6 research outputs found

    Zjawiskowe formy popełnienia czynu zabronionego w prawie karnym Ukrainy

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    Complicity  in  crime  is  one  of  the  forms  of  criminal  activity.  It  has  its  specific  features  which  allow  the  scholars  to  treat  complicity  as  a separate  criminal  law  institution.  These  specific  features  comprise  the  following  elements:  a)  the  participation  in  the  commission  of  an  offence  of  two  or  more  persons  bears  a heightened  danger  for  the  public  safety;  b)  an  offence  with  its  statutory  features  is  committed  only  due  to  the  joint  action  of  all  participants. The  institution  of  complicity  in  the  commission  of  an  offence  is  regulated  in  greater  detail  by  the  Criminal  Code  of  Ukraine  from  2001  than  it  was  the  case  in  the  Criminal  Code  form  1960.  The  whole  Chapter  IV  of  the  General  Part  of  the  Criminal  Code  of  Ukraine  entitled  “Complicity  in  the  commission  of  an  offence”  is  devoted  to  it.  Some  norms  referring  to  the  problem  can  also  be  found  in  the  Special  Part  of  the  Criminal  Code  of  Ukraine.  Despite  such  a detailed  legal  cover  of  the  institution  of  complicity  in  the  Criminal  Code  of  Ukraine,  individual  problems  are  not  sufficiently  explained  and  there  are  some  internal  contradictions  as  well. Therefore  the  issues,  conclusions  and  propositions  presented  in  this  article  referring  to  the  improvement  of  the  criminal  law  seem  to  be  up  to  date  and  indispensable.  It  is  necessary  to  amend  the  individual  legal  issues  referring  to  complicity  and  to  explain  them  with  greater  precision.  This  will  foster  greater  effectiveness  in  counteracting  such  criminal  acts.Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polski

    Струминна вакуумна система з відкритою градирнею

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    Струминна вакуумна система з відкритою градирнею містить барометричну ємність, градирню, конденсатор зрошувального типу, ежектор, рідинно-кільцевий вакуумний насос, насоси охолоджуючої води, з'єднані між собою трубопроводами. Крім цього, в системі використовується рідинно-паровий ежектор, який з однієї сторони приєднаний до сепаратора, а з другої - з'єднаний трубопроводами з теплообмінником-підігрівачем, що з'єднаний з циркуляційним насосом

    The criminal responsibility for defamation of knowingly innocent

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    The scientific article analyzes the acute discussion in law enforcement practice and procedural science of the problem of the possibility of criminal prosecution of a suspect, accused of defaming a knowingly innocent person in the commission of a crime. The theoretical basis of the article are scientific works on criminal law and criminal procedural law (both domestic researchers and foreign experts). A set of general scientific, special scientific and philosophical methods of scientific knowledge has been used while preparing the scientific article, in particular dialectical, historical, comparative, dogmatic (formal-logical), system-structural analysis, modeling. It is substantiated in the article that the behavior of the suspect, accused, which is manifested in slandering of a knowingly innocent person, does not constitute the right to freedom from self-disclosure. It is also proved that both freedom from self-disclosure and the right to defense in criminal proceedings must have certain limits, in particular, it is rights and interests of other subjects protected by criminal law. We  stated that the suspect or accused should be liable for misleading the court and pre-trial investigation bodies even if such deception was used to protect against the suspicion (or accusation), to avoid criminal liability

    Zjawiskowe formy popełnienia czynu zabronionego w prawie karnym Ukrainy

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    Complicity  in  crime  is  one  of  the  forms  of  criminal  activity.  It  has  its  specific  features  which  allow  the  scholars  to  treat  complicity  as  a separate  criminal  law  institution.  These  specific  features  comprise  the  following  elements:  a)  the  participation  in  the  commission  of  an  offence  of  two  or  more  persons  bears  a heightened  danger  for  the  public  safety;  b)  an  offence  with  its  statutory  features  is  committed  only  due  to  the  joint  action  of  all  participants. The  institution  of  complicity  in  the  commission  of  an  offence  is  regulated  in  greater  detail  by  the  Criminal  Code  of  Ukraine  from  2001  than  it  was  the  case  in  the  Criminal  Code  form  1960.  The  whole  Chapter  IV  of  the  General  Part  of  the  Criminal  Code  of  Ukraine  entitled  “Complicity  in  the  commission  of  an  offence”  is  devoted  to  it.  Some  norms  referring  to  the  problem  can  also  be  found  in  the  Special  Part  of  the  Criminal  Code  of  Ukraine.  Despite  such  a detailed  legal  cover  of  the  institution  of  complicity  in  the  Criminal  Code  of  Ukraine,  individual  problems  are  not  sufficiently  explained  and  there  are  some  internal  contradictions  as  well. Therefore  the  issues,  conclusions  and  propositions  presented  in  this  article  referring  to  the  improvement  of  the  criminal  law  seem  to  be  up  to  date  and  indispensable.  It  is  necessary  to  amend  the  individual  legal  issues  referring  to  complicity  and  to  explain  them  with  greater  precision.  This  will  foster  greater  effectiveness  in  counteracting  such  criminal  acts.Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polski