19 research outputs found

    Analysis of TFF3 presence in skin tumours

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    CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoji li izražaj TFF3 proteina u primarnim tumorima kože, postoje li značajne razlike u izražaju TFF3 proteina u zdravoj koži i tumorski promijenjenoj koži te postoje li značajne razlike između različitih vrsta tumora kože. USTROJ STUDIJE. Uzorci su imunohistokemijski obojeni, histomorfoloÅ”ki analizirani svjetlosnim mikroskopom (kvalitativno) i semikvantitivno je analizirana jačina signala brojanjem TFF3 pozitivnih stanica. MATERIJAL I METODE. Istraživanje je provedeno na sveukupno 53 uzorka, 12 uzoraka zdrave kože, 14 uzoraka bazocelularnog karcinoma, 15 uzoraka planocelularnog karcinoma i 12 uzoraka malignog melanoma. Preparati su imunohistokemijski obrađeni te analizirani pomoću svjetlosnog mikroskopa. Dobiveni podaci obrađeni su u statističkom programu MedCalc Statistical Software version 15.11.4 (MedCalc Software bvba, Ostend, Belgium). REZULTATI. MorfoloÅ”kom analizom uočen je izražaj TFF3 proteina u primarnim tumorima kože, kao i u epidermisu zdrave kože. Izražaj TFF3 proteina bio je statistički značajno manji kod bazocelularnog i planocelularnog karcinoma kože u odnosu na zdravu kožu, za razliku od tumora dojke gdje postoji povećani izražaj TFF3 proteina. Između različitih tumora kože nije nađena značajna razlika u izražaju TFF3 proteina. ZAKLJUČAK. Postoji izražaj TFF3 proteina u primarnim tumorima kože, ali se po intenzitetu značajno ne razlikuje među pojedinim tipovima tumora. Izražaj TFF3 značajno je manji u bazocelularnom i planocelularnom karcinomu nego u zdravoj koži.OBJECTIVES. The aim of this study was to determine is there any expression of TFF3 protein in primary skin tumours, whether there are significant differences in the expression of TFF3 protein in healthy skin and skin tumours and are there any significant differences between the different types of skin cancer. STUDY DESIGN. The samples were stained using immunohistochemistry, histomorphologically analyzed by light microscopy (qualitative) and the signal strength was semiquantitatively analyzed by counting TFF3 positive cells. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The study was conducted on a total of 53 samples, 12 samples of healthy skin, 14 samples of basal cell carcinoma, 15 samples of squamous cell carcinoma and 12 samples of malignant melanoma. Slides were processed and analyzed by immunohistochemistry using a light microscope. The obtained data were processed using statistical program MedCalc Statistical Software version 15.11.4 (MedCalc Software BVBA, Ostend, Belgium). RESULTS. Expression of TFF3 protein was noticed in primary skin tumours as well as in the epidermis of healthy skin by morphological analysis. The expression of TFF3 protein was significantly lower in basal cell and squamous cell skin cancer compared to healthy skin, unlike breast cancer where there is an increased expression of the TFF3 protein. Among the various types of skin cancer there was not a significant difference in the expression of proteins TFF3. CONCLUSION. TFF3 protein expression was present in primary tumours of the skin but no significant differentes were cound in staining intensity between different tumour types. TFF3 expression was significantly lower in the basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma than in healthy skin

    Vrijednost genotipizacije humanoga papiloma virusa u praćenju bolesnica s premalignim promjenama i početnim karcinomom vrata maternice nakon liječenja konizacijom [The value of HPV-HR DNA testing during the follow-up after the treatment of preinvasive disease of cervix uteri]

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    Aims: We performed this study in order to improve diagnostic accuracy of the follow-up protocol after a treatment for preinvasive cervical disease, at the same time reducing the number of overtreated patients. Patients and methods: One hundred and fourteen patients were followed up after conization for CIN3 and/or AIS at 3-6 month, 9-12 month and 18-24 month intervals, then yearly. The follow-up consisted of cytology, colposcopy with biopsy if needed and HPV testing. The endpoint of the study was a secondary treatment due to a high suspicion of resdidual/recurrent disease or disease free period of at least 24 months. Results: The median follow-up time was 41 months (5-72 months). In predicting residual/recurrent disease cytology had a specificity of 88.9%, sensitivity of 100%, PPV of 33.3% and a NPV of 100% whereas HPV had a specificity of 76.9%, sensitivity of 100%, PPV of 21.4% and a NPV of 100%. Conclusion: According to our results both tests can be used as a primary follow-up tool after conization. The choice should depend on a socio-economic aspect. In our setting the HPV test should be done only in those patients with a positive smear any time during follow-up as the point of decision for a second treatment. With this approach we could considerably decrease the number of reoperated patients and co-morbidities


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    Objectives. Our first short-term results of transobturator mesh interposition (Perigee System) for the correction of cystoceles are presented. Methods. This is our initial study on 22 women with cystocele > Grade 2 who underwent the Perigee procedure in our Center between January 2006 and March 2007. In 15 cases lateral cystocele defect was Ā¬diagnosed, whereas other 7 patients had central anterior vaginal wall defect. All patients were assessed by POP-Q staging. Results. The anatomical and functional reconstruction of anterior vaginal wall was achieved in all patients. Preoperatively, mean POP-Q Aa value was +1.1 (Ā± 0.3) and Ba value was + 1.9 (Ā± 1.3) . No major intraoperative or immediate postoperative complications were observed. One and three months postoperatively, mean POP-Q Aa value was ā€“ 2.9 (Ā± 0.21) and ā€“ 2.82 (Ā± 0.1) respectively and Ba was ā€“2.85 (Ā± 0.4) and ā€“ 2.8 (Ā± 0.23) respectively. Patientsā€™ satisfaction and the imposing short-time surgical outcome were achieved in all cases after three months follow-up. Conclusion. We consider Perigee procedure to be highly efficacious, minimally invasive and easy technique for correction of anterior vaginal wall defects.Cilj rada. Prikazati preliminarne rezultate transobturatornog pristupa korekcije cistocela metodom Perigee. Metode. 22 bolesnice s cistocelom drugog stupnja podvrgnute su u naÅ”oj ustanovi metodi Perigee u vremenskom razdoblju između sječnja 2006. i ožujka 2007. godine. U 15 bolesnica dijagnosticirano je lateralno paravaginalno oÅ”tećenje, dok je u 7 bolesnica verificirano centralno oÅ”tećenje prednje vaginale stijenke. Rezultati. Anatomska i funkcionalna korekcija prednje vaginalne stijenke ovom metodom postignuta je kod svih bolesnica. Preoperativno, srednja vrijednost POP-Q Aa točke bila je +1.1 (Ā± 0.3) a Ba točle + 1.9 (Ā± 1.3). Nije bilo intraoperativnih ni perioperativnih komplikacija zahvata. Jedan i tri mjeseca nakon zahvata, srednja vrijednost točke POP-Q Aa bila je ā€“ 2.9 (Ā± 0.21) i ā€“ 2.82 (Ā± 0.1) dok je srednja vrijednost točke Ba bila ā€“2.85 (Ā± 0.4) i ā€“ 2.8 (Ā± 0.23). Zaključak. Smatramo da je Perigee metoda jednostavna, Ā¬neinvazivna i učinkovita metoda korekcije defekata svih tipova cistokela

    Dietary habits of pregnant women in Banja Luka region

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    Trudnoda je posebno i jedinstveno stanje, podrazumijeva mnogobrojne promjene unutar organizma majke, s ciljem održanja i razvoja trudnoće, prevencije imunoloÅ”ke reakcije odbacivanja fetusa, te održanja homeostaze organizma majke. Pravilna i izbalansirana prehrana nužna je za održanje organizma majke u optimalnom stanju tijekom ovog izazovnog perioda, ali od posebnog je značaja utjecaj na pravilan razvoj novog organizma, te i za njegovo dugoročno, odnosno cjeloživotno zdravlje. Cilj rada je ispitati prehrambene navike trudnica na području grada Banja Luka, BIH. Presječnim istraživanjem obuhvaćeno je 120 trudnica različitog stupnja obrazovanja i različitog socioekonomskog statusa. Ispitivanje je provedeno primjenom prigodnog anonimnog jednokratnog upitnika koji je obuhvatio osnovne podatke o ispitanicama potrebne za karakterizaciju ispitivane skupine, skupinu pitanja usmjerenu na procjenu vrste hrane kroz obroke, skupinu pitanja usmjerenu na procjenu zastupljenosti pojedinih vrsta namirnica, skupinu pitanja o vrsti konzumirane tekućine i načinu pripreme hrane, te skupinu pitanja o dodacima prehrani, odnosno konzumaciji kave i puÅ”enju cigareta. Rezultati su ukazali na loÅ”e prehrambene navike u ispitivanoj skupini te na potrebu edukacije kroz savjetovaliÅ”ta za trudnice.Pregnancy is a special and unique phase of life which brings many changes in mothers body to purport developing child, prevent imunological reaction of foetal death and to keep homeostatis in organism. Healthy diet is important to maintain womans body during this sensitive and challenging period but it is even more important for developing child during in utero life but also for lifelong health. Aim of this study was to assess dietary habits of pregnant woman in Banjaluka in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Cross sectional study encompassed 120 pregnant women. The data collection was conducted by single anonimous questionnaire which included generall questions about participant, questions regarding types of food by meal, food frequency section, and lifestyle questions. Results revealed poor diet in studied group and need for education through support group

    Dietary habits of pregnant women in Banja Luka region

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    Trudnoda je posebno i jedinstveno stanje, podrazumijeva mnogobrojne promjene unutar organizma majke, s ciljem održanja i razvoja trudnoće, prevencije imunoloÅ”ke reakcije odbacivanja fetusa, te održanja homeostaze organizma majke. Pravilna i izbalansirana prehrana nužna je za održanje organizma majke u optimalnom stanju tijekom ovog izazovnog perioda, ali od posebnog je značaja utjecaj na pravilan razvoj novog organizma, te i za njegovo dugoročno, odnosno cjeloživotno zdravlje. Cilj rada je ispitati prehrambene navike trudnica na području grada Banja Luka, BIH. Presječnim istraživanjem obuhvaćeno je 120 trudnica različitog stupnja obrazovanja i različitog socioekonomskog statusa. Ispitivanje je provedeno primjenom prigodnog anonimnog jednokratnog upitnika koji je obuhvatio osnovne podatke o ispitanicama potrebne za karakterizaciju ispitivane skupine, skupinu pitanja usmjerenu na procjenu vrste hrane kroz obroke, skupinu pitanja usmjerenu na procjenu zastupljenosti pojedinih vrsta namirnica, skupinu pitanja o vrsti konzumirane tekućine i načinu pripreme hrane, te skupinu pitanja o dodacima prehrani, odnosno konzumaciji kave i puÅ”enju cigareta. Rezultati su ukazali na loÅ”e prehrambene navike u ispitivanoj skupini te na potrebu edukacije kroz savjetovaliÅ”ta za trudnice.Pregnancy is a special and unique phase of life which brings many changes in mothers body to purport developing child, prevent imunological reaction of foetal death and to keep homeostatis in organism. Healthy diet is important to maintain womans body during this sensitive and challenging period but it is even more important for developing child during in utero life but also for lifelong health. Aim of this study was to assess dietary habits of pregnant woman in Banjaluka in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Cross sectional study encompassed 120 pregnant women. The data collection was conducted by single anonimous questionnaire which included generall questions about participant, questions regarding types of food by meal, food frequency section, and lifestyle questions. Results revealed poor diet in studied group and need for education through support group

    The Efficacy and Safety of Solifenacin in Patients with Overactive Bladder Syndrome

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    The aim of the randomised, double blind, placebo controlled study was to evaluate the efficacy, tolerability and safety of solifenacin, a once-daily M3 selective receptor antagonist, in patients with overactive bladder syndrome. Following a single blind 2-week placebo run in period, patients who complained from symptoms of OAB for at least 6 months, were randomized to 4 weeks of solifenacin in 5 mg once daily doses or placebo. 171 patients were enrolled in the study and 157 patients completed the study. Patients with solifenacin had significantly improved micturitions per 24 hours after first week of treatment (1.75Ā±0.63 vs. 2.64Ā±0.48, p<0.001), and after four weeks (1.56Ā±0.58 vs. 2.71Ā±0.45, p<0.001)compared to placebo group. The mean number of urgency episodes per 24 hours had significantly decreased in patients with solifenacin compared to placebo after first week (5.75Ā±1.43 vs. 6.65Ā±0.65, p<0.001), and after four weeks of treatment (5.77Ā± 1.33 vs. 6.54Ā±0.50, p<0.001). Solifenacin was also significantly more effective than placebo in reducing the mean number of episodes of severe urgency from baseline to end point (5.83Ā±1.16 vs. 6.48Ā±0.50, p<0.001). Compared with changes obtained with placebo, episodes of urinary frequency were significanlty reduced after first week (0.3 vs. ā€“0.5, p<0.001) and four weeks check up periods in patients treated with solifenacin (0.19 vs. ā€“0.15, p<0.001). Episodes of nocturia was significantly reduced in patients treated with solifenacin after first week (0.3 vs. ā€“0.5, p<0.001), and after four weeks treatment period (0.45 vs. ā€“0.50, p<0.001). The number of incontinence episodes was also significantly decreased in solifenacin group compared to placebo group after first week (1.06Ā±0.57 vs. 2.74Ā±0.47, p<0.001) and four weeks check up (0.96Ā±0.57 vs. 2.75Ā±0.43, p<0.001). The most common adverse effects with solifenacin were dry mouth and constipation. Adverse effects were mild or moderate severity. The discontinuation rate owing to adverse effects was 4.5%ā€“6.7% with solifenacin and 3.8%ā€“6.1% with placebo, respectively. According to subjective estimation, significant improvement was achieved in 71 (92.21%) of patients treated with solifenacin and in 68(85%) patients treated with placebo there was no change in OAB symptoms compared to baseline values. UDI score was significantly improved after solifenacin (22.26Ā± 5.91 vs. 29.61Ā±8.45, p<0.001) compared to placebo. IIQ score was significantly decreased in patients with solifenacin (36.25Ā±10.34 vs. 46.86Ā±6.81, p<0.001) compared to placebo. In conclusion, solifenacin is a safe and effective treatment alternative for patients with overactive bladder symptoms

    X. broj časopisa Rostra - razgovor s bivŔim glavnim urednicima

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    Budući da je ovo X. broj časopisa Rostra, odlučili smo se vratiti unazad te napraviti intervjue sa bivÅ”im glavnim urednicima Rostre. Smatramo da ovim intervjuima imamo najsavrÅ”eniji uvid u stvaranje i razvoj ovog projekta koji je, kako su godine prolazile, postajao sve kvalitetniji. Bilo je uistinu lijepo porazgovarati sa ljudima koji su ideju iz glave prenijeli u jedan ovako hvalevrijedan projekt. Shodno tome, donosimo Vam intervjue s prvim glavim urednikom Eduardom Viskovićem, zatim dvogodiÅ”njom urednicom Lucijanom Lasić Nekić, urednikom Goranom Đurđevićem te Marinom Banovićem i kolegom iz aktualnog uredniÅ”tva KreÅ”imirom Baljkasom. Svi oni, na sebi svojstven način, daju osvrt o Rostri, izazovima i preprekama s kojima su se susretali tijekom svog mandata i koju to poruku ostavljaju mlađim generacijama. Ovim putem im zahvaljujem na vremenu izdvojenom za naÅ” časopis i nadam se da su ponosni Å”to su sudjelovali u stvaranju istog te da su zadovoljni na kojoj se razini Rostra nalazi 12 godina od njezinog pokretanja

    Exploring the interaction of Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) produced by Paraburkholderia phytofirmans PsJN with Arabidopsis thaliana roots

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    Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs), extracellular vesicles (EVs) produced by Gram-negative bacteria, are increasingly recognised as promising tools in biomedicine due to their innate ability to interact with human cells and trigger immune responses. The interaction of OMVs of plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) with plants, as well as with plant-pathogenic microorganisms, is far less explored. Considering the great importance of PGPBs for the development of sustainable, environmentally friendly solutions in agriculture, the study of the role of OMVs in PGPB-plant and PGPB-phytopathogen interactions holds valuable application potential. To investigate PGPB OMVs, we isolated and characterised OMVs produced by Paraburkholderia phytofirmans PsJN, a PGPB strain known to enhance plant resistance to various abiotic and biotic stresses. After testing different methods for isolating and purifying OMVs, a commercially available affinity-based column system was selected as the most efficient. Outer membrane origin of isolated OMVs was confirmed using an essay for detection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). To examine the interaction of OMVs with plant cells, Arabidopsis thaliana roots were incubated with isolated P. phytofirmans PsJN vesicles, previously labelled with lipid binding fluorescent dye Vybrantā„¢ DiD. Red signals were observed, under confocal laser scanning microscope, in root hairs and root surface in DiD-OMV treated plants, while in control-treated roots the same signals were missing. The results suggest direct contact of OMVs with root hairs, which are necessary for nutrient acquisition and plant-microbe interactions in rhizosphere. Our further research is focused on the characterization of OMV-associated RNA and its potential delivery into host plant cells.Small New World 2.0 4-5 September 2023., Graz, Austri

    Genome sequence diversity of SARS-CoV-2 in Serbia: insights gained from a 3-year pandemic study

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    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, has been evolving rapidly causing emergence of new variants and health uncertainties. Monitoring the evolution of the virus was of the utmost importance for public health interventions and the development of national and global mitigation strategies. Here, we report national data on the emergence of new variants, their distribution, and dynamics in a 3-year study conducted from March 2020 to the end of January 2023 in the Republic of Serbia. Nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs from 2,398 COVID-19-positive patients were collected and sequenced using three different next generation technologies: Oxford Nanopore, Ion Torrent, and DNBSeq. In the subset of 2,107 SARS-CoV-2 sequences which met the quality requirements, detection of mutations, assignment to SARS-CoV-2 lineages, and phylogenetic analysis were performed. During the 3-year period, we detected three variants of concern, namely, Alpha (5.6%), Delta (7.4%), and Omicron (70.3%) and one variant of interestā€”Omicron recombinant ā€œKrakenā€ (XBB1.5) (<1%), whereas 16.8% of the samples belonged to other SARS-CoV-2 (sub)lineages. The detected SARS-CoV-2 (sub)lineages resulted in eight COVID-19 pandemic waves in Serbia, which correspond to the pandemic waves reported in Europe and the United States. Wave dynamics in Serbia showed the most resemblance with the profile of pandemic waves in southern Europe, consistent with the southeastern European location of Serbia. The samples were assigned to sixteen SARS-CoV-2 Nextstrain clades: 20A, 20B, 20C, 20D, 20E, 20G, 20I, 21J, 21K, 21L, 22A, 22B, 22C, 22D, 22E, and 22F and six different Omicron recombinants (XZ, XAZ, XAS, XBB, XBF, and XBK). The 10 most common mutations detected in the coding and untranslated regions of the SARS-CoV-2 genomes included four mutations affecting the spike protein (S:D614G, S:T478K, S:P681H, and S:S477N) and one mutation at each of the following positions: 5ā€²-untranslated region (5ā€™UTR:241); N protein (N:RG203KR); NSP3 protein (NSP3:F106F); NSP4 protein (NSP4:T492I); NSP6 protein (NSP6: S106/G107/F108 - triple deletion), and NSP12b protein (NSP12b:P314L). This national-level study is the most comprehensive in terms of sequencing and genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 during the pandemic in Serbia, highlighting the importance of establishing and maintaining good national practice for monitoring SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses circulating worldwide.The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, has been evolving rapidly causing emergence of new variants and health uncertainties. Monitoring the evolution of the virus was of the utmost importance for public health interventions and the development of national and global mitigation strategies. Here, we report national data on the emergence of new variants, their distribution, and dynamics in a 3-year study conducted from March 2020 to the end of January 2023 in the Republic of Serbia. Nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs from 2,398 COVID-19- positive patients were collected and sequenced using three different next generation technologies: Oxford Nanopore, Ion Torrent, and DNBSeq. In the subset of 2,107 SARS-CoV-2 sequences which met the quality requirements, detection of mutations, assignment to SARS-CoV-2 lineages, and phylogenetic analysis were performed. During the 3-year period, we detected three variants of concern, namely, Alpha (5.6%), Delta (7.4%), and Omicron (70.3%) and one variant of interestā€”Omicron recombinant ā€œKrakenā€ (XBB1.5) (<1%), whereas 16.8% of the samples belonged to other SARS-CoV-2 (sub)lineages. The detected SARS-CoV-2 (sub)lineages resulted in eight COVID-19 pandemic waves in Serbia, which correspond to the pandemic waves reported in Europe and the United States. Wave dynamics in Serbia showed the most resemblance with the profile of pandemic waves in southern Europe, consistent with the southeastern European location of Serbia. The samples were assigned to sixteen SARS-CoV-2 Nextstrain clades: 20A, 20B, 20C, 20D, 20E, 20G, 20I, 21J, 21K, 21L, 22A, 22B, 22C, 22D, 22E, and 22F and six different Omicron recombinants (XZ, XAZ, XAS, XBB, XBF, and XBK). The 10 most common mutations detected in the coding and untranslated regions of the SARS-CoV-2 genomes included four mutations affecting the spike protein (S:D614G, S:T478K, S:P681H, and S:S477N) and one mutation at each of the following positions: 5ā€²-untranslated region (5ā€™UTR:241); N protein (N:RG203KR); NSP3 protein (NSP3:F106F); NSP4 protein (NSP4:T492I); NSP6 protein (NSP6: S106/G107/F108 - triple deletion), and NSP12b protein (NSP12b:P314L). This national-level study is the most comprehensive in terms of sequencing and genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 during the pandemic in Serbia, highlighting the importance of establishing and maintaining good national practice for monitoring SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses circulating worldwide

    Zagreb 1924. ā€“ 1930. i 1945. ā€“ 1967. DruÅ”tvo, kultura, svakodnevica: Znanstveni skup s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Desničini susreti 2018.

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    Zagreb 1924. ā€“ 1930. i 1945. ā€“ 1967. DruÅ”tvo, kultura, svakodnevica :&nbsp;Zbornik radova sa znanstvenog skupa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Desničini susreti 2018.&nbsp;sedamnaesti je svezak Biblioteke DESNIČINI SUSRETI Centra za komparativnohistorijske i interkulturne&nbsp;studije Filozofskog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu.&nbsp;Objavljuju ga zajednički Centar za komparativnohistorijske i interkulturne studije i&nbsp;FF press Filozofskog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu.&nbsp;Zbornik sadržava 24 članka nastala na temelju izlaganja na skupu.Zagreb 1924. ā€“ 1930. i 1945. ā€“ 1967. DruÅ”tvo, kultura, svakodnevica :&nbsp;Zbornik radova sa znanstvenog skupa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Desničini susreti 2018.&nbsp;sedamnaesti je svezak Biblioteke DESNIČINI SUSRETI Centra za komparativnohistorijske i interkulturne&nbsp;studije Filozofskog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu.&nbsp;Objavljuju ga zajednički Centar za komparativnohistorijske i interkulturne studije i&nbsp;FF press Filozofskog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu.&nbsp;Zbornik sadržava 24 članka nastala na temelju izlaganja na skupu