6 research outputs found

    Scenarios for Improving Business of a Beekeeping Farm – Case Study

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    Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi mogućnosti unapređenja poslovanja odabranog pčelarskog gospodarstva kojemu su na raspolaganju četiri scenarija: 1. Seleći način pčelarenja, 2. Proširenje palete proizvoda, 3. Prodaja proizvoda na tržnicama i otvorenim prostorima te 4. Izvoz meda na inozemno tržište. Najisplativijim scenarijima pokazali su se proširenje palete proizvoda i izvoz meda na inozemno tržište, ali moguća je i kombinacija predloženih scenarija.The aim of this paper is to detect possibilities for improving business of the selected beekeeping farm which has four scenarios available: 1. migratory beekeeping; 2. increasing the range of products; 3. selling at market places and open-air shops; and 4. export of honey. Increased range of products and export to a foreign market proved to be the most profitable scenarios, but scenarios can be combined as well

    Determination of agricultural development at the croatian counties level

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    U radu je uspoređena razvijenost poljoprivrede četiriju županija Republike Hrvatske- Varaždinske, Međimurske, Bjelovarsko-bilogorske i Koprivničko-križevačke županije. Usporedba je napravljena pomoću metode analitičkog hijerarhijskog procesa (AHP), a kriteriji koji su se koristili za usporedbu su ekonomski, strukturalni i isplaćene potpore u poljoprivredi. Međimurska županija se prema odabranim kriterijima i podkriterijima vrednovanja pokazala najrazvijenijom županijom od četiriju analiziranih. Najbolja je u ekonomskim pokazateljima, dok u strukturalnim i potporama zaostaje. Prema provedenoj analizi najmanje razvijena poljoprivreda prisutna je u Koprivničko- križevačkoj županiji.The paper presents the agricultural comparison of four countries in Croatia, Varaždin, Međimurje, Bjelovar-Bilogora and Koprivnica-Križevci Country. The comparison is performed by the multicriteria analysis method- analytical hierarchy process and the criteriums which are used for comparison are economic, structural and subsidies. Međimurje Country is the best developed of the four countries according to the criteriums and subcriteriums. Economic indicators has the best values, but structural indicators and subsidies are lagging. Country which is the most undeveloped is Koprivnica- Križevci Country

    Determination of agricultural development at the croatian counties level

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    U radu je uspoređena razvijenost poljoprivrede četiriju županija Republike Hrvatske- Varaždinske, Međimurske, Bjelovarsko-bilogorske i Koprivničko-križevačke županije. Usporedba je napravljena pomoću metode analitičkog hijerarhijskog procesa (AHP), a kriteriji koji su se koristili za usporedbu su ekonomski, strukturalni i isplaćene potpore u poljoprivredi. Međimurska županija se prema odabranim kriterijima i podkriterijima vrednovanja pokazala najrazvijenijom županijom od četiriju analiziranih. Najbolja je u ekonomskim pokazateljima, dok u strukturalnim i potporama zaostaje. Prema provedenoj analizi najmanje razvijena poljoprivreda prisutna je u Koprivničko- križevačkoj županiji.The paper presents the agricultural comparison of four countries in Croatia, Varaždin, Međimurje, Bjelovar-Bilogora and Koprivnica-Križevci Country. The comparison is performed by the multicriteria analysis method- analytical hierarchy process and the criteriums which are used for comparison are economic, structural and subsidies. Međimurje Country is the best developed of the four countries according to the criteriums and subcriteriums. Economic indicators has the best values, but structural indicators and subsidies are lagging. Country which is the most undeveloped is Koprivnica- Križevci Country

    Determination of agricultural development at the croatian counties level

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    U radu je uspoređena razvijenost poljoprivrede četiriju županija Republike Hrvatske- Varaždinske, Međimurske, Bjelovarsko-bilogorske i Koprivničko-križevačke županije. Usporedba je napravljena pomoću metode analitičkog hijerarhijskog procesa (AHP), a kriteriji koji su se koristili za usporedbu su ekonomski, strukturalni i isplaćene potpore u poljoprivredi. Međimurska županija se prema odabranim kriterijima i podkriterijima vrednovanja pokazala najrazvijenijom županijom od četiriju analiziranih. Najbolja je u ekonomskim pokazateljima, dok u strukturalnim i potporama zaostaje. Prema provedenoj analizi najmanje razvijena poljoprivreda prisutna je u Koprivničko- križevačkoj županiji.The paper presents the agricultural comparison of four countries in Croatia, Varaždin, Međimurje, Bjelovar-Bilogora and Koprivnica-Križevci Country. The comparison is performed by the multicriteria analysis method- analytical hierarchy process and the criteriums which are used for comparison are economic, structural and subsidies. Međimurje Country is the best developed of the four countries according to the criteriums and subcriteriums. Economic indicators has the best values, but structural indicators and subsidies are lagging. Country which is the most undeveloped is Koprivnica- Križevci Country

    Scenarios for Improving Business of a Beekeeping Farm – Case Study

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    The aim of this paper is to detect possibilities for improving business of the selected beekeeping farm which has four scenarios available: 1. migratory beekeeping; 2. increasing the range of products; 3. selling at market places and open-air shops; and 4. export of honey. Increased range of products and export to a foreign market proved to be the most profitable scenarios, but scenarios can be combined as well

    Scenarios for Improving Business of a Beekeeping Farm – Case Study

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    Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi mogućnosti unapređenja poslovanja odabranog pčelarskog gospodarstva kojemu su na raspolaganju četiri scenarija: 1. Seleći način pčelarenja, 2. Proširenje palete proizvoda, 3. Prodaja proizvoda na tržnicama i otvorenim prostorima te 4. Izvoz meda na inozemno tržište. Najisplativijim scenarijima pokazali su se proširenje palete proizvoda i izvoz meda na inozemno tržište, ali moguća je i kombinacija predloženih scenarija.The aim of this paper is to detect possibilities for improving business of the selected beekeeping farm which has four scenarios available: 1. migratory beekeeping; 2. increasing the range of products; 3. selling at market places and open-air shops; and 4. export of honey. Increased range of products and export to a foreign market proved to be the most profitable scenarios, but scenarios can be combined as well