63 research outputs found

    Functional characterization of the mammalian iAAA protease subunit, YME1L

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    The iAAA protease is an ATP-dependent proteolytic complex in the mitochondrial inner membrane and belongs to the highly conserved family of AAA proteins. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the iAAA protease is a homo-oligomeric complex composed of Yme1p subunits which are active in the intermembrane space and mediate protein quality control. Yeast cells lacking Yme1p are characterized by pleiotropic phenotypes including a respiratory deficiency at elevated temperature and an aberrant mitochondrial morphology. However, the molecular basis of the different yeast yme1 phenotypes has not been completely understood. Human YME1L was shown to be the ortholog of the yeast Yme1p, but its functions within mammalian mitochondria and specific substrate proteins have not been identified so far. In order to define the roles of the mammalian iAAA protease two main approaches were carried out: (1) down regulation studies in mammalian cells using RNA interference, and (2) inducible overexpression of YME1L and several mutant variants in the mammalian system. The present study reports the functional conservation of the mammalian YME1L by showing its involvement in the proteolysis of prohibitin 1 whose homolog is also degraded by the iAAA protease in yeast. Furthermore, it demonstrates that YME1L has a role in the maintenance of the tubular mitochondrial morphology and in the constitutive processing of OPA1, a component of the mitochondrial fusion machinery. Moreover, the degradation of TIM23, a core subunit of the translocase of the inner membrane, in caspase-independent apoptosis depends on YME1L identifying a novel substrate for the mammalian iAAA protease and a new pathway it is involved in. The overexpression of YME1L mutants has no dominant negative effect on the iAAA protease. Its functions in mitochondrial proteolysis, import, and mitochondrial morphology remain unaltered. Taken together, this study reveals versatile roles of mammalian YME1L in protein quality control, mitochondrial morphology and apoptosis, thus demonstrating its importance for both the cellular viability and death

    Love burnout: young women, mobile phones, and delayed marriage in Yaoundé, Cameroon

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    This article examines how work towards the promise of love marriage comes to be exhausted. It focuses on young urban women living in Yaoundé, Cameroon, trying to ‘catch’ a husband using digital technologies in which photographs figure prominently. Focusing on the visual production of dating profiles, I show how mobile phones place young women at the centre of their own husband-catching pursuits. Through digital actions, these young women produce the promise of love marriage, but at the same time their actions require increased volumes of emotional work. As phones constantly compel young women to intensify their husband-catching efforts and amplify the promise of love marriage, they rarely bring the desired results. Thus, young women, burdened by the emotional work necessary to sustain this promise, experience a form of love burnout, suspend their actions, and delay marriage. In highlighting the emotional laboriousness of intimate relations in technologically mediated worlds, this article draws out the limitations of the way in which the promise of love marriage is circulated and points to how neoliberal economies of affect may be temporarily suspended

    Logística de materiais de saúde

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    Orientador : Luciana Schleder Gonçalves.Projeto Técnico (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas. Curso de Especialização em Gestão da SaúdeInclui referênciasResumo: A gestão em saúde exige constantes atualizações de tecnologias e processos. A logística aplicada em uma organização de saúde precisa ser eficiente e eficaz para que o usuário final tenha o resultado esperado e não sofra as conseqüências de não haver insumos suficientes para seu atendimento. Utilizando-se de mecanismos informatizados de suprimentos e consultas de informações, é necessário aprimorar o sistema para se adequar ao cotidiano e realidade de uma organização. O formato de gráficos é uma alternativa positiva para visualização de dados como tempo decorrido e estimado, quantidade disponível, quantidade mínima e máxima. Sua interface beneficia a percepção logística de planejamento

    Imagem e visibilidade em um estetáculo nonstop: o show do eu

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    Resenha de: SIBILIA, Paula. O Show do EU – A intimidade como espetáculo. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 2008, 288 p. ISBN: 978852092129


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    This exploratory-descriptive study, with aquantitative approach, aimed to describe the items of thephysical examination used by nurses in evaluating thehospitalized older adult. In October 2014, 19 staff nurseswho worked in inpatient and intensive care units in aTeaching Hospital in the city of Curitiba were investigated,using a questionnaire with open and closed questions.According to the results obtained, the majority of thenurses mentioned items referent to the general physicalexamination: level of consciousness (32%), nutritionalstatus (21%) and mobility (21%); and to the specificphysical examination: skin integrity, mentioned in variousanatomical regions; thoracic symmetry (58%); pulmonaryauscultation (53%); head hygiene (53%); edema of theextremities (53%); lymph nodes of the neck, peripheralperfusion, and hygiene of genitalia, with 42% respectively.It is concluded that the items used by the nurses inevaluating the hospitalized older adult are imperfect bothin theoretical knowledge and in practical skill.Estudo exploratório, descritivo de abordagem quantitativa, que teve como objetivo descrever ositens do exame físico utilizados pelos enfermeiros ao avaliar o idoso hospitalizado. Em outubro de 2014 foraminvestigados 19 enfermeiros assistenciais, atuantes em unidades de internação e de terapia intensiva de umHospital de Ensino da cidade de Curitiba, utilizando-se um questionário com perguntas abertas e fechadas.De acordo com os resultados obtidos a maioria dos enfermeiros mencionou itens referentes ao exame físicogeral: nível de consciência (32%), estado nutricional (21%) e mobilidade (21%), e ao exame físico específico:integridade da pele citada em diversas regiões anatômicas; simetria torácica (58%); ausculta pulmonar (53%);higiene da cabeça (53%); edema de extremidades (53%); linfonodos do pescoço, perfusão periférica e higieneda genitália com 42% respectivamente. Conclui-se que os itens utilizados pelos enfermeiros ao avaliar o idosohospitalizado são deficitários tanto no conhecimento teórico quanto na habilidade prática.Estudio exploratorio, descriptivo de abordajecuantitativo que tuvo como objetivo describir los ítenesdel examen físico utilizados por los enfermeros paraevaluar el anciano hospitalizado. En octubre de 2014fueron investigados 19 enfermeros asistenciales, actuantesen unidades de internación y de terapia intensiva deun Hospital de Enseñanza de la ciudad de Curitiba,utilizándose cuestionario con preguntas abiertas ycerradas. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, lamayoría de los enfermeros mencionó ítenes acerca delexamen físico general: nível de consciencia (32%), estadonutricional (21%) y movilidad (21%), y al examen físicoespecífico: integridad de la piel citada en diversas regionesanatómicas; simetría torácica (58%); ausculta pulmonar(53%); higiene de la cabeza (53%); edema de extremidades(53%); linfonodos del cuello, perfusión periférica e higienede los genitales con 42% respectivamente. Se concluyeque los ítenes utilizados por los enfermeros al evaluar elanciano hospitalizado son deficitarios tanto acerca delconocimiento teórico cuanto en la habilidad práctica

    A eficácia da aplicabilidade do PNAIC em conjunto com o Sistema SEFE no 1º ano do ensino fundamental

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    Orientador : Noemia Hepp PankeArtigo (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica, Curso de Especialização em Mídias Integradas na Educação.Inclui referência

    Dialog społeczny jako narzędzie rozwiązywania konfliktów w obszarze bezpieczeństwa - mediacje i negocjacje społeczne. cz. II

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    W artykule omówiono jeden ze sposobów realizacji ochrony ludności w tym bezpieczeństwa powszechnego tj. efektywne zarządzanie kryzysowe. Zidentyfikowano obszary zastosowania dialogu społeczny w procesie zarządzania kryzysowego.The article describes one of the civil defense realization mode which includes public safety. It is ensured by effective crisis management. There are identified areas in crisis management process where social dialogue should be used

    Uwagi na tle kodeksowej regulacji kar administracyjnych

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    Remarks regarding penalties regulated in the Code of Administrative ProcedureOn 1 June 2017 an amendment to the Code of Administrative Procedure entered into force. The amendment introduced new legal solutions that will speed up administrative procedures and make procedures more efficient. The amendment introduces extensive changes, including administrative penalties. According to the new provisions, during making the decision on penalties, the body is obliged to take into account the circumstances of the case, such as gravity of the offence, fact of previous punishment for the same behavior or the personal conditions of party. It shall be noted that another regulations imposes mandatory withdrawal from punishment in case on occurring at least one of the premises indicated in the provision. This amendment introduces also 5-year limitation period for sentencing the party and its execution