523 research outputs found

    Cognitive skills in education: typology and development

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    This publication addresses the issue of cognitive skills as a challenge for the teachers and an asset for the learners. Despite the unanimity in accepting cognitive skills development as a rightful educational agenda, teaching practitioners give preference to the development of lower-order cognitive skills in learners. The reason lies not only the backwash effect of closed-ended testing tasks, but also teachers’ beliefs. The hypothesis of the research consists in the following proposition: cognitive skills growth in the classroom depends on explicit training of lower- and higher-order cognitive skills. This research draws on teachers’ opinion poll, follow-up interviews and a case study of teaching students of engineering specialties a set of higher-order cognitive skills in their lessons of English. Cognitive skills enable the learner to work out the four types of knowledge such as, factual (facts and events), conceptual (theories and models), procedural (methodology and processes), and metacognitive (awareness of ways and practices of critical thinking). These types of knowledge, based on higher-order thinking, enable the learners to make wellinformed decisions as a result of productive thinking. Creative procedures of knowledge generation and application enhance learners’ cognitive abilities further on. The article considers the barrier raised by the teaching community that gives preference to challenging learners with acquiring the ready-made knowledge rather than with the knowledge-producing tasks. Ready-made knowledge acquisition seems to be more appealing to both teachers and students, because of the fast-gained results, while cognitive skills development bears fruit much later. The truth is that there is no fast track towards higherorder cognitive skills development. Therefore, declarative knowledge prevails

    The long-term cyclotron dynamics of relativistic wave packets: spontaneous collapse and revival

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    In this work we study the effects of collapse and revival as well as {\it Zitterbewegung} (ZB) phenomenon, for the relativistic electron wave packets, which are a superposition of the states with quantum numbers sharply peaked around some level n0n_0 of the order of few tens. The probability densities as well as average velocities of the packet center and the average spin components were calculated analytically and visualized. Our computations demonstrate that due to dephasing of the states for times larger than the cyclotron period the initial wave packet (which includes the states with the positive energy only) loses the spatial localization so that the evolution can no longer be described classically. However, at the half-revival time t=TR/2t=T_R/2 its reshaping takes place firstly. The behavior of the wave packet containing the states of both energy bands (with En>0E_n>0 and En<0E_n<0) is more complicated. At short times of a few classical periods such packet splits into two parts which rotate with cyclotron frequency in the opposite directions and meet each other every one-half of the cyclotron period. At these moments their wave functions have significant overlap that leads to ZB. At the time of fractional revival each of two sub-packets is decomposed into few packets-fractions. However, at t=TRt=T_R each of the two sub-packets (with positive or negative energy) restores at various points of the cyclotron orbit, that makes it impossible reshaping of initial wave packet entirely unlike the wave packet which consists of states with energies En>0E_n>0 only. Obtained results can be useful for the description of electromagnetic radiation and absorption in relativistic plasma on astrophysics objects, where super high magnetic field has the value of the order 10810910^8-10^9T, as well as for interpretation of experiments with trapped ions

    Optimization of admittances on parameters of radio electronic circles by method of tolerance of ellipsoid evaluation

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    Розглянуто метод допускового еліпсоїдального оцінювання параметрів радіоелектронних кіл з урахуванням технологічної області розсіювання. Даний метод, у порівнянні з існуючими, забезпечує більше покриття області допусків. Із використанням розробленого методу розв’язано задачу оцінювання допусків параметрів широкосмугового фільтра.In this work the method of ellipsoidal tolerance in the estimation of radio electronic circles parameters REC is considered taking into account the technological area of dispersion. This method, compared with existing, provide more coverage tolerance region. Using the developed method solves the problem of estimation parameters tolerances broadband filter

    Аналіз ринку м’яких та твердих сирів в Україні та за кордоном

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    The article deals with the problem of competitiveness of soft cheeses in Ukraine. On the domestic market, the production of soft cheeses is not given much attention, but for nutritional value, they are not inferior to hard rennet cheeses. Unlike Ukraine in EU countries, the market for soft cheeses is very diverse, so people consume more of them. In Ukraine, these cheeses are produced not always of proper quality, which is reflected in their low popularity. In recent years, the interest in soft cheeses has grown, but their competitiveness is not. Most manufacturers understand that increasing the competitiveness of products, improving the financial state of the enterprise and satisfying the demand of the widest possible range of consumers can be primarily due to expanding the range of products and improving their quality. Competitiveness is a relative characteristic of a product that reflects its distinctive features from the competitor's product, firstly, by the degree of compliance with the same social need, and secondly, by the cost of meeting that need. The level of competitiveness of goods is determined by the consumer, who, when buying products, recognizes its compliance with their needs Most manufacturers understand that increasing the competitiveness of products, improving the financial state of the enterprise and satisfying the demand of the widest possible range of consumers can be primarily due to expanding the range of products and improving their quality. Competitiveness is a relative characteristic of a product that reflects its distinctive features from the competitor's product, firstly, by the degree of compliance with the same social need, and secondly, by the cost of meeting that need. The level of competitiveness of goods is determined by the consumer, who, when buying products, recognizes its compliance with their needs. Soft cheeses have fundamental differences in the methods of milk coagulation, microbiological and physico-chemical bases of production, therefore have a very wide range of flavors and a varied consistency that can satisfy different consumers. The analysis of literary data on the competitiveness of soft and hard cheeses is presented, as well as the differences in the physico-chemical composition of the two groups of cheeses are presented.У статті висвітлюється проблема конкурентоспроможності м’яких сирів в Україні. На вітчизняному ринку виробництву м’яких сирів не приділяється велика увага, проте за поживною цінністю вони не поступаються твердим сичужним сирам. На відміну від України в країнах ЄС ринок м’яких сирів дуже різноманітний, тому люди споживають їх більше. В Україні ці сири виробляються не завжди належної якості, що відображається на їхній низькій популярності. Проте останні роки зростає зацікавленість м’якими сичужними сирами, а не їх конкурентоспроможність. Показано відмінності в фізико-хімічному складі твердих та м’яких сичужних сирів. М’які сорти сиру містять в своєму складі набагато більше вологи, ніж тверді, отже в їх складі більше мінеральних речовин, що залишилися в сироватці, а в твердих сирах за рахунок пресування певна частка поживних речовин втрачається разом із сироваткою. Також м’які сири мають вищу масову частку жиру, тому й калорійність цього продукту є вищою, ніж у твердих сирах. Великою перевагою для виробників є те, що м’які сири не потребують довгого визрівання (2–45 діб) на відміну від твердих (1 місяць – 2&nbsp;роки), їх можна швидше реалізувати і виробляти більші обсяги, оскільки камери для визрівання сирів швидко звільняютьс

    Effect of long-term operation on energy band bending at the SnO2 microcrystals interfaces in thin tin dioxide films with various catalysts

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    This work presents the results of investigation of stability of energy band bending at the SnO2 microcrystals interfaces in thin films of tin dioxide with deposited Pt and Pd dispersed layers (Pt/Pd/SnO2:Sb) and with the additions of gold in the bulk and on the surface (Au/SnO2:Sb, Au) in long - term operation. Measurements of energy band bending were showed that the significantly variation of this value is observed in first month of the sensor using. Perhaps this phenomenon is caused by the surface reconstruction during operation of sensors and consequently by the increase of density of oxygen ions chemisorbed on the surface of tin dioxide