22 research outputs found


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    Aim. To reflect the theoretical foundations and create a minimum set of practical skills of diagnostic and treatment interviewing in psychiatry.Materials and methods. To achieve this goal a thematic selection of scientific literature sources of both classical and modern domestic and foreign authors was carried out. In addition, the authors focused on the rich personal experience of interviewing, which allowed choosing and describing the most effective, practically significant methods and methods of clinical diagnosis in psychiatry in the form of psychiatric interviewing.Results. The factors that determine the nature and content of the interview: place, time, participants of the interview – doctor and patient have been described and analyzed. The analytical description of the main psychotechnologies which are used by the psychiatrist (psychotherapist) in the course of interview is given: establishment of contact, technology of hearing of and listening to the patient, technology of asking questions, technology of a pause and silence, technology of tactile contact, technology of using humour, advice, recommendation, interpretation, technology of finishing the interview and its structuring.Conclusion. Clinical interview is the main diagnostic and psychotherapeutic tool of a psychiatrist, and especially of a psychotherapist. The diagnostic effectiveness of a psychiatric interview is determined by the extent to which the information obtained in the course of it is structured into a diagnostic concept, the therapeutic effectiveness is determined by the extent to which the patient accepts the concept of understanding by the doctor of his painful condition (achieved compliance)

    Turkeys in an app: facilitating practical on-farm welfare and health assessment of commercial turkeys

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    Welfare assessment protocols must be science based and reliable, but also they must be practical for on-farm application. In this regard, protocols that are simple to implement and easy to understand by farmers and technical staf[ are more likely to be understood, adopted, and ultimately become a relevant tool [or guiding the companies' decision making processo Onfarm welfare assessment in commerciai meat poultry is particularly challenging because of the large number of individuals composing the flocks. Current available protocols for meat poultry requires catching and bird handling, resulting in a procedure that is time, manpower demanding, expensive and dangerous for birds and humans in the case of turkey assessment. However, farmers and flock supervisors in turkey production conduct daily routine checks based on walks through the production houses. These screenings allow individuais with visible severe problems to be identified, providing an estimation of the flock health and welfare status with minimai disruption to the birds. The new turkey protocoi based on the transect approach method ofassessment provides the dynamism ofthe walk-through inspections, but is conducted in a way that provides veracity, and inter-observer reliability. The transect method for turkey welfare assessment consisted of standardized walks through which the frequency of birds observed showing any of the predefined welfare indicators are collected and results standardized according to the actual population size. Transect walks allowed the detection of small variations in the prevalence of most welfare indicators considered across houses, while showing high inter-observer reliability. The results obtained in the turkey study provi de supporting evidence that the transect approach is a simple, but reliable, method of on-farm welfare assessment. The method has the advantage of being readily acceptable and easy to implement by producers, while maintaining high inter-observer reliability, and requiring minimum training. The i-WatchTurkey app specifically developed for on-farm turkey welfare assessment allows easy assessment of the incidence of the most relevant welfare indicators in a simple manner at the time of regular health inspection

    Determination of Rb, Sr, Cs, Ba, and Pb in K-feldspars in small sample portions by total reflection X-ray fluorescence

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    Приведены результаты определения Rb, Sr, Cs, Ba и Pb в полевых шпатах из малых навесок массой 50 мг методом рентгенофлуоресцентного анализа с полным внешним отражением (РФА ПВО). Содержания элементов оценили способом внутреннего стандарта. В качестве внутреннего стандарта использовали введенный в пробу стандартный раствор Se, либо элемент Rb, содержания которого в пробе предварительно определены или известны. Правильность определения элементов оценили сопоставлением с содержанием в стандартных образцах гранитоидов и образцах калиевых полевых шпатов.The results of the determination of Rb, Sr, Cs, Ba, and Pb in K-feldspars in 50 mg sample obtained by total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis (TXRF) are given. The contents of the elements were evaluated using the internal standard method. As the internal standard the Se solution added in a sample or Rb element the content of which is preliminary determined or known were used. The accuracy of the element determinations was estimated by comparison with the contents in the granitoid Certified Reference Materials, and the K-feldspar samples