001 for the migration of eEnSC at all times studied). Conclusions: This study provides novel insights into the differences between endometriotic and eutopic endometrial cells and reinforces the idea that the microenvironment in the ectopic location plays additional roles in the acquisition of the alterations that characterize the cells of the endometriotic foci.This work was supported by the Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016, ISCIII Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain (Grant PI16/01642); the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/634 FEDER funding); and the Plan Propio, Universidad de Granada (Grant PP2021.PP-12)

    Utilidad del índice UDT-65 en adultos con dolor torácico y electrocardiograma normal o no diagnóstico

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    Objetivo: Evaluar la utilidad del índice UDT-65 para la estratificación del dolor torácico en urgencias en una población colombiana en la que se sospecha enfermedad coronaria. Método: Se condujo la validación externa del índice UDT-65 en una cohorte concurrente que incluyó pacientes que ingresaron a urgencias de una clínica cardiovascular en Bogotá con dolor torácico no traumático, y electrocardiograma normal o no diagnóstico. Se evaluaron 1320 pacientes de 18 o más años y se determinó la utilidad del índice en términos de calibración (uso de gráfico, ji al cuadrado para datos agrupados y prueba de bondad de ajuste de Hosmer-Lemeshow) y de capacidad de discriminación del modelo (curva de características operativas del receptor [ROC] y área bajo ella [AUC]). Resultados: El índice UDT-65 en esta población suministró evidencia de su utilidad en términos de calibración y capacidad de discriminación, para efectuar una buena aplicación de él en aquellos pacientes que consulten al servicio de urgencias de una clínica cardiovascular por dolor torácico no traumático de posible origen coronario. La capacidad de discriminación del índice UDT-65 fue adecuada, pues con un área bajo la curva ROC de 0.867 (IC 95% 0-847-0.885), que se acerca al valor obtenido (AUC 0.87) en la población española en que se desarrolló el índice. Conclusiones: Se necesitan más estudios similares en otras instituciones, dado el buen resultado, en beneficio de más pacientes.Q4Objective: To evaluate the clinical usefulness, in the emergency service, of the UDT-65 index for chest pain stratification in colombian population with suspected coronary disease. Method: The external validation of the UDT-65 index was conducted in a concurrent cohort that included patients admitted to the emergency service of the cardiovascular clinic in Bogotá with non-traumatic chest pain and normal or non-diagnostic electrocardiogram. 1320 patients were evaluated and the usefulness of this instrument was determined in terms of calibration (use of graph, Chi-square test for group data and the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test) and discrimination capacity of the model (curve of receiver operating characteristics [ROC] and by finding the area under the curve [AUC]). Results: The UDT-65 index in the population under study, provided evidence of its usefulness in terms of calibration and discrimination capacity; this, in pursuance of a good application of the instrument in those patients who consult the Emergency Department of the cardiovascular clinic for non-traumatic chest pain of possible coronary origin. The discrimination capacity of the UDT65 index was adequate, with an area under the ROC curve of 0.867 (95 % CI 0.847-0.885), which is close in value to the one obtained (AUC 0.87) in the Spanish population where the original index was developed. Conclusions: More similar studies are needed in other institutions, due to the excellent and beneficial outcomes.Revista Nacional - Indexad