694 research outputs found

    Spin-transfer mechanism of ferromagnetism in polymerized fullerenes: AbinitioAb initio calculations

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    A mechanism of the high temperature ferromagnetism in polymerized fullerenes is suggested. It is assumed that some of the C60_{60} molecules in the crystal become magnetically active due to spin and charge transfer from the paramagnetic impurities (atoms or groups), such as hydrogen, fluorine, hydroxyl group OH, amino group NH2_2, or methyl group CH3_3, dispersed in the fullerene matrix. The exchange interaction between the spins localized on the magnetically active fullerenes is evaluated using \textit{ab initio} calculations. The nearest neighbour and next nearest neighbour exchange interaction is found to be in the range 0.1÷0.30.1\div 0.3 eV, that is, high enough to account for the room temperature ferromagnetism.Comment: typos corrected, 8 pages, 3 figures, LaTe

    The integration of the accounting system for implementing world class manufacturing (WCM) principles

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    This article covers relevant issues of the development of accounting information system using the principles of integrated information space under implementation of WCM management technology. High-class internationally acknowledged business affects the key approaches to implementing social, ecological and business-processes as well as information space of economic actors. Principles underlying WCM are constant improvement and elimination of waste. In this situation, the studies oriented toward the development of theoretic and methodological projects and applications for integrating accounting systems of the economic actors into one system become especially relevant. Analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to solving this problem demonstrated that currently the issues of formation and development of the accounting system remain open. Current model of accounting system in the Russian Federation faces contradictions between new requirements and limited possibilities of the methods of traditional accounting and, consequently, the existence of qualitative, quantitative and structural changes in the development of the accounting system. Today in Russian companies there is a great number of types of accounting with a well-defined functional segment: operational, financial, managerial, statistical, fiscal as well as accounting principles IFRS/GAAP. This separation causes obstacles in the management information system and in transition to the principles WCM, creation of several duplicative uncoordinated large data of internal reporting: in parent company and its subsidiaries, head office and structural divisions of the company etc. The aim of the study is to develop methodological and methodical approaches to forming an integrated accounting system using unproductive costs and loss as an example.peer-reviewe

    Detecting bivariate outliers on the basis of normalizing transformations for non-Gaussian data

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    The statistical technique for detecting outliers in bivariate non-Gaussian data on the basis of normalizing transformations, prediction ellipse and a test statistic (TS) for the Mahalanobis squared distance (MSD), which has an approximate F distribution, is proposed. Application of the technique is considered for detecting outliers in two bivariate non-Gaussian data sets: the first, actual effort (hours) and size (adjusted function points) from 145 maintenance and development projects, the second, effort (hours) and mass (tonnes) of designed the section of the ship from 188 designs of sections

    Detecting bivariate outliers on the basis of normalizing transformations for non-Gaussian data

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    The statistical technique for detecting outliers in bivariate non-Gaussian data on the basis of normalizing transformations, prediction ellipse and a test statistic (TS) for the Mahalanobis squared distance (MSD), which has an approximate F distribution, is proposed. Application of the technique is considered for detecting outliers in two bivariate non-Gaussian data sets: the first, actual effort (hours) and size (adjusted function points) from 145 maintenance and development projects, the second, effort (hours) and mass (tonnes) of designed the section of the ship from 188 designs of sections

    Surface photometry of new nearby dwarf galaxies

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    We present CCD surface photometry of 16 nearby dwarf galaxies, many of which were only recently discovered. Our sample comprises both isolated galaxies and galaxies that are members of nearby galaxy groups. The observations were obtained in the Johnson B and V bands (and in some cases in Kron-Cousins I). We derive surface brightness profiles, total magnitudes, and integrated colors. For the 11 galaxies in our sample with distance estimates the absolute B magnitudes lie in the range of -10>Mb>-13. The central surface brightness ranges from 22.5 to 27.0 mag/sq.arcsec. Most of the dwarf galaxies show exponential light profiles with or without a central light depression. Integrated radial color gradients, where present, appear to indicate a more centrally concentrated younger population and a more extended older population.Comment: accepted by A&


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    Hypothyreosis, caused by introduction of mercazolil, leads to reduction of production of thyroid hormones, destabilization of membranes and. acceleration of erythrocytes destruction, activation of erythropoiesis, development of macroerythrocytosis in blood. In 28 days after cancelling of mercazolil reserves of red bone marrow are exhausted, in blood microerythrocytosis accrues. The stress in animals with hypothyreosis does not change the composition of blood erythrocytes and activity of erythrocytopoiesis, but promotes preservation of a marrowy reserve of erythrocytes and increases a level of thyroid hormones

    Obesity in the elderly: peculiarities of treatment in outpatient practice

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    Today there is a worldwide trend of population aging, in addition, the proportion of older people with obesity is increasing. In order to adequately manage these patients in the outpatient setting, it is critical to understand the dynamic relationship between body weight, chronic disease prevalence, development of functional disability, life expectancy, and health care costs. While the obesity epidemic has affected people of all age groups, empirical knowledge about the management of obese older people remains largely scarce. Currently, there is no single therapeutic approach to this problem. Weight loss should be treated with caution in people over 60 years of age. The risk of sarcopenia, malnutrition, bone loss, increased risk of falls and injury must be considered, which can lead to an increase in the number of people with disabilities and the associated costs of medical and social care. The analytical review focuses on the relationship between two of the greatest epidemiological trends: aging and obesity. This paper highlights the features of the pathophysiology of obesity in the elderly, the phenomenon of the «obesity paradox». Also from the perspective of evidence-based medicine approaches to the treatment of obesity in the elderly, including surgical interventions aimed at reducing body weight, are analyzed

    Metabolism and Physiological Functions Adjustment of the Organism under Stress Influence

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    Stress reaction of the organism is a process occurring at the cellular, tissue and systemic levels. The organism responds to any adverse effect with a multi-level reaction, which causes the development of stress and, as a result, adaptation. The damaging effect is due to the excessive strengthening of another adaptive effect – lipotropic, that increases the activity of phospholipases and the intensity of free radical oxidation of lipids through the catecholamines and protein kinases. The changes in the immune system during the adaptation stage are to maintain antigenic homeostasis of the internal environment of the organism due to lymphoid cells, lymphocytes and cytokines. Almost all cells with antigen representation function are capable to produce interleukins under certain conditions. The vascular system is a kind of an indicator of any pathological process, determining the state of regulatory and adaptive mechanisms, the features of the connective tissue matrix. Stress causes a restructuring of metabolism and physiological functions, which increases the organism’s resistance to acute death. Thus, the physiological meaning of the stress reaction is the emergency mobilization of energy and structural resources of the organism and the creation of positive background for the implementation of reactions, aimed at maintaining homeostasis in extreme situations

    Callus formation ability in cultivated peanuts (<i>Arachis hypogaea</i> L.)

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    Background: Russia is one of the largest peanut importing countries. At the same time, in the south of the country, several zones meet the requirements for peanut cultivation. It is possible to increase the yield of the existing peanut varieties by using modern biotechnology methods, in particular agrobacterial transformation. It is known from the literature data that different peanut genotypes and explants from various sources react differently to in vitro regeneration. Successful regeneration depends on the correct protocol, including both the type of regeneration and the composition of media promoting growth and in vitro induction.Objectives: a technique for obtaining peanut regenerants in in vitro culture.Materials and methods: Eight peanut accessions from the VIR collection of different origin were used in the work. Embryonic explants were grown on Murashige-Skoog medium supplemented with the hormone 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D).Results and conclusions: As a result of assessing the regenerative ability of peanuts grown on Murashige-Skoog medium with the hormone 2,4-D at a concentration of 2 g/L, differences in the callus formation ability were revealed in different accessions. Those with catalog numbers k-793, k-2054 and k-2055 did not form organogenic calli, while accessions k-698 and k-1987 showed the highest percentage of callus formation from embryonic explants

    Проблема булінгу в сучасному суспільстві

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    Макарова О. П. Проблема булінгу в сучасному суспільстві / О. П. Макарова, Л. О. Радіонова // Психологічні та педагогічні проблеми професійної освіти та патріотичного виховання персоналу системи МВС України : тези доп. Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Харків, 5 квіт. 2019 р.) / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. — Харків, 2019. — С. 285 — 288.Розглянуто поняття «булінг», описані його ознаки та види. Розглянуто визначенняпонять «жертва булінгу» та «кривдник». Висвітлено види відповідальності за заскоєння булінгу згідно чинного законодавства.The concept of "bullying" is considered, its signs and types are described. The definition of the concepts of "victim of bullying" and "offender" is considered. The types of responsibility for bullying in accordance with the current legislation are reflected.Рассмотрено понятие «буллинг», описаны его признаки и виды. Рассмотрено определение понятий «жертва буллинга» и «обидчик». Отражены виды ответственности за совершение буллинга согласно действующему законодательству