184 research outputs found

    The role of resignation from physical education classes in the context of prevention of civilisa- tion diseases (Znaczenie zjawiska rezygnacji z zajęć wychowania fizycznego w kontekście profilaktyki chorób cywilizacyjnych)

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    Abstract -Introduction: Childhood overweight and obesity is the cause of the global public health crisis. The mass phenomenon of resignation from physical education classes by children and youths Polish schools has been investigated for several years. Fourteen percent of students in Poland declare their unwillingness to participate in obligatory physical education classes. More than half of the European population above 15 years of age do not take up any physical activity. The aim of this review is to compare the latest findings on the causes of the phenomenon under study and its health effects, as well as to present the importance of the interdisciplinary team in the early prevention of civilization diseases. Methods: In order to collect the data, comprehensive review of the subject-related literature was done with the use of three relevant databases: Pubmed, EMBASE and Web of Science. The analysis took into consideration studies published between January 1 st , 2004 and August 31 st , 2014. The review included only those prospective studies, where confidence intervals were stated at 95% confidence level (CI). Some data concerning the scale of the problem, as well as the impact of reduced physical activity among children on the development of civilisation diseases in adulthood was revealed, too. The review also considered development of obesity, metabolic, and cardiovascular diseases. Results and conclusions: Health behaviours within physical activity during adolescent years diverge from the generally accepted global recommendations. Only an interdisciplinary approach to the problem of resignation from physical education classes can bring about changes in attitudes and health behaviours among children and adolescents. Key words -physical education, civilisation diseases prevention, children, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases. Słowa kluczowe -zajęcia wychowania fizycznego, profilaktyka chorób cywilizacyjnych, dzieci, otyłość, choroby układu krążenia, choroby metaboliczne. Streszczeni

    Automated Instruction-Set Randomization for Web Applications in Diversified Redundant Systems

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    The use of diversity and redundancy in the security do-main is an interesting approach to prevent or detect intru-sions. Many researchers have proposed architectures based on those concepts where diversity is either natural or ar-tificial. These architectures are based on the architecture of N-version programming and were often instantiated for web servers without taking into account the web applica-tion(s) running on those. In this article, we present a solu-tion to protect the web applications running on this kind of architectures in order to detect and tolerate code injection intrusions. Our solution consists in creating diversity in the web application scripts by randomizing the language un-derstood by the interpreter so that an injected code can not be executed by all the servers. We also present the issues re-lated to the automatization of our solution and present some solutions to tackle these issues.

    Simulation de l'interaction entre film fluide et solides déformables

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    National audienceBody fluids are a major constituent of the human body as well by their volume as by their functions. Besides the blood and the lymphatic liquid, many other liquids are present in the body and they have important functions such as lubrication or shock absorption. In this work, we are more particularly interested in the fluids being in the interface between two anatomical structures. We present a method making it possible to simulate the phenomena of interaction between a fluid film and surfaces between which it is forced. The approach that we propose is based on a fluid model and its mechanical coupling with deformable surfaces. According to the pressure of the fluid and the stiffness of the deformable solids in contact with the fluid, various behaviours are expected. Our preliminary results show that it is possible to simulate the main features of these behaviours. Furthermore, the approaches chosen for the fluid model, the deformable model and the coupling between both, are compatible with real time simulations.Les liquides organiques sont un constituant essentiel du corps humain, aussi bien par leur volume que par leurs multiples fonctions. En dehors du sang et du liquide lymphatique, de nombreux autres fluides sont présents dans l'organisme et y ont des fonctions importantes, telles que lubrification ou d'absorption de chocs. Dans ce travail nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement aux fluides se trouvant à l'interface entre deux structures anato-miques. Nous présentons une méthode permettant de simuler les phénomènes d'interaction entre un film fluide et les surfaces entre lesquelles il est contraint. L'approche que nous proposons repose sur un modèle de fluide et son couplage mécanique avec des surfaces déformables. Selon la pression du fluide et la raideur des solides dé-formables en contact avec le fluide, différents comportements sont attendus. Nos résultats préliminaires montrent qu'il est possible de simuler les caractéristiques principales de ces comportements. De plus, les approches choi-sies pour le modèle de fluide, le modèle déformable, et le couplage entre les deux sont compatibles avec des simulations temps-réel

    A prática de dança e os benefícios para a saúde mental e emocional

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo reconhecer os processos cognitivos envolvidos na prática de dança. Algumas questões são levantadas: quais são os processos neurológicos desenvolvidos no indivíduo que dança? Como o cérebro fica responsável pelo comando e a execução de movimentos complexos e coordenados? Quais são os benefícios que a dança pode trazer para a saúde mental e emocional? A partir dessas questões inicia-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica para responder a estas questões a partir das interfaces da neurociência com a dança. O estudo caracteriza-se por ser uma revisão narrativa de literatura, envolvendo temas como: neurociência, memória, habilidades cognitivas e a dança. A motivação surge através de experiências particulares para um estudo mais amplo e aprofundado. Pela perspectiva dos processos cognitivos, podemos ter outra compreensão do corpo que dança, enfatizando as habilidades desenvolvidas através da dança e os benefícios que essa prática pode trazer para seus praticantes.This paper aims to recognize the cognitive processes involved in dance practice. Some questions are raised: what are the neurological processes developed in the dancing subject? How is the brain responsible for commanding and executing complex and coordinated movements? What are the benefits dance can bring to mental and emotional health? These questions motivated a bibliographical research highlighting the interfaces of neuroscience with dance. The study is characterized as a narrative literature review, involving topics such as: neuroscience, memory, cognitive skills and dance. Motivation arises through particular experiences for broader and deeper study. From the perspective of cognitive processes, another understanding of the dancing body is possible, emphasizing the developed skills and the benefits that this practice can bring to its practitioners

    Predictors of willingness to participate in physical education (PE) in Polish High Schools

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    Wstęp. 14% uczniów w polskich szkołach średnich deklaruje niechęć do uczestniczenia w zajęciach wychowania fizycznego (WF). W Europie ponad 50% uczniów nie uczestniczy w zajęciach wychowania fizycznego w ogóle. Cel. Celem badania było zebranie opinii na temat przyczyn rezygnacji z zajęć WF wśród uczniów polskich szkół średnich oraz ocena wpływu ich decyzji na poczucie pewności siebie, BMI i stan zdrowia. Materiał i metody. 318 uczniów w wieku 16-19 lat wzięło udział w badaniu. Średni wiek uczniów wynosił 17,9 lat. Respondentów poproszono najpierw o wypełnienie kwestionariusza ankiety dotyczącej opinii na temat prowadzenia zajęć WF, przyczyn rezygnacji. Następnie uczniowie podali informacje dotyczące ich zdrowia i zachowań prozdrowotnych. Rozkład zmiennych został sprawdzony, a testy Chi-kw., Spearmana oraz regresja logistyczna zostały wykorzystane do analizy. Wskaźnik odpowiedzi response rate wyniósł 84,1%. Wyniki i podsumowanie. Chłopcy istotnie chętniej (20,65%) brali udział w zajęciach WF niż dziewczęta (9,70%). Kobiety powyżej 18. roku życia częściej (27,7%) oceniały swój stan zdrowia jako średni, zły i bardzo zły niż dziewczęta do 18. roku życia (14%). Wieloczynnikowa analiza regresji logistycznej (CI: 95%) wykazała, że takie czynniki, jak ocena stanu zdrowia (SAH), atrakcyjność zajęć WF, poziom sprawności fizycznej istotnie (p < 0,05) wpływają na uczestnictwo w WF. Natomiast stopień trudności ćwiczeń i BMI respondentów były wysoce istotne (p < 0,001) i miały wpływ na uczestnictwo w zajęciach WF. 77,8% uczniów oceniło system oceny za nieuczciwy, a indywidualne predyspozycje powinny być brane pod uwagę. Wyniki badań sugerują, że badane zjawisko jest wieloczynnikowe. Poczucie własnej wartości i subiektywny stan zdrowia wpływają na decyzję o uczestnictwie w zajęciach WF.Introduction. 14% of students in Polish High Schools declare unwillingness to participate in obligatory physical education. Above 50% of European pupils more than 15 years old do not take physical activity at all. Aim. The aim of this study was to examine the opinions of High School students about participation in PE and the effects of this kind of activity on their self-esteem, BMI and health status. Material and methods. 318 students 16-19 years old accepted the invitation and participated in the study. The average students’ age was 17.9. The group filled in the original questionnaire on PE. After that, health information and self-esteem was obtained. Variables distribution was checked. Chisquare, Spearman test and logistic regression were used for data analysis. Answers response rate was 84.1%. Results and conclusion. Men (20.65%) were significantly more willing to participate in PE than women (9.70%). Women over 18 years old more frequently (27.7%) rated their health as average, bad and very bad than women up to 18 years of age (14%). Multivariate logistic regression analysis (CI:95%) showed that self-assessed health status (SAH), attractiveness of PE, physical fi tness level signifi cantly (p<0.05) affect participation in PE, while the degree of difficulty of exercises and participants’ BMI had a highly significant (p<0.001) impact on participation in PE. 77.8% of participants rated the assessment system as unfair. Individual predispositions should be taken into consideration. The study suggests that the studied phenomenon is multifactorial. Self esteem and health assessment infl uence participation in PE

    Effect of whole-body cryotherapy on physical efficiency and quality of life in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

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    Automatic Generation of Correlation Rules to Detect Complex Attack Scenarios

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    International audienceIn large distributed information systems, alert correlation systems are necessary to handle the huge amount of elementary security alerts and to identify complex multi-step attacks within the flow of low level events and alerts. In this paper, we show that, once a human expert has provided an action tree derived from an attack tree, a fully automated transformation process can generate exhaustive correlation rules that would be tedious and error prone to enumerate by hand. The transformation relies on a detailed description of various aspects of the real execution environment (topology of the system, deployed services, etc.). Consequently, the generated correlation rules are tightly linked to the characteristics of the monitored information system. The proposed transformation process has been implemented in a prototype that generates correlation rules expressed in an attack description language

    Simulation of Lipofilling Reconstructive Surgery using coupled Eulerian Fluid and Deformable Solid Models

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    International audienceWe present a method to simulate the outcome of reconstructive facial surgery based on fat-filling. Facial anatomy is complex: the fat is constrained between layers of tissues which behave as walls along the face; in addition, connective tissues that are present between these different layers also influence the fat-filling procedure. To simulate the end result, we propose a method which couples a 2.5D Eulerian fluid model for the fat and a finite element model for the soft tissues. The two models are coupled using the computation of the mechanical compliance matrix. Two contributions are presented in this paper: a solver for fluids which couples properties of solid tissues and fluid pressure, and an application of this solver to fat-filling surgery procedure simulation.Nous présentons une méthode pour simuler le résultat obtenu par la chirurgie reconstructive basée fat-filling. L'anatomie du visage est complexe: la graisse est contrainte entre les couches de tissues qui se comportent comme des murs le long du visage. De plus, des tissus connectifs sont présents entre ces différentes couches, donc influence la opération de fat-filling. Pour simuler le résultat final, nous proposons une méthode qui couple un fluide eulerien 2.5D pour la graisse et un modèle à éléments finis pour les tissus mous. Les deux modèles sont couplés en utilisant le calcul de la matrice de compliance. Deux contributions sont présentées dans ce papier: un solver pour les fluides qui couple les propriétés des tissus solides et la pression du fluide, puis une application de ce solver pour la simulation de le l'opération chirurgicale du fat-filling

    Educação ambiental : transformando comportamentos. Estudo de caso do programa Reciclar do Banrisul na agência Assis Brasil-Porto Alegre/RS

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    O presente trabalho é um estudo de caso que verificou a relação entre conhecimento e transformação de comportamento. Foi analisada a participação do público interno da Agência do Banrisul Assis Brasil na adesão às propostas do Programa Reciclar. Como fundamentos teóricos a pesquisa apresenta conceitos relacionados ao cuidado com o meio ambiente, à educação ambiental, à visão ecológica das empresas e à comunicação como aliada dos processos na organização. Os resultados apontaram que o público interno carece de informações acerca do Programa Reciclar e que a comunicação é capaz de estimular a mudança de comportamento. Constatou-se que através de atividades de sensibilização e da disponibilização de recursos comunicativos eficientes é possível despertar e ampliar a consciência ambiental dos sujeitos. Descobertas significativas foram feitas em relação ao envolvimento dos públicos com o Reciclar. Foram também identificadas e propostas oportunidades de melhorias ao Programa. Os resultados esperados pela pesquisa estavam previstos de serem observados de médio a longo prazos, porém foram percebidos em um tempo inferior ao previsto. Isso se deve a eficácia dos instrumentos de comunicação que foram utilizados, pois superaram as expectativas de forma bastante positiva