18 research outputs found

    Determinants of Corporate Performance: Modelling Approach

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    This study is to investigate the influence of the selected factors of the capital structure on the corporate performance. An empirical analysis covers a sample of 90 non-financial companies traded on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, in the period of 2000-2015. The panel data models for two corporate performance measures such ROA and ROE were estimated. The company’s capital structure negatively affects its performance. It is in line with pecking order theory and previous studies on capital structure of Polish companies

    Enterprise Research and Development Activity in Poland in Comparison to Eurozone Countries

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    During the years 2000-2018, the number of enterprises conducting research and development activity in Poland was increasing systematically, thus the expenditures on research and development were increasing as well. The impact of R&D activity on the level of innovation of both enterprises and entire economies is related to objective and subjective structure of these expenditures which means that is not connected only with the value of the expenditures for its financing. The purpose of this paper is to present the level of expenditures on R&D in the business enterprise sector in Poland, in comparison to Eurozone countries and to analyze the convergence of value of these expenditures in Poland. The authors of the article used description and analysis of the statistical data obtained from the EUROSTAT and the GUS (General Statistical Office in Poland) statistics and estimation of econometric models and testing the occurrence of sigma and beta convergence. Based on the results we state that the key issue is to further activate Polish enterprises within the sphere of research and development, because Poland, in comparison with Eurozone countries, ranks within the group of countries with low expenditures on research and development and with structures characteristic of less prosperous economies. The study allowed determination of occurrence of sigma and beta convergence in Poland, in comparison with the Eurozone countries

    Market Performance and Capital Structure of the Companies Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in Poland

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect capital structure has on the market performance of the companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in Poland in 2000–2015 as well as to present the empirical evidence of its significance using a panel data approach. The study was based on data obtained from the annual financial statements contained in the Notoria database and published on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. We used Tobin’s Q ratio and the market value of equity to book value of equity (MBVR) as the measure of corporate performance. When Tobin’s Q was modelled, the level of leverage proved to be significant. It means that the company’s capital structure affects its performance. The sign between both variables, LEVERAGE and Tobin’s Q, is positive which is in line with trade-off theory. The dynamic panel data modelling approach allowed the conclusion that, irrespective of the measure selected (Tobin’s Q or the MBVR), the value of the measure depends positively on its value in the previous year. It means that a high performance noted in a previous year constitutes the basis for good results in the following year

    Impact of the Sector and of Internal Factors on Profitability of the Companies Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange

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    The aim of the article is to assess the impact of the sector environment and of selected internal factors on the profitability level of the companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in 1998-2016. An increase in the financial leverage, financial liquidity, non-debt tax shield and enterprise size cause a drop in the ROA. An increase in the ratio of fixed assets to the total assets results in an increase in the ROA. Similar results were obtained for the models estimated for the ROE. It means, that profitability of the examined companies results from the decisions made by the managers and from the impact of the sector environment

    Dokonywanie ujawnień niefinansowych przez spółki giełdowe w Polsce w świetle zmian wprowadzonych dyrektywą 2014/95/UE

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    Od 2017 roku spółki giełdowe w Polsce są zobowiązane do publikowania informacji niefinansowych. Wy-nika to z wdrożenia do polskiego prawa dyrektywy 2014/95/UE, która wymaga ujawniania przez określone duże jednostki zainteresowania publicznego oraz grupy kapitałowe rozszerzonego zakresu informacji nie-finansowych. Biorąc powyższe pod uwagę celem artykułu jest odpowiedź na następujące pytania: 1) Jaki jest stan dokonywanych ujawnień niefinansowych przez spółki giełdowe w Polsce? 2) Jakie istnieją różnice w raportowaniu informacji niefinansowych przez firmy z różnych branż? 3) Jakie czynniki wpływają na ujawnianie informacji niefinansowych? Łącznie przebadano 53 spółki. Otrzymane rezultaty wskazują, że forma dokonywanych ujawnień jest różna. Najczęściej informacje niefinansowe prezentowane były w sprawozdaniach z zarządu. Zakres pre-zentowanych informacji też był zróżnicowany. Najwięcej ujawnień niefinansowych dokonywały firmy z branży chemicznej i energetycznej. Na publikowanie tego typu informacji wpływ miały następujące czynniki: rozmiary podmiotu, jego wartość rynkowa oraz branża do której należy. Natomiast nie stwier-dzono występowania dodatnich zależności pomiędzy wynikami finansowymi a ujawnieniami niefinanso-wymi oraz pomiędzy dźwignią finansową a ujawnieniami niefinansowymi, z wyjątkiem firm należących do grupy o mniejszej uciążliwości dla środowiska. W badaniach wykorzystano analizę zawartości oraz model tobitowy. Dotychczas opublikowane rezultaty badań, dotyczące raportowania informacji niefinansowych przez spółki giełdowe funkcjonujące w Polsce, nie obejmowały ostatniego okresu sprawozdawczego przed wejściem w życie zmian do ustawy o rachunkowości. Dlatego też otrzymane rezultaty pozwalają ustalić stopień przygotowania analizowanych firm należących do różnych sektorów (o dużej i mniejszej uciążliwości dla środowiska) do nowych obowiązków sprawozdawczych

    Stock market integration: a multivariate GARCH analysis on Poland and Hungary

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    An examination of the linkages between the emerging stock markets in Warsaw and Budapest and the established markets in Frankfurt and the U.S. By using a four-variable asymmetric GARCH-BEKK model, we find evidence of return and volatility spillovers from the developed to the emerging markets. However, as the estimated time-varying conditional co-variances and the variance decompositions indicate limited interactions among the markets, the emerging markets are weakly linked to the developed markets. The implication is that foreign investors will benefit from the reduction of risk by adding the stocks in the emerging markets to their investment portfolio

    Should we rely on forecasts of prices or returns? The short term approach

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    Investors make their decisions on the basis of the information coming from the market. The main features of assets are prices and investment risk. The rates of return are calculated based on the prices. For modelling the returns, capital asset pricing models can be applied; for the prices, methods of technical analysis could be taken into account. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate both approaches. First – financial modelling of the assets’ returns, and the second – the analysis of the assets’ prices. In order to verify the effectiveness of the forecasting processes, forecasts and ex-post type forecasting errors were calculated. The empirical analysis is based on the stock prices of ten food companies traded on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The traditional CAPM and the extension of the CAPM by the GARCH(1,1) process are in use. As the technical analysis tool for price modelling, three period moving averages are calculated. The obtained results allow indicating the superiority of modelling the returns, in terms of short-term forecasting. Unfortunately, the hypothesis about the advantage of the application of GARCH for modelling, and then for forecasting, must be rejected

    Portfolio allocation problem and quantity constraints : an analysis of the Warsaw Stock Exchange

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    After the political changes in 1989 the economy in Eastern and Central Europe turned from a centrally planned system to market-based one. The transformation program required substantial institutional reforms, one of the results being a new security law which in 1991 established the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE). In this thesis I analyse rates of returns on the WSE and try to examine the existence of the optimal portfolio on an emerging stock market with quantity constraints.;On the WSE, according to regulation, there exists a one-period returns limit, so prevailing models used for finding the level of assets risk seem to be inappropriate. The risk reduction effect of lower or upper limits institutionally imposed on stock exchange price movements are analyzed. As the result of the maximisation of traders' utility function subject to expected quantity constraints, a new empirical model similar to the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) is developed, where the observed returns are corrected for the appearance of quantity constraints for the securities which constitute the market portfolio. An empirical analysis of returns from twenty-one securities traded on the Warsaw Stock Exchange has been carried out. The model with uncorrected returns has been estimated by the two-limit Tobit model and compared with the results for the corrected returns, as obtained by the unconstrained maximum likelihood method. The proposed model is tested using a second-pass cross-section regression and stronger tests based on the derivation of the security market line (SML). Results show that the imposition of trade barriers tends to increase rather than decrease the portfolio risk and it is therefore suggested that such barriers should be abolished

    Dokonywanie ujawnień niefinansowych przez spółki giełdowe w Polsce w świetle zmian wprowadzonych dyrektywą 2014/95/UE

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    Beginning in 2017, stock-exchange-listed companies in Poland have been obliged to publish non-financial information. This is due to the implementation of Directive 2014/95/EU in Polish law, which requires the disclosure of extended non-financial information on the part of specified large public-interest companies and capital groups. Taking the above into consideration, the aim of this article is to answer the following questions: 1) What is the state of the non-financial disclosures made by stock-exchange-listed companies in Poland? 2) What are the differences in reporting non-financial information by companies from various industries? 3) What factors affect the disclosure of non-financial information? In total, 53 companies were researched. The results obtained indicate that the form of the disclosures varies. Most commonly, non-financial information was presented in management commentaries. The scope of the information presented was diverse. The most non-financial disclosures were made by companies from the chemical and the energy sectors. The following factors influenced the publication of this type of information: the entity’s size, its market value and the industry to which a given company belongs. In contrast, no positive associations between the economic performance of a company and non-financial disclosure, nor between the financial leverage of a company and non-financial disclosure have been found, with the exception of companies from the low-profile sector. The studies involved content analysis and the Tobit regression model. Existing results of research on non-financial reporting made by stock-exchange-listed companies in Poland did not encompass the last reporting period prior to the introduction of the changes to the Act on Accounting. Therefore, the results obtained allow us to determine the degree of preparation on the part of the researched companies belonging to various sectors (of larger and smaller environmental nuisance).Od 2017 roku spółki giełdowe w Polsce są zobowiązane do publikowania informacji niefinansowych. Wynika to z wdrożenia do polskiego prawa dyrektywy 2014/95/UE, która wymaga ujawniania przez określone duże jednostki zainteresowania publicznego oraz grupy kapitałowe rozszerzonego zakresu informacji niefinansowych. Biorąc powyższe pod uwagę celem artykułu jest odpowiedź na następujące pytania: 1) Jaki jest stan dokonywanych ujawnień niefinansowych przez spółki giełdowe w Polsce? 2) Jakie istnieją różnice w raportowaniu informacji niefinansowych przez firmy z różnych branż? 3) Jakie czynniki wpływają na ujawnianie informacji niefinansowych? Łącznie przebadano 53 spółki. Otrzymane rezultaty wskazują, że forma dokonywanych ujawnień jest różna. Najczęściej informacje niefinansowe prezentowane były w sprawozdaniach z zarządu. Zakres prezentowanych informacji też był zróżnicowany. Najwięcej ujawnień niefinansowych dokonywały firmy z branży chemicznej i energetycznej. Na publikowanie tego typu informacji wpływ miały następujące czynniki: rozmiary podmiotu, jego wartość rynkowa oraz branża do której należy. Natomiast nie stwierdzono występowania dodatnich zależności pomiędzy wynikami finansowymi a ujawnieniami niefinansowymi oraz pomiędzy dźwignią finansową a ujawnieniami niefinansowymi, z wyjątkiem firm należących do grupy o mniejszej uciążliwości dla środowiska. W badaniach wykorzystano analizę zawartości oraz model tobitowy. Dotychczas opublikowane rezultaty badań, dotyczące raportowania informacji niefinansowych przez spółki giełdowe funkcjonujące w Polsce, nie obejmowały ostatniego okresu sprawozdawczego przed wejściem w życie zmian do ustawy o rachunkowości. Dlatego też otrzymane rezultaty pozwalają ustalić stopień przygotowania analizowanych firm należących do róż-nych sektorów (o dużej i mniejszej uciążliwości dla środowiska) do nowych obowiązków sprawozdawczych

    Does the slope of the yield curve of the interbank market influence prices on the Warsaw Stock Exchange? A sectoral perspective

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    The interest rate curve is often viewed as the leading indicator of economic prosperity in a broad sense. This paper studies the ability of the slope of the yield curve in the term structure of interest rates to impact the sectoral indices on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, using daily data covering the period from 1 January 2001 to 30 September 2020. The results of the research indicate an ambiguous dependence of the logarithmic rates of return of sub-indices on the change of the interbank interest rate curve. The only sectors showing a clear relationship of this type is energy and pharmaceuticals