752 research outputs found


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    Wajah adalah bagian dari tubuh yang memiliki karakteriktis yang unik, maka dapat membedakan dan mengenal hanya dengan melihat bagian wajah, karena alasan tersebut , dibutuhkan sebuah penelitian untuk menyelesaikan dan membuat sebuah sistem pengenalan dengan hasil dari sistem tersebut. Dalam kasus ini sebuah computer mengenal atau mengidentifikasi seseorang dengan gambar wajah seperti manusia. Ada beberapa metode untuk proses pengenalan wajah. Pada penelitihan ini menggunakan metode Diagonal Principal Component Analysis (DiaPCA). Metode DiaPCA berfungsi untuk mendiagonalkan citra awal, kemudian dilakukan proses principal component analysis (PCA). Principal component analysis berfungsi untuk menghitung nilai eigen value dan nilai eigen vector yang akan digunakan sebagai fitur dalam melakukan pengenalan. Metode Euclidean distance digunakan untuk mencari jarak dengan data fitur yang telah didapatkan dan jarak terkecil adalah hasilnya. Dari percobaan dan pengujian yang dilakukan, aplikasi dapat mengenali citra wajah dengan tingkat keberhasilan sampai 92.5%. melalui 37 percobaan yang berhasil dan 3 diantaranya gagal. Keywords : Citra Diagonal; Principal Component Analysis (PCA);Diagonal PCA; Face Recognitio

    Dynamics of Impurity and Valence Bands in GaMnAs within the Dynamical Mean Field Approximation

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    We calculate the density-of-states and the spectral function of GaMnAs within the dynamical mean-field approximation. Our model includes the competing effects of the strong spin-orbit coupling on the J=3/2 GaAs hole bands and the exchange interaction between the magnetic ions and the itinerant holes. We study the quasi-particle and impurity bands in the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic phases for different values of impurity-hole coupling at the Mn doping of x=0.05. By analyzing the anisotropic angular distribution of the impurity band carriers at T=0, we conclude that the carrier polarization is optimal when the carriers move along the direction parallel to the average magnetization.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Association of diverse bacterial communities in human bile samples with biliary tract disorders: a survey using culture and polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis methods

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    Bacterial infection is considered a predisposing factor for disorders of the biliary tract. This study aimed to determine the diversity of bacterial communities in bile samples and their involvement in the occurrence of biliary tract diseases. A total of 102 bile samples were collected during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Characterization of bacteria was done using culture and polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) methods. Antimicrobial susceptibility of the isolates was determined based on the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) guidelines and identity of the nucleotide sequences of differentiated bands from the DGGE gels was determined based on GenBank data. In total, 41.2 (42/102) of the patients showed bacterial infection in their bile samples. This infection was detected in 21 (4/19), 45.4 (5/11), 53.5 (15/28), and 54.5 (24/44) of patients with common bile duct stone, microlithiasis, malignancy, and gallbladder stone, respectively. Escherichia coli showed a significant association with gallstones. Polymicrobial infection was detected in 48 of the patients. While results of the culture method established coexistence of biofilm-forming bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterococcus spp., and Acinetobacter spp.) in different combinations, the presence of Capnocytophaga spp., Lactococcus spp., Bacillus spp., Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Enterobacter or Citrobacter spp., Morganella spp., Salmonella spp., and Helicobacter pylori was also characterized in these samples by the PCR-DGGE method. Multidrug resistance phenotypes (87.5 ) and resistance to third- and fourth-generation cephalosporins and quinolones were common in these strains, which could evolve through their selection by bile components. Ability for biofilm formation seems to be a need for polymicrobial infection in this organ. © 2016 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelber

    Oil Spill Detection Analyzing “Sentinel 2“ Satellite Images: A Persian Gulf Case Study

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    Oil spills near exploitation areas and oil loading ports are often related to the ambitions of governments to get more oil market share and the negligence at the time of the loading in large tankers or ships. The present study investigates one oil spill event using multi sensor satellite images in the Al Khafji (between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia) zone. Oil slicks have been characterized with multi sensor satellite images over the Persian Gulf and then analyzed in order to detect and classify oil spills in this zone. In particular this paper discusses oil pollution detection in the Persian Gulf by using multi sensor satellite images data. Oil spill images have been selected by using Sentinel 2 images pinpointing oil spill zones. ENVI software for analysing satellite images and ADIOS (Automated Data Inquiry for Oil Spills) for oil weathering modelling have been used. The obtained results in Al Khafji zone show that the oil spill moves towards the coastline firstly increasing its surface and then decreasing it until reaching the coastline

    Intelligent 3D crack reconstruction using close range photogrammetry imagery

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    Civil infrastructure Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) and its preservation from deterioration is a crucial task. In general, natural disasters like severe earthquakes, extreme landslides, subsidence or intensive floods directly influence the health of civil structures such as buildings, bridges, roads, and dams. Evaluation and inspection of defects and damages of the aforementioned structures help to preserve them from destruction by accelerating rehabilitation and reconstruction. An automatic and precise crack detection framework is required for periodic assessment and inspection due to the large number of the structures. In this study, a two-step crack segmentation and its 3D reconstruction procedure is proposed. The crack segmentation is carried out by using Deeplabv3+ architecture and Xception as the backbone. Next, Squeeze-and-Excitation is added as an attention module to achieve higher accuracy. Integration of predicted masks and original images into a structure-from-motion procedure is additionally taken into account. In the last step, ground control points and scale bars are considered to overcome the problem of datum rank deficiency in absolute orientation through the bundle adjustment procedure in aerial triangulation. The most probable segmented cracks are overlaid on the 3D point clouds in the global coordinate system with true scales. Our network is trained based on 8000 images and their corresponding masks, leading to 69% in Intersection over Union (IoU) index. Sub-millimetre accuracy of crack reconstruction using the proposed methodology is validated with a scale bar

    Attenuation of serum laminin concentrations upon treatment of chronic hepatitis

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    Objectives: The aim of this work was to determine the serum laminin level cutoff point for predicting liver fibrosis highlighting its diagnostic value and determining the effect of treatment on serum laminin concentrations. Methods: Serum laminin concentrations in chronic hepatitis patients (n=62) and controls (n=20) were compared by ELISA and stages of fibrosis were assessed according to the modified Knodell score system. Results: Mean serum laminin concentration in patients (91.9 ± 20.9 ng/ml) was greater than controls (46.2 ± 10.2 ng/ml; p <0.001). Serum concentrations of laminin in all stages of hepatic fibrosis were significantly higher than those of healthy controls (p <0.05). A cutoff point of 52ng laminin/ml of serum was obtained for the discrimination of various stages of liver fibrosis showing a good sensitivity (96.8%) and specificity (80%). After 6 months of treatment, a gradual decrease in serum laminin concentrations were observed, however the level was still higher than that of the healthy group (p<0.05). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the serum laminin concentration is a useful noninvasive marker of liver fibrosis and shows a strong positive correlation with different stages of the disease

    Synthesis and Evaluation Antibacterial Activity of Some New Substituted 5-Bromoisatin Containing Five, Six Heterocyclic Ring

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    This research includes the synthesis of some new different heterocyclic derivatives of 5-Bromoisatin. New sulfonylamide, diazine, oxazole, thiazole and 1,2,3-triazole derivatives of 5-Bromoisatin have been synthesized. The synthesis process started by the reaction of 5-Bromoisatin with different reagents to obtain schiff bases of 5-Bromoisatin intermediate compounds(1, 8, 19) by using glacial acetic acid as a catalyst in three routes. The first route, 5-Bromoisatin reacted with p-aminosulfonylchloride to product compound(1), then converted to sulfonyl amide derivatives(2-7) by the reaction of compound(1) with different substituted primary aromatic amine in absolute ethanol. The second route includes the reaction of 5-Bromoisatin reacted with ethyl glycinate to give 5-bromo-3-(Ethyl imino acetate)-2-oxo indole(8), which undergo react with hydrazine hydrate 80% to obtain hydrazine derivatives(9) that react with different acid anhydrides to obtain diazine derivatives(10-14). Also compound(8) reacts with urea and thiourea to give compounds(15,16) which undergo cyclization with p-bromophenacylbromide in absolute ethanol as a solvent to obtain oxazole (17) and thiazole (18), respectively. The third route included the reaction of 5-Bromoisatin with p-phenylenediamine in ethanol to obtain compound(19) which is converted to new substitutes 1,2,3-triazole derivatives(22,23) by diazotation of compound(19) and treating the resulted salt(20) with sodium azid, then acetylaceton or ethylacetoacetate, respectively. Newly synthesized compounds were identified by spectral methods. (FTIR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR) and measurements of some of its physical properties and also some specific reactions. Furthermore the effects of the synthesized compounds were studied on some strains of bacteria