1,249 research outputs found

    Heat Capacity study of β\beta-FeSi2_2 single crystals

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    Heat Capacity of needle-like [length=5mm, diameter=1 mm] β\beta-FeSi2_{2} single crystal, grown by chemical vapor transport has been measured. Two anomalies are found, a broad deviation centered around 160 K and a clear deviation at a temperature of 255 K approximately. We have attempted to relate these to the anomalies previously reported in the case of the resistivity data. The Transient Thermoelectric Effect [TTE] results lead us to the inference that the system under goes from single carrier system to at least two carrier system at 220 K-our heat capacity results seem to provide further independent evidence for this transition in this system.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    A non-resonant RF cavity loaded with amorphous alloy for proton cancer therapy

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    A non-resonant RF cavity loaded with amorphous alloy cores has been designed and tested. The cavity has a re-entrant structure loaded with 8 amorphous alloy toroidal core and its characteristic impedance is designed as 450 Omega . The RF power is fed by 1 kW solid state amplifier using a step-up transformer with 1:9 impedance ratio. In the high power test, an accelerating gap voltage of more than 900 V was measured with input power of 1 kW in the frequency range of 1 to 10 MHz. The voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) was less than 2.0. The results prove that the cavity may be used successfully within a compact proton synchrotron for a cancer therapy facility. (3 refs)

    Disolución de hierro de un concentrado complejo de esfalerita por Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans

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    En el presente trabajo se empleó una cepa de Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (Af) para biolixiviar el hierro pirítico presente en un concentrado de sulfuro de zinc con un contenido de 1,41% en peso de hierro. El proceso de biolixiviación se llevó a cabo en una suspensión conteniendo de 5 a 8% de sólidos p/v a un pH de alrededor de 2,7 (ajustado con ácido sulfúrico) y a una temperatura de 30 °C. Los resultados muestran que en un periodo de 15 días, el contenido metalúrgico del hierro disminuyó en un 17%, lo cual se traduce en un incremento en el grado metalúrgico del concentrado de zinc de 64,6 a 66,9%, lo que permitió incrementar  substancialmente el valor comercial de éste, evitando penalizaciones por el contenido de hierro presente

    SpotXplore: a Cytoscape plugin for visual exploration of hotspot expression in gene regulatory networks

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    Summary: SpotXplore is a plugin for Cytoscape for extraction and visualization of differentially expressed subnetworks (hotspots) from gene networks. The hotspot-based visualization approach enables interactive exploration of regulatory interactions in differentially expressed gene sets, and it allows a researcher to explore gene expression in direct relation to the affected cellular gene network. The hotspots provide a view beyond the commonly used metabolic pathways and gene ontologies

    Comparison and characterization of α-amylase inducers in Aspergillus nidulans based on nuclear localization of AmyR

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    AmyR, a fungal transcriptional activator responsible for induction of amylolytic genes in Aspergillus nidulans, localizes to the nucleus in response to the physiological inducer isomaltose. Maltose, kojibiose, and d-glucose were also found to trigger the nuclear localization of GFP-AmyR. Isomaltose- and kojibiose-triggered nuclear localization was not inhibited by the glucosidase inhibitor, castanospermine, while maltose-triggered localization was inhibited. Thus, maltose itself does not appear to be an direct inducer, but its degraded or transglycosylated product does. Non-metabolizable d-glucose analogues were also able to trigger the nuclear localization, implying that these sugars, except maltose, directly function as the inducers of AmyR nuclear entry. The inducing activity of d-glucose was 4 orders-of-magnitude weaker compared with isomaltose. Although d-glucose has the ability to induce α-amylase production, this activity would generally be masked by CreA-dependent carbon catabolite repression. Significant induction of α-amylase by d-glucose was observed in creA-defective A. nidulans

    Fermi Surface as a Driver for the Shape-Memory Effect in AuZn

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    Martensites are materials that undergo diffusionless, solid-state transitions. The martensitic transition yields properties that depend on the history of the material and may allow it to recover its previous shape after plastic deformation. This is known as the shape-memory effect (SME). We have succeeded in identifying the primary electronic mechanism responsible for the martensitic transition in the shape-memory alloy AuZn by using Fermi-surface measurements (de Haas-van Alphen oscillations) and band-structure calculations. This strongly suggests that electronic band structure is an important consideration in the design of future SME alloys

    Stratification of malaria incidence in Papua New Guinea (2011-2019): contribution towards a sub-national control policy

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    Malaria risk in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is highly heterogeneous, between and within geographical regions, which is operationally challenging for control. To enhance targeting of malaria interventions in PNG, we investigated risk factors and stratified malaria incidence at the level of health facility catchment areas. Catchment areas and populations of 808 health facilities were delineated using a travel-time accessibility approach and linked to reported malaria cases (2011-2019). Zonal statistics tools were used to calculate average altitude and air temperature in catchment areas before they were spatially joined with incidence rates. In addition, empirical Bayesian kriging (EBK) was employed to interpolate incidence risk strata across PNG. Malaria annual incidence rates are, on average, 186.3 per 1000 population in catchment areas up to 600 m, dropped to 98.8 at (800-1400) m, and to 24.1 cases above 1400 m altitude. In areas above the two altitudinal thresholds 600m and 1400m, the average annual temperature drops below 22°C and 17°C, respectively. EBK models show very low- to low-risk strata ( 200 per 1000) strata are modelled mainly in Momase and Islands Regions. Besides, strata with moderate risk (100-200) predominate throughout the coastal areas. While 35.7% of the PNG population (estimated 3.33 million in 2019) lives in places at high or moderate risk of malaria, 52.2% (estimated 4.88 million) resides in very low-risk areas. In five provinces, relatively large proportions of populations (> 50%) inhabit high-risk areas: New Ireland, East and West New Britain, Sandaun and Milne Bay. Incidence maps show a contrast in malaria risk between coastal and inland areas influenced by altitude. However, the risk is highly variable in low-lying areas. Malaria interventions should be guided by sub-national risk levels in PNG

    Water Splitting Photovoltaic-Photoelectrochemical GaAs/InGaAsP - WO3/BiVO4 Tandem Cell with Extremely Thin Absorber Photoanode Structure

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    We demonstrate highly efficient solar hydrogen generation via water splitting by photovoltaicphotoelectrochemical (PV-PEC) tandem device based on GaAs/InGaAsP (PV cell) and WO3/BiVO4 core/shell nanorods (PEC cell). We utilized extremely thin absorber (ETA) concept to design the WO3/BiVO4 core/shell heterojunction nanorods and obtained the highest efficiencies of photo-induced charge carriers generation, separation and transfer that are possible for the WO3/BiVO4 material combination. The PV-PEC tandem shows stable water splitting photocurrent of 6.56 mA cm-2 under standard AM1.5G solar light that corresponds to the record solar-to-hydrogen (STH) conversion efficiency of 8.1%

    Healthy aging: comparative analysis of local perception and diet in two health districts of Côte d'Ivoire and Japan

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    Context: Good health and longevity depend on dynamic interactions between biological, social, psychological, and environmental factors. Aging is globally a big challenge, particularly with the demographic transition, including population growth, and an emerging burden to society. Knowledge, behavior, diet, and consumption of animal source food were related to aging and emerged as the key factors modulating healthy aging. Objective: The study was designed to understand the main healthy aging factors, such as knowledge, social network, and diet of elders, and to derive mutual learning from it for healthy aging. Methods: A qualitative approach has been applied to explore health-related knowledge, attitude, and diet of elders from Ebetsu (Japan) and Tiassale (Cote d'Ivoire) health districts, using focus group discussions and comparative context analysis between high- and low-income countries. Results: The study shows that living longer is a common feature of people in Japan compared to Cote d'Ivoire, where the life expectancy is still low. Both groups of elders have social networks that support them, and both offer their gained experience to society. While Japanese elders depend on pension and insurance for income and medical treatments, Ivorians depend mostly on their children and social network in old age. The worries of elders differ between the two regions. In Ebetsu, elder members of the community are concerned about the future burden they pose for the younger generation if they develop ill-health, making them more resilient to aging. In Taabo, elders are considered to be culturally and socially useful to the society. Elders in Ebetsu pointed out that for healthy aging, education on diet at a younger age, physical activities, and access to basic social services are the key aspects. This was not observed in Taabo's context. Being inactive and dependent on others were described as the most worrying situations for elders in Ebetsu, as it is perceived to increase the risk of non-communicable diseases and anxiety. Elders in Ebetsu have good knowledge on what constitutes a healthy diet, and they believe that diversifying their diet, reducing portions, and substituting red meat with good animal and vegetable proteins are best eating practices to maintain good health. In Cote d'Ivoire, the diet is imbalanced and the whole family consumes the same meal made mainly with high-energy staples and little protein. However, it is observed in both societies that adopting a good diet is very expensive. Conclusion: The consciousness of aging is universal, but healthy aging varies according to the social systems, education, and knowledge on diet transition. Physical activities, protein-energy balance in diet, and social networks are the key for healthy aging in both contexts. The challenge is to find ways to increase knowledge regarding healthy aging and to strengthen the support system so that healthy aging becomes affordable