23 research outputs found

    X-Ray analysis of meteorite

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    Meteorites are one of the most accessible objects of extraterrestrial matter. Therefore the study of the structural features and physical properties of crystals of meteorites can provide information about the formation of the crystal structure of matter in extraterrestrial conditions

    XRD Analysis of Crystal Structure of the Fragment of the Campo Del Cielo Meteorite

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    Meteorites are the key, and often the only source of information about the pre-planetary and planetary early history of our solar system. Currently, the following classification of meteorites: stone (aerolites) stoney-iron (siderolites) and iron (siderites), depending on the ratio of silicate minerals in them, and nickel-iron

    XRD Analysis of Crystal Structure of the Fragment of the Campo Del Cielo Meteorite

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    Meteorites are the key, and often the only source of information about the pre-planetary and planetary early history of our solar system. Currently, the following classification of meteorites: stone (aerolites) stoney-iron (siderolites) and iron (siderites), depending on the ratio of silicate minerals in them, and nickel-iron

    Visualization of Thermal Crystals Expansion

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    X-Ray analysis of meteorite

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    Meteorites are one of the most accessible objects of extraterrestrial matter. Therefore the study of the structural features and physical properties of crystals of meteorites can provide information about the formation of the crystal structure of matter in extraterrestrial conditions

    Natural clusters of tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC)-associated neuropsychiatric disorders (TAND): new findings from the TOSCA TAND research project.

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    BACKGROUND: Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC)-associated neuropsychiatric disorders (TAND) have unique, individual patterns that pose significant challenges for diagnosis, psycho-education, and intervention planning. A recent study suggested that it may be feasible to use TAND Checklist data and data-driven methods to generate natural TAND clusters. However, the study had a small sample size and data from only two countries. Here, we investigated the replicability of identifying natural TAND clusters from a larger and more diverse sample from the TOSCA study. METHODS: As part of the TOSCA international TSC registry study, this embedded research project collected TAND Checklist data from individuals with TSC. Correlation coefficients were calculated for TAND variables to generate a correlation matrix. Hierarchical cluster and factor analysis methods were used for data reduction and identification of natural TAND clusters. RESULTS: A total of 85 individuals with TSC (female:male, 40:45) from 7 countries were enrolled. Cluster analysis grouped the TAND variables into 6 clusters: a scholastic cluster (reading, writing, spelling, mathematics, visuo-spatial difficulties, disorientation), a hyperactive/impulsive cluster (hyperactivity, impulsivity, self-injurious behavior), a mood/anxiety cluster (anxiety, depressed mood, sleep difficulties, shyness), a neuropsychological cluster (attention/concentration difficulties, memory, attention, dual/multi-tasking, executive skills deficits), a dysregulated behavior cluster (mood swings, aggressive outbursts, temper tantrums), and an autism spectrum disorder (ASD)-like cluster (delayed language, poor eye contact, repetitive behaviors, unusual use of language, inflexibility, difficulties associated with eating). The natural clusters mapped reasonably well onto the six-factor solution generated. Comparison between cluster and factor solutions from this study and the earlier feasibility study showed significant similarity, particularly in cluster solutions. CONCLUSIONS: Results from this TOSCA research project in an independent international data set showed that the combination of cluster analysis and factor analysis may be able to identify clinically meaningful natural TAND clusters. Findings were remarkably similar to those identified in the earlier feasibility study, supporting the potential robustness of these natural TAND clusters. Further steps should include examination of larger samples, investigation of internal consistency, and evaluation of the robustness of the proposed natural clusters

    Surface magnetism of non-ideal iron borate single crystal

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    Considered is the influence of crystalline structure imperfections in near-surface layer of easy-plane weak ferromagnet iron borate, FeB0₃, on the effects of surface magnetism observed therein. It is shown that the surface reconstruction and point defects therein change the surface magnetic properties of the crystal very considerably.Розглянуто вплив недосконалості кристалічної структури приповерхневого шару легкоплощинного слабкого феромагнетика борату заліза FeB0₃ на ефекти поверхневого магнетизму, що спостерігається у ньому. Показано, що реконструкція поверхні і наявність в ній точкових дефектів значно змінюють поверхневі магнітні властивості цього кристала.Рассмотрено влияние несовершенств кристаллической структуры приповерхностного слоя легкоплоскостного слабого ферромагнетика бората железа, FeB0₃, на эффекты наблюдаемого в нем поверхностного магнетизма. Показано, что реконструкция поверхности и наличие в ней точечных дефектов весьма значительно изменяют поверхностные магнитные свойства этого кристалла

    Crystal phase in composition of mandible regenerate on a background the lead poisoning and conducted antitoxic correction

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    Results of the radiostructure research of reparative osteogenesis of the mandible on a background the lead poisoning and conducted antitoxic correction are presented in the article. It’s determined that the base crystal phase of the mandible regenerate are presented by hydroxyapatite with special diffracted reflexes. The parameters of elementary crystal cell in hy-droxyapatite are less then the same parameters in mother bone. During the correction processes with remedy Mg B6, it possi-ble to notice the entry of Mg B6 to the new crystal lattice.During the lead poisoning, parameters of the hydroxyapatite lattice are increased, so the lead’s entry to the lattice is possible. MgB6 can stop this process. The remedy Tetacinum Ca together with MgB6 can decrease the impression of the crystal phase

    Features of the lower jaw regenerate’s crystal structure in several generations of white rats which were experienced a lead poisoning

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    The article presents the results of x-ray diffraction studies of repairing osteogenesis in fractures of the lower jaw on the ba ck-ground of chronic lead intoxication 1-4 generations performed by 72 white rat males with body weight 110-150 g. The purpose of the present research was to study the state of crystalline parameters hydroxyapatite bone regenerate and intact area of the lower j aw during intoxication lead in animals of the first and fourth generation. The objects of the research degree hydroxyapatite crystallized were some regenerate of experimental animals’ lower jaws and areas of bone situated closely to the area of reparation. The objects were dried and crushed in an agate mortar. Data on mineral composition obtained with the help of x-ray analysis, conducted by the x-ray machine DRON-3. It was founded for the 1 generation that lead actively accumulates in bone tissue with substituting for calcium. This way it broke the mineralization processes. The changes of crystallized processes for animals in 4 generation were shown. It’ possible that genet ics disorders are caused by lead’s constant influenc