33 research outputs found

    Cutting Principles

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    This is a chapter of a book that has been published in Persian Language in 2012. Here the physical and static rules of trees are presented and the methods are explained for feeling trees in correct way: balanced trees, low leaning trees, heavy leaning trees, felling of special trees, in steep slopes, releasing hang up trees and using winch.:1. Review of the physical basis of the forces involved in cutting and bucking 1.1. Vector and scalar quantities 1.2. Weight 1.3. Center of gravity 1.4. Fulcrum 1.5. Forces and torque 1.6. Relations between vectors 1.7. Levers 1.7.1. Single and double levers of the first class 1.7.2. Single and double levers of the second class 1.7.3. Single and double levers of the third class 1.8. Efficiency and mechanical advantage 1.9. Work 1.10. Wedge 2. Correct methods in felling trees 2.1. Balanced trees 2.2. Low leaning trees 2.2.1. Felling the low leaning trees in the leaning direction 2.2.2. Felling trees with a low leaning in the side direction of leaning 2.2.3. Felling trees with light leaning in opposite of leaning direction 2.3. Trees with heavy leaning 2.3.1. Felling trees with heavy leaning in leaning direction 2.3.2. Felling trees with heavy leaning in side of leaning direction 2.3.3. Felling trees with heavy leaning in opposite of leaning direction 2.4. Felling of special trees 2.5. Felling of trees in steep slopes 2.6. Release of hang up trees 2.7. Using winch 2.7.1. Felling of trees in leaning direction using winch 2.7.2. Felling of trees in side of leaning direction using winch 2.7.3. Felling of trees in opposite of leaning direction using winch 2.7.4. Safety measures in use of winchEs handelt sich um ein Kapitel aus einem Buch, das 2012 im persischer Sprache veröffentlicht wurde. Darin werden die physikalischen und statischen Prinzipien von Bäumen dargestellt und die Methoden erklärt, mit denen Bäume korrekt gefällt werden können: aufrechte Bäume, Bäume mit einem leichten und starken Hang, Spezialfällung, Fällung am Steilhang und von Hängern, Einsatz einer Winde.:1. Review of the physical basis of the forces involved in cutting and bucking 1.1. Vector and scalar quantities 1.2. Weight 1.3. Center of gravity 1.4. Fulcrum 1.5. Forces and torque 1.6. Relations between vectors 1.7. Levers 1.7.1. Single and double levers of the first class 1.7.2. Single and double levers of the second class 1.7.3. Single and double levers of the third class 1.8. Efficiency and mechanical advantage 1.9. Work 1.10. Wedge 2. Correct methods in felling trees 2.1. Balanced trees 2.2. Low leaning trees 2.2.1. Felling the low leaning trees in the leaning direction 2.2.2. Felling trees with a low leaning in the side direction of leaning 2.2.3. Felling trees with light leaning in opposite of leaning direction 2.3. Trees with heavy leaning 2.3.1. Felling trees with heavy leaning in leaning direction 2.3.2. Felling trees with heavy leaning in side of leaning direction 2.3.3. Felling trees with heavy leaning in opposite of leaning direction 2.4. Felling of special trees 2.5. Felling of trees in steep slopes 2.6. Release of hang up trees 2.7. Using winch 2.7.1. Felling of trees in leaning direction using winch 2.7.2. Felling of trees in side of leaning direction using winch 2.7.3. Felling of trees in opposite of leaning direction using winch 2.7.4. Safety measures in use of winc

    Locating Log Depots and Forest Roads Using a Weighted-Graph Optimization Algorithm

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    Sustainable management of commercial forests can be achieved within the limits provided by an optimal, well-designed haul network with low-cost roads and skidding. In this study, a weighted-graph algorithm consisting of nodes (candidate log depots) and links (candidate forest roads) was used to optimize the haul network. The value of each link and node was calculated for thirty six candidate road in harvesting units of an Iranian forestry plan. The analysis of the nodes revealed different skidding costs because of different skidding and winching distances as well as number of logs. Total skidding cost for each node allowed identifying the least-cost depots and designing the links as a support to decisions on road network location. Road cost depends on the length and longitudinal gradient of links, side slope of terrain and unit cost of link construction. In general, the construction cost of each link increased by increasing the link length, side slope gradient and longitudinal gradient. According to our findings, the nodes and links constructed on low slope terrain are the least-costly. The information provided in this paper contributes to the development of knowledge about the usefulness of GIS-based weighted-graph algorithm in determining optimal road network in a forest. Total skidding cost is less for a log depot if there are more marked trees in the related cell. So, if the number of marked trees in the vicinity of the depot is higher and the distance to the depot is lower, the total skidding cost of the depot becomes lower

    Improvement of Forest Road Gravel Surfacing Quality by Nano-polymer CBR PLUS

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    In this study, CBR PLUS was used on gravel roads to reduce erosion and consequently maintenance costs of forest road network. Nano-polymer CBR PLUS with weight percentages of 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00% in water were added to the surfacing materials of a forest road in Nekachoob Company of Iran. A comparative soil chemical and mechanical test for untreated and treated soil was carried out to observe variations in results. The results showed that by increasing the percentage of CBR PLUS, the soil fine particles content decreased. In addition, with increasing the CBR PLUS content, a decrease of the liquid limits was observed in soil. Soil treated with CBR PLUS, resulted in improvement of soil dry density and California bearing capacity (CBR). Moreover, the amount of Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium ions increased with the increasing CBR PLUS. Finally, it was concluded that 1.00% of nano-polymer CBR PLUS acted better in comparison with lower concentration. However, it is suggested that higher levels of this substance should be evaluated in future studies

    Optimum Utilization of Rice Husk Ash for Stabilization of Sub-base Materials in Construction and Repair Project of Forest Roads

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    Forest roads play an important role in forest management, timber transportation and forest protection. However, minimum standards are considered for pavement materials due to the traffic volume and economic situation of forestry projects. Therefore, this paper aims to (a) evaluate the role of Rice Husk Ash (RHA) as a soil stabilizer of sub-base layer to improve the quality of materials and (b) determine the optimum utilization among 10 combinations of soil, lime and RHA regarding the environmental factors. The results of laboratory studies on soil A–6 (AASHTOO classification) indicates a general decrease in the maximum dry density (MDD) and an increase (21.9%) in optimum moisture content (OMC) with increase in RHA content. Adding RHA (9%) causes a decrease (13.3%) in liquid limit and plasticity index (PI) of soil. However, this improving effect is not as much as the influence of lime. The California bearing ratio (CBR) of stabilized soil in both saturated condition and optimum water content was 28% and 37.5% more than the natural soil, respectively. The maximum unconfined compressive strength (UCS) values were recorded for 9% RHA, 237 KN m-2 after 28 days curing time, which was 23 KN m-2 more than the natural soil. According to the results, the combination of Soil+4% Lime+9% RHA could be used as the optimum consumption of materials for stabilization of sub-base layer in construction of forest roads

    Determination of Optimal Distribution and Transportation Network (Wood Transportation in Iran)

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    Today, transportation network optimization has become one of the significant aspects of supply chain planning, and even a slight rise in productivity can significantly reduce costs of distribution of wood in the transportation network. In the forest based industry, given that transportation is the main cost of raw wood supply, using transportation planning, distribution should be done in a way so as to minimize the overall wood displacement. Such planning must meet the needs of all demand centers and the distribution supplier points must be used to their full capacity. Accordingly, the present study strived to find an optimal solution for transportation and distribution of raw wood from the main supplier points to small and large centers of wood and paper industries in Iran. This optimization simultaneously focuses on several products and is at the macroeconomic level of the country wood market. To achieve this goal, linear programming – Transportation Simplex Algorithm was used. The results show a significant fall in transportation costs and a more organized wood distribution network than the current situation. This cost reduction can be attributed to decisions about the optimal distribution of wood types, determining transport routes, and opting for the right type of truck supplier based on load tonnage and distance. This plummet in transportation costs plunges the cost of wood and wood products, which will surge competition in the business and will be of interest to manufacturers, distributors, customers and stakeholders in general

    Effect of the standard clearing limit of forest road right-of-way on stand stock growth: Case study of Vaston forests, Hyrcanian zone

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    Forest roads must be constructed according to the technical standards and guidelines published by the  scientific organizations. The main aims of this research was to compare the standard clearing limit with  existence status and assess the effects of the application of improper clearing limit on forest stock growth. In this research the standard design of clearing limit was determined based on soil texture and hillside  gradient. Slope steepness map were obtained from DEM. 17 clearing limit samples were taken for each of the slope classes. The soil samples number were determined according to the length of roads which have passed from each slope classes. Results showed that the difference between the standard and existing  clearing limit in secondary forest road was significantly higher than that in main forest road. Difference  between stand volume decrease in standard and existing clearing limit in silt soil was significantly more  than that in silt clay and clay soils. The difference between standard and existing clearing limit as well as the difference between standard and existing trees stock growth in different slope classes and soil sub-units was significant. Difference between stand volume increased significantly as difference between standard  and existing clearing limit.Key words: Forest road, clearing limit, right-of-way, stock growth, standard design

    Designing an optimal forest road network by consideration of environmental impacts in GIS

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    Planning of forest road network is the most important issue for sustainable management of northern forests in Iran. This study represented a technical method of forest road planning by using GIS (Geographic Information Systems) in Vatan forestry plan of Golestan province, Iran. The aim of this study was to find out options for the optimization of skid trail length and for decreasing the negative effects of redundant skid trail length. Results of this study showed that the total length of forest road and the road network density was 36745 m and 8.68 m ha−1, respectively. 54% of the area was covered by these roads. 98.06 km skid trail was planned from road verge into the forest interior. The density of this skidding trail was 23.17 m ha−1. The suggested road network length measured using GIS was 47.23 km. Road density was 10.87 m ha−1, with 79% coverage. Skid trail length was 81.04 km, and skid trail density was 19.15 m ha−1. On the basis of GIS measurements, the skid trails on new road network system had shorter length and more frequency. This causes to decrease the cost of primary transportation. Moreover, in this plan the roads with suitable coverage passed from stable slopes. Article in English. Optimalių miško kelių tinklo projektavimas įvertinus poveikį aplinkai GIS programa Santrauka. Miško kelių tinklo planavimas – viena svarstomų problemų, siekiant užtikrinti tvarią miškotvarkos sistemą šiaurinėje Irano dalyje esančiuose miškuose. Šiame straipsnyje pristatomas miško kelių planavimo techninis metodas, taikant GIS (geografinės informacinės sistemos) programą ir naudojant Vatan miško, Golestan provincijoje, Irane, planus. Šio tyrimo tikslas – išsiaiškinti galimybes, kaip optimizuoti miško keliukų ilgį ir sumažinti neigiamą poveikį miškui, mažinant perteklinį šių keliukų trasos ilgį. Pirminiai rezultatai parodė, kad bendras esamų kelių ilgis siekia 36 745 km, kelių tinklas aprėpė 54% visos tiriamosios teritorijos, tankis siekė 8,68 m ha−1, o optimalus miško kelių tinklas buvo rengiamas pagal esamą 98,06 km ilgio miško keliukų tinklą, kurio tankis – 23,17 m ha−1. Bendras siūlomo kelių tinklo ilgis siekia 47,23 km, tankumas – 10,87 m ha−1, jis aprėpia 79% teritorijos. Miško keliukų ilgis – 81,04 km, tankumas – 19,15 m·ha−1. Remiantis GIS matavimais, naujo miško keliukų tinklo keliukai buvo trumpesni, tačiau jų tinklas tankesnis. Dėl šios priežasties mažėja pirminės transporto išlaidos ir sukuriama optimali miško keliukų aprėptis, pagerinamas prieinamumas. Reikšminiai žodžiai: kelių tinklas, miško kelias, optimizavimo technika, geografinės informacinės sistemos, Vatan miškas, Iranas Проектирование oптиmaльнoй ceти лecныx дopoг с учетом вoздeйcтвия нa oкpyжaющyю cpeдy, оцененного с использованием ГИС Резюме. Планирование сети лесных дорог является одним из важнейших вопросов при создании упорядоченной системылесохозяйствования в северной части Ирана. В статье представлен технический метод планирования лесохозяйственной деятельности (прокладки дорог) с использованием ГИС и плана леса Ватан в провинции Гулистан Ирана. Целью исследования было выяснить возможности оптимизации длины лесных дорог и уменьшениянегативных последствий их избыточной длины. Результаты исследования показали, что общая протяженность существующих лесных дорог составляет 36 745 км, сеть дорог охватывает 54% всей исследованной территории,ее плотность – 8,68 м га−1. Оптимальная сеть лесных дорог создавалась на основании имеющейся сети лесных дорог, протяженность которой 98,06 км, плотность – 23,17 м гa−1. Протяженность предлагаемой сети дорог составит 47,23 км, плотность – 10,87 м гa−1, она охватит 79% территории. Длина лесных дорог составит 81,04 км, а плотность – 19,15 м·гa−1. На основании измерений, проведенных с использованием ГИС, длина дорог лесной сети стала короче, а сеть более густой. В связи с этим снижаются первичные затраты на транспорт, охват леснымидорогами становится более оптимальным, увеличивается доступность. Ключевые слова: дорожная сеть, лесная дорога, техника оптимизации, географическая информационная система, лес Ватан, Ира

    Efficiency of Different Anti-Dust Agents in Reducing Dust Emission from Forest Road and Deposition on Leaf Surface

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    Dust is often generated from the dry surfaces of unpaved forest roads as a result of vehicular traffic. Dust particles can negatively affect vegetative growth, water quality and road traffic quality. In this study, some environmental friendly anti-dust agents including sugar cane molasses, polyacrylamide (PAM) and bentonite were used to control dust emission from the road surface under three different concentrations within the 3, 9, 27 and 81 day timeframe. Rear-mounted spray system and dustometer devices were used for implementation of treatments and dust emission recording, respectively. Leaf samples were collected from trees adjacent to road to measure the dust deposited on the leaves by centrifuging dust solution. The results showed that molasses achieved higher efficiencies in term of dust reduction and cost effectiveness than those of PAM and bentonite in Loveh forest, where high levels of fines are present in the road surface materials. 2% and 4% PAM were the most efficient dosages in terms of dust control and cost effectiveness in Shastkalateh and Kouhmian forests, respectively. It was detected that in all sites most of the dust emitted from the road surface was deposited on the leaves of Carpinus betulus L. and Alnus subcordata L., while smooth surface of the leaves retained lower amount of dust in Parrotia persica CAM. It is concluded that the amount of fine aggregates in surfacing materials, type and dosage of anti-dust agent play an important role in the effectiveness and longevity of treatment

    Productivity and cost of tree felling crew with a chainsaw in Caspian forests

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    Abstract Tree cutting is the most important component that affects all stages of harvesting. Tree cutting is included felling, cross-cutting (bucking), delimbing and topping. This study was carried out in the northern forests of Iran (i.e. Hyrcanian Forests) near the Caspian Sea in the Neka Chob Company, in order to evaluate subsections of tree felling. The main goals of this study are time study of tree felling, estimating and measuring productivity and costs of chainsaw as well as identifying regression model of tree felling time. Multivariate Regression of felling time was a function of tree diameter, distance among felling trees and air temperature. Hourly production of chainsaw felling was 44.61 m 3 /h (8 trees per hour). There was found a negative relationship between tree diameter and the Tree felling cost of production unit, so that when the tree diameter was increased the cost of Tree felling was being decreasing exponentially

    Slope stability analysis considering weight of trees and root reinforcement

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    We study the effect of roots of alder trees on soil reinforcement and slope stabilization. Two types of soil, i.e. Marl and Clayey soils and alders of three ages are considered. The slope stability is studied according to the tree indices based on tree age and soil type. The effect of root reinforcement on slope stability is considered by an additional cohesion. The stability analyses are carried out by the FEM. We perform parameter studies considering tree age, soil type and surcharge. The results indicate that soil type is effective on cohesion. The results also showed that with increasing age of trees from 7 to 15 years, the amount of additional root cohesion increased and with the increase of the age of trees to 20 years this amount slightly decreased. Also, with regard to a constant slope geometry, the type of soil and the uniform surcharge pressure, 7-year-old trees have shown better performance in slope stabilization. It has been observed that as the age of alder trees grows, although the amount of additional root cohesion increases, however, due to increased surcharge pressure, the overall slope stability factor decreases