95 research outputs found

    Detecting Student Misconceptions about Physics Using Three Tier Diagnostic Test with Analysis Certainty of Response Index

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    Misconceptions are an obstacle in the learning process, especially in physics. One way to detect misconceptions is to use a three-tier diagnostic test and analyze it using the Certainty of Response Index (CRI). The purpose of this study was to detect students' misconceptions on straight motion material using a three-tier diagnostic test with CRI analysis. This type of research is descriptive research. The sample in this study was taken from students at three high schools in East Lombok district, NTB. The number of samples in this study was 132 students. This test instrument consists of 10 question items. The results showed that students still experienced many misconceptions in straight motion material


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    Nabi Muhammad SAW memang tidak menentukan bagaimna cara pergantian pemimpin setelah ditinggalkannya. Beliau tampaknya menyerahkan masalah ini kepada kaum Muslimin sejalan dengan jika kerakyatan yang berkembang dikalangan masyarakat Arab dan ajaran demokrasi dalam Islam. Proses perkembangan selanjutnya, seleksi kepemimpinan politik dalam sejarah Islam berbeda-beda dari satu masa kemasa yang lain. Ada yang berlangsung aman dan damai, tetapi sering juga melalui konflik dan pertumpahan darah akibat ambisi yang tidak terkendali dari pihak-pihak tertentu. Kejadian yang demikian mengakibatkan munculnya perbedaan-perbedaan dan disintegrasi politik dalam Islam. Disintegrasi merupakan suatu keadaan yang terpecah belah dari kesatuan yang utuh menjadi terpisah-pisah. Penyebab terjadinya disintegrasi pada masa kekhalifahan Islam dimulai sejak awal kepemimpinan khalifah ‘Ali ibn Abi Thalib masa lampau yaitu diantaranya; adanya dinasti-dinasti yang memerdekakan diri dari Baghdad,  perebutan kekuasaan di pusat pemerintahan dan munculnya perang salib dan tiga kerajaan besar Islam. Perang salib berlangsung beberapa gelombang atau periode yang menelan banyak korban, Sebab-sebab kemunduran pemerintahan Bani Abbas ialah persaingan antar bangsa, kemrosotan ekonomi, konflik keberagamaan dan ancaman dari luar pemerintahan Bani Abbas

    Peningkatan Pemahaman Konsep Fisika Dasar Melalui Konflik Kognitif dengan Pertanyaan Tak Terduga

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    Inter-semester courses (KAS) Classes are identical to low grade classes with students whose level of understanding is inadequate. Students in this class usually have a misunderstanding of many concepts or misconceptions. Efforts that can be performed to improve the student’s concepts is the method of conceptual change through unexpected questions, namely questions that most likely have not been thought of by students or the answers have not been thought of before by the student. The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of conceptual change learning with unexpected questions to improve understanding of concepts. This research was conducted in the inter-semester course class of 2018-2019 school year which was conducted in July 2019, with students from all study programs at the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education, Teaching and Education Faculty, at A University in Mataram City. The results of this study indicate that this method can significantly improve understanding of the concept. The treatment has successfully increasing the understanding of concept from 26.4% to 62.9%


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    Sejak zaman Rasulullah SAW sampai sekarang, perkembangan tafsir sangat pesat, dengan berbagai teori tafsir dan qoidahnya. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, banyak teori atau beberapa metode tafsir yang berkembang, dari sinilah para ‘ulama tafsir membagi beberapa periodesasi.Masa periodesasi tafsir terbagi menjadi beberapa periode, diantaranya pada masa Nabi dan sahabat, masa tabi’in, periode mutaqoddimin, periode muta’akhirin, periode modern dan periode kontemporer. Penelitian ini memaparkan metode beberapa periodesasi baik dari sumber penafsiran, bentuk penafsiran, karakteristik penafsiran, dan lain sebagainya. Sehingga dapat ditemukan baik persamaan, perbedaan ataupun perkembangan mulai periode Nabi Muhammad SAW hingga periode Kontempore

    Reducing Misconception of Force Concepts Through Learning Conceptual Change Model with Cognitive Conflict Approach

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    This type of research is quantitative research that aims to reduce students' misconceptions through learning a conceptual change model with a cognitive conflict approach (CCM-CCA). The population in this study were students of the Physics Education Study Program, the University of Mataram, and students of the Surabaya State University Science Education Study Program. The sample in this study amounted to 56 second-semester students at both universities, each of which amounted to 29 people. The CCM-CCA used has been validated in Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activities and has been declared valid in content and construct so that it is appropriate to use. Data in this study were obtained through misconceptions tests, observations of conceptual changes and cognitive conflicts, and the interview process. Data analysis in this study used descriptive analysis by looking at the comparison of the percentage of students who had misconceptions before and after being given treatment and analyzing the level of cognitive conflict. The results of this study indicate that the CCM-CCA learning model is effective in reducing student misconceptions. Conceptual changes and cognitive conflicts that occur in students are included in the high and very high categories, and the results of structured interviews show that students experience 4 thought processes while learning CCM-CCA which helps students to change their conceptions from initially experiencing misconceptions to understanding scientific concepts


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    Hadist atau sunnah Nabi Muhammad merupakan sumber ajaran Islam, Orang yang menolak hadist sebagai salah satu sumber ajaran Islam berarti orang itu menolak petunjuk al-Qur’an. Hadist yang berkembang pada zaman Nabi lebih banyak berlangsung secara hafalan daripada secara tulisan. Hal itu berakibat bahwa dokumentasi hadist Nabi secara tertulis belum mencakup seluruh hadist yang ada.Diantara penyebab terjadinya pemalsuan hadist ialah perselisihan politik dalam soal khilafat, golongan zandaqah, ashabiyah (fanatisme kelompok), untuk menarik minat pendengar, maka para pendongeng membuat kisah-kisah yang menakjubkan, perselisihan paham dalam masalah fiqih dan kalam, untuk mendekati kepada para penguasa. Latarbelakang penyebab ulama’ mengadakan penelitian hadist ialah hadistsebagai salah satu sumber ajaran Islam, tidak seluruh hadist tertulis pada masa Nabi, munculnya pemalsuan hadist, proses penghimpun (Tadwin) hadist yang memakan waktu lama, jumlah kitab hadist yang banyak dengan metode penyusunan yang beragam, telah terjadi periwayatan hadist secara makna

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Macromedia Flash Berorientasi Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu Tipe Connected

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    : Research in the third year aims to develop learning Macromedia Flash media which refers to the learning tools that have been developed in the first year and describe the learning outcomes and student responses are given after the learning with the learning media. This type of research is quantitative descriptive study using a four-D model. Media learning materials developed by researchers include junior high school physics class VIII in Physics Textbook and made in 160 slides containing about animation concepts and moving images which is a joint concept of learning with audiovisual technology capable of generating new features that can be used in education. This multimedia-based learning can provide a more interesting subject matter, not monotonous, and facilitate delivery. Learners can also learn a specific subject matter on their own computers equipped with multimedia programs. Macromedia Flash Media learning is expected to give contribution for teachers in junior high school in order to design learning activities, especially the learning of integrated natural science. Based on the implementation of macromedia flash media learning in students class VIII8/1 SMPN 2 Lingsar and student class VIIIB/1 SMPN 1 Kediri exhaustiveness obtained in the classical, amounting to 90.62% and 93.94%, this suggests the media is effective for complete the learning of students. Besides, the response of students in both schools of learning to approach of integrated natural science by using macromedia flash media learning is very good

    Keterampilan Generik Sains Melalui Model Pembelajaran Perubahan Konseptual pada Materi Alat-Alat Optik Peserta Didik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterampilan generik sains peserta didik saat proses pembelajaran. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian Non Equivalent Control Group design. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas XI MIA SMAN 6 Mataram dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Keterampilan generik sains diperoleh pada saat proses  pembelajaran dengan menggunakan LKPD. Keterampilan generik sains peserta didik pada saat pembelajaran, diperoleh bahwa kelas kontrol termasuk dalam kategori tinggi, sedangkan kelas eksperimen termasuk dalam kategori sangat tinggi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka dapat dikatakan bahwa model pembelajaran perubahan konseptual baik digunakan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan generik sains pada materi alat-alat optik  peserta didik SMAN 6 Mataram
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