14 research outputs found

    Prevalence of HBV and HCV infections and associated risk factors in addict prisoners

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    High prevalence of HBV and HCV infections in prisoners suggests them as one of the main infection source in community. Preventive measures can possibly decrease their rate of infection and infectivity. We evaluated prevalence of HBV and HCV infections and their relation to dangerous behavior in addict prisoners. This was a cross-sectional study included prisoners of central provinces of Iran who were evaluated for HBV and HCV in 2003. All of 1431 prisoners filled out questionnaires that were evaluated for HBsAg and HCV antibody. There were 51 prisoners (3.5) who were HBsAg positive and 513 prisoners (35.8) had HCV antibody. Odd's ratio for HBV and HCV were 10.3 and 9.6 for IVDA, respectively. This study showed that the HBV and specially HCV infection had high prevalence among prisoners. In comparison to rate of HBsAg and HCV infection in general population of Iran, this study showed that the HBsAg was 2 times and HCV infection was 70 times more frequent in prisoner than in general population of Iran. The education for dangerous behavior is strongly recommended to control this persistent infection source for hepatitis B and C in the community

    Antifungal Effect of Echinophora Platyloba’ s Extract against Candida albicans

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    The present study was undertaken to investigate the effectiveness of the ethanolic extract of Echinophora platyloba DC. on Candida albicans. Using the agar dilution method, the growth condition of standard Candida albicans ATCC 10231, cultured on the media containing plant extracts at different concentrations (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and 256 mg/ml) was studied. The results were recorded twenty one days after the incubation period, maximum time for the growth of fungi. Results showed that the extract of Echinophora platyloba, equal or above the concentration of 2mg/ml, effectively inhibits the growth of Candida albicans. In other words it shows growth on media containing 1mg/ml of the extract. Results of the present study revealed a great promise in the application of Echinophora platyloba extract against Candida albicans. It is concluded that the plant studied could be a good antifungal source

    Anti fungal effect of Echinophora platyloba extract on some common dermathophytes

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    Objective: Increasing usage of medicinal plants for trapeutic purposes, made a unique place for this branch of complementary medicine. While Echinophora Platyloba has a folkloric usage, unfortunately has not yet reached an eligible palce. This study conducted to evaluate the effect of extract of Echinophora Platyloba on some common dermatophytes. Methods: 4 tubes containing diluted solutions of hydroalcoholic extract (35, 50, 150 and 250 mg/ml) have been prepared and one tube of 0 mg/mL as control hydroalcoholic. Using agar dilution method, fugi were coincubated with diluted solutions of the extract and the growth results were recorded after 21 days. Results: Trichophyton (T) schenlaini and T. verucosum were totally sensitive. T. rubrum and Microsporum (M) gypsum were totally resistant. T. mentagrophyte, M. canis and Epidermophyton flucosum were resistant to 35, 50 and 150 mg/ml dilutions, but they were sensitive to 250 mg/ml. T. violaseum was resistant in 35 and 50 mg/ml but sensitive to 150 and 250 mg/ml. Conclusion: 3 concentrations of hydroalcohalic extract (35, 50 and 150 mg/ml) may have clinical application. On the base of this study, the plant in the mentioned dilutions showed anti fungal effect against T. schoenlieinii, T. verucosum. The plant extract showed weaker antifuongal against T. mentagrophytes, Microsporum canis and Epidermophyton flocusm but this may have not good anti fungal effect aginst T. rubrum and T. gypseum. The next step of study may be the production of drug product and clinical assay

    Effect of operating temperature on direct recycling aluminium chips (AA6061) in hot press forging process

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    A method of solid-state recycling aluminum alloy using hot press forging process was studied as well as the possibility of the recycled chip to be used as secondary resources. This paper presents the results of recycled AA6061 aluminium alloy chip using different operating temperature for hot press forging process. Mechanical properties and microstructure of the recycled specimens and as-received (reference) specimen were investigated. The recycled specimens exhibit a good potential in the strength properties. The result for yield strength (YS) and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) at the minimum temperature 430˚C is 25.8 MPa and 27.13 MPa. For the maximum operating temperature 520˚C YS and UTS are 107.0MPa and 117.53 MPa. Analysis for different operating temperatures shows that the higher temperatures giving better result on mechanical properties and finer microstructure. The strength of recycled specimen increases due to the grain refinement strengthening whereas particle dispersion strengthening has minor effects. In this study, the recycled AA6061 chip shows the good potential in strengthening as the comparison of using only 17.5% of suggested pressure (70.0/400.0) MPa, the UTS exhibit 35.8% (117.58/327.69) MPa. This shows a remarkable potential of direct recycling by using hot press forging process


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    The endemic Plants have different applications among people. Echinophora Platyloba is used in folk medicine, as a food seasoning. This study conducted to evaluate the effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Echinophora platyloba on Candida albicans. Materials and Methods: By perculation method, hydroalcoholic extract was obtained. There 5 tubes of different diluted solution of extract were made as: 0, 35, 50, 150, 250 mg/ml for test. The yeast was purchased from faculty of medicine of Isfahan Unuiversity of Medical Sciences. By using agar dilution method, the yeast inoculated into all media for after 21 days of incubation period, when, the results were recorded. The yeast was grown in control tube but no growth was observed in media containing difference diluitions of extract. The results showed that 35, 50 and 150 mg/ml may have clinical application. This preliminary study showed that ethanolic extract of Echinophora platyloba has anti Candida albicans effect and may be in used in production of drug and clinical assay

    Parotid swelling due to Hoshino strain following MMR vaccination in iranian immunization program

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    This paper reports two seronegative cases of parotid swelling following MMR vaccination, which contains Hoshino strain of mumps virus. This study showed a high,(5%) potential reactogenicity induced by Hoshino strain of current MMR vaccine administered in Iranian EPI. The rate of complication of parotid swelling following national immunization against mumps is more than natural infection. Based on the results of this report, there is the first report of occurrence of parotid swelling 31 days following MMR vaccination. This

    Unusual presentation of brucellosis: afebrile, culture positive brucellosis and culture positive, seronegative brucellosis

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    To investigate the unusual presentation of brucellosis. Methods: This prospective study was carried out on 46 patients suspected to brucellosis. The diagnosis was made with isolation of brucella species by Bone Marrow culture. Results: Among 40 culture positive patients, there were two unusual presentations of brucellosis; Afebrile culture positive and culture positive seronegative brucellosis. Conclusion: Some brucellosis patients would not match with criteria for diagnosis of brucellosis. Although it is needed to have positive serology or


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    This report describes the immunogenicity and efficacy and long term immunity of Hoshino strain of Mumps (included in MMR Vaccine) in shahr-e-kord, Islamic Republic of Iran (I.R.Iran). A total of 338 Children aged 3-18 years were tested for Mumps IgG using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The proportion of susceptible, mumps IgG negative, children was 19.8% (67 subjects). Of the 67 susceptible children, 36 received the MMR vaccination and successfully completed the study. Blood was collected by venipuncture 3, 12, and 24 months after vaccination and serum samples were tested by ELISA for detection of Mumps IgM and IgG. The overall seroconversion rate was 86.1%, 77.7% and 75% at 3, 12, and 24 months after vaccination respectively

    The Effect of Holding Time on Dissimilar Transient Liquid-Phase-Bonded Properties of Super-Ferritic Stainless Steel 446 to Martensitic Stainless Steel 410 Using a Nickel-Based Interlayer

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    The dissimilar joining of martensitic and ferritic stainless steels have been developed that needs corrosion resistance and enhanced mechanical properties. In this study, the transient liquid-phase bonding of martensitic stainless steel 410 and super-ferritic stainless steel 446 was conducted with a nickel-based amorphous interlayer (BNi-2) at constant temperature (1050 °C) and increasing times of 1, 15, 30, 45, and 60 min. For characterization of the TLP-bonded samples, optical microscopy and scanning emission microscopy equipped with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy were used. To investigate the mechanical properties of TLP-bonded samples, the shear strength test method was used. Finally, the X-ray diffraction method was used for microstructural investigation and phase identification. The microstructural study showed that the microstructure of base metals changed: the martensitic structure transited to tempered martensite, including ferrite + cementite colonies, and the delta phase in super-ferritic stainless steel dissolved in the matrix. During the transient liquid-phase bonding, the aggregation of boron due to its diffusion to base metals resulted in the precipitation of a secondary phase, including iron–chromium-rich borides with blocky and needle-like morphologies at the interface of the molten interlayer and base metals. On the other hand, the segregation of boron in the bonding zone resulted from a low solubility limit, and the distribution coefficient has induced some destructive and brittle phases, such as nickel-rich (Ni3B) and chromium-rich boride (CrB/Cr2B). By increasing the time, significant amounts of boron have been diffused to a base metal, and diffusion-induced isothermal solidification has happened, such that the isothermal solidification of the assembly has been completed under the 1050 °C/60 min condition. The distribution of the hardness profile is relatively uniform at the bonding zone after completing isothermal solidification, except the diffusion-affected zone, which has a higher hardness. The shear strength test showed that increasing the holding time was effective in achieving the strength near the base metals such that the maximum shear strength of about 472 MPa was achieved

    Gold investment account in Malaysia

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    Gold investment in Malaysia offers a rewarding and secure asset class for public through two different methods, physical gold or gold investment account (GIA). This research provides a comprehensive discussion on the GIA in Malaysia, its characteristics, structure and contemporary applications. GIA allows investor to make deposits when gold prices are low and withdraw the funds at profit when the gold price rises. The shariah compliance issues are also discussed. This research follows qualitative research method. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the banks representatives to gain the information on GIA in Malaysia. Since studies on gold investment account have been scarce compared to other types of investment, this study contributes to the literature and serves as good practices of investor’s guideline