314 research outputs found

    Superior detached house

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem rodinného domu s jednou bytovou jednotkou, situovaným ve svažitém terénu na katastrálním území Brno Židenice. Objekt je o jednom nadzemním podlaží, částečně podsklepený prostorově otevřen k západu. Zastřešení je provedeno pultovou střechou. Dispozičně je stavba členěna do tří sektorů: klidový, provozní a relaxační, plnící nadstandardní vybavení stavby.The bachelor’s thesis focuses on the design of a house with one housing unit, situated on a sloping terrain in the cadastral area of Brno - Židenice. The building has one floor above ground, there is a cellar under a part of the house, and the space is opened towards the west. A shed roof has been chosen. The layout of the building is divided into three sectors: resting, working and relaxing, all contributing to the above standard quality of the house.

    Dedicated Hardware for Complex Mathematical Operations

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    New hardware FPGA implementations for the efficient computations of division, natural logarithm and exponential function are proposed. The proposed implementations use generic floating-point adder and multiplier with small additional resources that are shared to compute more frequently used multiply and accumulate operations. Hardware sharing improved the resource utilization. The time of the computation has been reduced to only 6 clock cycles when the natural logarithm and exponential function are calculated. The division is calculated in 5 clock cycles. They are designed as technology independent high throughput computing cores with minimized memory requirements which can be used in higher numbers to significantly increased calculation speed in spectral processing. A new universal arithmetic floating-point unit is also proposed

    Dynamic Analysis of Programs Using Library Calls

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá vývojem dynamického analyzátoru, který sleduje používání knihovních volání analyzovaným programem. Analyzátor dále tato volání automaticky ovládá za účelem vytváření různých běhů programu, které pak agreguje do výsledného grafu toku řízení. Pro sledovaní a ovládání volání používá analyzátor vlastní sdílenou knihovnu pro operační systém GNU/Linux. Součástí práce je jak podrobný návrh celé aplikace, tak i její implementace v~jazycích C/C++ zaměřující se na sledování standardních knihovních volání nad souborovým systémem.The objective of this bachelor's thesis is development of dynamic software analysis which monitors library calls of analysed program. The proposed analyser doubles library call routines in order to create different program runs. These runs are then aggregated into a single control flow graph which can be used for subsequent program analysis. Monitoring and controlling the calls is realised via stubs and wrappers encapsulated within a dynamic shared library for GNU/Linux operating system. The proof of concept is shown on dynamic analyser focused on file system library calls.

    Creation of a mathematical model of fluid interaction with a hydrophobic surface

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá tvorbou modelu okrajového problému proudění v obdélníkovém kanále s nesmáčivou stěnou. Text obsahuje přehled teoretických poznatků týkajících se hydrofobie a odvozené modely zohledňující předpoklady vztahující se k expertimentům. Modely jsou srovnány se získanými daty a diskutovány z hlediska fyzikální popisnosti.The bachelor's thesis deals with a mathematical model of a boundary problem of a laminar flow in a rectangular channel with one non-wetting wall. The thesis contains theoretical servey of hydrophobic phenomena and presents mathematical models based on experimentally obtained facts. The models are fitted to experimental data and the physical validity of each model is then discussed.

    Modern Enology: Quo vadis?

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    Enology, the science of wine, enters the atmosphere of technological explosion of the third millennium. In order to achieve higher quality products enology is expected to implant to the utmost the latest scientific knowledge into wine technology. Enology will satisfy these demands, but will the consumer be satisfied too? It will not be possible to produce modern and attractive wines without ´considerate´ methods of pressing, intact prefermentation must processing and realisation of regulated fermentation process. Regulation of fermentation will be carried out even more consistently in biological (pure yeast cultures, immobilised cells, genetically manipulated microorganisms), physically-chemical and bioengineering (shape of the containers, continual fermentation) ways. Will wine be produced in strictly reduction regimes; will purely physical methods be enough in the process of wine stabilisation? Wont the resources of must chemical consistency (acids, polyphenols, proteins, other native antioxidants) be more widely used for this reason? The beauty wine of the third millennium should develop from the refined range of today´s varieties. However, application of the latest methods of chemical analysis (GC, HPLC, MS, SNIF - NMR) will allow a more precise determination of the origin, purity and authenticity of wine in the near future. It will help define the originality (both chemical and sensory) of a wide range of wines from different parts of the world which have to be preserved for the generations of our descendants

    Groundwater Vulnerability of the Karst - Fissure Hydrogeological Structure of South – Facing Slopes of the Nízke Tatry Mts., Slovakia

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    An “intrinsic vulnerability” (according to Zwahlen et al., 2004) to any contamination in general is considered using Malík´s extension (2005) of the Kullman´s method (2000), based on the assessment of the degree the rock disruption and karstification, affecting the shape of spring discharge recession curves. It is based on the presumption that the intensity of natural contamination attenuation processes depends on rock disruption/karstification. The method is applied on the Mesozoic rock environment of the most important hydrogeological structure in the southern slopes of the Nízke Tatry Mountains. Hydrograph analyses of groundwater depletion in the gauged or exploited springs were used for assessment of groundwater vulnerability to human and/or natural pollution. Differences in character of individual depletion hydrographs enable assessment an extent of absorption and elimination processes during the groundwater penetration through the rock environment from the infiltration area to the outflow in the spring or exploited source. The depletion hydrographs reflect not only the character (effect) of outflow area but reflect the effects whole infiltration and accumulation area. In total, 68 individual recession curves from 9 gauged springs were analysed. Obtained degrees of groundwater vulnerability are evaluated by 10 degree range of the Kullman´s vulnerability scheme, adjusted by Malík. The reached vulnerability values are consequently applied and assigned to the lithological types of discharge area of gauged springs. This study also describes an existence of individual laminar and turbulent sub-regimes that occur in the karts-fissure rock environment, the type of rock disruption from open micro– to macro fissures - to karst channels and subsequent estimation of the karstification degree

    Determination of the initial stress tensor from deformation of underground opening -- theoretical background and applications

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    summary:In this paper a method for the detection of initial stress tensor is proposed. The method is based on measuring distances between some pairs of points located on the wall of underground opening in the excavation process. This methods is based on the solution of eighteen auxiliary problems in the theory of elasticity with force boundary conditions. The optimal location of the pairs of points on the wall of underground work is studied. The pairs must be located so that the condition number of a certain matrix has the minimal value, which guarantees a reliable estimation of initial stress tensor

    Hydraulic Properties of Carbonate Rocks from Slovakian Borehole Database

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    Using archival hard copy records on 22,922 wells and hy­drogeological boreholes, maintained since 1950's on the ter­ritory of Slovak Republic, a spatial database was developed. If possible, each borehole was linked to a certain aquifer or aquifer lithological type, according to its screened inter­val. Wells with ambiguous position of open casing were ex­cluded from further processing to obtain distinct relation of pumping rate to lithology. Using stored records of hydraulic tests, eachpumping rate was processed to obtain uniformly calculated “standard” specific capacity. These values were subsequently used to re-interpret hydraulic parameters. Based on standardized specific capacity data, estimates of transmissivity (T; in m2∙s-1) and hydraulic conductivity (K; in m∙s-1) for eachwell were calculated and linked to corre­sponding aquifer type. From these, hydraulic properties of limestones (238 boreholes), dolomites (463 boreholes) and granitoid rocks (96 boreholes) are compared. As anticipat­ed, geometrical mean of transmissivity was low for grani­toids (6.51∙10-5 m2∙s-1) and in one order of magnitude higher for limestones (6.16∙10-4 m2∙s-1), due to its enhancement by karstification. The highest observed value of mean transmis­sivity, two times higher than that found for limestones, was obtained for dolomitic aquifers (1.04∙10-3 m2∙s-1). Dolomitic aquifers also show the highest median values of hydraulic conductivity (3.21∙10-5 m∙s-1), in one order of magnitude higher than granitoids (2.10∙10-6 m∙s-1) and three times higher than limestones (9.45∙10-6 m∙s-1). In comparison with limestones, dolomites seem to be slightly more homogene­ous in aquifer properties; also several lithological types there show similarities in both T and K. Some limestone lithofacies (Steinalm and Raming), seem to have lower transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity comparing to other limestones types (Dachstein, Gutenstein, Wetterstein). The data on hy­draulic properties of all these hard rocks show lognormal statistical distribution and high heterogeneity

    Oxygen Isotopes in Different Recession Subregimes of Karst Springs in the Brezovské Karpaty Mts. (Slovakia)

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    Karst spring hydrograph separation method based on quick iterative solution of several simple exponential and linear equations, was developed for linking small datasets of sam­ples to various hydrologic situations. The method is based on a presumption, that a spring’s discharge depends on the level of aquifer saturation by groundwater, and that the same dis­charge reflects the same groundwater saturation (piezometric level) in the aquifer. Every spring can be described by unique sets of constant starting discharges, Q0 values, recession coef­ficients α (laminar flow components in exponential equations), and β (turbulent flow components in linear equations). Eachsubregime can be detected by recession curve analyses of the complete spring’s discharge time series. In this hydrographseparation, every measured discharge value, Qt, is then deter­mined by a representative time, t; i.e., theoretical elapsed time t from the total maximum discharge value Qmax. The aim of the iteration process is to obtain this representative time t for eachdischarge. The individual flow components are calculated us­ing the same t value. These variances in subregime discharges in a certain moment can be linked to the components analysed in the same moment, in order to obtain the end members of the theoretical mixture. This technique was developed and ap­plied on the discharge time series of the four karstic springs in the Brezovské Karpaty Mts. (Slovakia), built mainly by karsti­fied Middle and Upper Triassic dolomites and limestones. Groundwater of individual springs were characterised by δ18O (SMOW) and groundwater temperature values and end mem­bers of two laminar and one turbulent subregimes were calcu­lated. Results were based on sparsely populated datasets and manual discharge records, but represent a perspective method for future development and interpretations on limited dataset results

    Grounding the Meanings in Sensorimotor Behavior using Reinforcement Learning

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    The recent outburst of interest in cognitive developmental robotics is fueled by the ambition to propose ecologically plausible mechanisms of how, among other things, a learning agent/robot could ground linguistic meanings in its sensorimotor behavior. Along this stream, we propose a model that allows the simulated iCub robot to learn the meanings of actions (point, touch, and push) oriented toward objects in robot’s peripersonal space. In our experiments, the iCub learns to execute motor actions and comment on them. Architecturally, the model is composed of three neural-network-based modules that are trained in different ways. The first module, a two-layer perceptron, is trained by back-propagation to attend to the target position in the visual scene, given the low-level visual information and the feature-based target information. The second module, having the form of an actor-critic architecture, is the most distinguishing part of our model, and is trained by a continuous version of reinforcement learning to execute actions as sequences, based on a linguistic command. The third module, an echo-state network, is trained to provide the linguistic description of the executed actions. The trained model generalizes well in case of novel action-target combinations with randomized initial arm positions. It can also promptly adapt its behavior if the action/target suddenly changes during motor execution