20 research outputs found

    Improving Project Logistics by using IoT

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    This BachelorŽs thesis is made on behalf of WÀrtsilÀ Energy Solutions, Project Logistics & Transport Management department whose main task is to coordinate and ensure that materials and products are transported to the right place and on time in Project Logistics. This thesis examines how you could improve WÀrtsilÀŽs Project Logistics by using Internet of Things. By developing IoT, there has been an increased chance to get more information about transports than before and WÀrtsilÀ is currently looking for new solutions to use that could improve their current logistics system. The purpose of this thesis is to review new, and used, solutions on the market, and then see what could work in practice at WÀrtsilÀ. Material to this thesis are gathered from books, web pages and articles that reviewed interesting IoT solutions and which also gave examples on different solutions that are used by other companies in the same business. The Result is two different methods that could improve WÀrtsilÀŽs Project Logistics in different occasions. These results are intended to give tips on how IoT could improve the departmentŽs ways of coordinating and check transports and logistics within a project.Detta examensarbete Àr gjort i uppdrag av WÀrtsilÀ Energy Solutions, Project logistics & Transport Management avdelningen vars huvuduppgift Àr att koordinera och se till att material och produkter transporteras till rÀtt plats i rÀtt tid inom projekt logistiken. Examensarbetet behandlar hur man kunde förbÀttra WÀrtsilÀs projekt logistik genom att anvÀnda Internet of Things. Genom att IoT har utvecklats har det uppstÄtt möjligheter att fÄ fram mer information om transporter Àn tidigare och WÀrtsilÀ söker för tillfÀllet nya lösningar som kunde anvÀndas för att förbÀttra deras nuvarande logistiksystem. Syftet med arbetet Àr att gÄ igenom nya, men Àven redan befintliga, lösningar som anvÀnds pÄ dagens marknad - för att sedan se vad som kunde fungera i praktiken hos WÀrtsilÀ. Material till arbetet Àr samlat frÄn böcker, webbsidor och artiklar som gick igenom intressanta IoT lösningar och som ocksÄ gav exempel pÄ hur olika system fungerar och anvÀnds av andra företag inom samma bransch. Slutresultatet blev tvÄ olika metoder som kunde förbÀttra WÀrtsilÀs projekt logistik vid olika tillfÀllen. Dessa resultat Àr tÀnkta för att ge tips pÄ hur IoT kunde förbÀttra avdelningens sÀtt hur man koordinerar och granskar transporter och logistiken inom ett projekt

    Intergenerational trauma is associated with expression alterations in glucocorticoid- and immune-related genes

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    Offspring of trauma survivors are more likely to develop PTSD, mood, and anxiety disorders and demonstrate endocrine and molecular alterations compared to controls. This study reports the association between parental Holocaust exposure and genome-wide gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from 77 Holocaust survivor offspring and 15 comparison subjects. Forty-two differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified in association with parental Holocaust exposure (FDR-adjusted p < 0.05); most of these genes were downregulated and co-expressed in a gene network related to immune cell functions. When both parental Holocaust exposure and maternal age at Holocaust exposure shared DEGs, fold changes were in the opposite direction. Similarly, fold changes of shared DEGs associated with maternal PTSD and paternal PTSD were in opposite directions, while fold changes of shared DEGs associated with both maternal and paternal Holocaust exposure or associated with both maternal and paternal age at Holocaust exposure were in the same direction. Moreover, the DEGs associated with parental Holocaust exposure were enriched for glucocorticoid-regulated genes and immune pathways with some of these genes mediating the effects of parental Holocaust exposure on C-reactive protein. The top gene across all analyses was MMP8, encoding the matrix metalloproteinase 8, which is a regulator of innate immunity. To conclude, this study identified a set of glucocorticoid and immune-related genes in association with parental Holocaust exposure with differential effects based on parental exposure-related factors

    Intergenerational Effects of Maternal Holocaust Exposure on FKBP5 Methylation

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    Objective: There is growing evidence that exposure to trauma prior to conception can affect offspring. The authors have reported that adult offspring of Holocaust survivors showed lower methylation of FK506 binding protein 5 (FKBP5) intron 7, site 6 compared with Jewish comparison volunteers. The present study sought to replicate this finding in a larger sample and to examine parental and offspring correlates of observed effects. Methods: Cytosine methylation was measured in blood using pyrosequencing. The independent replication sample consisted of 125 Holocaust offspring and 31 control subjects. Additional analyses, performed in a larger sample of 147 offspring and 40 control subjects that included the 31 previously studied participants, examined associations of parental trauma-related variables (i.e., sex of the exposed parent, parental posttraumatic stress disorder, age at Holocaust exposure) and offspring characteristics (i.e., childhood trauma exposure, lifetime psychiatric diagnoses, psychotropic medication use, FKBP5 rs1360780 genotype, FKBP5 gene expression, and neuroendocrine measures) with offspring FKBP5 methylation. Results: FKBP5 site 6 methylation was significantly lower in Holocaust offspring than in control subjects, an effect associated with maternal Holocaust exposure in childhood and with lower offspring self-reported anxiety symptoms. FKBP5 gene expression was elevated in Holocaust offspring. FKBP5 methylation was associated with indices of glucocorticoid sensitivity but not with basal FKBP5 gene expression. Conclusions: This study replicates and extends the previously observed decrement in FKBP5 intron 7, site 6 methylation in Holocaust offspring. The predominance of this effect in offspring of mothers exposed during childhood implicates maternal developmental programming as a putative mechanism

    Increased circulating blood cell counts in combat-related ptsda associations with Inflammation and symptom severity

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    Background: Cytokine levels are increased in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but their relationship to circulating blood cell counts is unknown. Methods: 163 male combat-exposed veterans (83 with PTSD and 81 non-PTSD controls) had blood assessed for platelet count, white blood cell (WBC) count, and red blood cell (RBC) count. These data were correlated with symptom severity and with pro-inflammatory markers. Results: Platelet count (p=0.028), WBC (p=0.004) and RBC (p=0.003) were significantly elevated in PTSD. Pro-inflammatory blood markers were significantly correlated with WBC count in both groups (PTSD, r=0.26, p=0.022; controls, r=0.46; p<0.001), platelet count in PTSD subjects only (r=0.32, p=0.004), and RBC count in PTSD subjects and controls combined (r=0.21; p=0.009). PTSD symptom severity ratings were directly correlated with platelet count in the PTSD group (r=0.30, p=0.007). When smoking was entered as a covariate, the between-group differences in cell counts became non-significant, although all correlations between cell counts and PTSD severity and inflammatory markers remained significant, with the exception of the correlation between RBC and inflammatory markers. Conclusions: Patients with PTSD have elevated counts of platelets, WBC and RBC. This is at least partly mediated by smoking status. The association of platelet count with inflammation in PTSD, but not in controls, may relate to the increased pro-thrombotic risk, associated with inflammation, in PTSD. The potential importance of increased platelet counts in PTSD is bolstered by its significant positive correlation with PTSD symptoms severity

    Proinflammatory milieu in combat-related PTSD is independent of depression and early life stress.

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    Chronic inflammation may be involved in combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and may help explain comorbid physical diseases. However, the extent to which combat exposure per se, depression, or early life trauma, all of which are associated with combat PTSD, may confound the relationship between PTSD and inflammation is unclear