56 research outputs found

    Breastfeeding success in low birth weight infants

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    Breastfeeding is a fundamental public health issue since it promotes health, prevents disease and helps contribute to reducing health inequalities. It provides the foundation for a healthy start in life and prevents disease in the short and long-term for babies and their mothers. The aim of the study was to point out the incidence of breastfeeding among low birth weight (LBW) infants and factors that can influence it. We want to show that breastfeeding can be set independently of serious medical complication even in LBW infants. All LBW preterm (birth weight of up to 1500 g) admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) from 2009 to 2011 were investigated. All LBW preterm infants had their mothers with them. The study included 69 preemies with a gestational age from 25 to 32. About 36% of infants were breastfeed, 29% were fed with their motherā€™s milk, and 35% were fed a combination of motherā€™s milk and industrial preparations. Severe medical complications were not connected with successful breastfeeding in our study. Success of breastfeeding is statistically connected only with the gender of the preemie or a premature infant, and with the duration of bottle feeding. In observing the impact of complication (cerebral haemorrhage, asphyxia, mechanical ventilation and infection) on the success of breastfeeding there was no statistically significant difference. The manner in which breastfeeding begins is very important in LBW infants. When a premature baby begins to breastfeed, it is best to not to add milk from the bottle (despite weight loss)

    A correlation between nano and micro-hardness properties of TiN nanoparticles strengthened SAF 2205

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    Abstract : This work studied the correlation between Vickers and nano-hardness of SAF 2205 reinforced with TiN nanoparticles for the convenience of assessing its mechanical properties. Spark plasma sintering was used to fabricate the composites. Micro and nanoindentations were performed to determine micro and nanohardness values of the fabricated composite. Optical microscope was used to assess the microstructure. The microstructure revealed that the TiN dominated the ferrite/ferrite, ferrite/austenite and austenite/austenite grain boundaries. The micro and nanohardness at the TiN dominated grain boundaries were higher compared to the grain hardness. Hardness also increased considerably as the TiN nanoparticles increases. This is also owed to the strengthening effect played by TiN at the grain boundaries by disrupting dislocation motion in the composite. The determined Vickers hardness was plotted as a function of the corresponding nanohardness, a good linear relation was found between Vickers hardness and nanohardness. A linear relationship (HV = 215.15 + 15.03Hnano) was established which indicates that there is no difference in behavior for the Vickers hardness and nano- hardness

    Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Newborns of Gestational Age of over 32 Weeks

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    Albeit the aetiology of the respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is well known, the paper shall demonstrate that the causes of RDS changed over the years 2006 and 2010. This retrospective study comprises analysis of the data collected from 60 newborns of over 32 weeks gestation with RDS in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Clinical Hospital Centre in Osijek. The focus of the paper lies in the difference in the incidence of RDS over two research periods (2006 and 2010), the most common and possible causes of RDS in newborns of over 32 weeks gestation as well as in the potential changes in the aetiology over the two research periods. An increase in the incidence of RDS was established in 2010, but it was statistically significant only for newborns of gestational age of 35 1/7 to 36 6/7 weeks. The most common cause of RDS in both research periods was sepsis, which decreased in its share in 2010, whereas the incidence of asphyxia and complications during pregnancy increased. The new potential cause in 2010 was maternal thrombophilia. The share of unknown causes of RDS decreased, although not significantly so. The results of the research indicate that the causes of RDS changed over the observed periods and that further research should focus on thrombophilia and other complications during pregnancy with the aim of reducing morbidity and improving neonatal outcomes as well as further reducing the incidence of RDS with unknown causes in newborns

    El derecho procesal en el arte, el cine, la literatura y la musica. Una primera lecciĆ³n para neĆ³fitos

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    [Procedural Law in Art, Literature, Cinema and Music: A first lesson for beginners]. This paper shows, through different examples, how Art, Literature, Cinema and Music reflect Procedural Law. Its aim is to become a first lesson for beginners

    Kriteriji izvrsnosti u humanistici

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    Originally, excellence in the humanities used to be seen as an agonistic and patrician virtue which relies on the Promethean hybris of the subject of the humanities. This hero of the spirit was supposed to embody the highest human virtues (as seen through the liberal civilizational prism): cosmopolitism, liberalism, philanthropy. However, the present-day meaning and use of the term excellence is determined by the idea of quality developed in organizational sciences, and, in addition to being invoked by corporations, it is also referred to by governments and ministries. The idea is based on the assumption that the quality of the product primarily depends on the organization of the work process. Therefore, the criterion of fulfilling organizational demands (such as the demand for networking, recognizability, dissemination, etc.) is imposed on the humanities as fundamental. In this situation, the hero of the spirit gives way to the end user as the dominant figure driving the rhetoric of corporate excellence. Thus, the humanities find themselves in a position where communication with the socially predominant, corporate-centered, paradigm is difficult.Izvorno je izvrsnost u humanistici shvaćena kao agonistička i patricijska vrlina koja se oslanjala na prometejski hybris subjekta humanistike. Taj je heroj duha imao u sebi utjeloviti najviÅ”e ljudske vrline (shvaćene kroz liberalno-civilizacijsku prizmu): kozmopolitizam, liberalizam, filantropiju. No trenutno su značenje i upotreba termina izvrsnost određeni idejom kvalitete razvijenom u organizacijskim znanostima, na koju se, osim korporacija, pozivaju i vlade i ministarstva. Ta ideja počiva na pretpostavci da kvaliteta proizvoda ovisi prvenstveno o organizaciji radnih procesa. Zbog toga se i humanistici kao temeljni kriterij izvrsnosti nameće onaj ispunjavanja organizacijskih zahtjeva poput: zahtjeva za umreženoŔću, za prepoznatljivoŔću, za diseminacijom itd. U takvoj je situaciji heroj duha ustupio mjesto krajnjem korisniku kao dominantnoj figuri na koju se nadovezuje retorika korporacijske izvrsnosti. Humanistika se tako zatiče u poziciji otežane komunikacije s prevladavajućom druÅ”tvenom paradigmom oblikovanom prema korporacijskom uzoru

    Nurses are our future

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    Tačkasta lucerkina vaŔ, Therioaphis trifolii (Monell) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) - Ŕtetočina lucerke u Srbiji

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    Spotted alfalfa aphid Therioaphis trifolii (Monell) (Hemiptera, Aphididae) is one of the most important alfalfa pest on the world. Also, it is the most abundant alfalfa aphid in Serbia. This aphid cause damage to alfalfa directly by feeding and indirectly by vectoring plant-pathogenic viruses. Some notes of morphology, host plants, damage, biology, vector role and distribution of spotted alfalfa aphid are given. Abundance of this aphid on alfalfa, influence of climates changes on its abundance, as well as the most important natural enemies (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae and Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) in Serbia were analyzed.Tačkasta lucerkina vaÅ” Therioaphis trifolii (Monell) (Hemiptera, Aphididae) jedna je od najznačajnijih Å”tetočina lucerke u svetu, takođe, to je najbrojnija vaÅ” na lucerki u Srbiji. Pored direktnih Å”teta koje nanosi ona je i vektor najznačajnijih virusa lucerke. U radu su prikazani osnovni marfoloÅ”ki podaci, biljke domaćini, Å”tetnost, biologija razvića, vektorska uloga i rasprostranjenje tačkaste lucerkine vaÅ”i. Analizirana je njena brojnost na lucerki, uticaj klimatskih promena na povećanje brojnosti, kao i najznačajniji prirodni neprijatelji (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae i Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) na teritoriji Srbije

    Kegiatan Apresiasi Sastra Murid Sekolah Pendidikan Guru DKI Jakarta

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    Unconjugated Pathological Jaundice in Newborns

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    Neonatal jaundice is the occurrence of elevated bilirubin levels in the blood. It may be physiological or pathological. If the concentration of non-conjugated bilirubin in the blood is too high, it breaches the blood brain barrier and bilirubin encephalopathy occurs with serious consequences for the child. The aim of the research was to examine the incidence frequency of unconjugated pathologic jaundice in newborns and connect it to some epidemiological variations (medical, social, demographic) as well as to prove the increased frequency of jaundice in children born by stimulation and labour induction. The study included 800 infants: 198 (24.8%) of them did, and 602 (75.2%) did not suffer from jaundice. Statistical analysis confirmed the association between the onset of jaundice in newborns and the following parameters: gestational age, birth weight, maternal infections and other illnesses during pregnancy and premature rupture of membranes as complications during labor and the mode of delivery

    Un tƩ en la sala rosa

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