12 research outputs found

    Prevention Of Sexual Exploitation On Migrant Young Girls’ In Sabah

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    Sabah is a destination and transit point for migrant workers, mainly from Indonesia, Bangladesh, the Philippines and other countries in Asia. Often their migration to Sabah in search of employment is done voluntarily. This includes the migrant young girls. Similar to women workers, the young girls being vulnerable, they were exposed to exploitation, cheating, misrepresentation by the employers and agents. They were trapped into debt bondage and forced labour by employers, employment agents or recruiters. Young girls are trapped, forced to work and perform work not suitable for their age and ability and paid less than adults doing similar work. These are common abusive, exploitative conducts practiced on these young girls. They were exploited and forced to pay various fees and their debts inflated to prolong exploitation particularly those smuggled into Sabah. The fact that they were exploited victims, this allows them to be protected under the Malaysia Anti- trafficking In Persons and Anti Smuggling Act 2007 (amendment 2012) as trafficked persons. It is most disastrous when it involves the sexual exploitation of migrant young girls by irresponsible syndicate, to gain profit from their vulnerability and ignorance. Thus, this paper intends to dwell into the problems faced by sexually exploited young migrant girls, types of exploitation and abuse faced, and protection conducted by the law enforcers to protect them and prevent such sexual exploitation by the local agents and employers

    Theoretical Foundation On Women Trafficking In Malaysia: A Legal Implication

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    Malaysia being a semi-developed country is attracting people from all corners of the world and this has caused people to migrate for work and other purposes. This also opened the doors to human trafficking and human smuggling activities that had blemished the country's reputation when ranked successively tier 3 and 2 in TIP (Trafficking In Persons) Report. Being aware of the problem, the country enacted the Anti-Trafficking in Persons and Anti-Smuggling of Migrant Act 2007 (amend.2012) but the enforcement has yet to be effective enough to stop completely sexual exploitation syndicates via trafficking in persons. Particularly, women and young girls were lured into becoming sex workers and domestic labour market. There are numerous theoretical foundations that explain why women are being trafficked and victimized as sex workers globally. Feminist economics, have proposed that supply of sex work is rooted in absence of economic alternatives, and that prohibitionist policies, both on the supply and the demand side, worsen working conditions and health of sex workers. Whereas migration theories are built differently based on comparison of wage differentials, employment differentials or, more broadly, living standard differentials between origin and destination countries. Nature of business that manipulated vulnerable conditions such as youth; gender; poverty; ignorance; social and cultural exclusion; political instability, war, and conflicts, discriminatory social, cultural, and legal frameworks; and ongoing demand. This paper presentation will firstly, explain the Women Trafficking activities and prevention efforts by the enforcers. Secondly, it focuses on what causes women trafficking and the underlying theoretical foundations that resulted in the sexual exploitation of women. Finally, the paper dwells on how the Malaysian laws protect women from being trafficked and sexually exploited as sex workers

    Prevention On Trafficking In Persons And Smuggling Of Migrant In Malaysia: Enforcement And Laws

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    The issue on trafficking in persons and smuggling of illegal migrants in Malaysia is increasingly crossborder crime that poses a worrying situation. Trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants terms often confused the public generally. The differences in its terms and understanding on these issues must be determined and important in providing relevant in treatment and legal protection in Malaysia. In addition, forced labor rights as workers are often overlooked by the authorities because of their status as illegal immigrants (PATI). This complicate matter further when national legislation in particular the Anti-Trafficking in Persons and Anti-Smuggling of Migrants (ATIPSOM) Act 2007 [Act 670] also does not state clearly the interpretation of the Act. According to court cases decided in Malaysia, it is found that the courts interpret a situation as 'trafficking in persons' based on its purpose and forms of exploitation outlined in the Act

    Foreign Migrants Trespassing in Sabah Forest Reserves: A Legal Discourse

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    According to Sabah Forestry Enactment 1968, Yang di-Pertua Negeri Sabah is given the power to reserves forests for various purposes including commercial, protection, domestic and others. Sabah Forestry Department is entrusted with proper and efficient planning, and implementation of State forest resources management (SFM) to comply with the sustainable forest principles. It achieves to manage forest resources towards sustainable and profitable forest governance. However, Sabah forest reserves were threatened by illegal trespassing by foreign migrants to possess forest produce unlawfully and to occupy State land illegally. This article aims to expose the causes of the invasion of forest reserves by foreign migrants, the offences committed by foreign migrant activities in the forest reserves, violation of specific legislation such as the Immigration Act 1959/63 and the Forest Enactment 1968. The qualitative legal research methodology was used to understand the issues at hand, the existing applicable laws and the legal implications for such illegal activities in these forest reserves.  Secondary data found in the legislation, journals, annual report, and law publication were collected, reviewed, analysed, and discussed to understand its legal implications better.  Thus, efforts to expose these illegal activities by foreign migrants is essential to ensure Sabah Forest Reserves can continuously be maintained and not destroyed at the hand of illegal foreign trespassers. Employers should also be made responsible for their involvement in trafficked or smuggled illegal migrants as workers and simultaneously, conduct illegal activities to deceit the State Forestry efforts and developmental planning in Sabah

    Foreign Migrant Illegal Trespassing In Sabah Forest: The Need For Legal Awareness

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    Sabah is one of the states in Malaysia, which have gazetted forests reserves with a total area of 3.6 million hectares. The forestry sector through its timber revenue has acquired the annual tax collection amounted to millions of ringgit. This economic sector is one of the main contributors to Sabah state revenue. Sabah forest is rich in forest products as well as the flora and fauna are constantly maintained and monitored by the Forestry Department of Sabah from any trespassing activity. However, there are still attempts by foreign migrants to intrude the forest illegally to acquire forest products, especially in the forest reserves and violate the existing legislation. This paper aims to discuss the causes of the invasion of forest reserves by foreign migrants, the offenses committed by foreign migrant activities in the forest reserves, violation of specific legislation such as the Immigration Act 1959/63 and the Forest Enactment 1968. Finally, to propose adequate measures to create awareness among various interested groups and local communities and to always be responsible for preserving and protecting the forests from illegal trespassing by the foreign migrants

    Employer’s Right And Liability Towards Migrant Worker’s Occupational Safety And Health In Malaysia

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    Malaysia is among the countries that use the services of many migrant workers in various work sectors. The rapid growth of the country that strived to be a developed country opens up many opportunities for migrant workers to come to work in Malaysia. The nature of the work performed by migrant workers usually involve high accidents risk work, in sectors such as construction, forestry, manufacturing and plantation. Their work involve heavy machinery, huge difficult to control instruments that may lead to accident risk. The cause of the accident may not only involve employees’ negligence but can also involve negligence on the part of employers. Unfortunately, when an accident occurred workers may be injured and died because of unexpected negligence and unsafe work systems. Therefore, when injuries or death occurred there are people who have to face legal action, incur criminal liability and are fined accordingly to the damage caused. This paper aims to discuss the employers’ rights and liabilities towards their migrant workers in terms of the occupational safety and health perspectives. These rights are provided in the legal provisions and the employers have responsibilities to ensure the safety and health system are managed and carried out effectively in workplaces. The discussion also focused on how employers’ leadership factors, can ensure safe work culture practiced at workplaces. Finally, remedial measures are suggested to provide rights and responsibilities to the employers to implement them in accordance with the existing legislation. The ultimate goal being to nurture a healthy and safe work culture among migrant workers and employers in Malaysia


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    Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan 1994 (OSHA) telah dikuatkuasakan semenjak tahun 1994, dan ia memberi tumpuan kepada penubuhan sistem pengurusan keselamatan dan kesihatan di tempat kerja. OSHA 1994 menyediakan kerangka kerja undang-undang untuk meningkatkan piawaian keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan dengan meletakkan tanggungjawab kepada pihak yang tertentu seperti ditetapkan dalam undang-undang untuk memastikan keselamatan dan kesihatan di tempat kerja terpelihara. Kaedah-kaedah, peraturan dan undang-undang digubal untuk menguatkuasakan sistem keselamatan dan kesihatan di tempat kerja. Malangnya, ramai di antara pekerja migran yang menyertai sektor perladangan dan perkilangan gagal menyediakan permit kerja, dokumen pengenalan dan mereka bekerja secara haram serta mendedahkan diri mereka kepada kemalangan dan penyakit pekerjaan. Kertas kerja ini menghuraikan masalah yang dihadapi oleh pekerja asing tanpa izin yang tidak mempunyai dokumen pekerjaan yang mencukupi, dokumen perjalanan dipalsukan atau tinggal lebih masa. Manakala majikan pula enggan menerima tanggungjawab mengurus keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan yang di hadapi mereka di tempat kerja. Akibatnya, hak keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerja migran ini cenderung dieksploitasi dandicabuli, dan mereka menghadapi implikasinya tanpa belas kasihan. Kata Kunci: Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan 1994, Pekerja Migran dan eksploitasi


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    Isu pengabaian hak, penganiayaan pekerjaan dan pengeksploitasian terhadap pekerja orang muda bukanlah fenomena baru. Menurut perundangan, seseorang migran yang tidak mencapai umur 21 tahun tidak dibenarkan mendaftar sebagai pekerja migran. Namun begitu di Sabah, orang muda diambil bekerja tanpa mengira dari mana asal mereka. Hakikat bahawa mereka dieksploitasi menimbulkan kemungkinan mereka boleh dikategorikan sebagai mangsa pemerdagangan orang atau diseludup masuk ke Sabah oleh agen-agen penyeludup. Sebaliknya, globalisasi mempengaruhi perkembangan ekonomi dan ini membuka peluang pekerjaan termasuk bagi golongan orang muda Indonesia. Di sebab perbezaan umur, gender serta etnik, orang muda sering dianiaya dan dieksploitasikan, bukan sahaja oleh majikan, malah oleh orang tengah (agen) yang membawa mereka masuk ke Sabah. Bersempadan dengan Indonesia, Filipina dan Brunei menjadikan Sabah menarik kepada pekerja migran orang muda khususnya daripada Indonesia. Peluang-peluang pekerjaan terbuka luas dalam pelbagai sektor. Justeru itu, pelbagai bentuk pekerjaan melibatkan orang muda dan kanak-kanak ditawarkan oleh majikan dengan upah yang kurang. Masalah kemiskinan dan keinginan untuk berdikari menjadikan orang muda migran Indonesia terperangkap dan dipaksa melakukan kerja-kerja yang bersifat penganiayaan dan eksploitasi terhadap mereka. Mereka melakukan pekerjaan yang tidak sesuai dengan umur, keupayaan tenaga, dan diberi upah lebih kecil daripada pekerja dewasa. Akibatnya, mereka didiskriminasi kerana tidak diberikan kesamarataan upah, bayaran kerja lebih masa, faedah kesihatan dan sebagainya. Ini disebabkan perundangan tidak menyatakan dengan jelas tentang persoalan diskriminasi sehingga wujud tafsiran berbeza berkaitan hak-hak orang muda dalam pekerjaan. Ini mewujudkan konflik dalam menentukan umur pekerjaan melibatkan orang muda, kanak-kanak dan dewasa yang dinyatakan dalam pelbagai Akta. Dengan itu, kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan masalah pekerja migran orang muda Indonesia di Sabah, bentuk-bentuk penganiayaan dan diskriminasi yang dialami mereka serta langkah-langkah yang diambil oleh pihak berkuasa dalam melindungi dan mencegah perlakuan viktimisasi dan eksploitasi oleh agen dan majikan tempatan. Kata kunci: Orang Muda, Migran, Pekerjaan, Viktimisas


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    Lokasi Negeri Sabah yang strategik dan berhampiran negara jiran menyebabkan warga asing berminat untuk bermigrasi ke negeri ini. Dasar ekonomi Negara penerima, iaitu Malaysia, menggalakkan lagi migrasi bagi tujuan pekerjaan dengan membantu memenuhi keperluan keluarga di Negara asal (Republik Indonesia). Oleh itu, kemasukan migran Indonesia ini bertujuan untuk memasuki sektor pekerjaan dengan cepat walaupun kadangkala melanggar undang-undang Malaysia. Perlakuan migrasi ini sering menimbulkan ancaman kepada ekonomi, politik dan kehidupan sosial masyarakat Sabah. Kertas kerja ini mendedahkan punca berlakunya migrasi migran asing di Sabah, ancaman sosial melibatkan jenayah di kalangan migran yang mengancam bukan sahaja kepada rakyatnya tetapi juga kepada pentadbiran negeri Sabah. Keinginan melonjak untuk bekerja di Negeri Sabah menyebabkan ramai migran asing bersedia untuk melanggar pelbagai Undang-Undang Malaysia, meliputi Akta Imigresen 1959/63 dan Peraturan-Peraturan Immigresen 1963, Akta Pasport 1966 dan Akta Anti-Pemerdagangan Orang dan Anti-Penyeludupam Migran 2007. Dengan itu, kertas kerja ini memaparkan (a) punca migran asing ber migrasi ke Sabah, (b) masalah perlanggaran undang-undang dan sosial melibatkan migran asing, dan (c) usaha penguatkuasaan perundangan yang di lakukan terhadap perlakuan jenayah melibatkan migran asing di Sabah. Kefahaman mendalam terhadap perkara-perkara ini di harap membolehkan pihak berkuasa yang mengawal sempadan boleh lebih giat dalam membenteras segala bentuk ancaman khususnya yang bersifat jenayah, yang turut menimbulkan kebimbangan masyarakat Sabah tentang apa yang berlaku dalam kehidupan mereka sehari-hari. Kata Kunci: Migran Asing, Jenayah, Penguatkuasaan


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    Isu pemerdagangan orang dan penyeludupan migran tidak sah di Malaysia merupakan satu jenayah merentas sempadan yang semakin menimbulkan situasi yang membimbangkan. Istilah pemerdagangan orang dan penyeludupan migran juga sering menjadi kekeliruan kepada masyarakat umumnya. Perbezaan istilah dan pemahaman isu ini perlu di kenalpasti dan penting dalam memberi layanan dan perlindungan undang-undang yang sewajarnya kepada mangsa pemerdagangan atau penyeludupan orang di Malaysia. Selain itu, hak buruh paksa sebagai pekerja sering terlepas pandang oleh pihak berkuasa kerana status mereka sebagai Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin (PATI). Menyukarkan lagi keadaan apabila perundangan negara khasnya Akta Antipemerdagangan Orang dan Antipenyeludupan Migran (ATIPSOM) 2007 [Akta 670] juga tidak menyatakan dengan jelas tafsiran dalam akta tersebut. Berdasarkan kes-kes yang diputuskan mahkamah Malaysia, didapati mahkamah mentafsir sesuatu keadaan sebagai ‘pemerdagangan orang’ berdasarkan tujuan dan bentuk eksploitasi yang digariskan dalam akta tersebut. Kertas kerja ini membincangkan pendekatan yang digunakan oleh Undang-undang Antarabangsa dan Undang-undang Malaysia dalam aspek penguatkuasaan, di samping itu dapat memperluaskan pentafsiran maksud pemerdagangan orang dan penyeludupan migran seiring dengan era globalisasi. Pengetahuan dan kesedaran yang kurang mengenai pengeksploitasian yang berlaku ke atas diri mangsa sendiri menyukarkan lagi proses pendakwaan dilakukan ke atas pesalah pemerdagangan orang. Oleh itu, kajian yang dilakukan ini bukan sahaja mengkaji isu-isu yang timbul akibat kekaburan pentafsiran pemerdagangan orang dalam perundangan Malaysia malah cuba menarik perhatian pihak berkuasa dan masyarakat agar lebih peka terhadap isu ini. Usaha yang menggunakan kaedah penguatkuasaan yang berkesan boleh membantu pihak berkuasa menguatkuasakan ATIPSOM,2007 dengan lebih berkesan. Kata Kunci: Pencegahan, Pemerdagangan orang dan Penyeludupan Migran, Perundanga