66 research outputs found

    Technological forecasting: morinda citrifolia and pharmaceutical industry

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    As plantas medicinais têm sido utilizadas desde a antiguidade para o tratamento de diversas doenças. Morinda citrifolia L. (“Noni”) é uma planta vastamente empregada pelos povos polinésios há mais de 2000 anos, devido a sua ampla variedade de efeitos terapêuticos, incluindo relatos para dor de cabeça, febre, artrite, gengivite, distúrbios respiratórios, infecções, tuberculose e diabetes, utilizada geralmente em fitoterápicos e cosméticos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo fazer um mapeamento das pesquisas já desenvolvidas, analisando as potencialidades e a evolução das competências tecnológicas traduzidas através dos depósitos de patentes no que se refere à Morinda citrifolia. A prospecção foi realizada no Banco Europeu de Patentes, no Banco da Organização Mundial de Propriedade Intelectual, no Banco Americano de Marcas e Patentes e no Banco de dados do Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial do Brasil. A classificação internacional mais abundante nessa prospecção foi a Subseção A61 e principalmente na Subclasse A61K, seguido de A61Q e A61P. Dentre os maiores depositantes estão Estados Unidos e Japão. Os dados demonstram uma área promissora, com crescimento relevante de patentes depositada

    Monitoring of technological horizons for patents on chronic kidney disease

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    Worldwide, the lack of resolution of the current pharmaceutical arsenal to heal some diseases, including chronic kidney disease, opens space for further research in the field of health. Technological horizons monitoring actions are highlighted in the tracking of relevant technologies to solve certain health issues that are still considered incurable. In this perspective, it is proposed in this study to monitor technological horizons on chronic kidney disease to investigate whether any of the technologies found is incorporated into SUS, with effective use and social impact. For this purpose, a survey was conducted on the International Platform for Clinical Trials Records (ICTRP) of WHO, National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) and patent database linked to the ORBIT intelligence system. The searches allowed the identification of 32 clinical trials and 375 patents filed worldwide, 33 in Brazil. However, no new technology has been incorporated or is being analyzed for incorporation by the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS)


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    A secagem solar é uma técnica milenar para a conservação dos alimentos e tem por finalidade reduzir a deterioração dos alimentos. As técnicas de secagem variam muito e dependem principalmente do alimento que vai ser desidratado, das condições climáticas, do tempo de secagem, do corte do alimento, do pré-preparo e entre outro. Diante dessa situação, o presente estudo objetivou avaliar os avanços tecnológicos na área de secadores solares, uma vez constatada o a necessidade de beneficiamento de alguns alimentos. Para a realização da busca de patentes utilizou-se a base da World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) e do Banco de dados do Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial (INPI) e o Escritório Europeu de Patentes (Espacenet). Avaliando o cenário mundial e brasileiro, no que concerne aos documentos de pedidos de patentes, podemos caracterizar a prospecção relativa à secadores solares por estar em constante desenvolvimento, principalmente a partir do ano de 2000 e, principalmente nas classificações internacionais referentes à secadores solares para beneficiamento de alimentos

    Analysis of realistic simulation as an educational tool in the academic and professional contexts of nursing

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    Nursing education and training based on content and technicality has undergone a process over the years mainly with the proposal of national curriculum guidelines to implement changes in the curriculum and the insertion of new teaching methodologies by educational institutions. Thus, realistic simulation is born with the proposal to actively teach students and promote the development of numerous skills and competences. Objective: to analyze evidence of the use and effectiveness of realistic simulation as an active method of teaching and learning in nursing in the academic and professional context. Methodology: Integrative review, carried out on the databases: Cochrane, ERIC, Medline, Science Direct and PubMed. The descriptors were selected based on the list of Health Sciences Descriptors - DeCS / MeSH were: Nursing, Active learning, simulation training, matching the search terms, using the Boolean operator AND. Results: The final sample resulted in 37 articles. It was possible to observe that the simulation helps in critical thinking, reasoning, clinical judgment, leadership, autonomy and decision-making favoring patient care and that it can be performed in different formats, such as virtual simulation, clinical case simulators, simulation with games and room simulation with simulated scenario. The introduction of this methodology in educational institutions ended up being a limitation found, in addition to the need for technologies and training for teachers. Conclusion: From the results of this study, it is concluded that realistic simulation is a method capable of preparing students and professionals to meet health needs