12 research outputs found

    Realization of perfect reconstruction non-uniform filter banks via a tree structure

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    Obviously, a tree structure filter bank can be realized via a non-uniform filter bank, and perfect reconstruction is achieved if and only if each branch of the tree structure can provide perfect reconstruction. In this paper, the converse of this problem is studied. We show that a perfect reconstruction non-uniform filter bank with decimation ratio {2,4,4} can be realized via a tree structure and each branch of the tree structure achieves perfect reconstruction


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between learning attitudes and student learning achievement; the relationship between learning motivation and student learning achievement; and the relationship between learningattitudes and motivational learning together towards student learning achievement. The correlational research method carried out this research. The population in this study were seventh-grade students of Langke Rembong 6 Junior High School, East Nusa Tenggara. Samples as subjects in this study were 46 students. Data collection was conducted using a questionnaire to obtain data on learning attitudes and learning motivation while the test instrument was used to gather data on mathematics learning achievement. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between learning attitudes towards students' mathematics learning achievement. There is also a positive and significant relationship between learning motivation towards students' mathematics learning achievement. Furthermore, there is a positive and significant relationship between learning attitudes and learning motivation towards students' mathematics learning achievement together

    Probing bulk electron temperature via x-ray emission in a solid density plasma

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    Bulk electron temperatures are calculated for thin Cu targets irradiated by the petawatt class Vulcan laser, from the Kα yield obtained using highly oriented pyrolytic graphite crystals. Cu-Kα emission studies have been used to probe the bulk electron temperature. A 30–80 eV core temperature extends homogeneously over distances up to ten times the laser focal spot size. Energy shifting has been observed due to different ionization states produced for different temperatures in the plasma. Polarization dependencies of plasma temperature are observed through the production of x-rays in different targets. 2D PIC simulations were performed to measure the polarization dependency of bulk electron temperature, which supports our experimental results. This paper could be of importance in understanding the different behavior of laser coupling at different polarizations and their role in x-ray production

    The role of the dentate gyrus and adult neurogenesis in hippocampal-basal ganglia associated behaviour

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    The ability of the brain to continually generate new neurons throughout life is one of the most intensely researched areas of modern neuroscience. While great advancements in understanding the biochemical mechanisms of adult neurogenesis have been made, there remain significant obstacles and gaps in connecting neurogenesis with behavioural and cognitive processes such as learning and memory. The purpose of the thesis was to examine by review and laboratory experimentation the role of the dentate gyrus and of adult neurogenesis within the hippocampus in the performance of cognitive tasks dependent on the hippocampal formation and hippocampal-basal ganglia interactions. Advancement in understanding the role of neurogenesis in these processes may assist in improving treatments for common brain injury and cognitive diseases that affect this region of the brain. Mild chronic stress reduced the acquisition rate of a stimulus-response task (p=0.043), but facilitated the acquisition of a discrimination between a small and a large reward (p=0.027). In locomotor activity assays, chronic stress did not shift the dose-response to methamphetamine. Analysis of 2,5-bromodeoxyuridine incorporation showed that, overall, chronic mild stress did not effect survival of neuronal progenitors . However, learning of the tasks had a positive influence on cell survival in stressed animals (p=0.038). Microinjections of colchicine produced significant lesions of the dentate gyrus and surrounding CA1-CA3 and neocortex. Damage to these regions impaired hippocampal-dependent reference memory (p=0.054) while preserving hippocampal independent simple discrimination learning. In a delay discounting procedure, the lesions did not induce impulsive-like behaviour when delay associated with a large reward was introduced. The experiments uphold a current theory that learning acts as a buffer to mitigate the negative effects of stress on neurogenesis

    Pengembangan Buku Ajar Statistika Elementer untuk Mahasiswa Calon Guru Matematika

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    Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan buku ajar statistika elementer dan mengetahui kualitas buku ajar yang dikembangkan. Produk yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini adalah Buku Ajar Statistika Elementer. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar evaluasi, angket respon mahasiswa, lembar observasi kegiatan pembelajaran, dan tes hasil belajar. Buku  Ajar ini dikembangkan mengikuti model pengembangan ADDIE, yaitu: a) Analysis: analisis kebutuhan, analisis kurikulum dan analisis karakteristik mahasiswa. b) Design: pengumpulan referensi, perancangan dan penyusunan  buku ajar, penyusunan Rancangan Pembelajaran Semester (RPS) dengan media yang digunakan. c) Development: pembuatan  buku ajar, validasi ahli untuk mengetahui kevalidan  buku ajar, dan merevisi produk berdasarkan masukan validator. d) Implementation: terdiri atas uji coba kecil dan uji coba besar untuk memperoleh kepraktisan dan keefektifan penggunaan  buku ajar. e) Evaluation: menganalisis kevalidan, kepraktisan dan keefektifan  buku ajar. Kualitas bahan ajar yang dikembangkan adalah: a) kevalidan dengan kriteria lolos tanpa revisi berdasarkan penilaian validator materi, validator bahasa dan validator penyajian dan grafika dengan skor masing-masing 3.69, 3.25, dan 3.33 b) kepraktisan dengan kriteria lolos tanpa revisi berdasarkan penilaian dosen terhadap  buku ajar, angket respon mahasiswa dan observasi kegiatan pembelajaran dengan skor masing-masing 3.20, 93.93%, dan 87.71%. c) efek potensial   buku ajar dengan kriteria tinggi berdasarkan tes prestasi belajar mahasiswa dengan persentase sebesar 73%

    Set of decimators for tree structure filter banks

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    In this paper, we propose a novel method to test if a set of decimators can be generated by a tree structure filter bank. The decimation ratio is first sorted in an ascending order. Then we group the largest decimators with the same decimation ratio together and form a new set of decimators. A set of decimators can be generated by a tree structure filter bank if and only if by repeating the above procedure, all the decimators can be grouped together. Some examples are illustrated to show that the proposed method is simple and easy to implement