255 research outputs found

    The technology of programmed learning for additional professional education

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    The article deals with the technology of programmed learning for additional professional education. Marked peculiarities of the technology of programmed learningВ статье рассмотрена технология программированного обучения для дополнительного профессионального образования. Обозначены особенности технологии программированного обучени

    Competence-based approach to training and retraining

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    The article deals with the problems of training and retraining of personnel in programs of additional education based on the competence approach. The features of the competence approach are indicated. Special attention is paid to the implementation of the competence approach. The unsolved problems of the competence approach are consideredВ статье рассмотрена проблема подготовки и переподготовки персонала по программам дополнительного образования, основанным на компетентностном подходе. Обозначены особенности компетентностного подхода. Особое внимание уделено реализациям компетентностного подхода. Рассматриваются не решенные проблемы компетентностного подход

    Построение гибких систем цифрового взаимодействия участников транспортного процесса в условиях меняющейся внешней среды

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    The transport industry is currently undergoing profound changes. They are related both to overcoming the consequences of the pandemic, and – in the longer term – to the fundamental transformation due to the ongoing process of digitalisation.Services created for intelligent traffic flow management, monitoring of infrastructure facilities, rolling stock, customer relations, digital platforms will most probably remain drivers of the ongoing digital transformation of the transport industry in the near future. From the point of view of digital technologies, the main ones include artificial intelligence, blockchain, the Internet of things, big data.Considering the vastness of the topic, the paper highlights the key, from the point of view of the authors, issues of experience and tasks of creating systemic, end-to-end digital platform solutions in the Russian transport industry, as well as on the example of railway transport (including at the corporate level), classification of already implemented solutions and promising areas of digital change in the transport and logistics industry.В настоящий момент транспортная отрасль претерпевает глубокие изменения. Они связаны как с преодолением последствий пандемии, так и – в более долгосрочном плане – с фундаментальной трансформацией, обусловленной идущим процессом цифровизации.Сервисы, созданные для интеллектуального управления транспортным потоком, мониторинга объектов инфраструктуры, подвижного состава, работы с клиентами, цифровые платформы в ближайшее время с большой вероятностью останутся драйверами идущей цифровой трансформации транспортной отрасли. С точки зрения цифровых технологий к основным относятся искусственный интеллект, блокчейн, Интернет вещей, большие данные.Учитывая обширность темы, в материале выделены ключевые, с точки зрения авторов, вопросы опыта и задач создания системных, сквозных цифровых платформенных решений в транспортной отрасли России, а также на примере железнодорожного транспорта (в том числе, на корпоративном уровне), предложена классификация уже реализуемых и перспективных направлений цифровых изменений в транспортно-логистической отрасли

    Frequencies of alleles, genotypes and haplotypes of two polymorphisms in the clusterin gene in the Russian elderly population categorized by cognitive performance

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    This article contains data on the frequencies of alleles, genotypes and haplotypes of the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs2279590 and rs1532278 in the CLU gene in a cohort of normal elderly from the Russian population. The SNPs have been reported to be associated with Alzheimer's disease and cognitive functions in genome-wide and candidate genes association studies. Cognitive performance in sample set was estimated by the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The frequencies of alleles, genotypes and haplotypes of two SNPs were calculated in 3 groups: total sample set, sample set with MoCA score less than 21 (the first quartile) and group with MoCA score more than 24 (the fourth quartile)

    Problems of prevention of crimes and other violations in the sphere of labor relationship of modern Russia

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    © 2015, ASERS Publishing House. All rights reserved. The purpose of this study is to identify problems in labor relationship in the Russian Federation. The authors use the term ‘labor fraud’. There is a differentiation from the fraud in general criminal sense. There is a necessity to introduce criminal responsibility for ‘labor frauds’. Similar experience of foreign countries is considered in a positive way. Among main conclusions derived from the work it is to provide the following theses: •The constitutional right of employees to receive compensation for labor is not protected fully. Civil and administrative legal responsibility is not sufficient to realize this right fully; •The solution of the problem on the observance of employees’ rights in full should be based on the achievements of legal science, in particular, science of labor and criminal law; •The actual legal status of the employee provided by the law and its implementation mechanism brings the labor relationship to a new level which positively affects the reputation of the welfare state


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    Labelling — the final stage of production, which determines its characteristics and properties. In addition to the main regulated elements of labeling, information about the product distinctive features can be applied to the label, which can influence the potential consumer choice. Complete and reliable information allows not only to identify the product, but also to prevent possible consumer deception. Information falsification is one of the most common ways of misleading consumers.There are several types of marking: consumer, warning, conformity, environmental and special protective. In order to protect the consumer from information falsification for food products, clear rules for marking for mandatory application have been developed, established in the technical regulations of the Customs Union 022/2011 «Food products in terms of its marking» and technical regulations for certain types of products (industry products features). In recent years, the organic products production is actively developing, the requirements for which in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) are at the design stage. Organic production is based on the principles of environmental friendliness and humanity, as well as the prohibition of the use of means of production intensification (chemical fertilizers, chemotherapy drugs, artificial food additives, etc.). To control the implementation of these requirements, it is necessary to conduct a full analysis of the production of the product «from the field to the counter», which can be carried out only by highly qualified experts. Confirmation of compliance with the requirements is a organic products sign. In world practice, there are several types of eco-labels. The essence of the developed interdisciplinary approach is a comprehensive application of mandatory and voluntary requirements for the organic food products labeling.Labelling — the final stage of production, which determines its characteristics and properties. In addition to the main regulated elements of labeling, information about the product distinctive features can be applied to the label, which can influence the potential consumer choice. Complete and reliable information allows not only to identify the product, but also to prevent possible consumer deception. Information falsification is one of the most common ways of misleading consumers.There are several types of marking: consumer, warning, conformity, environmental and special protective. In order to protect the consumer from information falsification for food products, clear rules for marking for mandatory application have been developed, established in the technical regulations of the Customs Union 022/2011 «Food products in terms of its marking» and technical regulations for certain types of products (industry products features). In recent years, the organic products production is actively developing, the requirements for which in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) are at the design stage. Organic production is based on the principles of environmental friendliness and humanity, as well as the prohibition of the use of means of production intensification (chemical fertilizers, chemotherapy drugs, artificial food additives, etc.). To control the implementation of these requirements, it is necessary to conduct a full analysis of the production of the product «from the field to the counter», which can be carried out only by highly qualified experts. Confirmation of compliance with the requirements is a organic products sign. In world practice, there are several types of eco-labels. The essence of the developed interdisciplinary approach is a comprehensive application of mandatory and voluntary requirements for the organic food products labeling


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    Nano-sized ion exchangers possess high ion exchange capacity, adhesion to quartz surface and pH-independent charge, which make them promising modifiers of the stationary phases for the high-efficient and selective separation of charged analytes in the capillary electrochromatography mode. The goal of the investigation was the application of nano-sized ion exchangers as stationary phases in the capillary electrochromatography. The development of coatings based on nano-sized anion and cation exchangers (polystyrene-divinylbenzene copolymer matrix functionalized with quaternary ammonium and sulfo groups respectively) was proposed for the first time. The proposed procedures of coatings formation were very fast (less than 15 min) and were reproducible. The characterization of coatings was also carried out by the scanning electron microscopy. The high stability of the nano-sized anion exchange coating allowed using background electrolytes with pH range from 2 to 10 for the electrophoretic separations. The lower stability of coatings based on nano-sized cation exchange particles of fused silica capillaries reduced the pH range of possible background electrolytes (pH 2 - 8). Modified by nano-sized anion exchangers capillaries were applied for the separation of inorganic anions and organic acids. The determination of these analytes was characterized by high efficiency, resolution (compared to the results obtained without nano-sized anion exchanger) and short analysis time due to the co-directional migration of analytes and reversed electroosmotic flow. The modification of the fused silica capillary by nano-sized cation exchange particles prevented the sorption of biogenic amines during their electrophoretic separation.Keywords: capillary electrochromatography, nano-sized anion-exchanger, nano-sized cation-exchanger, coatings of fused-silica capillary wallsDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.3.006(Russian)D.V. Makeeva, L.A. Kartsova, D.A. Polikarpova Saint-Petersburg State University, Institute of Chemistry, 7/9 Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian FederationВысокая ионообменная емкость, адгезия к поверхности кварца и независимый от рН заряд позволяют рассматривать наноиониты в качестве перспективных модификаторов электрофоретических систем, способствующих высокоэффективному и селективному разделению аналитов. Данная работа посвящена применению наноразмерных ионитов в качестве стационарных фаз для реализации режима капиллярной электрохроматографии (КЭХ). В рамках исследования определены условия формирования покрытий стенок кварцевого капилляра на основе наноанионита и нанокатионита – сополимеров стирола и дивинилбензола, функционализированных четвертичными аммонийными и сульфогруппами, соответственно. Предложенные подходы к формированию стационарных фаз в кварцевом капилляре отличаются высокой экспрессностью (10-15 минут) и высокой воспроизводимостью от капилляра к капилляру. Полученные покрытия были охарактеризованы методом сканирующей электронной микроскопии.  Высокая стабильность покрытия на основе наноанионита позволяет использовать для электрофоретического разделения фоновые электролиты с рН в диапазоне от 2 до 10 единиц; меньшая стабильность нанокатионита на поверхности кварцевого капилляра сокращает рабочий диапазон рН (2 – 8). Показаны перспективы применения кварцевых капилляров, модифицированных наноанионитом, при электрофоретическом разделении неорганических анионов и карбоновых кислот. Разделение указанных аналитов характеризуется высокой эффективностью, большей селективностью разделения, по сравнению с результатами в отсутствие модификатора, а также экспрессностью за счет сонаправленной миграции аналитов и обращенного электроосмотического потока. Использование покрытого частицами нанокатионита капилляра позволило предотвратить сорбцию биогенных аминов при их электрофоретическом определении.Ключевые слова: капиллярная электрохроматография, наноанионит, нанокатионит, покрытия стенок капилляраDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.3.00


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    Nanoparticles are widely used in capillary electrophoresis as stationary phases adsorbed on the internal capillary walls for the separation and concentration of analytes in capillary electrochromatography.  The fastest and simplest approach for the formation of coatings is a physical adsorption of nanoparticles. Nevertheless, the formed coatings frequently possess low stability. The layer-by-layer approach for the formation of stabile and dense coating of internal capillary walls based on negatively charged nanosized cation-exchanger was proposed. The method included the sequential alteration of appositively charged layers of nanosized ion-exchangers. The proposed “anion-exchanger – cation-exchanger” bilayer coating possesses high stability in wide pH range (2-10) and provides up to 120 analyses without the need of re-coating. The coating was applied for the separation and on-line concentration of catecholamines and amino acids in capillary electrochromatography mode.   High efficiencies were achieved (N = 450-720 th. t.p./m  and N = 400-520 th. t.p./m  for cathecholamies and amino acids, respectively), while the analysis time was significantly decreased.  It was established, that high concentration of negatively charged functional groups on the capillary surface led to the increase of stacking efficiency factors due to the interactions between analytes and functional groups of the modifier on the capillary walls.  It contributed to the 2-4 times reduced detection limits (LODs) of analytes compared to the mono-layer coatings (LODs of catecholamines = 3-4 ng/mL, LODs of amino acids = 40-100 ng/mL).Keywords: nano-sized anion-exchanger, nano-sized cation-exchanger, bilayer coatings, capillary electrochromatography, biogenic amines, amino acids, on-line concentration DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2021.25.3.004 Makeeva D.V., Polikarpova D.A., Kartsova L.A. Saint-Petersburg State University, Institute of ChemistryНаночастицы активно используются в капиллярном электрофорезе в качестве стационарных фаз, адсорбированных на поверхности кварцевого капилляра, в целях улучшения электрофоретического разделения аналитов в режиме капиллярной электрохроматографии. Формирование покрытий за счет физической адсорбции полимерных наночастиц – наиболее быстрый и простой в исполнении метод. Однако полученные покрытия зачастую характеризуются низкой стабильностью. В работе предложен подход к формированию плотного и стабильного покрытия стенок кварцевого капилляра с внешним отрицательно-заряженным слоем нанокатионита, заключающийся в последовательном нанесении за счет физической адсорбции противоположно-заряженных слоев нанормазмерных ионообменников. Сформировано двухслойное покрытие «наноанионит-нанокатионит», отличающееся высокой стабильностью в диапазоне рН от 2 до 10, и позволяющее проводить до 120 циклов анализа без обновления покрытия. Полученные снимки внутренней поверхности капилляров на сканирующем электронном микроскопе позволили провести сравнение плотности и равномерности одно- и двухслойных покрытий на основе наноионитов. Аналитические возможности двухслойного покрытия продемонстрированы при анализе смесей биогенных аминов и аминокислот в режиме капиллярной электрохроматографии. Достигнуты высокие значения эффективности (N = 450-720 тыс т.т./м и N = 400-520 тыс т.т./м для катехоламинов и аминокислот, соответственно). Высокая концентрация отрицательно заряженных ионогенных групп на поверхности капилляра способствует увеличению степеней концентрирования, достигаемых в результате электростэкинга, поскольку к общему механизму концентрирования добавляется взаимодействие аналита с функциональными центрами поверхности капилляра. Это позволило снизить пределы обнаружения аналитов в 2-4 раза по сравнению с однослойным НИК-покрытием (3-4 нг/мл в случае катехоламинов и 40-100 нг/мл для аминокислот).Ключевые слова: наноанионит, нанокатионит, двухслойные покрытия, капиллярная электрохроматография, биогенные амины, аминокислоты, концентрированиеDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2021.25.3.00

    The usage of a binder system for frozen berries in the manufacture of confectionery

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    The aim of the research was to create binding systems for confectionery using gelling agents. The possibility of using partially hydrolyzed liquid egg white (egg hydrolyzate) in the binding system of gelling agents (egg hydrolyzate - agar (EG-A), egg hydrolyzate - starch (EG-S)) was determined to obtain the required mechanical characteristics when creating coatings, ornaments or fillers in confectionery with whole berries or pieces of fruit. In this regard, a technology has been developed for the hydrolysis of liquid egg white in the presence of an acidic reagent. The best rheological characteristics of the gelling agent from egg white were obtained under the following hydrolysis conditions: egg white : 1% HCl ratio = 1:2, process temperature - 66°C, duration - 40 minutes, the pH of the egg hydrolyzate was 6.53, the amount of dry solids was 11.78%. The newly created systems with agar (E406, Germany), chemically modified food starch (E1442, Germany) and hydrolyzed egg white (egg hydrolyzate) allow to adjust the properties of the coating for quick-frozen berries used in semi-finished confectionaries or cakes. It is established that the coating for quick-frozen berries, which includes a system consisting of 1% E406 and 0.5% egg hydrolyzate, should be carried out in 2 stages. In the first stage, a 10-minute exposure of the coating, which has a tensile strength of 580 g cm-2 , allows to create a strong capsule around the berry, which prevents the processes of destruction from proceeding. The second stage is necessary to obtain a uniform surface coating of the semi-finished mix from the berries. In this case, the tensile strength of the coating should be 480 g cm-2 . The system created from the E1442 and egg hydrolyzate gelling agents was also used in 2 stages when making cakes, which were subsequently baked at 180 °C. The content of the binding system in the coating applied to the test substrate was 6.9–7.7%, the effective viscosity of the coating was 120–180 Pa s. The content of the binding system in the coating of the surface of the berries in the second stage was 5.2–6.3% with effective viscosity values of 50–90 Pa s. Semi-finished berry products and ready-made baked cakes, produced with developed binding systems, can be stored at -8 °C for 10 to 12 days. After refrigerated storage, the separated moisture was not observed in the test samples. The absence of the phenomenon of syneresis with the indicated proportions of the introduction of gelling agents in coating systems has been established