61 research outputs found

    Utjecaj odgođene funkcije presatka na progresiju kroničnih histoloških promjena u presađenom bubregu [The impact of delayed graft function on progression of chronic histological changes in transplanted kidney]

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    Background and objectives: Delayed graft function (DGF) is a manifestation of acute kidney injury resulting from ischemia-reperfusion injury. It has usually been defined as the need for dialysis within 7 days after transplantation. Aim of our study was to evaluate effect of delayed graft function on the progression of fybrosis in transplanted kidney after deceased donor kidney or kidney pancreas transplantation. Methods and materials: Our study was retrospective. We included 163 consecutive patients transplanted in our center from 2007 to 2014. Kidney graft only, and kidney pancreas transplanted patients were included. Patients without paired biopsies (day 0 and 12 moths postransplant) were excluded. The primary outcome was the one year progression of chronic histology changes based on protocol biopses performed on the day of transplantation and at 12 months postransplant. We used composite chronic histological score as a marker of chronic allograft injury, and separate chronic scores ci and ct. The composit score is a sum of Banff chronic scores ci,ct,ah and cv (therefore, score value range 0–12). We analysed the distribution of the change (Δ score) in the composite score between group of patients with and without delayed graft function on paired biopsies, and distribution of change for separate scores. We also analysed impact of DGF on graft survival and graft function in our cohort of patients. Results: There were 60 patients with DGF (36.8%) in our cohort. Follow up was 1665 ± 590 days. Chronic composite histological score were statisticaly significantly higher in all biopsies at 12 months after transplantation (1.92 ± 2.16 at 0 biopsies vs. 3.56 ± 2.93 at 12 months biopses, p<0.001). In univariate analysis DGF was correlated with composite chronic histological score and with the change of the score (Δ). In a multivariate analysis DGF was not correlated with composite chronic histological score at 12 months (p=0.417) but it was correlated with change of the score (Δ) (p=0.012). DGF was not correlated with ci and ct at 12 months, and it was also not correlated with change of ci and ct score (Δ). Graft and patient survival was similar in both groups. Conclusion: Chronic allograft injury, as measured by a composite score and separate scores, ci and ct increased only mildly in the first post-transplant year. Delayed graft function does not seem to be a major drive of a chronic allograft injury during first post-transplant year

    Byzantium in Serbia – Serbian Authenticity and Byzantine Influence

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    Published on the occasion of the 23rd international congress of Byzantine studie

    The Byzantine administration in the northern Balkans and Tsar Samuel

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    In its administrative organization of the border on the rivers Sava and Danube, Byzantium followed certain principles that did not change significantly from the 6th to 11th century. One may therefore speak of continuity in the shaping of the provincial administration in the northern and central parts of the Balkans, i. e. in the area diachronically, the following chronological unities of the said continuity can be discerned: - the epoch of Justinian I (527-565) - the attempt of John Tzimiskes (969-976) to reoccupy the Balkan area - the epoch of Byzantine-Bulgarian wars in the time of Samuil and his heirs, and, finally, - administrative organization in the time of Basil II (976-1025) In all of these periods, Byzantium tried to gain control over the northern parts of the Balkan Peninsula, basing its efforts upon established principles.Статията е посветена на установените принципи, от които се ръководят византийците при уреждането на административната организация по границите на Империята по реките Сава и Дунав през периода между VI и XI в. Проследени са основните периоди на византийски контрол в тази зона—през епохата на Юстиниан I (527-565), опитът на Йоан I Цимисхи (969-976) да отвоюва зоната на Балканите, епохата на византийско-българските войни при Самуил и неговите наследници и административната организация при Василий II (976-1025)

    Das Siegel des loannes Protospatharios und Strategos

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    Die Serie der bekannten und veröffentlichten byzantinischen Siegel aus serbischem Gebiet, und auch aus dem Gebiet des chemaligen Jugoslawien, wird durch diesen Beitrag fortgeführt'. Allem Anschein nach wird sich diese Tendenz auch in Zukunft fortsetzen?. Das hier veröffentlichte Siegel wurde verständnisvoll von Herrn Branislav Cvetković, dem Oberkustos des Heimatmuseums der Stadt Jagodina, zur Verfügung gestellt, wofür wir uns bedanken möchten. Das Siegel wurde im Dezember 2005 in der Umgebung des Dorfes Vojska („das Heer“!) gefunden?, 15 km nördlich von Jagodina, am Ostufer des Flusses Velika Morava

    Povrat dijabetes tip 1 protutijela u pacijentice s transplantiranom gušteračom i bubregom

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    Pancreas transplantation could be the preferred treatment option for patients with type I diabetes mellitus, especially for those who are candidates for kidney transplantation. DMT1 can rarely recur after kidney-pancreas transplantation.Transplantacija gušterače može biti metoda izbora terapije u pacijenata s dijabetesom tipa 1, pogotovo za one koji su kandidati i za transplantaciju bubrega uslijed nefropatije. Dijabetes tip 1 se, iako rijetko, može vratiti i nakon transplantacije

    Processing of Data Obtained by the Testing of Steel under Low Cyclic Fatigue (Part I)

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    The design of mechanical components exposed to fatigue load, at a low number of cycles, requires knowledge of the behaviour of the material under the impact of variable load in conditions of controlled strain when cyclic plasticity is present. The aim of testing the quality of the material of the components exposed to low cycle fatigue (LCF) in many industries: nuclear, aerospace, mechanical, civil engineering and shipbuilding. In order to ensure the reliability and consistency of the results from different laboratories, it is necessary to collect all test data using test and data processing methodologies that are in accordance with a number of key points of ISO 12106:2017 and/or ASTM E 606-04 standards. This paper defines a new data processing methodology after the LCF testing of steel

    A search of Brassica SI-involved orthologs in buckwheat leads to novel buckwheat sequence identification: MLPK possibly involved in SI response

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    Kod biljaka cvetnica postoje genetički određeni sistemi self-inkompatibilnosti (SI), koji sprečavaju samooprašivanje i ukrštanje u srodstvu održavajući genetičku raznovrsnost vrsta. SI se javlja u dva oblika, kao gametofitna i sporofitna SI, koje se razlikuju u načinu određivanja SI fenotipa polena - kod GSI je SI fenotip polena određen polenovim sopstvenim haploidnim genomom, dok je kod SSI određen dipolidnim genotipom majke biljke. SSI se javlja kao homomorfna (jedan tip cveta u biljaka jedne vrste) i heteromorfna (dva ili tri tipa cveta u biljaka jedne vrste). Heteromorfna SSI je u poređenju sa homomorfnom SSI i GSI izuzetno malo proučena i za sada je upoznavanje na molekularnom nivou tek započelo. Kod heljde je prisutna distilna heteromorfna SSI, o kojoj je sakupljeno dosta podataka na fiziološkom nivou, ali o kojoj za sada nema molekularnih podataka. Na osnovu fiziološke sličnosti SI odgovora biljaka rodova Brassica i Prunus sa tram i pin morfom heljde, respektivno, zatim na osnovu toga što postoje dokazi da slični biohemijski mehanizmi leže u osnovi različitih SI odgovora i na osnovu toga što i evolutivno udaljene SI vrste mogu posedovati iste ili slične predačke SI gene, mi smo odlučili da ispitamo prisustvo ortologih gena uključenih u SI odgovore Brassica i Prunus u genomu heljde. Upotrebom izrođenih prajmera dizajniranih na osnovu evolutivno očuvanih regiona SRK, SLG, SP11 i MLPK sekvenci Brassica rapa, kao i S-RNaza i SFB gena roda Prunus, dostupnih u NCBI bazi podataka, ispitano je prisustvo ortologa ovih gena u genomu heljde. Takođe je prisustvo S-RNaza ispitano u proteinskim izolatima neoprašenih i kompatibilno i inkompatibilno oprašenih tučkova heljde oba morfa. Rezultati su pokazali da nema ortologa SRK, SLG, SP11, kao ni S-RNaza i SFB u genomu heljde, ali da postoji MLPK ortolog kod heljde. Izvedena aminokiselinska sekvenca pokazala je 80 % sličnosti sa MLPKf2 sekvencom Brassica rapa i APK1A Arabidopsis thaliana, potvrđujući da su u pitanju ortolozi koji bi mogli da imaju i sličnu ulogu. Naš sledeći korak je dobijanje cele nukleotidne sekvence MLPK heljde uz is- pitivanje postojanja alternativnih mesta iskrajanja i određivanje nivoa ekspresije po tkivima, kao i ispitivanje moguće uloge u SI odgovoru heljde. Ovi odgovori omogućiće bolje upoznavanje heteromorfnih SSI sistema koji su još uvek u svojoj najranijoj fazi istraživanja i obezbediće podatke nužne za uvid u evoluciju SI sistema biljaka cvetnica. Najzad, rasvetljavanjem SSI sistema heljde, koja se koristi u ishrani, biće moguće genetički kontrolisati ukrštanje heljde i dobijanje linija sa željenim hranljivim i/ili fiziološkim osobinama.Self-incompatibility (SI) systems, gamethophytic (GSI) and sporophytic (SSI), prevent self-pollination in angiosperms. Buckwheat displays heteromorphic SSI, with pollination allowed only between different flower morphs - thrum and pin. The physiology of thrum and pin morph SI responses are entirely different, resembling homomorphic Brassica SSI and Prunus GSI responses, respectively. Considering angiosperm species may share ancestral SI genes, we examined the presence of Brassica and Prunus SI-involved gene orthologs in the buckwheat genome. We did not find evidence of SRK, SLG and SP11 Brassica or S-RNase and SFB Prunus orthologs in the buckwheat genome, but we found a Brassica MLPK ortholog. We report the partial nucleotide sequence of the buckwheat MLPK and discuss the possible implications of this finding

    Effects of Alloying Elements on the Properties of HSLA Steel

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    The first industrial application of elevated and high-strength steel in the form of hot-rolled strips and sheets was the manufacture of pipes and vessels under pressure, as it was possible to reduce the thickness, i.e. to reduce the weightof welded structures. The high-strength low-alloy steels used today are usually obtained by suitable chemical composition and thermomechanical treatment. Our investigated steel NIOMOL 490 K belongs to the class of molybdenum microalloyed steels, where the microalloying with molybdenum serves to increase the heat resistance of the steel and at the same time strengthen the influence of other alloying elements. This steel grade is designed for the manufacture of welded pressure vessels fabrication and is mainly used for dynamic loading conditions at low operating temperatures. In the present paper, the tensile and hardness tests were used to determine the effects of alloying elements on the mechanical properties of NIOMOL 490K steel in the temperature range from -60°C to +60°C

    Tunnelled haemodialysis catheter and haemodialysis outcomes: a retrospective cohort study in Zagreb, Croatia

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    OBJECTIVES: Studies have reported that the tunnelled dialysis catheter (TDC) is associated with inferior haemodialysis (HD) patient survival, in comparison with arteriovenous fistula (AVF). Since many cofactors may also affect survival of HD patients, it is unclear whether the greater risk for survival arises from TDC per se, or from associated conditions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine, in a multivariate analysis, the long-term outcome of HD patients, with respect to vascular access (VA). ----- DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. ----- PARTICIPANTS: This retrospective cohort study included all 156 patients with a TDC admitted at University Hospital Merkur, from 2010 to 2012. The control group consisted of 97 patients dialysed via AVF. The groups were matched according to dialysis unit and time of VA placement. The site of choice for the placement of the TDC was the right jugular vein. Kaplan-Meier analysis with log-rank test was used to assess patient survival. Multivariate Cox regression analysis was used to determine independent variables associated with patient survival. ----- PRIMARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Patient survival with respect to VA. ----- RESULTS: The cumulative 1-year survival of patients who were dialysed exclusively via TDC was 86.4% and of those who were dialysed exclusively via AVF, survival was 97.1% (p=0.002). In multivariate Cox regression analysis, male sex and older age were independently negatively associated with the survival of HD patients, while shorter HD vintage before the creation of the observed VA, hypertensive renal disease and glomerulonephritis were positively associated with survival. TDC was an independent risk factor for survival of HD patients (HR 23.0, 95% CI 6.2 to 85.3). ----- CONCLUSION: TDC may be an independent negative risk factor for HD patient survival

    The Finite Element Method in the function of corrosion damage assessment of pipelines

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    Pipelines, with specifics in design, construction, testing and safety requirements must be designed based on all relevant influences to ensure that they are safe during their working life. Allowable stresses must be limited by possible errors in working conditions, in order to completely eliminate the uncertainty arising from the production, the calculation model, the actual working conditions and the characteristics and behavior of the material. In the paper, on the example of modeling and calculation of the corrosion-damaged structure of the ammonia (NH3) transfer pipeline, a methodological approach to the calculation using the Finite Element Method (FEM), is shown, in accordance with the methods defined by the new and general approach to standardization and technical harmonization for pressure equipment (Pressure Equipment Directive - PED 97/23 EC). The paper uses advanced modeling techniques of corroded surfaces, based on FEM, with the aim of developing a procedure for assessing the residual strength of steel pipelines operating in the environmental conditions of the chemical products industry. The presentation of possible damages and consequences caused by the corrosion of steel pipelines in the chemical products industry is also given, and the possibility of taking measures to prevent such occurrences is discussed