30 research outputs found


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    Educational Democracy is a view of life that prioritizes equal rights and obligations as well as an equal treatment between educators and students in the learning process. Democracy in education contains elements of independence, freedom, and responsibility. An independent attitude to develop self-confidence and to be aware of one's limitations is very important to foster awareness that life in the community requires collaboration with other individuals. Freedom is defined as a life purpose that rests on the awareness of social pluralism, not solely on the interests of individuals or groups. Therefore freedom itself must be accompanied by a sense of full responsibility. The word "Educational Democracy" is two terms which are interrelated, democratic values ​​can be understood and owned by the community through educational activities, and vice versa so that education can produce output that has an independent attitude, has a critical thinking power, dynamic, democratic character and always upholds human dignity, then the implementation of education must be based on democracy so that the concept of independence in learning will grow well

    Konsep Dasar Pembinaan Kesadaran Beragama Dalam Dunia Pendidikan Anak

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    Religious awarness in a person is an important factor in determining peace and happiness of human life. Because it will guide him endure his/her life solidly and strongly foundation in the world. In early childhood, religion awarness should be emphasized properly and sustainably, in order to be internalized in next thier life.  Therefore, in young generation education, moral and religious life required consistent and serious attention. Improving of religious life for children, can be a positive influence on the life of children, both in culture, social and religious segments. Children can keep themselves from a moral action among the students and young generation and to avoid from current of a negative culture which is disseminate through multiple media, eg. news paper, readings, pictures, broadcasts and performances. Keywords: Religious awareness, life of childre

    Implementasi Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Melalui Program Penerapan 5 S ( Senyum, Sapa, Salam, Sopan, Santun) di SD Muhammadiyah Ambarbinangun Bantul

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    This study aims at determining the implementation of 5S programs at Muhammadiyah Elementary School Ambarbinangun Tirtonirmolo Bantul which include: General character education in general, teacher's understanding toward character education through 5S and principals and teachers efforts in building students character through 5S.               This research is a case study qualitative research. Data collection techniques used in this research were interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques using data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. Data validity techniques used in this research was source and data triangulations.               The results of this study indicate that Muhammadiyah Elementary School, Ambarbinangun has carried out the formation of student character through habituation of the implementation of the 5S as follows: (1) the teacher has understood the nature of character education well, (2) the implementation of the 5S is based on self-development which includes routine school activities, spontaneous activities, exemplary and conditioning. 5S is also implemented in the learning activities through; school’s curriculum, scoring and subjects. The school principal’s roles are coordinating, mobilizing, and harmonizing the implementation of teaching and learning processes at the school. Meanwhile, teachers give the students motivation to have better characters. It can be seen from the students’ routine activities to stay in lines in front of the class before entering each room then shaking hands with the teacher.Keywords: Character building, application of 5 S (senyum, sapa, salam , sopan santun


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    This study tried to reveal the relationship between emotional intelligence and learning motivation, the relationship between learning motivation and students achievement, and to explain the direct and indirect relationships between emotional intelligence and learning motivation with the students achievement. In accordance with the theme, this study is a correlational quantitative research. In collecting the data, this study used a questionnaire consisting of emotional intelligence and motivation variables. While the data of students achievement variables was obtained from the results of the students' test scores. While the techniques used to test hypotheses was path analysis with the technique of multiple linear regression analysis. The result of the data analysis proved that (1) emotional intelligence possessed by the students was high, the learning motivation was classified as very high, and students achievement was also high, (2) there was relationship between emotional intelligence and learning motivation, that the significance of the t-test value was 0.012, (3) there was relationship between learning motivation and learning achievement, the significance of the t-test value was 0.007, (4) there was simultaneous relationship between emotional intelligence and students learning motivation which was described by the significance value of F test that was 0.000. Whereas the scale of relationship between emotional intelligence and learning motivation was 65.5%, while 35.5% of which were influenced and related to other variables or by other factors that was not included in this research model, such as: the physical condition of the children, the learning environment, parental upbringing, etc. Moreover, as shown by the results of the ANOVA test, the significance value of R square was 0.682. The scale of direct relationship between Emotional intelligence and the students achievement was 0.012, and the scale of direct relationship between learning motivation and learning achievement of the students was 0.007. While the value of indirect relationship between emotional intelligence and students achievement was at 0.337 and the indirect relationship between learning motivation and learning achievement of the students was 0.360.This study tried to reveal the relationship between emotionalintelligence and learning motivation, the relationship between learningmotivation and students achievement, and to explain the direct and indirectrelationships between emotional intelligence and learning motivation with thestudents achievement. In accordance with the theme, this study is acorrelational quantitative research. In collecting the data, this study used aquestionnaire consisting of emotional intelligence and motivation variables.While the data of students achievement variables was obtained from the resultsof the students' test scores. While the techniques used to test hypotheses waspath analysis with the technique of multiple linear regression analysis. The result of the data analysis proved that (1) emotional intelligencepossessed by the students was high, the learning motivation was classified asvery high, and students achievement was also high, (2) there was relationshipbetween emotional intelligence and learning motivation, that the significance ofthe t-test value was 0.012, (3) there was relationship between learningmotivation and learning achievement, the significance of the t-test value was0.007, (4) there was simultaneous relationship between emotional intelligenceand students learning motivation which was described by the significance valueof F test that was 0.000. Whereas the scale of relationship between emotionalintelligence and learning motivation was 65.5%, while 35.5% of which wereinfluenced and related to other variables or by other factors that was notincluded in this research model, such as: the physical condition of the children,the learning environment, parental upbringing, etc. Moreover, as shown by theresults of the ANOVA test, the significance value of R square was 0.682. Thescale of direct relationship between Emotional intelligence and the studentsachievement was 0.012, and the scale of direct relationship between learningmotivation and learning achievement of the students was 0.007. While the valueof indirect relationship between emotional intelligence and studentsachievement was at 0.337 and the indirect relationship between learningmotivation and learning achievement of the students was 0.360

    Konsep Profesi Keguruan MI

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    The Professional work which requires some sciences, it be learned and then applied to the public interest. Based on the requiring above, this professional job is different from other jobs where a profession requiring the specialized skills and expertise in carrying out his/her profession. Teacher is a professional work, and as a professional work, it must meet certain qualifications. Therefore, it needs many requirements, ig a good motivation, knowledge and skills, dedication, ethics, and entitled to a reward. The professional work involves intellectual activity, distinct body knowledge, and requires long preparation to do, continue service training, a career and a life of permanent membership, behavior, concerned deal with service, having professional organizations, and adherent code of conduct by members. Keywords: Professionalis

    Esy20222-Bahasa Arab II-Esy Kelas 02

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    Pembimbing Al-Quran Karyawan UAA

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    Penerapan Strategi Example Non Example untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Kelas V MI Ma’arif NU 01 Sidaurip Binangun Cilacap Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

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    Azka Rahmatika: “The Implementation of example non example strategy to improve students learning outcomes on social science subjects especially the history of hindu, buddhist and islam in Indonesia, in the 5th grade students of MI Maarif NU 01 Sidaurip Binangun Cilacap. Thesis ” Study Program Islamic Elementary School Teacher Education, Islamic School of The University of Alma Ata, Yogyakarta, 2016. This report aims to review the example non example strategy and to know the students study results on Social Science Subject of the the 5th grade students of MI Maarif NU 01 Sidaurip Binangun Cilacap. This is classroom action research (CAR ). There are the 5th grade students of MI Maarif NU 01 Sidaurip Binangun as the research population which are 27 students ( 16 male and 11 female). The data are collected by observation , interview , tests , and documentation. The data analysis is a qualitative descriptive through several phases namely the data analysis of the learning process, an analysis of the student learning outcome, and making conclusion. The results of this classroom action research shows that the implementation of example non example strategy can improve students learning outcomes in social science subjects especially the history of hindu, buddhist and islam in Indonesia, in the 5th grade students of MI Maarif NU 01 Sidaurip Binangun Cilacap. The Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) is 70 and the result was increased. Before the class action implemented (pretest) in the first cycle of the percentage of completeness was 18.5% by number of 5 students and it was increased after class action (post-test) on 55.5% of completeness or 15 students. In the second cycle obtained the pretest percentage of completeness was 44.4% or 12 students and post-test percentage of completeness was 92.6% or 25 students