43 research outputs found


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    Objective: In spite of a detailed regulation procedures of the termination of preliminary investigation with an indictment, the current criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation has not only failed to address numerous issues but also provoked many problems that require scientific research and incorporation in the legislation as well as in judicial practice.Methodology: To study those issues, it is relevant both in theory and practice to conduct a complex analysis of an investigator’s actions at the termination of preliminary investigation. In this way, this paper provides support for theoretical grounds that reveal the essence and content of the investigator’s activities at the termination of preliminary investigation with an indictment.Results: The results can serve as a basis for further studies aimed at solving issues at the pretrial stage of criminal proceedings including its final phase. The justification of the suggested solutions has implications for the development of criminal law theory, especially as it regards the termination of preliminary investigation with an indictment. Contributions: The suggestions can be used in law-making and criminal justice authorities’ practice. Those suggestions may help solve a crucial theoretical and practical issue of improving the performance of the investigator at the termination of criminal proceedings

    Association of interleukins genes polymorphisms with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in Ukrainian population

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    INTRODUCTION: Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB) is a significant health problem in some parts of the world. Three major cytokines involved in TB immunopathogenesis include IL-2, IL-4 and IL-10. The susceptibility to MDR TB may be genetically determined. The aim of the study was to assess the association of IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 gene polymorphisms with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB) in Ukrainian population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We observed 140 patients suffering from infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis (PT) and 30 apparently healthy subjects. The patients were assigned to two groups whether they suffer or do not suffer from pulmonary MDR TB. Interleukin gene (IL) polymorphisms, particularly T330G polymorphism in the IL-2 gene, C589T polymorphism in the IL-4 gene and G1082A polymorphism in the IL-10 gene were studied through polymerase chain reaction. Circulating levels of IL-2, IL-4 and IL-10 in venous blood were estimated using ELISA. RESULTS: Prior to treatment, patients with PT showed significant increase of IL-2 levels and decrease of IL-4 and IL-10 levels compared to apparently healthy subjects. Circulating IL-4 and IL-10 levels were significantly decreased whilst serum IL-2 level was significantly increased in patients with MDR TB compared to non-MDR TB. Low IL-4 and IL-10 secretion and considerable IL-2 alterations were shown to be significantly associated with mutations of homozygous and heterozygous genotypes affecting C589T polymorphism in the IL-4 gene, G1082A polymorphism in the IL-10 gene and T330G polymorphism in the IL-2 gene in patients with PT. CONCLUSIONS: Heterozygous genotype and mutations homozygous genotypes gene in polymorphisms determining specified cytokines’ production is a PT risk factor and may lead to disease progression into chronic phase. Heterozygous genotype of aforementioned cytokine genetic polymorphisms was significantly the most frequent in patients with MDR TB.INTRODUCTION: Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB) is a significant health problem in some parts of the world. Three major cytokines involved in TB immunopathogenesis include IL-2, IL-4 and IL-10. The susceptibility to MDR TB may be genetically determined. The aim of the study was to assess the association of IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 gene polymorphisms with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB) in Ukrainian population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We observed 140 patients suffering from infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis (PT) and 30 apparently healthy subjects. The patients were assigned to two groups whether they suffer or do not suffer from pulmonary MDR TB. Interleukin gene (IL) polymorphisms, particularly T330G polymorphism in the IL-2 gene, C589T polymorphism in the IL-4 gene and G1082A polymorphism in the IL-10 gene were studied through polymerase chain reaction. Circulating levels of IL-2, IL-4 and IL-10 in venous blood were estimated using ELISA. RESULTS: Prior to treatment, patients with PT showed significant increase of IL-2 levels and decrease of IL-4 and IL-10 levels compared to apparently healthy subjects. Circulating IL-4 and IL-10 levels were significantly decreased whilst serum IL-2 level was significantly increased in patients with MDR TB compared to non-MDR TB. Low IL-4 and IL-10 secretion and considerable IL-2 alterations were shown to be significantly associated with mutations of homozygous and heterozygous genotypes affecting C589T polymorphism in the IL-4 gene, G1082A polymorphism in the IL-10 gene and T330G polymorphism in the IL-2 gene in patients with PT. CONCLUSIONS: Heterozygous genotype and mutations homozygous genotypes gene in polymorphisms determining specified cytokines’ production is a PT risk factor and may lead to disease progression into chronic phase. Heterozygous genotype of aforementioned cytokine genetic polymorphisms was significantly the most frequent in patients with MDR TB

    Związek wariantów polimorficznych genów kodujących interleukiny z występowaniem wielolekoopornej gruźlicy w populacji Ukrainy

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    WSTĘP: Gruźlica wielolekooporna (MDR-TB) stanowi poważny problem zdrowotny w pewnych regionach świata. Interleukiny 2 (IL-2), 4 (IL-4) i 10 (IL-10) odgrywają istotną rolę w immunopatogenezie gruźlicy. Podatność na gruźlicę wielolekooporną może być genetycznie uwarunkowana. Celem badania była ocena związku pomiędzy polimorfizmem genów IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 a występowaniem gruźlicy wielolekoopornej w populacji ukraińskiej. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Do badania włączono 140 chorych na gruźlicę naciekową i 30 osób zdrowych (grupa kontrolna). Wyodrębniono grupę chorych na gruźlicę wielolekooporną (MDR TB) i gruźlicę z zachowaną opornością na leki przeciwgruźlicze (non-MDR TB). Zbadano polimorfizm T330G genu IL-2, C589T genu IL-4 i G1082A genu IL-10 przy zastosowaniu łańcuchowej reakcji polimerazy. Stężenia IL-2, IL-4 and IL-10 w surowicy oznaczono za pomocą testu ELISA. WYNIKI: Przed leczeniem u chorych na gruźlicę stężenia w surowicy IL-2 były wyższe, a IL-4 i IL-10 niższe w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Stężenia IL-4 i IL-10 były istotnie niższe, podczas gdy stężenie IL-2 było istotnie wyższe w grupie MDR TB w porównaniu z pozostałymi chorymi (non- MDR TB). Opisane zmiany związane były z homozygotycznymi lub heterozygotycznymi mutacjami polimorficznymi C589T genu IL-4, G1082A genu IL-10 i T330G genu IL-2. WNIOSKI: Mutacje genów badanych cytokin mogą stanowić czynnik ryzyka gruźlicy i prowadzić do progresji i przewlekania się choroby. W grupie MDR TB genotypy heterozygotyczne badanych cytokin występowały najczęściej.WSTĘP: Gruźlica wielolekooporna (MDR-TB) stanowi poważny problem zdrowotny w pewnych regionach świata. Interleukiny 2 (IL-2), 4 (IL-4) i 10 (IL-10) odgrywają istotną rolę w immunopatogenezie gruźlicy. Podatność na gruźlicę wielolekooporną może być genetycznie uwarunkowana. Celem badania była ocena związku pomiędzy polimorfizmem genów IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 a występowaniem gruźlicy wielolekoopornej w populacji ukraińskiej. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Do badania włączono 140 chorych na gruźlicę naciekową i 30 osób zdrowych (grupa kontrolna). Wyodrębniono grupę chorych na gruźlicę wielolekooporną (MDR TB) i gruźlicę z zachowaną opornością na leki przeciwgruźlicze (non-MDR TB). Zbadano polimorfizm T330G genu IL-2, C589T genu IL-4 i G1082A genu IL-10 przy zastosowaniu łańcuchowej reakcji polimerazy. Stężenia IL-2, IL-4 and IL-10 w surowicy oznaczono za pomocą testu ELISA. WYNIKI: Przed leczeniem u chorych na gruźlicę stężenia w surowicy IL-2 były wyższe, a IL-4 i IL-10 niższe w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Stężenia IL-4 i IL-10 były istotnie niższe, podczas gdy stężenie IL-2 było istotnie wyższe w grupie MDR TB w porównaniu z pozostałymi chorymi (non- MDR TB). Opisane zmiany związane były z homozygotycznymi lub heterozygotycznymi mutacjami polimorficznymi C589T genu IL-4, G1082A genu IL-10 i T330G genu IL-2. WNIOSKI: Mutacje genów badanych cytokin mogą stanowić czynnik ryzyka gruźlicy i prowadzić do progresji i przewlekania się choroby. W grupie MDR TB genotypy heterozygotyczne badanych cytokin występowały najczęściej

    Role of MAP Kinases in the Life and Death of Beta-cells

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    The development of diabetes mellitus depends on the balance between beta-cell proliferation and death. As mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) may control this balance, the aim of this study was to investigate the events leading to MAPK activation in beta-cells and the consequences of these events. Overexpression of the SH2-domain containing adaptor protein Shb resulted in the assembly and activation of multiunit complex consisting of at least Shb, IRS-1, IRS-2, FAK and PI3K. Consequently, the phosphorylation of Akt was enhanced under basal conditions in Shb overexpression cells. This was paralleled by an attenuated activation of the MAP kinases ERK1/2. Thus, Shb-induced alterations in the IRS-1/PI3K/Akt/ERK pathway might explain the increased proliferation and apoptosis of beta-cells overexpressing Shb. The importance of the MAP kinase p38 in nitric oxide- and cytokine-induced beta-cell death was also investigated. Knock-down of p38 expression resulted in a lowered cell death rate in response to a nitric oxide donor. In transient transfections MKK3 over-expression resulted in increased p38 phosphorylation in RIN-5AH cells. In addition, a short-term MKK3 expression resulted in increased cytokine-induced cell death. A nitric oxide synthase inhibitor abolished the MKK3-potentiating effect on cytokine-induced cell death and inhibitors of phosphatases enhanced MKK3-stimulated p38 phosphorylation. Finally, as the dominant negative mutant of MKK3 did not affect cytokine-induced p38 phosphorylation, and as wild type MKK3 did not influence p38 autophosphorylation, it may be that p38 is activated by MKK3/6-independent pathways in response to cytokines and nitric oxide. In further support for an MKK3/6-indepedent mechanism, the adaptor protein TAB1 significantly increased the cytokine- and nitric oxide-stimulated phosphorylation of p38. The TAB1-mediated activation of p38 was paralleled by a compensatory inhibition of ERK and JNK. In summary, p38 MAPK, activated mainly by TAB1, promotes, at least in part, beta-cell death in response to cytokines or nitric oxide

    The influence of soil microorganisms on heavy metal content in the substrate of waste rock dumps

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    The environmental effects of mining and its impact on natural resources are of a holistic nature. One of the modern methods employed for the remediation of technogenically disturbed soils is the application of microorganisms. This paper studies the impact made by soil microorganisms on the accumulation rate of heavy metals in the substrate of waste rock dumps in the process of soil reclamation. Suspensions of soil microorganisms (microorganisms utilising mineral nitrogen forms / MUMN; microorganisms decomposing silicates / MDS; microscopic fungi / MF) were applied to the rock dump surface. Separate groups as well as their combinations were applied. The heavy metal content analysis did not indicate a significant exceedance of the maximum allowable concentration limits (MACL) in the soil of the waste rock. The only metal whose content exceeded the maximum admissible concentration limits was nickel. It has found that the application of microorganisms influences the concentration of several heavy metals due to pH level changes of the rock dump soil

    Electronic Etiquette during the Pandemic: Theory and Practice of Teaching

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    In 2020 the coronavirus pandemic reached almost every country in the world and challenged their educational systems. This situation forced educators to shift to an online mode of teaching overnight. Many academic institutions that were earlier reluctant to change their traditional pedagogical approaches had no other option but to shift entirely to online teaching and learning. Thus, the role of ICTs in education, and email communication, in particular, has increased dramatically during the pandemic. A significant part of the educational process has turned to correspondence of students and teachers by corporate mail, to communication in chats and during online conferences. At the same time, students' lack of knowledge of electronic etiquette was revealed. They do not realise that writing status-congruent emails is a skill that requires high pragmatic competence and awareness of politeness conventions and email etiquette (also known as ‘netiquette’). It turned out that most students had no ideas of electronic communication rules and did not observe even basic rules of electronic communication. So, students of two universities (teacher training and technical) were given a questionnaire on electronic etiquette. Then the authors analysed and compared students’ answers and came up with recommendations on teaching electronic etiquette to students based on the test results. These recommendations can be further used in teaching practices, during English classes mostly