1,622 research outputs found
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Prezentowana publikacja „Wybrane problemy zarządzania i finansów - studia przypadków” zawiera 14 studiów przypadku (case study) z zarządzania i finansów. Studium przypadku jest to opis badanego obiektu (zjawiska, procesów) w określonych warunkach, miejscu i czasie. Współcześnie jedną z głównych metod wykorzystywanych w naukach o zarządzaniu jest właśnie metoda case study, a w USA i Wielkiej Brytanii jest to metoda wręcz dominująca. Polega ona na analizowaniu i omawianiu prawdziwych (lub prawdopodobnych) sytuacji, uczy podejmowania decyzji gospodarczych w konkretnych uwarunkowaniach i konsekwencji tych decyzji dla przedsiębiorstwa. Głównym celem stawianym publikacji jest uzupełnienie luki na rynku wydawniczym w zakresie zwartych pozycji zawierających studia przypadków z obszaru nauk o zarządzaniu i finansach. W literaturze fachowej możemy spotkać się tylko z kilkoma publikacjami o zasięgu ogólnokrajowym, a także z nielicznymi publikacjami wydanymi przez wydawnictwa o zasięgu lokalnym przed prawie dziesięcioma laty.
Zaprezentowane przypadki można pogrupować według problemów, jakich dotyczą. Pierwsza grupa odnosi się do zagadnień zarządzania strategicznego i marketingowego. Kolejne dotyczą zarządzania i rachunkowości w przedsiębiorstwie. Następna grupa omawia problemy zarządzania personelem, a ostatnia koncentruje się na problemach zarządzania miastem, regionem i w administracji publicznej. Autorzy wyrażają przekonanie, że prezentowana publikacja, zawierająca studia przypadków opisujące rzeczywiste sytuacje gospodarcze i przedsiębiorstwa, będzie wykorzystywana w procesie nauczania w wyższych szkołach w Polsce na kierunkach ekonomicznych i zarządzania
Ranking Significant Discrepancies in Clinical Reports
Medical errors are a major public health concern and a leading cause of death
worldwide. Many healthcare centers and hospitals use reporting systems where
medical practitioners write a preliminary medical report and the report is
later reviewed, revised, and finalized by a more experienced physician. The
revisions range from stylistic to corrections of critical errors or
misinterpretations of the case. Due to the large quantity of reports written
daily, it is often difficult to manually and thoroughly review all the
finalized reports to find such errors and learn from them. To address this
challenge, we propose a novel ranking approach, consisting of textual and
ontological overlaps between the preliminary and final versions of reports. The
approach learns to rank the reports based on the degree of discrepancy between
the versions. This allows medical practitioners to easily identify and learn
from the reports in which their interpretation most substantially differed from
that of the attending physician (who finalized the report). This is a crucial
step towards uncovering potential errors and helping medical practitioners to
learn from such errors, thus improving patient-care in the long run. We
evaluate our model on a dataset of radiology reports and show that our approach
outperforms both previously-proposed approaches and more recent language models
by 4.5% to 15.4%.Comment: ECIR 2020 (short
A Neural Attention Model for Categorizing Patient Safety Events
Medical errors are leading causes of death in the US and as such, prevention
of these errors is paramount to promoting health care. Patient Safety Event
reports are narratives describing potential adverse events to the patients and
are important in identifying and preventing medical errors. We present a neural
network architecture for identifying the type of safety events which is the
first step in understanding these narratives. Our proposed model is based on a
soft neural attention model to improve the effectiveness of encoding long
sequences. Empirical results on two large-scale real-world datasets of patient
safety reports demonstrate the effectiveness of our method with significant
improvements over existing methods.Comment: ECIR 201
Towards automatic generation of relevance judgments for a test collection
This paper represents a new technique for building a relevance judgment list for information retrieval test collections without any human intervention. It is based on the number of occurrences of the documents in runs retrieved from several information retrieval systems and a distance based measure between the documents. The effectiveness of the technique is evaluated by computing the correlation between the ranking of the TREC systems using the original relevance judgment list (qrels) built by human assessors and the ranking obtained by using the newly generated qrels
Using key phrases as new queries in building relevance judgements automatically
We describe a new technique for building a relevance judgment list (qrels) for TREC test collections with no human intervention. For each TREC topic, a set of new queries is automatically generated from key phrases extract-ed from the top k documents retrieved from 12 different Terrier weighting models when the initial TREC topic is submitted. We assign a score to each key phrase based on its similarity to the original TREC topic. The key phrases with the highest scores become the new queries for a second search, this time using the Terrier BM25 weighting model. The union of the documents retrieved forms the automatically-build set of qrels
Long-Term Effectiveness of Balloon Catheter Sinuplasty in Pediatric Chronic Maxillary Sinusitis
The objective of our study was to assess the long-term effectiveness of balloon catheter sinuplasty in the treatment of pediatric chronic maxillary sinusitis following failed first-line medical and surgical management with adenoidectomy. Pediatric patients younger than 12 years were reviewed for having failed previous adenoidectomy and undergone a balloon catheter sinuplasty between August 2006 and March 2011 for chronic rhinosinusitis. Demographic data and clinical characteristics were recorded in patients who met inclusion criteria. Outcomes were assessed by need for functional endoscopic sinus surgery and persistence of chronic infection within at least 5 years of follow-up. Failure was defined by any child who was rediagnosed with chronic sinus disease after balloon catheter sinuplasty or who required endoscopic sinus surgery within 5 years. Sixty-two children were reviewed, with 38 patients meeting inclusion criteria (prior adenoidectomy, a preoperative Lund-Mackay score of ≥5, and balloon catheter sinuplasty). The mean age (standard deviation) was 6.76 (2.27) years with an age range of 2 to 11 years. Eight children (21.1%, P \u3c .01) continued to have chronic sinus complaints following balloon procedure, with 5 (13.1%) individuals requiring eventual endoscopic surgery within 5 years. Age, asthma, allergy, and gender did not have any statistically significant impact on outcome. Balloon catheter sinuplasty is an effective long-term alternative for the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis in pediatric patients, hoping to avoid further infections and eventual endoscopic surgery
Simplified N fertilization strategies to winter wheat
Die in bis zu vier Teilgaben aufgeteilte N-Düngung mit KAS (Kalkammonsalpeter) zu Winterweizen steht für eine optimale N-Versorgung. Das Ziel dieser liegt darin den N-Bedarf der Pflanzen mit dem Gehalt an N im Boden zu synchronisieren.
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, gabenreduzierte N-Düngeverfahren mit KAS hinsichtlich dem Erreichen von Ertrags- und Qualitätszielen zu untersuchen sowie die Notwendigkeit geteilter N-Gaben zu überprüfen.
Anlass dazu gaben Praxisversuche mit modernen Winterweizensorten, die bereits ein Funktionieren von gabenreduzierten N-Düngeverfahren zeigten.
Anhand dieser Ergebnisse wurden zudem die Grenzen sowie mögliche Risiken von gabenreduzierten N-Düngeverfahren abgeleitet. Gabenreduzierte N-Düngeverfahren mit KAS eignen sich zum Erreichen von Ertrags- und Qualitätszielen im Winterweizenanbau. Eine geteilte N-Düngung, wie diese weit verbreitet noch praktiziert wird, ist demnach, bei ausreichendem N-Niveau, nicht notwendig. Auch eignen sich gabenreduzierte N-Düngeverfahren mit Ammonium-Nitrat-Harnstoff-Lösung (AHL), jedoch bedarf es hier weiterer Untersuchungen hinsichtlich der optimalen Ausbringungstechnik. Als ein maßgeblicher Grund für das Gelingen gabenreduzierter N-Düngeverfahren mit KAS wurden die Eigenschaften moderner Winterweizensorten angesehen. Moderne Winterweizensorten verfügen über geringe Harvest-Indizes, was zu einem geringeren Risiko von Lagergetreide führt. Weiter verfügen die Winterweizensorten über ein hohes Potential zur N-Umverlagerung. Dieses Potential führt dazu, dass hohe N-Mengen in physiologisch wichtigen Stadien aufgenommen werden und schließlich in der Pflanze umverlagert werden können. Weiter zeigen die getesteten Winterweizensorten eine hohe Plastizität bezüglich der Ausprägung ihrer Ertragskomponenten. Suboptimale Bedingungen während der Ausprägung einer Ertragskomponente, werden durch die Ausprägung einer anderen Ertragskomponente kompensiert. Nicht optimal bestockte Bestände zeigen eine Zunahme an Körner Ähre-1. Sehr dicht bestockte Bestände zeigen wiederum eine stark reduzierte Anzahl an Körner Ähre-1. Winterweizen kompensiert demnach auch eine zu hohe Bestandesdichte, womöglich begründet durch ein zu hohes N-Angebot, durch die Reduktion der Anzahl an Körnern Ähre-1. Diese Eigenschaften sowie die zunehmenden Vorsommertrockenheiten plädieren für den Düngungstermin zu BBCH 29/31 Im Hinblick auf die Reduktionsprozesse während der Bestockung ist dies als passender N-Düngetermin für hohe N-Mengen anzusehen. Gabenreduzierte N-Düngeverfahren sind nicht nur auf Standorten mit hohen N-Nachlieferungspotentialen, wie dieses auf Betrieben mit einer langjährigen Wirtschaftsdüngerapplikation zu finden ist, geeignet. Das bodeneigene N-Nachlieferungspotential auf den getesteten Parabraunerden ohne langjährige Wirtschaftsdüngerapplikation, in Verbindung mit den weiteren sehr positiven Eigenschaften solcher Standorte, begünstigt demnach die Anwendung von gabenreduzierten N-Düngeverfahren mit KAS. Ein hohes N-Nachlieferungspotential bedingt durch eine langjährige Düngung mit Wirtschaftsdünger ist in dieser Hinsicht eher als kritisch anzusehen und kann zu Überschüssen in der N-Bilanz führen. Unabhängig davon sind Maßnahmen mit organischen Düngern wie, z.B., festen Wirtschaftsdüngern als positiv für bodenphysikalische und bodenbiologische Eigenschaften anzusehen. Für die Einbeziehung in die Düngebedarfsprognose bedarf es jedoch Methoden und Berechnungsverfahren, die die Mineralisationsdynamik besser quantifizieren um den erwähnten Risiken entgegenzuwirken.
Mit der gabenreduzierten N-Düngung mit KAS können Betriebe mit anderen Schwerpunkten arbeitswirtschaftliche Vorteile realisieren.
Für flachgründige oder leichte Standorte mit einer geringen nutzbaren Feldkapazität und hohen Sickerwasserraten bedarf es weiterer Untersuchungen. Zwar sind dort die N-Mengen, die gabenreduziert ausgebracht werden, aufgrund des niedrigeren Ertragspotentials meist geringer, jedoch wird bereits mit geringeren Niederschlagsmengen eine Tiefenverlagerung in Gang gesetzt.
Neben diesen Einflussfaktoren stellt die Witterung den größten Faktor für die Determinierung von Ertrag und Qualität dar. Gerade auch die vermehrt zu beobachtende milde Vorwinterwitterung führt zu längeren Vegetationsperioden und somit zu weiter entwickelten Beständen. Solche Effekte führen dazu, dass N-Gaben zu Vegetationsbeginn mit dem Ziel einer Erhöhung der Bestandesdichte nicht zielführend bzw. notwendig sind. Ebenso zeigten sich enorme Unterschiede in der Ausbildung der Tausendkornmasse, die alleinig auf den Jahreseffekt und somit auf die Witterung zurückzuführen sind.
Die definierten Einflussfaktoren (Sorteneigenschaften, Standorteigenschaften, Witterungseinfluss) sowie die Grenzen von gabenreduzierten N-Düngeverfahren zeigen anschaulich wie komplex die N-Düngung ist und wie unterschiedlich die Witterung Einfluss auf die Bestandsentwicklung sowie die Ertragsbildung nimmt. Standardmaßnahmen wie die etablierte dreigeteilte N-Düngung mit KAS sind in diesem Zusammenhang nicht falsch, jedoch als nicht notwendig bzw. nicht optimal anzusehen. Mit Fachwissen und der Beobachtung der Witterung sowie der Bestandsentwicklung in Verbindung mit einer Düngebedarfsprognose und dem standorttypischen Ertragspotential kann die Düngung durch den Ansatz einer gabenreduzierten N-Düngung mit KAS maßgeblich optimiert werden.The split N-fertilization with CAN in three or four doses was considered a measure to improve the nitrogen supply of winter wheat in the past and still is considered a guarantor for good yield and quality. The split N-fertilization with CAN is also recommended to synchronize and harmonize N-demand of the plants as well as soil N-content.
The aim of the current study was to analyze simplified (reduced number of N-servings) CAN strategies to winter wheat and the necessity of split nitrogen servings in order to achieve yield and quality aims. This interest was occasioned by impressive results of experiments on farmers fields using simplified N- strategies with CAN.
Simplified CAN fertilization strategies are able to produce high grain yield and protein contents with winter wheat when the N-supply is ensured. Therefore, the common split N-servings with CAN are not necessary. Simplified strategies with UAN seem to be possible, but this requires further research on application techniques to reduce NH3 losses. Simplified CAN fertilization strategies were tested based on modern wheat varieties and the high plasticity in the development of the yield compounds. Modern wheat varieties show low harvest-indices which is important to reduce the risk of lodging. Furthermore, these varieties are able to overcome omitted N-servings through remobilization of N in the plants. Suboptimal conditions during the development within one important growing stage can be compensated during later growing stages when the growing conditions are better. These properties in combination with a late first application (BBCH 29/31) of N turned out to be the gold standard in our experiments. Reduction processes during the tillering (BBCH 25/27) period when N is applied confirm these findings. In addition, the application date for the heading stages (BBCH 49/51) when temperatures are high and conditions very dry have to be considered.
Simplified N-fertilization systems can also be applied on Luvisols if the soils are not long-term fertilized by liquid manure. The positive soil characteristics of these soils and the high soil-borne fertility support the approach with simplified CAN strategies. In this situation, N-leaching into deeper soil layers is not likely as high precipitation rates in a short time would be necessary to cause this. In fact, a long term liquid manure application with high rates is not necessary when simplified CAN treatments are applied. Moreover, high N amounts in soils caused by long term liquid manure applications are a risk for N-losses and environmental pollution.
Notwithstanding the above, organic fertilizers like liquid manure show positive effects on the soil chemistry and the physical properties of the soil. It is important to apply a system to better include the N fertilization effect of liquid manure during the vegetation period.
Additionally, simplified CAN fertilization reduces the work effort on the farms. Currently, especially for livestock farms, which rely on N-fertilization, simplified CAN treatments are a good alternative to the common practice.
Whereupon on shallow or sandy soils the approach with simplified CAN treatments should be restricted since these soils mostly show low water holding capacities and high percolate water rates. Under suboptimal growing conditions with high precipitation rates simplified CAN treatments can be a risk for the environment and the groundwater. Apart from that, the volatile weather conditions are the most important factor for yield and quality outcome. Mild conditions during the early winter lead to prolonged growing of the plants. In spring the number of tillers per m-2 is already determinated. Therefore, a combination of N doses at the beginning of the growing season in order to promote the number of tillers doesn´t yield the aimed results.
The properties of modern wheat cultivars, tested soils, weather conditions and constraints of simplified CAN treatments show the complexity of N fertilization of winter wheat. Standard measures like the common split CAN fertilization are neither wrong nor ideal to create high yield and protein contents with a minimum of input. The most important items for a successful wheat production are high knowledge and attention levels for the plants and growing conditions. Combining the fertilizer requirement calculation and the knowledge on the field yield potential, the yield and quality of winter wheat can be optimized with a minimum of input
Building query-based relevance sets without human intervention
A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Wolverhampton for the degree of Doctor of Philosophycollections are the standard framework used in the evaluation of an information retrieval system and the comparison between different systems. A text test collection consists of a set of documents, a set of topics, and a set of relevance assessments which is a list indicating the relevance of each document to each topic. Traditionally, forming the relevance assessments is done manually by human judges. But in large scale environments, such as the web, examining each document retrieved to determine its relevance is not possible. In the past there have been several studies that aimed to reduce the human effort required in building these assessments which are referred to as qrels (query-based relevance sets). Some research has also been done to completely automate the process of generating the qrels. In this thesis, we present different methodologies that lead to producing the qrels automatically without any human intervention. A first method is based on keyphrase (KP) extraction from documents presumed relevant; a second method uses Machine Learning classifiers, Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machines. The experiments were conducted on the TREC-6, TREC-7 and TREC-8 test collections. The use of machine learning classifiers produced qrels resulting in information retrieval system rankings which were better correlated with those produced by TREC human assessments than any of the automatic techniques proposed in the literature. In order to produce a test collection which could discriminate between the best performing systems, an enhancement to the machine learning technique was made that used a small number of real or actual qrels as training sets for the classifiers. These actual relevant documents were selected by Losada et al.’s (2016) pooling technique. This modification led to an improvement in the overall system rankings and enabled discrimination between the best systems with only a little human effort. We also used the bpref-10 and infAP measures for evaluating the systems and comparing between the rankings, since they are more robust in incomplete judgment environments. We applied our new techniques to the French and Finnish test collections from CLEF2003 in order to confirm their reproducibility on non-English languages, and we achieved high correlations as seen for English
Evaluation of Soft and Hard Tissue Changes Around Guided Immediate Implants in the Esthetic Area with Immediate Temporization: A Prospective Clinical and Radiographic Pilot Study.
Purpose: This study aimed to assess soft and hard tissue changes occurring 6 and 12 months after guided implant placement into extraction sockets and immediate temporization in the esthetic zone.
Materials and Methods: Eight patients requiring single immediate implant placement in the anterior mandible or maxilla were included in this study. Atraumatic extractions were performed using ultrasonic instruments and implants were placed into extraction sockets following digitally guided surgery. Gap between implants and buccal bone plate was filled with allogeneic bone substitutes. Implants were immediately temporized with pre-prepared PMMA crowns. Cone Beam Computed Tomography and digital impressions were done pre-operatively, immediately following surgery and at 6 and 12 months and were used to compare hard and soft tissue retraction at these timepoints. Changes in buccal bone thickness at 0, 2 and 4mm from implant neck were measured using ITK-Snap software and soft tissue profile changes were measured using the Blue-Sky software. Two-way repeated measures analysis of variance and one-sample t tests were conducted to analyze data.
Results: All eight implants were successfully osseointegrated. Mean buccal Bone thickness at implant neck level was 1.90mm after 12 months and at 2 and 4mm apical to the neck bone thickness was respectively 1.88 and 1.56mm. When comparing bone retraction at implant neck level at different time points, a statistically significant buccal bone thickness reduction of 0.56 ± 0.66mm was observed between 0 and 6 months (p=0.049), as well as a reduction of 0.32 ± 0.37mm between 6 and 12 months (p=0.046). However, at the 2 mm and 4 mm levels, no statistically significant reduction appeared in buccal bone thickness at 6 and 12 months (p\u3e0.05).
Soft tissue profile measured facing implant neck was significantly reduced by 0.45 ± 0.39mm (p=0.014) between 0 and 6 months, and by 0.52 ± 0.59mm between 6 and 12 months.
Conclusion: Immediate implant placement and temporization using digitally guided approach is a reliable technique in the esthetic area. Following gap grafting, minimal hard and soft tissue contour remodeling was observed with an optimal residual buccal bone thickness, allowing the maintenance of a stable emergence profile at 12 months
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