263 research outputs found

    Forest fire research in Finland

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    Sukupolvien ketju : Suuret ikäluokat ja sukupolvien välinen vuorovaikutus Suomessa

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    Tutkimuksessa selvitään sukulaisten välistä vuorovaikutusta sekä avunantoa suomalaisissa perheissä ja suvuissa. Tutkimuskohteena on kolme perhesukupolvea: suuret ikäluokat, heidän aikuiset lapsensa ja vanhempansa, joista on kerätty laaja postikysely-, lomakehaastattelu- ja teemahaastatteluaineisto. Tutkimuskysymysten muodostamisessa ja tulosten tarkastelussa hyödynnetään aikaisempaa sosiologista sukupolvi- ja perhetutkimusta sekä evoluutioteorian esittämiä vastavuoroisuutta ja altruismia koskevia teorioita ja tuloksia. Tutkimuksessa kysytään, miten eri sukupolvet auttavat toisiaan, millaisia sukupolvikohtaisia eroja auttamiskäytännöissä esiintyy ja mitkä taustatekijät selittävät auttamista. Lisäksi selvitetään sukulaisten auttamisasenteita ja tyytyväisyyttä saatuun apuun sekä auttamiseen liittyviä ristiriitoja. Näiden ohella tarkastellaan, miten sukupolvien väliset sosiaaliset suhteet kytkeytyvät auttamiskäytäntöihin. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että sukulaisapu on tärkeä tekijä ihmisten välisessä vuorovaikutuksessa. Ihmiset ovat eniten yhteydessä biologisiin sukulaisiinsa, auttavat heitä eniten ja saavat heiltä eniten apua. Mitä keskeisemmästä avun muodosta on kysymys, sitä tärkeämpiä lähisukulaiset ovat. Toisaalta apua annetaan useille eri sukulaisille, mutta avun nettovirta kulkee sukulinjassa vanhemmilta nuoremmille polville. Keskeinen tulos onkin se, että suuret ikäluokat antavat apua enemmän lapsilleen kuin vanhemmilleen. Sukupolvien väliset erot auttamisessa liittyvät yleensä vastaajien ikään tai elämänvaiheeseen. Vastaajat ovat tavallisesti saaneet pyytäessään apua ja ovat yleensä myös tyytyväisiä saamaansa apuun. Sukulaisten auttaminen onkin valtaosalle itsestään selvää riippumatta siitä, koetaanko sitä varsinaisesti velvollisuudeksi. Huolimatta siitä, että sukulaisten auttaminen on runsasta, vain harvat mieltävät esimerkiksi vanhusten auttamisen yksinomaan perheen velvollisuudeksi.11,00 euro

    The m.7510T > C mutation: Hearing impairment and a complex neurologic phenotype

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    Objectives: Mutations in mitochondrial DNA cause a variety of clinical phenotypes ranging from a mild hearing impairment (HI) to severe encephalomyopathy. The MT-TS1 gene is a hotspot for mutations causing HI. The m.7510T>C mutation in MT-TS1 has been previously associated with non-syndromic HI in four families from different ethnic backgrounds.Materials and Methods: We describe the clinical, genetic, and histopathological findings in a Finnish family with the heteroplasmic m.7510T>C mutation in mitochondrial DNA.ResultsThe family proband presented with a progressive mitochondrial disease phenotype including migraine, epilepsy, mild ataxia, and cognitive impairment in addition to HI. One young adult presented with HI only. Other family members had a mild phenotype comprising ataxia and tremor in addition to HI. Mutation heteroplasmy was 90% in the blood of maternal grandmother and 99% in the muscle and blood of the three other family members. Muscle histology was consistent with mitochondrial myopathy in three family members. The mitochondrial haplogroup of the family was a different branch of the haplogroup H than in the previous reports of this mutation.Conclusion: Our results suggest that, in addition to sensorineural HI, the m.7510T>C mutation is associated with a spectrum of mitochondrial disease clinical features including migraine, epilepsy, cognitive impairment, ataxia, and tremor, and with evidence of mitochondrial myopathy

    Mitochondrial DNA variation in sudden cardiac death: a population-based study

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    Cardiomyopathy and cardiac conduction defects are common manifestations of mitochondrial disease. Previous studies suggest that clinically asymptomatic individuals harbouring pathogenic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations in the cardiac muscle may have sudden cardiac death (SCD) as the first manifestation of mitochondrial disease. We investigated the contribution of pathogenic mtDNA point mutations and mtDNA haplogroups in cardiac muscle in a cohort of 280 Finnish subjects that had died from non-ischaemic SCD with the median age of death at 59 years and in 537 population controls. We did not find any common or novel pathogenic mutations, but the frequency of haplogroup H1 was higher in the SCD subjects than that in 537 population controls (odds ratio: 1.76, confidence interval 95%: 1.02–3.04). We conclude that, at the population level, pathogenic point mutations in mtDNA do not contribute to non-ischaemic SCD, but natural variation may modify the risk.</p

    The ‘microflora hypothesis’ of allergic diseases

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    Increasingly, epidemiologic and clinical data support the hypothesis that perturbations in the gastrointestinal (GI) microbiota because of antibiotic use and dietary differences in ‘industrialized’ countries have disrupted the normal microbiota-mediated mechanisms of immunological tolerance in the mucosa, leading to an increase in the incidence of allergic airway disease. The data supporting this ‘microflora hypothesis’ includes correlations between allergic airway disease and (1) antibiotic use early in life, (2) altered fecal microbiota and (3) dietary changes over the past two decades. Our laboratory has recently demonstrated that mice can develop allergic airway responses to allergens if their endogenous microbiota is altered at the time of first allergen exposure. These experimental and clinical observations are consistent with other studies demonstrating that the endogenous microbiota plays a significant role in shaping the development of the immune system. Data are beginning to accumulate that a ‘balanced’ microbiota plays a positive role in maintaining mucosal immunologic tolerance long after post-natal development. Other studies have demonstrated that even small volumes delivered to the nasopharynx largely end up in the GI tract, suggesting that airway tolerance and oral tolerance may operate simultaneously. The mechanism of microbiota modulation of host immunity is not known; however, host and microbial oxylipins are one potential set of immunomodulatory molecules that may control mucosal tolerance. The cumulative data are beginning to support the notion that probiotic and prebiotic strategies be considered for patients coming off of antibiotic therapy.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73451/1/j.1365-2222.2005.02379.x.pd

    Quantitative High-Throughput Screening Identifies 8-Hydroxyquinolines as Cell-Active Histone Demethylase Inhibitors

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    Small molecule modulators of epigenetic processes are currently sought as basic probes for biochemical mechanisms, and as starting points for development of therapeutic agents. N(epsilon)-Methylation of lysine residues on histone tails is one of a number of post-translational modifications that together enable transcriptional regulation. Histone lysine demethylases antagonize the action of histone methyltransferases in a site- and methylation state-specific manner. N(epsilon)-Methyllysine demethylases that use 2-oxoglutarate as co-factor are associated with diverse human diseases, including cancer, inflammation and X-linked mental retardation; they are proposed as targets for the therapeutic modulation of transcription. There are few reports on the identification of templates that are amenable to development as potent inhibitors in vivo and large diverse collections have yet to be exploited for the discovery of demethylase inhibitors

    Parkinson's disease age at onset genome-wide association study : Defining heritability, genetic loci, and α-synuclein mechanisms

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    Background Increasing evidence supports an extensive and complex genetic contribution to PD. Previous genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have shed light on the genetic basis of risk for this disease. However, the genetic determinants of PD age at onset are largely unknown. Objectives To identify the genetic determinants of PD age at onset. Methods Using genetic data of 28,568 PD cases, we performed a genome-wide association study based on PD age at onset. Results We estimated that the heritability of PD age at onset attributed to common genetic variation was similar to 0.11, lower than the overall heritability of risk for PD (similar to 0.27), likely, in part, because of the subjective nature of this measure. We found two genome-wide significant association signals, one at SNCA and the other a protein-coding variant in TMEM175, both of which are known PD risk loci and a Bonferroni-corrected significant effect at other known PD risk loci, GBA, INPP5F/BAG3, FAM47E/SCARB2, and MCCC1. Notably, SNCA, TMEM175, SCARB2, BAG3, and GBA have all been shown to be implicated in alpha-synuclein aggregation pathways. Remarkably, other well-established PD risk loci, such as GCH1 and MAPT, did not show a significant effect on age at onset of PD. Conclusions Overall, we have performed the largest age at onset of PD genome-wide association studies to date, and our results show that not all PD risk loci influence age at onset with significant differences between risk alleles for age at onset. This provides a compelling picture, both within the context of functional characterization of disease-linked genetic variability and in defining differences between risk alleles for age at onset, or frank risk for disease. (c) 2019 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder SocietyPeer reviewe

    The treatment of migraines and tension-type headaches with intravenous and oral niacin (nicotinic acid): systematic review of the literature

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    BACKGROUND: Migraine and tension-type headaches impose a tremendous economic drain upon the healthcare system. Intravenous and oral niacin has been employed in the treatment of acute and chronic migraine and tension-type headaches, but its use has not become part of contemporary medicine, nor have there been randomized controlled trials further assessing this novel treatment. We aimed to systematically review the evidence of using intravenous and/or oral niacin as a treatment for migraine headaches, tension-type headaches, and for headaches of other etiologic types. METHODS: We searched English and non-English language articles in the following databases: MEDLINE (1966–February 2004), AMED (1995–February 2004) and Alt HealthWatch (1990–February 2004). RESULTS: Nine articles were found to meet the inclusion criteria and were included in this systematic review. Hypothetical reasons for niacin's effectiveness include its vasodilatory properties, and its ability to improve mitochondrial energy metabolism. Important side effects of niacin include flushing, nausea and fainting. CONCLUSION: Although niacin's mechanisms of action have not been substantiated from controlled clinical trials, this agent may have beneficial effects upon migraine and tension-type headaches. Adequately designed randomized trials are required to determine its clinical implications
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