41 research outputs found

    Stylistic peculiarities in self-translation

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    The paper deals with stylistic peculiarities which are characteristic of V. Nabokov’s self-translation of “Lolita”, his most famous novel. We analyze how the writer translates phraseological units that, on the one hand, are widely used in the source text and, on the other hand, present a real challenge for translators. The research identifies the reasons that caused the writer to translate his novel himself and studies the translation techniques employed by V. Nabokov. Reproducing “Lolita” in the Russian language the writer creates a new text targeting at the Russian reader. He overcomes the asymmetry of the positions in artistic freedom and creative independence of an author and a professional translator. His auto-translation represents “ideal” translation since the author is in a better position than any ordinary translator because he knows his creation as nobody else and has the authority to allow himself shifts in the translation which might not have been ‘allowed’ by another translator. The results of V. Nabokov’s self-translation can be regarded as certain “gold standards” for others to make use of.peer-reviewe

    Mathematical modeling of synchronous electric drive of reversible rolling stand

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    Данная статья посвящена разработке математической модели синхронного электропривода реверсивной прокатной клети применительно к одноклетьевым толстолистовым станам горячей прокатки. Представлена математическая модель электромеханической системы главного электропривода прокатной клети. Достоверное математическое описание главного электропривода позволяет анализировать ударные приложения нагрузки на электромеханическую систему клети при прокатке слябов из труднодеформируемых марок стали. Модель рекомендуется для анализа динамических режимов электроприводов реверсивных прокатных клетей при отработке управляющих и возмущающих воздействий.This article addresses the development of a mathematical model of a synchronous electric drive of a reversible rolling stand. There is the mathematical model of the electromechanical system of main electric drive of rolling mill in the article. The mathematical model allows one to analyze a shock loading on the mec hanical system of rolling stand. The mathematical model is recommended to research shock and control dynamic conditions of synchronous electric drives

    Influence of acute and repeated overload hypoxia on the hemostatic system of laboratory mice

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    The article is dedicated to studying the influence of overload hypoxia of various duration on the hemic system of laboratory mice. The changes in the hemostatic system during the process of adaptation to overload hypoxia have been analyzed.Статья посвящена изучению влияния перегрузочной гипоксии различной продолжительности на систему крови лабораторных мышей. Проанализированы изменения в системе гемостаза в процессе адаптации к перегрузочной гипоксии

    The effect of vaping and cigarettes on the body of 3rd-year students of the medical and preventive faculty of the Ural state medical university

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    The purpose of the study is to compare the effects of cigarettes and electronic devices (vape) on 3rd year students of the Faculty of Prevention and Prevention of USMU.Цель исследования - сравнить влияние сигарет и электронных устройств (вейпа) у студентов 3 курса медико-профилактического факультета УГМУ

    Influence of combined transplantation of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells and stellate liver cells on its morphofunctional state after partial hepatectomy

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    The aim of the study was to study the changes in the morphofunctional state of the liver after the combined transplantation of multipotent mesenchymal stromal (MMSC) and stellate liver cells (ZCP) in animals with partial hepatectomyЦелью исследования было изучение изменения морфофункционального состояния печени после проведения сочетанной трансплантации мультипотентных мезенхимальных стромальных (ММСК) и звездчатых клеток печени (ЗКП) животным с частичной гепатэктомией


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    The present work was centered on the studies of crystal structure and oxygen nonstoichiometry of intermediate phases in (Gd, Sm)-Sr-Co-O. The projections of isothermal–isobaric phase diagram for the (Gd, Sm)-Sr-Co-O systems to the compositional triangle of metallic components was presented